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1633.1 Purpose, scope and applicability. PLANE
1633.2 Definitions. FIGURE 9 TO PART 1633--BURNER
1633.3 General requirements. PLACEMENTS ON
1633.4 Prototype testing requirements. MATTRESS/FOUNDATION
1633.5 Prototype pooling and FIGURE 10 TO PART 1633--JIG FOR
confirmation testing requirements. SETTING BURNERS AT PROPER
1633.6 Quality assurance requirements. DISTANCES FROM
1633.7 Mattress test procedure. MATTRESS/FOUNDATION
1633.8 Findings. FIGURE 11 TO PART 1633--
1633.9 Glossary of terms. DIAGRAMS FOR GLOSSARY OF
Subpart B--Rules and Regulations TERMS
1633.10 Definitions. FIGURE 12 TO PART 1633--B
1633.11 Records. LABELS FOR DOMESTIC
1633.13 Tests for guaranty purposes, FIGURE 13 TO PART 1633--B
compliance with this section, and ``one LABELS FOR IMPORTED
of a kind'' exemption. MATTRESS WITH FOUNDATION
3.66m (10 ft x 12 ft) ROOM FOUNDATION
OF BURNER STAND-OFF Authority: 15 U.S.C. 1193, 1194
Subpart A--The Standard permanent back or arms, sleeper chairs,
Sec. 1633.1 Purpose, scope, and and water beds or air mattresses if they
applicability. contain upholstery material between the
(a) Purpose. This part 1633 establishes ticking and the mattress core.
flammability requirements that all Mattresses used in or as part of
mattress sets must meet before sale or upholstered furniture are also included;
introduction into commerce. The examples are convertible sofa bed
purpose of the standard is to reduce mattresses, corner group mattresses, day
deaths and injuries associated with bed mattresses, roll-away bed
mattress fires by limiting the size of the mattresses, high risers, and trundle bed
fire generated by a mattress set during a mattresses. See Sec. 1633.9 Glossary of
thirty minute test. terms, for definitions of these items.
(b) Scope. (1) All mattress sets, as (2) This term excludes mattress pads,
defined in Sec. 1633.2(c), manufactured, mattress toppers (items with resilient
imported, or renovated on or after the filling, with or without ticking, intended
effective date of this standard are subject to be used with or on top of a mattress),
to the requirements of the standard. sleeping bags, pillows, liquid and
(2) One-of-a-kind mattress sets may gaseous filled tickings, such as water
be exempted from testing under this beds and air mattresses that contain no
standard in accordance with Sec. upholstery material between the ticking
1633.13(c). and the mattress core, upholstered
(c) Applicability. The requirements of furniture which does not contain a
this part 1633 shall apply to each mattress, and juvenile product pads such
“manufacturer” (as that term is defined as car bed pads, carriage pads, basket
in Sec. 1633.2(k)) of mattress sets which pads, infant carrier and lounge pads,
are manufactured for sale in commerce. dressing table pads, stroller pads, crib
bumpers, and playpen pads. See Sec.
Sec. 1633.2 Definitions. 1633.9 Glossary of terms, for definitions
In addition to the definitions given in of these items.
section 2 of the Flammable (b) Foundation means a ticking
Fabrics Act as amended (15 U.S.C. covered structure used to support a
1191), the following definitions apply mattress or sleep surface. The structure
for purposes of this part 1633. may include constructed frames, foam,
(a) Mattress means a resilient material box springs, or other materials, used
or combination of materials enclosed by alone or in combination.
a ticking (used alone or in combination (c) Mattress set means either a
with other products) intended or mattress and foundation labeled by the
promoted for sleeping upon. This manufacturer for sale as a set, or a
includes mattresses that have undergone mattress labeled by the manufacturer for
renovation as defined in paragraph (d) of sale without any foundation.
this section. (d) Renovation means altering an
(1) This term includes, but is not existing mattress set for the purpose of
limited to, adult mattresses, youth resale.
mattresses, crib mattresses (including (1) This term includes any one, or any
portable crib mattresses), bunk bed combination of the following: replacing
mattresses, futons, flip chairs without a the ticking or batting, stripping a

mattress to its springs, rebuilding a methods of assembly. A mattress
mattress, or replacing components with intended for sale with a foundation(s)
new or recycled materials. shall be considered a separate and
(2) This term excludes alterations if distinct prototype from a mattress
the person who renovates the mattress intended for sale without a foundation.
intends to retain the renovated mattress (m) Prototype developer means a third
for his or her own use, or if a customer party that develops a prototype for use
or a renovator merely hires the services by a manufacturer. Such prototypes may
of the renovator and intends to take back be qualified by either the prototype
the renovated mattress for his or her own developer or by the manufacturer.
use. (n) Qualified prototype means a
(e) Ticking means the outermost layer prototype that has been tested in
of fabric or related material of a mattress accordance with Sec. 1633.4(a) and
or foundation. It does not include any meets the criteria stated in Sec.
other layers of fabric or related materials 1633.3(b).
quilted together with, or otherwise (o) Confirmed prototype means a
attached to, the outermost layer of fabric prototype that is part of a pooling
or related material. arrangement and is the same as a
(f) Upholstery material means all qualified prototype with respect to
material, either loose or attached, materials, components, design and
between the mattress ticking and the methods of assembly and has been tested
core of a mattress. in accordance with Sec. 1633.5(a)(3) and
(g) Edge means the seamed, un- meets the criteria stated in Sec.
seamed or taped border edge of a 1633.3(b).
mattress or foundation that joins the top (p) Subordinate prototype means a
and/or bottom with the side panels. mattress set that is based on a qualified
(h) Tape edge means an edge made by or confirmed prototype and is the same
using binding tape to encase and finish as the qualified or confirmed prototype,
raw edges. except as permitted by Sec. 1633.4(b). A
(i) Binding tape means a fabric strip subordinate prototype is considered to be
used in the construction of some edges. represented by a qualified or confirmed
(j) Seam thread means the thread used prototype and need not be tested in
to form stitches in construction features, accordance with Sec. 1633.4(a) or Sec.
seams, and tape edges. 1633.5(a)(3).
(k) Manufacturer means an individual (q) Prototype pooling means a
plant or factory at which cooperative arrangement--whereby one
mattress sets are manufactured or or more manufacturers build mattress
assembled. For purposes of this part sets based on a qualified prototype
1633, importers and renovators are produced by another manufacturer or
considered manufacturers. prototype developer. A manufacturer
(l) Prototype means a specific design who relies on another manufacturer's or
of mattress set that serves as a model for prototype developer's qualified prototype
production units intended to be must perform a confirmation test on the
introduced into commerce and is the mattress set it manufactures. (r)
same as the production units with respect Confirmation test means a pre-market
to materials, components, design and test conducted by a manufacturer who is

relying on a qualified prototype (b) Test criteria. (1) When testing the
produced by another manufacturer or mattress set in accordance with the test
prototype developer. A confirmation test procedure set forth in Sec. 1633.7, the
must be conducted in accordance with specimen shall comply with both of the
the procedures set forth in Sec. following criteria:
1633.7 and meet the criteria in Sec. (i) The peak rate of heat release shall
1633.3(b). not exceed 200 kilowatts
(s) Production lot means any quantity (``kW'') at any time within the 30 minute
of finished mattress sets that are test; and
produced in production intervals defined (ii) The total heat release shall not
by the manufacturer, and are intended to exceed 15 megajoules (``MJ'') for the
replicate a specific qualified, confirmed first 10 minutes of the test.
or subordinate prototype that complies (2) In the interest of safety, the test
with this part 1633. operator should discontinue the test and
(t) Specimen means a mattress set record a failure if a fire develops to such
tested under this regulation. a size as to require suppression for the
(u) Twin size means any mattress with safety of the facility.
the dimensions 38 inches (in) (c) Testing of mattress sets.
(965 millimeters) x 74.5 in. (1892 mm); Mattresses labeled for sale with a
all dimensions may vary by \1/2\ in. (13 foundation shall be tested with such
mm). foundation. Mattresses labeled for sale
(v) Core means the main support without a foundation shall be tested
system that may be present in a mattress, alone.
such as springs, foam, water bladder, air (d) Compliance with this standard.
bladder, or resilient filling. Each mattress set manufactured,
imported, or renovated on or after the
Sec. 1633.3 General requirements. effective date of the standard shall meet
(a) Summary of test method. The test the test criteria specified in paragraph (b)
method set forth in Sec. 1633.7 measures of this section and otherwise comply
the flammability (fire test response with all applicable requirements of this
characteristics) of a mattress specimen part 1633.
by exposing the specimen to a specified
flaming ignition source and allowing it Sec. 1633.4 Prototype testing
to burn freely under well-ventilated, requirements.
controlled environmental conditions. (a) Except as otherwise provided in
The flaming ignition source shall be a paragraph (b) of this section,
pair of propane burners. These burners each manufacturer shall cause three
impose differing fluxes for differing specimens of each prototype to be tested
times on the top and sides of the according to Sec. 1633.7 and obtain
specimen. During and after this passing test results according to Sec.
exposure, measurements shall be made 1633.3(b) before selling or introducing
of the time-dependent heat release rate into commerce any mattress set based on
from the specimen, quantifying the that prototype, unless the manufacturer
energy generated by the fire. The rate of complies with the prototype pooling and
heat release must be measured by means confirmation testing requirements in
of oxygen consumption calorimetry. Sec. 1633.5.

(b) Notwithstanding the requirements 1633.7 and yielded passing results
of paragraph (a) of this section, a according to the test criteria of Sec.
manufacturer may sell or introduce into 1633.3(b);
commerce a mattress set that has not (ii) Any tests conducted more than 30
been tested according to Sec. 1633.7 if days after publication of this standard in
that mattress set differs from a qualified the Federal Register must comply with
or confirmed prototype only with respect the recordkeeping requirements in Sec.
to: 1633.11;
(1) Mattress/foundation length and (iii) Such mattress sets may be used
width, not depth (e.g., twin, queen, for prototype pooling only if the
king); manufacturer complies with applicable
(2) Ticking, unless the ticking of the recordkeeping requirements in Sec.
qualified prototype has characteristics 1633.11; and
(such as chemical treatment or special (iv) Such mattress sets may serve as
fiber composition) designed to improve the basis for a subordinate prototype
performance on the test prescribed in only if the manufacturer has all records
this part; and/or required by Sec. 1633.11.
(3) Any component, material, design
or method of assembly, so long as the Sec. 1633.5 Prototype pooling and
manufacturer can demonstrate on an confirmation testing requirements.
objectively reasonable basis that such (a) Prototype pooling. One or more
differences will not cause the mattress manufacturers may rely on a qualified
set to exceed the test criteria specified in prototype produced by another
Sec. 1633.3(b). manufacturer or prototype developer
(c) All tests must be conducted on provided that:
specimens that are no smaller than a (1) The prototype meets the
twin size, unless the largest size mattress requirements of Sec. 1633.4;
set produced is smaller than a twin size, (2) The mattress sets being produced
in which case the largest size must be are the same as the qualified prototype
tested. with respect to materials, components,
(d) (1) If each of the three specimens design and methods of assembly; and
meets both the criteria specified in Sec. (3) The manufacturer producing
1633.3(b), the prototype shall be mattress sets in reliance on a qualified
qualified. If any one (1) specimen fails prototype has performed a confirmation
to meet the test criteria of Sec. test on at least one
1633.3(b), the prototype is not qualified. (1) Specimen of the mattress set it
(2) Any manufacturer may produce a produces in accordance with Sec.
mattress set for sale in reliance on 1633.7. The tested specimen must meet
prototype tests performed before the the criteria under Sec.
effective date of this 1633.3(b) before any mattress sets based
Standard, provided: on the qualified prototype may be sold
(i) The manufacturer has or introduced into commerce.
documentation showing that such tests (b) Confirmation test failure. (1) If the
were conducted in accordance with all confirmation test specimen fails to meet
requirements of this section and Sec. the criteria of Sec. 1633.3(b), the
manufacturer thereof shall not sell any

mattress set based on the same qualified for sale according to the requirements of
prototype until that manufacturer takes Sec. 1633.3 and 1633.7.
corrective measures, tests a new (c) Failure of mattress sets produced
specimen, and the new specimen meets for sale to meet flammability standard.
the criteria of Sec. 1633.3(b). (1) Sale of mattress sets. If any test
(2) If a confirmation test specimen performed for quality assurance yields
fails to meet the criteria of Sec. results which indicate that any mattress
1633.3(b), the manufacturer thereof must set of a production lot does not meet the
notify the manufacturer of the prototype criteria of Sec. 1633.3(b), or if a
of the test failure. manufacturer obtains test results or other
evidence that a component or material or
Sec. 1633.6 Quality assurance construction/assembly process used
requirements. could negatively affect the test
(a) Quality assurance. Each performance of the mattress set as set
manufacturer shall implement a quality forth in Sec. 1633.3(b), the manufacturer
assurance program to ensure that shall cease production and distribution in
mattress sets manufactured for sale commerce of such mattress sets until
are the same as the qualified and/or corrective action is taken.
confirmed prototype on which they (2) Corrective action. A manufacturer
are based with respect to materials, must take corrective action when any
components, design and methods of mattress set manufactured or imported
assembly, except as permitted by Sec. for sale fails to meet the flammability
1633.4(b). At a minimum these test criteria set forth in Sec. 1633.3(b).
procedures shall include:
(1) Controls, including incoming Sec. 1633.7 Mattress test procedure.
inspection procedures, of all (a) Apparatus and test materials.
mattress set materials, components and (1) Calorimetry. The rate of heat
methods of assembly to ensure release must be measured by means of
that they are the same as those used in oxygen consumption calorimetry. The
the prototype on which they are calibration should follow generally
based; accepted practices for calibration. The
(2) Designation of a production lot calorimetry system shall be calibrated at
that is represented by the a minimum of two (2) calibration points-
prototype; and -at 75 kW and 200 kW.
(3) Inspection of mattress sets (2) Test area. The test area must have
produced for sale sufficient to either Test Configuration A or B. The
demonstrate that they are the same as the test area conditions shall be maintained
prototype on which they are at a temperature greater than 15 [deg]C
based with respect to materials, (59 [deg]F) and less than 27 [deg]C
components, design and methods of (80.6 [deg]F) and a relative humidity
assembly. less than 75 percent.
(b) Production testing. Manufacturers (i) Test configuration A. (an open
are encouraged to conduct, as part of the calorimeter (or furniture calorimeter)).
quality assurance program, random In this configuration, the specimen to be
testing of mattress sets being produced tested is placed under the center of an
open furniture calorimeter. Figure 1 of

this part shows the test assembly atop a openings as necessary to make
bed frame and catch surface. The measurements. The test room shall be
specimen shall be placed under an open constructed of wood or metal studs and
hood which captures the entire smoke shall be lined with fire-rated wallboard
plume and is instrumented for heat or calcium silicate board. An exhaust
release rate measurements. The area hood shall be positioned outside of the
surrounding the test specimen in an open doorway so as to collect all of the
calorimeter layout shall be sufficiently combustion gases. There shall be no
large that there are no heat re-radiation obstructions in the air supply to the set-
effects from any nearby materials or up.
objects. The air flow to the test specimen (3) Location of test specimen. The
should be symmetrical from all sides. location of the test specimen is shown in
The air flow to the calorimeter hood Figure 2 of this part. The angled
shall be sufficient to ensure that the placement is intended to minimize the
entire fire plume is captured, even at interaction of flames on the side surfaces
peak burning. Skirts may be placed on of the test specimen with the room walls.
the hood periphery to help assure this One corner of the test specimen shall be
plume capture, if necessary, though they 13 centimeters (cm) to 17 cm from the
must not be of such an excessive length wall and the other corner shall be 25 cm
as to cause the incoming flow to disturb to 30 cm from the wall. The test room
the burning process. Skirts must also not shall contain no other furnishings or
heat up to the point that they contribute combustible materials except for the test
significant re-radiation to the test specimen.
specimen. The air supply to the hood (4) Bed frame. (i) Frame dimensions.
shall be sufficient that the fire is not in The specimen shall be supported around
any way limited or affected by the its perimeter by the bed frame. For twin
available air supply. The fire plume size mattresses, the specimen shall be
should not enter the hood exhaust duct. placed on top of a welded bed frame
Brief (seconds) flickers of flame that 1.90 m by 0.99 m (75 in by 39 in) made
occupy only a minor fraction of the hood from 40 mm (1.50 in) steel angle. If
exhaust duct inlet cross-section are testing a size other than twin, the bed
acceptable since they do not signify frame shall similarly match the
appreciable suppression of flames. dimensions of the specimen.
(ii) Test configuration B. The test (ii) Frame height. The frame shall be
room shall have dimensions 10 ft. by 12 115 mm (4.5 in) high, except if
ft. by 8 ft. (3048 mm x 3658 mm x 2438 adjustments are necessary to
mm) high. The specimen is placed accommodate the required burner
within the burn room. All smoke exiting position in paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this
from the room is caught by a hood section. The height of the frame shall
system instrumented for heat release rate also be adjusted, as necessary, so that the
measurements. The room shall have no burner is no less than 25mm (1 in) above
openings permitting air infiltration other the supporting surface.
than a doorway opening 38 in 0.25 in by (iii) Frame crosspieces. The frame
80 in 0.25 in (965 mm 6.4 mm x 2032 shall be completely open under
mm 6.4 mm) located as indicated in the foundation except for two
figure 2 of this part and other small crosspieces, 25 mm wide (1 in) at the 1/3

length points, except when sagging of the test specimen (Figure 6 of this part).
the specimen between the crosspieces The combination of burner stand-off
exceeds 19 mm (3/4 in) below the frame. distance and propane gas flow rate to
Minimal additional crosspieces shall the burners determines the heat flux they
then be added to prevent sagging of the impose on the surface of the test
specimen. specimen so that both of these
(5) Catch pan. The bed frame feet parameters are tightly controlled.
shall rest on a surface of either calcium (ii) Top surface burner. The T head of
silicate board or fiber cement board, 13 the top surface burner (horizontal burner,
mm (0.5 in) thick, 2.11 m by 1.19 m (83 Figure 3 of this part) shall be 305 2
in by 47 in). The board serves as a catch mm (12 0.08 in) long with gas tight
surface for any flaming melt/drip plugs in each end. Each side of the T
material falling from the bed assembly shall contain 17 holes equally spaced
and may be the location of a pool fire over a 135 mm length (8.5 mm 0.1 mm
that consumes such materials. This apart; 0.333 0.005 in). The holes on
surface must be cleaned between tests to each side shall begin 8.5 mm (0.33 in)
avoid build-up of combustible residues. from the centerline of the burner head.
Lining this surface with aluminum foil to The holes shall be 1.45 mm to 1.53 mm
facilitate cleaning is not recommended (0.058 in to 0.061 in) in diameter (which
since this might increase fire intensity corresponds to Grade 10 machining
via reflected radiation. practice with a well formed 53 drill bit).
(6) Ignition source. (i) General. The The holes shall point 5[deg] out of the
ignition source shall consist of two T- plane of the diagram in Figure 3. This
shaped burners as shown in Figures 3 broadens the width of the heat flux
and 4 of this part. One burner impinges profile imposed on the surface of the test
flames on the top surface of the mattress. specimen.
The second burner impinges flames on (iii) Side surface burner. The T head
the side of the mattress and on the side of the side surface burner (vertical
of the foundation. Each of the burners burner) shall be constructed similarly to
shall be constructed from stainless the top surface burner, as shown in
steel tubing (12.7 mm diameter with Figure 4 of this part, except that its
0.89 0.5 mm wall thickness; 0.50 in overall length shall be 254 2 mm (10
diameter with 0.035 0.002 in wall). 0.08 in). Each side of the burner head
Each burner shall incorporate a stand-off shall contain 14 holes spaced evenly
foot to set its distance from the test over a 110 mm length (8.5 mm 0.1 mm
specimen surface (Figure 5 of this part). apart; 0.333 0.005 in). The holes shall
Both burners shall be mounted with a be 1.45 mm to 1.53 mm (0.058 in to
mechanical pivot point but the side 0.061 in) in diameter (which corresponds
burner is locked in place to prevent to Grade 10 machining practice with a
movement about this pivot in normal well formed 53 drill bit). The holes shall
usage. The top burner, however, is free point 5[deg] out of the plane of the
to rotate about its pivot during a burner diagram in Figure 4.
exposure and is lightly weighted so as to (iv) Burner stand-off. The burner
exert a downward force on the mattress stand-off on each burner shall consist of
top through its stand-off foot so that the a collar fixed by a set screw onto the
burner follows a receding top surface on

inlet tube of the burner head (Figure 5 of facilitates burner movement and burner
this part). The collar shall hold a 3 mm stability when stationary.
diameter stainless steel rod having a 12.7 (vi) Arms. The metal arms attached to
mm by 51 mm by (2-2.5 mm) thick (0.5 the burners shall be attached to a
in by 2 in by (0.08-0.10 in) thick) separate gas control console by flexible,
stainless steel pad welded on its end with reinforced plastic tubing.1 The gas
its face (and long axis) parallel to the T control console is mounted separately so
head of the burner. The foot pad shall be as to facilitate its safe placement outside
displaced about 10 mm to 12 mm from of the test room throughout the test
the longitudinal centerline of the burner procedure. The propane gas lines
head so that it does not rest on the test running between the console and
specimen in an area of peak heat flux. A the burner assembly must be anchored
short section on the assembly before running to the
(9.5 mm outer diameter (``OD''), about burner inlet arms. A 1.5 m 25 mm (58 in
80 mm long; \3/8\ in OD, about 3.2 in 1 in) length of flexible, reinforced tubing
long) of copper tubing shall be placed in between the anchor point and the end of
the inlet gas line just before the burner to each burner inlet allows free movement
facilitate making the burner nominally of the top burner about its pivot point.
parallel to the test specimen surface (by The top burner arm shall have a pair of
a procedure described below). The moveable cylindrical counterweights
copper tube on the top surface burner that are used, as described below, to
should be protected from excessive heat adjust the downward force on the stand-
and surface oxidation by wrapping it off foot.
with a suitable layer of high temperature (vii) Burner head. Each burner head
insulation to protect the equipment. Both shall have a separate pilot light
copper tubes are to be bent by hand in consisting of a 3 mm OD (\1/8\ in OD)
the burner alignment process. They must copper tube with an independently-
be replaced if they become work- controlled supply of propane gas. The
hardened or crimped in any way. The tube terminates within 10 mm of the
gas inlet lines (12.7 mm OD stainless center of the burner head. Care must be
steel tubing; 0.50 in) serve as arms taken to set the pilot flame size small
leading back to the pivot points and enough so as not to heat the test
beyond, as shown in Figure 6 of this specimen before the timed burner
part. The length to the pivot for the top exposure is begun.
burner shall be approximately 1000 mm (viii) Flow control system. Each
(40 in). burner shall have a flow control
(v) Frame. Figure 6 of this part shows system of the type shown in Figure 7 of
the frame that holds the burners and their this part. Propane gas from a source such
pivots, which are adjustable vertically in as a bottle is reduced in pressure to
height. All adjustments (burner height, approximately 70 kilopascals (“kPa”)
burner arm length from the pivot point, (20 pounds per square inch gage
counterweight positions along the burner (“psig”)) and fed to the system shown in
arm) are facilitated by the use of knobs Figure 8 of this part. The gas flow to the
or thumbscrews as the set screws. The
three point footprint of the burner frame, 1
Fiber-reinforced plastic tubing (6 mm ID by 9.5
with the two forward points on wheels, mm OD; 3 inch ID by inch OD) made of PVC should
be used.

burner is delivered in a square-wave L/min at a pressure of 101 5 kPa
manner (constant flow with rapid onset (standard atmospheric pressure) and a
and termination) by means of the temperature of 22 3 [deg]C. The gas
solenoid valve upstream of the flow rate to the side burner is 6.6 0.05
flowmeter. An interval timer (accurate to L/min at a pressure of 101 5 kPa
0.2 s) determines the burner flame (standard atmospheric pressure) and a
duration. The pilot light assures that the temperature of 22 3 [deg]C. The total
burner will ignite when the solenoid heat release rate of the burners is 27 kW.
valve opens.2 The gas flow shall be set (b) Calibration of Propane
using a rotameter type of flowmeter, Flowmeters. (1) Preparation. Once the
with a 150 mm scale, calibrated for assembly of the burner is completed and
propane. When calibrating the all the connecting points are checked for
flowmeter, take into account that the gas leakage, the most critical task is
flow resistance of the burner holes ensuring the exact flow rates of propane
causes a finite pressure increase in the into the top and side burners, as
flowmeter above ambient. (If a described in the test protocol. The gas
calibration at one atmosphere is flow rates are specified at 12.9 Liters per
provided by the manufacturer, the minute (LPM) 0.1 LPM and 6.6 LPM
flowmeter reading, at the internal 0.05 LPM for the top and side burners
pressure existing in the meter, required (Burners 1 and 2), respectively, at a
to get the flow rates listed below must be pressure of 101 5 kiloPascal (kPa)
corrected, typically by the square root (standard atmospheric pressure)
of the absolute pressure ratio. This calls and a temperature of 22 3 [deg]C. The
for measuring the actual pressure in the rotameters that are installed in the
flow meters when set near the correct control box of the burner assembly need
flow values. A value roughly in the to be calibrated for accurate
range of 1 kPa to 3 kPa--5 in to 15 in of measurement of these flow rates.
water--can be expected.) See (i) The most practical and accurate
information on calibration in paragraph method of measuring and calibrating the
(b) of this section. flow rate of gases (including propane) is
(ix) Gas flow rate. Use propane gas: use of a diaphragm test meter (also
The propane shall be minimum 99% called a dry test meter). A diaphragm
pure (often described by suppliers as CP test meter functions based on positive
or “chemically pure” grade, but this displacement of a fixed volume of gas
designation should not be relied on since per rotation and its reading is therefore
the actual purity may vary by supplier). independent of the type of the gas being
Each burner has a specific propane gas used. The gas pressure and temperature,
flow rate set with its respective, however, can have significant impact on
calibrated flowmeter. The gas flow the measurement of flow rate.
rate to the top burner is 12.9 liters per (ii) The gas pressure downstream of
minute (``L/min'') < plus-minus> 0.1 the rotameters that are installed in the
control box of the burner assembly
If the side burner, or more commonly one half of should be maintained near atmospheric
the side burner, fails to ignite quickly, adjust the pressure (only a few millimeters of water
position of the igniter, bearing in mind that propane is above atmosphere). Therefore, the best
heavier than air. The best burner behavior test
assessment is done against an inert surface (to spread location to place the diaphragm test
the gas as it would during an actual test).

meter for gas flow calibration is right (c) Conditioning. Remove the
downstream of the control box. The specimens from any packaging prior to
pressure at the propane tank must be set conditioning. Specimens shall be
at 20 0.5 pounds per square inch gage conditioned in air at a temperature
(psig). greater than 18 [deg]C (65 [deg]F) and
(2) Calibration Procedure. Install the less than 25 [deg]C (77 [deg]F) and a
diaphragm test meter (DTM) relative humidity less than 55 percent for
downstream of the control box in the at least 48 continuous hours prior to test.
line for the top burner. Check all Specimens shall be supported in a
connecting points for gas leakage. Open manner to permit free movement of air
the main valve on the propane tank and around them during conditioning.
set a pressure of 20 0.5 psig. Set the (d) Test preparation. (1) General.
timers in the control box for 999 seconds Horizontal air flow at a distance of 0.5 m
(or the maximum range possible). (20 in) on all sides of the test specimen
Record the barometric pressure. Turn the at the mattress top height shall be 0.5
“Burner 1” switch to ON and ignite m/s. If there is any visual evidence
the top burner. Allow the gas to flow for that the burner flames are disturbed by
2-3 minutes until the DTM is stabilized. drafts during their exposure durations,
Record the pressure and temperature in the burner regions must be enclosed on
the DTM. Use a stopwatch to record at two or more sides by at least a triple
least one minute worth of complete layer of screen wire. The screens shall be
rotations while counting the number of at least 25 cm tall. The screen(s) for the
rotations.3 Calculate the propane gas top burner shall sit on the mattress top
flow rate using the recorded time and and shall be wide enough to extend
number of rotations (total flow in that beyond the area of the burner
time). Use the pressure and temperature impingement. All screens shall be far
readings to convert to standard enough away (typically 30 cm or more)
conditions. Repeat this measurement for from the burner tubes so as not to
two additional meter setting to allow for interfere or interact with flame spread
calibrating the flowmeter throughout the during the burner exposure. The screen
range of interest. Plot the flow versus for the side burner will require a separate
meter reading, fit a best line (possibly support from below. All screens shall be
quadratic) through these points to find removed at the end of the 70 second
the meter setting for a flow of 12.9 LPM exposure interval.
at the above “standard conditions.” (2) Specimen. Remove the test
Repeat this procedure for “Burner 2” specimen from the conditioning room
using three meter readings to find the immediately before it is to be tested.
setting that gives a flow rate of 6.6 LPM Testing shall begin within 20 minutes
at the standard conditions. After after removal from the conditioning area.
completion of the calibration, re-set the Be sure the bed frame is approximately
timers to 70 and 50 seconds. centered on the catch surface. Place the
specimen on the bed frame. Carefully
With a diaphragm test meter well-sized to this center them on the bed frame and on
application, this should be more than five rotations. A each other. The mattress shall be
one liter per rotation meter will require 10 to 15 centered on top of the foundation (see
rotations for the flow measurements and greater than
the minimum of one minute recording time specified Figure 1 of this part). However, in order

to keep the heat flux exposure the same depressions in the surface, the top burner
for the sides of the two components, if shall be placed at the highest flat surface.
the mattress is 1 cm to 2 cm narrower (g) Burner set-up. The burners shall
than the foundation, the mattress shall be be placed in relation to the mattress and
shifted so that the side to be exposed is foundation surfaces in the manner shown
in the same plane as the foundation. in Figure 9 of this part, i.e., at the
Refer to Figure 8 of this part. A product nominal spacings shown there and with
having an intended sleep surface on only the burner tubes nominally parallel4 to
one side shall be tested with the sleeping the mattress surfaces on which they
side up so that the sleeping surface is impinge. Since the heat flux levels seen
exposed to the propane burner. by the test specimen surfaces depend on
(e) Burner flow rate/flow timer burner spacing, as well as gas flow rate,
confirmation. Just prior to moving care must be taken with the set-up
the burner adjacent to the test specimen, process.
briefly ignite each burner at the same (h) Burner alignment procedure. (1)
time, and check that the propane flow to Preparation. Complete the following
that burner is set at the appropriate level before starting the alignment procedure:
on its flowmeter to provide the flows (i) Check that the pivot point for the
listed in Sec. 1633.7(a)(6)(ix). Check mattress top burner feed tube and the
that the timers for the burner exposures two metal plates around it are clean and
are set to 70 seconds for the top burner well-lubricated so as to allow smooth,
and 50 seconds for the side burner. For a free movement.
new burner assembly, check the (ii) Set the two burners such that the
accuracy of the gas flow timers against a 5[deg] out-of-plane angling of the flame
stop watch at these standard time jets makes the jets on the two burners
settings. Set pilot flows to a level that point slightly toward each other.
will not cause them to impinge on (iii) Check the burner stand-off feet
sample surfaces. for straightness and perpendicularity
(f) Location of the gas burners. Place between foot pad and support rod and to
the burner heads so that they are within see that they are clean of residue from a
300 mm (1 ft) of the mid-length of the previous test.
mattress. If there are unique construction (iv) Have at hand the following items
features (e.g., handles, zippers) within to assist in burner set-up:
the burner placement zone, the burner The jig, shown in Figure 10 of this part,
shall impinge on this feature. The for setting the stand-off feet at their
general layout for the room proper distances from the front of the
configuration is shown in Figure 2 of burner tube; a 3 mm thick piece of flat
this part. For a quilted mattress top the stock (any material) to assist in checking
stand-off foot pad must alight on a high, the parallelness of the burners to the
flat area between dimples or quilting mattress surfaces; and a 24 gage
thread runs. The same is to be true for stainless steel sheet metal platen that is
the side burner if that surface is quilted.
If a specimen design presents a conflict 4
The top burner will tend to be tangential to the
in placement such that both burners mattress surface at the burner mid-length; this
cannot be placed between local orientation will not necessarily be parallel to the
overall average mattress surface orientation nor will it
necessarily be horizontal. This is a result of the shape
of the mattress top surface.

30 mm (12 in) wide, 610 mm (24 in) vertical burner lightly contacts the sheet
long and has a sharp, precise 90[deg] metal platen. Adjust the height of the
bend 355 mm (14 in) from one 30 mm vertical burner on its vertical support
wide end. Refer to Figure 8 of this part. column so as to center the tube on the
(2) Alignment. (i) Place the burner crevice between the mattress and the
assembly adjacent to the test specimen. foundation. (This holds also for pillow
Place the sheet metal platen on the top mattress tops, i.e., ignore the crevice
mattress with the shorter side on top. between the pillow top and the main
The location shall be within 30 cm (1 ft) body of the mattress.)7 Adjust the height
of the longitudinal center of the mattress. of the horizontal burner until it sits
The intended location of the stand-off lightly on top of the sheet metal platen.
foot of the top burner shall not be in a Its burner arm should then be horizontal.
dimple or crease caused by the quilting (iii) Move the horizontal burner in/out
of the mattress top. Press the platen (loosen the thumb screw near the pivot
laterally inward from the edge of the point) until the outer end of the burner
mattress so that its side makes contact tube is 13 mm to 19 mm (\1/2\ in to \3/4\
with either the top and bottom edge or in) from the corner bend in the platen
the vertical side of the mattress.5 Use a (this is facilitated by putting a pair of
20 cm (8 in) strip of duct tape (platen to lines on the top of the platen 13 mm and
mattress top) to hold the platen firmly 19 mm from the bend and parallel to it).
inward in this position. Tighten the thumb screw.
(ii) With both burner arms horizontal (iv) Make the horizontal burner
(pinned in this position), fully retract the parallel to the top of the platen (within 3
stand-off feet of both burners and, if mm, \1/8\ in over the burner tube length)
necessary, the pilot tubes as well.6 by bending the copper tube section
(Neither is to protrude past the front face appropriately. Note: After the platen is
of the burner tubes at this point.) Move removed (in paragraph (h)(2)(vii) of this
the burner assembly forward section), the burner tube may not be
(perpendicular to the mattress) until the horizontal; this is normal. For
mattress/foundation combinations
Mattresses having a convex side are treated having nominally flat, vertical sides, the
separately since the platen cannot be placed in the similar adjustment for the vertical
above manner. Use the platen only to set the top
burner parallelness. Set the in/out distance of the burner is intended to make that burner
top burner to the specification in paragraph (h)(1)(iii). parallel to the sides and vertical.
Set the side burner so that it is approximately Variations in the shape of mattresses and
(visually) parallel to the flat side surface of the
foundation below the mattress/foundation crevice once foundations can cause the platen section
its foot is in contact with the materials in the crevice on the side to be non-flat and/or non-
area. The burner will not be vertical in this case. If the vertical. If the platen is flat and vertical,
foundation side is also non-flat, set the side burner
vertical ( 3 mm, as above) using a bubble level as a make the vertical burner parallel to the
reference. The side surface convexities will then bring side of the platen ( 3 mm) by bending its
the bowed out sections of the specimen closer to the
burner tube than the stand-off foot.

6 7
The pilot tubes can normally be left with their ends For tests of the mattress alone, set the center of the
just behind the plane of the front of the burner tube. side burner at the lower edge of the mattress OR the
This way they will not interfere with positioning of the top (upper tip) of the side burner 25 mm (1 in) below
tube but their flame will readily ignite the burner the top edge of the mattress, whichever is lower. This
tubes. prevents inappropriate (excessive) exposure of the top
surface of the mattress to the side burner.

copper tube section as needed. If not, burner. The outer end of the burner tube
make the side burner parallel to the should extend at least 6 mm to 12 mm
mattress/foundation sides by the best (\1/4\ in to \1/2\ in) out beyond the
visual estimate after the platen has been uppermost corner/edge of the mattress so
removed. that the burner flames will hit the edge.
(v) Move the burner assembly (For a pillow top mattress, this means
perpendicularly back away from the the outer edge of the pillow top portion
mattress about 30 cm (1 ft). Set the two and the distance may then be greater
stand-off feet to their respective than 6 mm to 12 mm.) If this is not the
distances using the jig designed for this case, move the burner assembly
purpose. Install the jig fully onto the (perpendicular to the mattress side)--not
burner tube (on the same side of the tube the horizontal burner alone--until it is.
as the stand-off foot), with its side edges Finally, move the vertical burner tube
parallel to the burner feed arm, at about until its stand-off foot just touches the
the position where one end of the foot side of the mattress and/or the
will be. Loosen the set screw and slide foundation. (Use the set screw near the
the foot out to the point where it is flush vertical burner pivot.)
with the bottom end of the jig. Tighten (ix) Make sure all thumbscrews are
the set screw. Make sure the long axis adequately tightened. Care must
of the foot is parallel to the burner tube. be taken, once this set-up is achieved, to
It is essential to use the correct side of avoid bumping the burner assembly or
the spacer jig with each burner. Double disturbing the flexible lines that bring
check this. The jig must be clearly propane to it.
marked. (x) If there is any indication of flow
(vi) Set the downward force of the disturbances in the test facility which
horizontal burner. Remove the retainer cause the burner flames or pilot flames
pin near the pivot. While holding the to move around, place screens around
burner feed arm horizontal using a the burners so as to minimize these
spring scale8 hooked onto the disturbances.10 These screens (and any
thumbscrew holding the stand-off foot, holders) must be far enough away from
move the small and/or large weights on the burners (about 30 cm or more for the
the feed tube appropriately so that the
spring scale reads 170 g to 225 g (6 oz However, if a protruding edge is the first item
to 8 oz). contacted, compress it until the foot is in the plane of
(vii) Remove the sheet metal platen the mattress/foundation vertical sides. The intent here
is that the burner be spaced a fixed distance from the
(and tape holding it). vertical mattress/foundation sides, not from an
(viii) Hold the horizontal burner up incidental protrusion. Similarly, if there is a wide
while sliding the burner assembly crevice in this area which would allow the foot to
move inward and thereby place the burners too close
forward until its stand-off foot just to the vertical mattress/foundation sides, it will be
touches the mattress and/or the necessary to use the spacer jig (rather than the stand-
foundation,9 then release the horizontal off foot) above or below this crevice to set the proper
burner spacing. Compress the mattress/foundation
surface 1 mm to 2 mm when using the jig for this
An acceptable spring scale has a calibrated spring
mounted within a holder and hooks on each end. The goal here is to keep the burner flames
The foot should depress the surface it first contacts impinging on a fixed area of the specimen surface
by no more than 1 mm to 2 mm. This is best seen up rather than wandering back and forth over a larger
close, not from the rear of the burner assembly. area.

top, less for the side) so that they do not (4) Start recording systems. With the
interact with the flames growing on the calorimetry system fully operational,
specimen surfaces. For the top surface after instrument zeroes and spans, start
burner, at least a triple layer of window the video lights and video camera and
screen approximately 30 cm high sitting data logging systems two minutes before
vertically on the mattress top (Figure 9 burner ignition (or, if not using video,
of this part) has proved satisfactory. For take a picture of the setup).
the side burner at least a triple layer of (5) Initiate test. Start test exposure by
screen approximately 15 cm wide, simultaneously turning on power to both
formed into a square-bottom U-shape timers (timers will turn off burners at
and held from below the burner has appropriate times). Also start a 30
proved satisfactory. Individual minute timer of the test duration.
laboratories will have to experiment Check/adjust propane flow rates (DO
with the best arrangement for THIS ESSENTIAL TASK
suppressing flow disturbances in their IMMEDIATELY. Experience shows the
facility. flow will not remain the same from test-
(i) Running the test. (1) Charge the to-test in spite of fixed valve positions so
hose line to be used for fire suppression adjustment is essential.) If not using
with water. video, one photo must be taken within
(2) Burner Preparation. (i) Turn AC the first 45 seconds of starting the
power on; set propane pressure to 20 burners.
psig at bottle; set timers to 70 s (top (6) End of burner exposure. When the
burner) and 50 s (side burner); with burners go out (after 70 seconds for the
burner assembly well-removed from test longer exposure), carefully lift the top
specimen, ignite burners and check that, burner tube away from the specimen
WHEN BOTH ARE ON AT THE surface, producing as little disturbance
SAME TIME, the flowmeters are set to as possible to the specimen. Turn off
the values that give the requisite propane power to both timers. Remove all
gas flow rates to each burner. Turn off screens. Turn off pilots at their ball
burners. Set pilot tubes just behind front valves. Remove the burner assembly
surface of burners; set pilot flow valves from the specimen area to facilitate the
for ca. 2 cm flames. Turn off pilots. video camera view of the full side of the
(ii) Position burner on test specimen specimen. In the case of the room-based
and remove sheet metal platen. configurations, remove the burner
(iii) Place screens around both assembly from the room to protect it.
burners. (j) Video Recording/Photographs.
(3) Start pilots. Open pilot ball valves Place a video or still frame camera so as
one at a time and ignite to have (when the lens is zoomed out)
pilots with hand-held flame; adjust flame just slightly more than a full-length view
size if necessary being very careful to of the side of the test specimen being
avoid a jet flame that could prematurely ignited, including a view of the flame
ignite the test specimen (Note that after a impingement area while the burner
long interval between tests the low pilot assembly is present. The view must also
flow rate will require a long time to include the catch pan so that it is clear
displace air in the line and achieve the whether any melt pool fire in this pan
steady-state flame size.)

participates significantly in the growth the procedures specified in this section
of fire on the test specimen. The camera yield failing results as often as, or more
shall include a measure of elapsed time often than, tests using the apparatus
to the nearest 1 second for video and 1 specified in the standard. The
minute for still frame within its recorded manufacturer shall provide the
field of view (preferably built into the supporting data to the Office of
camera). For the room-based Compliance, Recalls & Compliance
configuration, the required full-length Division, U.S. Consumer Product Safety
view of the sample may require an Commission, 4330 East West Highway,
appropriately placed window, sealed Bethesda, Maryland 20814. Staff will
with heat resistant glass, in one of the review the data and determine whether
room walls. Place the camera at a height the alternate apparatus may be used.
just sufficient to give a view of the top
of the specimen while remaining under Sec. 1633.8 Findings.
any smoke layer that may develop in the (a) General. In order to issue a
room. The specimen shall be brightly lit flammability standard under the FFA,
so that the image does not lose detail to the FFA requires the Commission to
over-exposed flames. This will require a make certain findings and to include
pair or more of 1 kW photo flood lights these in the regulation, 15 U.S.C.
illuminating the viewed side of the 1193(j)(2). These findings are discussed
specimen. The lights may need to shine in this section.
into the room from the outside via sealed (b) Voluntary standards. No findings
windows. concerning compliance with and
(k) Cessation of Test. (1) The heat adequacy of a voluntary standard are
release rate shall be recorded and necessary because no relevant voluntary
video/photographs taken until either 30 standard addressing the risk of injury
minutes has elapsed since the start of the that is addressed by this regulation has
burner exposure or a fire develops of been adopted and implemented.
such size as to require suppression for (c) Relationship of benefits to costs.
the safety of the facility. The Commission estimates the potential
(2) Note the time and nature of any total lifetime benefits of a mattress that
unusual behavior that is not fully within complies with this standard to range
the view of the video camera. This is from $45 to $57 per mattress set (based
most easily done by narration to a on a 10 year mattress life and a 3%
camcorder. discount rate). The Commission
(3) Run the heat release rate system estimates total resource costs of the
and datalogger until the fire has been standard to range from $8 to $22 per
fully out for several minutes to allow the mattress. This yields net benefits of $23
system zero to be recorded. to $50 per mattress set. The Commission
(l) Use of alternate apparatus. estimates that aggregate lifetime benefits
Mattress sets may be tested using associated with all mattresses produced
test apparatus that differs from that the first year the standard becomes
described in this section if the effective range from $1,024 to $1,307
manufacturer obtains and provides to the million, and that aggregate resource
Commission data demonstrating that costs associated with these mattresses
tests using the alternate apparatus during range from $175 to $511 million,

yielding net benefits of about $514 to moisture/body fluids thereby reducing
$1,132 million. Accordingly, the skin irritation, can be one time use.
Commission finds that the benefits from (b) Basket pad. Cushion for use in an
the regulation bear a reasonable infant basket.
relationship to its costs. (c) Bunk beds. A tier of beds, usually
(d) Least burdensome requirement. two or three, in a high frame complete
The Commission considered the with mattresses (see Figure 11 of this
following alternatives: alternative part).
maximum peak heat release rate and (d) Car bed. Portable bed used to carry
test duration, alternative total heat a baby in an automobile.
released in the first 10 minutes of the (e) Carriage pad. Cushion to go into a
test, mandatory production testing, a baby carriage.
longer effective date, taking no action, (f) Chaise lounge. An upholstered
relying on a voluntary standard, and couch chair or a couch with a chair back.
requiring labeling alone (without any It has a permanent back rest, no arms,
performance requirements). The and sleeps one (see Figure 11).
alternatives of taking no action, relying (g) Convertible sofa. An upholstered
on a voluntary standard (if one existed), sofa that converts into an adult sized
and requiring labeling alone are unlikely bed. Mattress unfolds out and up from
to adequately reduce the risk. Requiring under the seat cushioning (see Figure
a criterion of 25 MJ total heat release 11).
during the first 10 minutes of the test (h) Corner groups. Two twin size
instead of 15 MJ would likely reduce the bedding sets on frames, usually
estimated benefits (deaths and injuries slipcovered, and abutted to a corner
reduced) without having much effect on table. They also usually have loose
costs. Both options of increasing the bolsters slipcovered (see Figure 11).
duration of the test from 30 minutes to (i) Crib bumper. Padded cushion
60 minutes and decreasing the peak rate which goes around three or four sides
of heat release from 200 kW to 150 kW inside a crib to protect the baby. Can
would likely increase costs significantly also be used in a playpen.
without substantial increase in benefits. (j) Daybed. Daybed has foundation,
Requiring production testing would also usually supported by coil or flat springs,
likely increase costs. Therefore, the mounted between arms on which
Commission finds that an open flame mattress is placed. It has permanent
standard for mattresses with the testing arms, no backrest, and sleeps one (see
requirements and criteria that are Figure 11).
specified in the Commission rule is the (k) Dressing table pad. Pad to cushion
least burdensome requirement that a baby on top of a dressing table.
would prevent or adequately reduce the (l) Drop-arm loveseat. When side
risk of injury for which the regulation is arms are in vertical position, this piece is
being promulgated. a loveseat. The adjustable arms can be
lowered to one of four positions for a
Sec. 1633.9 Glossary of terms. chaise lounge effect or a single sleeper.
(a) Absorbent pad. Pad used on top of The vertical back support always
mattress. Designed to absorb remains upright and stationary (see
Figure 11).

(m) Futon. A flexible mattress (x) Stroller pad. Cushion used in a
generally used on the floor that can baby stroller.
be folded or rolled up for storage. It (y) Sofa bed. These are pieces in
usually consists of resilient material which the back of the sofa swings down
covered by ticking. flat with the seat to form the sleeping
(n) High riser. This is a frame of sofa surface. Some sofa beds have bedding
seating height with two equal size boxes for storage of bedding. There are
mattresses without a backrest. The frame two types: the one-piece, where the back
slides out with the lower mattress and and seat are upholstered as a unit,
rises to form a double or two single beds supplying an unbroken sleeping surface;
(see Figure 11). and the two-piece, where back and seat
(o) Infant carrier and lounge pad. Pad are upholstered separately (see Figure 11
to cushion a baby in an infant carrier. of this part).
(p) Mattress foundation. This is a (z) Sofa lounge--(includes glideouts).
ticking covered structure used to support Upholstered seating section is mounted
a mattress or sleep surface. The structure on springs and in a frame that permit it
may include constructed frames, foam, to be pulled out for sleeping. Has
box springs or other materials used alone upholstered backrest bedding box that is
or in combination. hinged. Glideouts are single sleepers
(q) Murphy bed. A style of sleep with sloping seats and backrests. Seat
system where the mattress and pulls out from beneath back and evens
foundation are fastened to the wall and up to supply level sleeping surface (see
provide a means to retract or rotate the Figure 11).
bed assembly into the wall to release (aa) Studio couch. Consists of
more floor area for other uses. upholstered seating section on
(r) Pillow. Cloth bag filled with upholstered foundation. Many types
resilient material such as feathers, down, convert to twin beds (see Figure 11).
sponge rubber, urethane, or fiber used as (bb) Studio divan. Twin size
the support for the head of a person. upholstered seating section with
(s) Playpen pad. Cushion used on the foundation is mounted on metal bed
bottom of a playpen. frame. Has no arms or backrest, and
(t) Portable crib. Smaller size than a sleeps one (see Figure 11 of this part).
conventional crib. Can usually be (cc) Trundle bed. A low bed which is
converted into a playpen. rolled under a larger bed. In some lines,
(u) Quilted means stitched with thread the lower bed springs up to form a
or by fusion through the ticking and one double or two single beds as in a high
or more layers of material. riser (see Figure 11).
(v) Roll-away-bed. Portable bed (dd) Tufted means buttoned or laced
which has frame that folds with the through the ticking and upholstery
mattress for compact storage. material and/or core, or having the
(w) Sleep lounge. Upholstered seating ticking and loft material and/or core
section which is mounted on a frame. drawn together at intervals by any other
May have bolster pillows along the wall method which produces a series of
as backrests or may have attached depressions on the surface.
headrests (see Figure 11). (ee) Twin studio divan. Frames which
glide out (but not up) and use seat

cushions, in addition to upholstered person conducting the test, the date of
foundation to sleep two. Has neither the test, and a certification by the person
arms nor back rest (see Figure 11). overseeing the testing as to the test
(ff) Flip or sleeper chair. Chair that results and that the test was carried out
unfolds to be used for sleeping, typically in accordance with the Standard. For
has several connecting fabric covered, confirmation tests, the identification
solid foam core segments. number must be that of the prototype
Subpart B--Rules and Regulations (2) Video and/or a minimum of eight
Sec. 1633.10 Definitions. photographs of the testing of each
(a) Standard means the Standard for mattress set, in accordance with Sec.
the Flammability (Open-Flame) of 1633.7 (one taken before the test starts,
Mattress Sets (16 CFR part 1633, one taken within 45 seconds of the start
subpart A). of the test, and the remaining six taken at
(b) The definition of terms set forth in five minute intervals, starting at 5
the Sec. 1633.2 of the Standard shall minutes and ending at 30 minutes), with
also apply to this section. the prototype identification number or
production lot identification number of
Sec. 1633.11 Records. the mattress set, date and time of test,
(a) Test and manufacturing records C and name and location of testing facility
general. Every manufacturer and any clearly displayed.
other person initially introducing into (b) Prototype records. In addition to
commerce mattress sets subject to the the records specified in paragraph (a) of
standard, irrespective of whether this section, the following records shall
guarantees are issued relative thereto, be maintained for each qualified,
shall maintain the following records in confirmed and subordinate prototype:
English at a location in the United (1) Unique identification number for
States: the qualified or confirmed prototype and
(1) Test results and details of each test a list of the unique identification
performed by or for that manufacturer numbers of each subordinate prototype
(including failures), whether for based on the qualified or confirmed
qualification, confirmation, or prototype. Subordinate prototypes that
production, in accordance with Sec. differ from each other only be length or
1633.7. Details shall include: name and width may share the same identification
complete physical address of test number.
facility, type of test room, test room (2) A detailed description of all
conditions, time that sample spent out of materials, components, and methods of
conditioning area before starting test, assembly for each qualified, confirmed
prototype or production identification and subordinate prototype. Such
number, and test data including the peak description shall include the
rate of heat release, total heat release in specifications of all materials and
first 10 minutes, a graphic depiction of components, and the name and complete
the peak rate of heat release and total physical address of each material and
heat release over time. These records component supplier.
shall include the name and signature of (3) A list of which models and
production lots of mattress sets are

represented by each qualified, confirmed (d) Quality assurance records. In
and/or subordinate prototype addition to the records required by
identification number. paragraph (a) of this section, the
(4) For subordinate prototypes, the following quality assurance records shall
prototype identification number of the be maintained:
qualified or confirmed prototype on (1) A written copy of the
which the mattress set is based, and, at a manufacturer's quality assurance
minimum, the manufacturing procedures;
specifications and a description of the (2) Records of any production tests
materials substituted, photographs or performed. Production test records must
physical specimens of the substituted be maintained and shall include, in
materials, and documentation based on addition to the requirements of
objectively reasonable criteria that the paragraph (a) of this section, an assigned
change in any component, material, or production lot identification number and
method of assembly will not cause the the identification number of the
subordinate prototype to exceed the test qualified, confirmed or subordinate
criteria specified in Sec. 1633.3(b). prototype associated with the specimen
(5) Identification, composition, and tested;
details of the application of any flame (3) For each qualified, confirmed and
retardant treatments and/or inherently subordinate prototype, the number of
flame resistant fibers or other materials mattress sets in each production lot
employed in mattress components. based on that prototype;
(c) Pooling confirmation test records. (4) The start and end dates of
In addition to the test and prototype production of that lot; and
records specified in paragraphs (a) and (5) Component, material and
(b) of this section, the following records assembly records. Every manufacturer
shall be maintained: conducting tests and/or technical
(1) The prototype identification evaluations of components and materials
number assigned by the qualified and/or methods of assembly must
prototype manufacturer; maintain detailed records of such tests
(2) Name and complete physical and evaluations.
address of the qualified prototype (e) Record retention requirements.
manufacturer; The records required under this Section
(3) Copy of qualified prototype test shall be maintained by the manufacturer
records, and records required by (including importers) for as long as
paragraph (b)(2) of this section; and mattress sets based on the prototype in
(4) In the case of imported mattress question are in production and shall be
sets, the importer shall be responsible for retained for 3 years thereafter. Records
maintaining the records specified in shall be available upon the request of
paragraph (b) of this section for Commission staff.
confirmation testing that has been (f) Record location requirements. (1)
performed with respect to mattress sets For mattress sets produced in the United
produced by each foreign manufacturing States, all records required by this
facility whose mattress sets that importer section must be maintained at the plant
is importing. or factory at which the mattress sets are
manufactured or assembled.

(2) For mattress sets produced outside when used with foundation .” Such
of the United States, a copy of all foundation(s) shall be clearly identified
records required by this section must be by a simple and distinct name and/or
maintained at a U.S. location, which number on the mattress label; or
must be identified on the mattress set (iii) For mattresses intended to be sold
label as specified in Sec. 1633.12(a). both alone and with a foundation, a
certification stating “This mattress meets
Sec. 1633.12 Labeling. the requirements of 16 CFR part 1633
(a) Each mattress set subject to the (federal flammability (open flame)
Standard shall bear a permanent, standard for mattresses) when used
conspicuous, and legible label(s) without a foundation or with
containing the following information foundation(s) .”; and
(and no other information) in English: (7) A statement identifying whether
(1) Name of the manufacturer, or for the manufacturer intends the mattress to
imported mattress sets, the name of the be sold alone or with a foundation.
foreign manufacturer and importer; (i) For mattresses intended to be sold
(2)(i) For mattress sets produced in without a foundation, the label shall state
the United States, the complete physical “THIS MATTRESS IS INTENDED TO
address of the manufacturer. BE USED WITHOUT A
(ii) For imported mattress sets, the FOUNDATION.” See Figures 16 and 17
complete address of the foreign of this part; or
manufacturer, including country, and the (ii) For mattresses intended to be sold
complete physical address of the with a foundation, the label shall state
importer or the United States location “THIS MATTRESS IS INTENDED TO
where the required records are BE USED WITH FOUNDATION(S): .”
maintained if different from the See Figures 12 and 13 of this part; or
importer; (iii) For mattresses intended to be sold
(3) Month and year of manufacture; both alone and with a foundation, the
(4) Model identification; label shall state “THIS MATTRESS IS
(5) Prototype identification number INTENDED TO BE USED WITHOUT
for the mattress set; A FOUNDATION OR WITH
(6) A certification that the mattress FOUNDATION(S): .” See Figures 14
complies with this standard. and 15 of this part.
(i) For mattresses intended to be sold (b) The mattress label required in
without a foundation, a certification paragraph (a) of this section must
stating “This mattress meets the measure 2\3/4\ in width and the length
requirements of 16 CFR can increase as needed for varying
part 1633 (federal flammability (open information. The label must be white
flame) standard for mattresses) with black text. The label text shall
when used without a foundation”; or comply with the following format
(ii) For mattresses intended to be sold requirements:
with a foundation, a certification stating (1) All information specified in
“This mattress meets the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) through (6) of this
16 CFR part 1633 (federal flammability section must be in 6-point font or larger
(open flame) standard for mattresses) with mixed uppercase and lowercase
letters. The text must be left justified and

begin 1/4 from left edge of label. See number that corresponds to the name
Figure 12-17 of this part. and/or number used on the mattress.
(2) The statement specified in This text must be in 10-point or larger
paragraph (a)(7)(i) of this section bold Arial/Helvetica font, and the
must be in 10-point Arial/Helvetica font foundation identifier must be underlined.
or larger, uppercase letters with the See Figures 12 through 15 of this part.
words “WITHOUT A FOUNDATION” (d) The statements specified in
bolded and the word “WITHOUT” in paragraphs (a)(7(i) and (a)(7)(ii), and
italics. The text shall be centered in a (a)(7)(iii) of this section may be
text box with the width measuring 2-1/2 translated into any other language and
and the length increasing as needed. See printed on the reverse (blank) side of the
Figures 16 and 17 of this part. label.
(3) The statement specified in (e) No person, other than the ultimate
paragraph (a)(7)(ii) of this section must consumer, shall remove or mutilate, or
be in 10-point Arial/Helvetica font or cause or participate in the removal or
larger in uppercase letters. The mutilation of, any label required by this
foundation identifier should be in 12- section to be affixed to any item.
point font or larger, bolded, and
underlined. The text shall be centered in Sec. 1633.13 Tests for guaranty
a text box with the width measuring 2- purposes, compliance with this
1/2 and the length increasing as needed. section, and ``one of a kind''
See Figures 12 and 13 of this part. exemption.
(4) The statement specified in (a) Tests for guaranty purposes.
paragraph (a)(7)(iii) of this section must Reasonable and representative tests for
be in 10-point or larger Arial/Helvetica the purpose of issuing a guaranty under
font, uppercase letters with the words section 8 of the Flammable Fabrics Act,
“WITHOUT A FOUNDATION OR” 15 U.S.C. 1197, for mattress sets subject
bolded and the word “WITHOUT” in to the Standard shall be the tests
italics. The foundation identifier should performed to show compliance with the
be in 12-point font or larger, bolded, and Standard.
underlined. The text shall be centered in (b) Compliance with this section. No
a text box with the width measuring 2- person subject to the Flammable Fabrics
1/2 and the length increasing as needed. Act shall manufacture for sale, import,
See Figures 14 and 15 of this part. distribute, or otherwise market or handle
(c) The foundation label required in any mattress set which is not in
paragraph (a) of this section must compliance with the provisions under
measure 2-3/4 in width and the length Subpart B.
can increase as needed for varying (c) ``One of a kind'' exemption for
information. The label must be white physician prescribed mattresses. (1)(i) A
with black text. The label shall contain mattress set manufactured in accordance
the following: with a physician's written prescription or
(1) The information specified in manufactured in accordance with other
paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of comparable written medical therapeutic
this section; and specification, to be used in connection
(2) The words “Foundation ID:” with the treatment or management of a
followed by a distinct name and/or named individual's physical illness or

injury, shall be considered a “one of a inch (1.27 cm) in height and all letters
kind mattress” and shall be exempt from on the label shall be in a color which
testing under the Standard pursuant contrasts with the background of the
to Sec. 1633.7 thereof: Provided, that the label. The warning statement which
mattress set bears a permanent, appears on the label must also be
conspicuous and legible label which conspicuously displayed on the invoice
states: or other sales papers that accompany the
mattress set in commerce from the
WARNING: This mattress set may be manufacturer to the final point of sale to
subject to a large fire if exposed to an a consumer.
open flame. It was manufactured in (2) The manufacturer of a mattress set
accordance with a physician's exempted from testing under this
prescription and has not been tested paragraph (c) shall, in lieu of the records
under the Federal Standard for the required to be kept by Sec. 1633.10,
Flammability (Open-Flame) of Mattress retain a copy of the written prescription
Sets (16 CFR part 1633). or other comparable written medical
therapeutic specification for such
(ii) Such labeling must be attached to mattress set during a period of three
the mattress set so as to remain on or years, measured from the date of
affixed thereto for the useful life of the manufacture.
mattress set. The label must be at least (3) For purposes of this regulation the
40 square inches (250 sq. cm) with no term physician shall mean a physician,
linear dimension less than 5 inches (12.5 chiropractor or osteopath licensed or
cm). The letters in the word otherwise permitted to practice by any
“WARNING” shall be no less than 0.5 State of the United States.


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