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1. Write the price of the object.


2. 5.



1. The jeans are _____________________________ pounds.

2. _______________________________________________.
3. _______________________________________________.
4. _______________________________________________.
5. _______________________________________________.
6. _______________________________________________.

2. Match the prices and the words.

1. £88 A. two pounds fifteen

2. 40p B. ninety-five p
3. £25.99 C. twelve pounds sixty
4. £4.50 D. eighty-eight pounds
5. 95p E. one pound twenty
6. £32 F. seventy-five euros
7. £79 G. sixty-five dollars
8. £2.15 H. thirty-two pounds
9. $65 I. forty p
10. 75€ J. seventy-nine pounds
11. £1.20 K. four pounds fifty
12. £12.60 L. twenty-five pounds ninety-nine p

3. How much? Do the calculations. Write the answers in two ways.

1. How much is 60p and 55p?


One pound fifteen pence.

2. How much is 20p and 70p?


3. How much is 90p and 40p?


4. How much is £6.80 and 35p?


5. How much is £9.50 and £4.25?


6. How much is £33 and £48?


7. How much is £50 and £75.50


4. Match the words with the pictures.

* banknote * cash machine * cheque * coin * credit card * dollar *

* euro * gold * piggy bank * pound * safe * wallet *

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

5. Write a synonym of the verbs.

1. earn __________________________
2. collect __________________________
3. give back __________________________
4. put aside __________________________
5. be in debt __________________________
6. mug __________________________
7. vend __________________________
8. cost __________________________

6. Write the opposite of the verbs.

1. lend __________________________
2. lose __________________________
3. spend __________________________
4. donate __________________________
5. pay back __________________________
6. deposit __________________________
7. buy __________________________
8. debit __________________________
9. increase __________________________

7. Match the verbs with the correct definition.

1. earn a) receive money from somebody who has died

2. raise b) take money out of a bank account
3. donate c) use money on something you don’t need
4. steal d) buy e.g. shares in a company
5. win e) give sb money that they must return
6. find f) get money from people for a purpose
7. lose g) give money to an organization
8. spend h) keep money for future use
9. save i) give money back to sb you borrowed from
10. lend j) give/pay money for something
11. borrow k) not have any longer; not gain
12. invest l) have to pay sb the money they gave you
13. withdraw m) get money by working
14. waste n) take money from sb without permission
15. inherit o) get money in the lottery, quiz shows, etc.
16. pay back p) get money from sb that you must return
17. owe q) discover by chance

8. Complete the description.

I’m very good (1) _________ money. I _________ £10 pocket (3) __________ a week.
I do a part-time (4) _________, too at the weekends and I (5) _________ £30 a week.
I’m quite careful and I (6) _________ about £50 a month and always put it in my bank (7)
_________ . I usually (8) _________ money on clothes but I don’t spend a lot of money
(9) _________ cosmetics. I enjoy shopping (10) _________ shopping centers because
there is a lot of choice.

9. Fill the gaps using the past tense of verbs from the box. Be careful, most of
them are irregular.

* buy * sell * spend * lose * win * waste * pay * find * cost * give *

1. My car was five years old, so l __________ it and __________ a new one.

2. I was very sad when l __________ my watch in the street, it was a present from my
wife and it __________ her a lot of money. Fortunately, somebody __________ it the
next day and took it to a Police Station.
3. I __________ over £2,000 for my computer, but it isn't worth very much now.
4. My father __________ me £50 last week but l __________ most of it on a ticket for a
concert on Friday.
5. Last week somebody __________ £1m in a game on television. It was incredibly
6. I’m afraid I __________ my money on those CDs because l never play them.

10. Complete these dialogues.

1 A. Do you now, I’ve __________________ over £200 week on food.

. B. That's a lot. Have you got a big family?
2 A. Oh no, I've left my money at home. Could you __________________ me £5 ? I
. promise I’ll __________________ you back tomorrow.
B. No, I can't. I had to __________________ some money myself from my sister.
3 A. Was the holiday expensive?
. B. No, not really. We __________________ £50 a night for the hotel, and the flight
__________________ us about £150.
4 A. Are you going away again this year?
. B. No, I can’t __________________ another holiday, I’m afraid.
5 A. You're very careful with your money these days.
. B. Yes, I'm __________________ up for a new mountain bike.
6 A. Do you know how much those earrings are __________________ ?
. B. Yes, I had them valued at £300.
7 A. Was it expensive to get your watch repaired?
. B. Yes, they __________________ me £80 to repair the watch and £20 for a new
8 A. I wouldn't __________________ Paul any money. He __________________
. £50 from me last month. He said he would give it back, but he hasn't returned
any of it.

11. Complete these definitions using words from the box.

* sterling * coins * standard * waste * cost * currency * notes *

1. The amount that people pay for things in a country is called the _________________
of living.
2. The level of money and comfort people have is called their _________________ of

3. The type of money used in a country is called the _________________ . In the USA it
is the dollar; in Britain it is called _________________ .
4. Money can be paper money called _________________ or pieces of metal called
_________________ .
5. To _________________ money means to use money badly.

1. Write the price
1. The jeans are fifty-five pounds.
2. The shoes are thirty-five Euros.
3. The book is six pounds ninety-nine.
4. The TV is three hundred dollars.
5. The sunglasses are twenty pounds.
6. The newspaper is seventy-five pence.

2. Match the prices

1D - 2I - 3L - 4K - 5B - 6H - 7J - 8A - 9G - 10F - 11E - 12C

3. How much?
1. 1.15 - One pound fifteen pence
2. 90p - Ninety pence
3. £1.30 - One pound thirty pence
4. £7.15 - Seven pounds fifteen pence
5. £13.75 - Thirteen pounds seventy-five pence
6. £81 - Eighty-one pounds
7. £125.50 - One hundred and twenty-five pounds fifty pence

4. Match the words

1. check 5. safe 9. euro
2. piggy bank 6. pound 10. cash machine
3. dollar 7. wallet 11. credit card
4. banknote 8. coin 12. gold

5. Write a synonym

1. get / make 5. owe

2. raise 6. steal / rob
3. pay back / pay off / repay 7. sell
4. save / put away 8. be / be priced at

6. Write the opposite

1. borrow 4. steal 7. sell

2. win / find 5. keep 8. credit
3. save 6. withdraw 9. decrease / reduce

7. Match the definitions

1m – 2f – 3g – 4n – 5o - 6q – 7k – 8j – 9h – 10e – 11p – 12d – 13b – 14c – 15a – 16i – 17l

8. Complete the description

I’m very good with money. I get £10 pocket money a week. I do a part-time job too at the
weekends and I earn £30 a week. I’m quite careful and I save about £50 a month and always put
it in my bank account. I usually spend money on clothes but I don’t spend a lot of money on
cosmetics. I enjoy shopping at shopping centers because there is a lot of choice.

9. Fill in the gaps

1. sold ; bought 3. paid 5. won

2. lost ; cost ; found 4. gave ; spent 6. wasted

10. Complete these dialogues

1. spent 3. paid; cost 6. worth

2. lend; pay; borrow 4. afford 7. charged
5. saving 8. lend/give; borrowed

11. Complete these definitions

1. cost 3. currency; sterling
2. standard 4. notes; coins
5. waste


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