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College of Pharmacy


1. What are the organs that make up the urinary system? Briefly state their functions.
The organs that make up the urinary system are the following:
Kidney serves as the major excretory organs of the body, regulate blood volume and
pressure and plays a great role in controlling the blood levels of Ca2+ by synthesizing
vitamin D.
Ureters are small tube that carry urine from the renal pelvis of the kidney.
Urinary Bladder it is hallow, muscular container that lies in pelvic cavity and it stores
Urethra is a tube that carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body.
2. How are renal pyramids, calyces, renal pelvis and ureter related?
They are related because it is where the urine pass through and exit from the kidney.
3. Make flow chart on how fluid moves in the nephron.
4. What are the general processes involved in urine production? Describe each.
The urine production categorize into three general processes thee are the following:
First, Filtration wheren the kidney filters the unwanted substances from the blood and
urine will be produced to excrete it. Next, Reabsorption wherein the 99% of the
original filtrate are being reabsorbed and enters the peritubular capillaries. The
reabsorbed filtrate flows through the renal veins and enter general circulation and
only 1% of the original filtrate volume becomes urine. Lastly, Secretion is where the
urine flows out of nephron tubule into a collecting duct. The remaining filtrate and the
secreted ions will combine and become urine.
5. How is blood being supplied to the kidney?
Blood enters the kidney through a renal artery, a short branch of the abdominal aorta.
This vessels were subdivided into smaller vessels as it branches throughout the kidney
tissue until finally blood is brought into the glomerular capsule and circulated through
a capillaries, called glomerulus, within he capsule.
6. What are the substances that are reabsorbed in the nephron? What would be the fate of
the filtrate volume when it enters the nephron?
In order to maintain homeostatic plasma concentration the glucose and amino acid are
being reabsorbed by nephron.
7. How do tubular reabsorption and tubular secretion differ?
The tubular reabsorption is the movement of substances from the filtrate across the
wall of nephron back to the blood of the peritubular capillaries while tubular secretion
is the active transport of solute across the nephron walls into the filtrate.
8. Make your own schematic diagram, based on your understanding for the Renin-
Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in its role for the regulation of urine concentration and
volume. Describe the effects of parts involved.
9. How is atrial natriuretic hormone produced? How does it affect the urine production?
The ANH is secreted from cardiac muscle cells in the right atrium of the heart when
there is increase above normal of blood pressure in the right atrium. It also serve as to
decrease the Na+ reabsorption, wherein the Na and water remain in nephron to
become urine. The increase Na loss and water as urine can result to reduce of blood
volume and pressure.
10. What is micturition reflex? How is it being controlled?
Micturition reflex is the contraction of the urinary bladder stimulated by stretching the
urinary bladder wall; and results in emptying of the urinary bladder. The higher brain
centres prevent micturition by sending action potentials through the spinal cord to
decrease the intensity of the autonomic reflex that stimulate urinary bladder
11. How is thirst being stimulated?
The thrist is being stimulated when blood becomes more concentrated, the thirst
centers is the one responsible in initiation of the sensation of thirst.
12. Explain the functions of buffers and their effects in pH of body fluids.
Buffers are chemicals that resist change in the pit of a solution when either acids or
bases are dded to solution. Buffers helps to maintain the pH of the blood and other
fluids within a narrow range of 7.35-7.45
13. Ee Hee aged 55 is awakened by excruciating pain that radiates from her right abdomen to
the loin and groin regions on the same side. The pain is not continuous but recurs at
intervals of 3 to 4 minutes. Diagnose her problem, and cite factors that might favour are
occurrence. Also, explain why Ee Hee’s pain comes in “waves”.
Ee Hee has a kidney stone. The possible factors of the occurrence of her condition
maybe she has a certain condition that causes her urine to contain high level of
cysteine, uric acid, and calcium oxalate. The pain is wave for her because once the
kidney stone pass through the ureter the pain will decrease dramatically.

14. After reading your module on Urinary System, you want to observe what might happen if
you drink 2 litres of liquid in 15 minutes. What would be your observation for the next
two hours? What are the major mechanisms involved?
In the next two hours there would an increase of urine production. The consumed
water resulted the increased of blood volume and decrease the osmolality of blood. The
changes inhibited ADH secretion from the pituitary gland. The decease of level of
ADH level in the blood cause the kidney to produce a large volume of urine.
15. Ji Ho enrolled at the College of Pharmacy at SPUP. The school requires him to take
medical examination which includes urinalysis. The following results are seen in his
Colour: Dark Yellow Epithelial Cast: Present
Appearance: Turbid pH: 5.5
Odour: Ammonia –like Haematuria is evident
Albumin: Many
As his friend with knowledge, should you be concerned? Why or why not?
As a friend you should be concern because basing on his medical result is characterize
with possible kidney disease. A healthy kidney doesn’t allow albumin to pass from the
blood to the urine, damage kidney does. Also, urine does not normall contain RBC, the
filter of the kidney prevented, since the patient has haematuria the filter of the kidney
allow blood to leak on the urine because the filter of the kidney damaged. The urine of
the patient has haematuria evident that gave a reason tha his/her kidney is damaged.

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