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1) Feminism is "advocacy of equal rights and opportunities for

women, especially the extension of their activities into the social and
political life". This definition suggests that women's access to power
within the public sphere has always been one of the main objectives of
the feminist movement.
2) Yet, women from all domains experience what has become
known as the 'glass-ceiling'- an invisible barrier which prevents them
from advancing beyond a certain point on the professional or political
ladder. The majority of positions of power in education, business and
politics are still occupied by men.
3)This can partly be explained by the fact that most contemporary
explanations of citizenship don’t acknowledge that men's and women's
experiences of citizenship are different. The concept of citizenship
relies on the notion of a free, autonomous citizen participating in
democratic processes. This assumption ignores the fact that as a result
of the social emphasis on the role of women as care givers, women
find it difficult to gain full autonomy.
4) Feminism, while liberating many women from the domination of
their partners, fathers or brothers have not liberated them from the
domination of social expectations. Until the 1960s a woman was
expected to be a wife and a mother, now she is expected to be
everything else as well.
5)The right to work pushed women into the double burden situation
where they are expected to be efficient workers, loving mothers and
partners as well as active citizens. While sexual harassment is illegal
and wage equality is enshrined by law, somehow women's access to
democracy is still limited. Women's family responsibilities prevent
them from freely participating in democratic processes.
6) Another factor, which contributes to the exclusion of women
from democratic processes, is that feminism never fought for the
rights of all women. The feminist movement has been largely a middle
class pursuit, and while women all over the world have been fighting
for rights, middle class feminism gained supremacy over other
women's movements. As a result of their exclusion from the feminist
movement, many women from lower socio-economic backgrounds
have also been excluded from active participation in democracy.
Reading comprehension:
1-What is the purpose of this article, in your opinion? 1pt
2-Provide a relevant title for this article.1pt
3- Answer these questions in your own words: 2pts
a-What does the"glass-ceiling"mean in the article?
b-What is the influence of social expectations on women’s lives?
4- Are these statements true or false? Justify your answers.2pts
a-Because women have the right to work, their situation has become
b-Feminism fights for the rights of all women in the world.
5-Find in the article a word which means almost the same as: 1pts
b-movement of freeing women
6-What does this underlined word refer to in the article? 1pts
a-them paragraph2-

1-Choose a word from column A with a word from column B to form a
correct collocation. Then, use them in the sentences below.1.5pts

Column A Column B
resource great
strides citizens
responsible human
a-Young people are a valuable ……..……………We should encourage them
to participate actively in the development of our country.
b- Morocco has made…………………… improving the status of
c- Through education, illiterate women can become……………………
2-Use relevant words/expressions to complete these sentences, (the first
letter is given).1.5pt
a-B……… d…………is the state in which clever and qualified people
migrate from one country to another.
b-Participating in NGOs and showing solidarity towards poor people are
aspects of true c…………….....…p.
c-We should t………………other groups of people no matter how different
they are from us. That is how we can live in a peaceful world.
3-Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form: 2pts
a-By the year 2010, Morocco (host)............................ around10 million
b-Last year there were considerable amounts of rain in our country. Before
that, farmers (suffer) ...................................from long periods of droughts.
4-Put the words between brackets in the correct form:2pts
a- Hicham Elgerouge won (value) prizes for his (achieve) in
b- One (recommend) towards being a good person is the (respect) of the
people around you.

5- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verb. 2pts

Stand for – write down – bring about – look up – look after – apply for – get
a- When students find very difficult words in a text, they can ……………
them……… a dictionary.
b- John asked his wife to ……………………………………..the job
advertised in the newspaper.
c- The government has introduced new plan
changes in education..

d- Ali: What does NGO ………………………………………………?

Hamid: Non Governmental Organization.

6-Re-write these sentences as indicated: 2pt

a- “All Moroccans should participate in the national efforts to eradicate
illiteracy”, said the minister of social development.
The minister ……………………………………………………………
b-“Have you done your project work?”, said the teacher to Rashid.

The teacher……………………………………………………………..

7-Devise mini-dialogues in which you respond to the following situations:

1-Your teacher assigned homework for 2-Your friend has just told you that you
tomorrow .Apologise to him/her for not have passed your exam. How would you
being able to come tomorrow and give your respond to this news?

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