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Chapter 5

Concurrency: Mutual
Exclusion and
Concurrency Problem: A Simple
char chin, chout;
void echo()
chin = getchar();
chout = chin;
Concurrency Problem: A Simple
Process P1 Process P2
. .
chin = getchar(); .
. chin = getchar();
chout = chin; chout = chin;
putchar(chout); .
. putchar(chout);
. .
Multiprogramming Concerns
• Output of process must be independent
of the speed of execution of other
concurrent processes
Competition among Processes for
• Mutual Exclusion
– Critical sections
• Deadlock
• Starvation
Key Terms
Race Condition Example
Process P1 Process P2
. .
chin = getchar(); .
. chin = getchar();
chout = chin; chout = chin;
putchar(chout); .
. putchar(chout);
. .
Requirements for Mutual
• Only one process at a time is allowed in
the critical section for a resource
• A process that halts in its noncritical
section must do so without interfering with
other processes
• No deadlock or starvation
Requirements for Mutual
• A process must not be delayed access to
a critical section when there is no other
process using it
• No assumptions are made about relative
process speeds or number of processors
• A process remains inside its critical section
for a finite time only
Mutual Exclusion Approaches
• Software approach
• Appendix A
• Hardware support, using special-purpose
machine instructions
• Support within OS or a programming
– Semaphore, Monitors, Message Passing
Mutual Exclusion: Hardware
• Interrupt Disabling
– A process runs until it invokes an operating
system service or until it is interrupted
– Disabling interrupts guarantees mutual
• Disadvantages:
– Processor is limited in its ability to interleave
– Will not work in multiprocessor architecture
Mutual Exclusion: Hardware
• Compare&Swap Instruction
int compare_and_swap (int *word, int testval,
int newval)
int oldval;
oldval = *word;
if (oldval == testval) *word = newval;
return oldval;
Mutual Exclusion
Mutual Exclusion: Hardware
• Exchange instruction
void exchange (int *register, int *memory)
int temp;
temp = *memory;
*memory = *register;
*register = temp;
Mutual Exclusion
Mutual Exclusion Machine-
• Advantages
– Applicable to any number of processes on a
single processor
– Processes on multiple processors?
• as long as processors share main memory
– It is simple and therefore easy to verify
– It can be used to support multiple critical
sections; each critical section can be defined
by its own variable (e.g. bolt1, bolt2, etc.)
Mutual Exclusion Machine-
• Disadvantages
– Busy-waiting consumes processor time
– Starvation?
• Starvation is possible when a process leaves a critical
section and more than one process is waiting
– Deadlock?
• Special variable called a semaphore is
used for signaling
• If a process is waiting for a signal, it is
suspended until that signal is sent
• Semaphore is a variable that has an
integer value
– May be initialized to a nonnegative number
– Wait operation decrements the semaphore
– Signal operation increments semaphore value
Semaphores Primitives
Example of Semaphore
Example of Semaphore Mechanism
Mutual Exclusion Using
Mutual Exclusion Using
Processes Using Semaphore
Binary Semaphore Primitives
Producer/Consumer Problem
• One or more producers are generating
data and placing these in a buffer
• One or more consumers are taking items
out of the buffer one at time
• Only one producer or consumer may
access the buffer at any one time
• Producer can’t add data into full buffer and
consumer can’t remove data from empty
• producer:
while (true) {
/* produce item v */
b[in] = v;
• consumer:
while (true) {
while (in <= out)
/*do nothing */;
w = b[out];
/* consume item w */
Incorrect Solution
Correct Solution
Circular Buffer
Producer with Circular Buffer
• producer:
while (true) {
/* produce item v */
while ((in + 1) % n == out) /* do nothing */;
b[in] = v;
in = (in + 1) % n
Consumer with Circular Buffer
• consumer:
while (true) {
while (in == out)
/* do nothing */;
w = b[out];
out = (out + 1) % n;
/* consume item w */
Semaphore Implementation:
Atomic Primitives
Mutual Exclusion Machine-
Instruction vs. Semaphore
Mutual Exclusion Machine-
Instruction vs. Semaphore
Mutual Exclusion Approaches
• Software approach
• Appendix A
• Hardware support, using special-purpose
machine instructions
• Support within OS or a programming
– Semaphore, Monitors, Message Passing
Mutual Exclusion Approaches
• Software approach
• Appendix A
• Hardware support, using special-purpose
machine instructions
• Support within OS or a programming
– Semaphore, Monitors, Message Passing
Message Passing
• Enforce mutual exclusion
• Exchange information

• send (destination, message)

• receive (source, message)
• The receiver cannot receive a message
until it has been sent by another process

• What happens to a process after it issues

a send or receive primitive
– Sender and receiver may or may not be
blocked (waiting for message)
• Blocking send, blocking receive
– Both sender and receiver are blocked until
message is delivered
• Nonblocking send, blocking receive
– Sender continues on
– Receiver is blocked until the requested
message arrives
• Nonblocking send, nonblocking receive
– Neither party is required to wait
• Direct addressing
– Send primitive includes a specific identifier of
the destination process
– Receive primitive may/may not know ahead of
time from which process a message is expected
– Receive primitive could use source parameter
to return a value when the receive operation
has been performed
• Indirect addressing
– Messages are sent to a shared data structure
consisting of queues
– Queues are called mailboxes
– One process sends a message to the mailbox
and the other process picks up the message
from the mailbox
Indirect Process Communication
General Message Format
Mutual Exclusion Using
Messages (1)
• Assume
– blocking receive primitive
– nonblocking send primitive
Mutual Exclusion Using
Messages (2)
Producer/Consumer Messages
Readers/Writers Problem
• Any number of readers may simultaneously
read the file
• Only one writer at a time may write to the
• If a writer is writing to the file, no reader
may read it
• How is this problem different from mutual
exclusion problem?
• Cast it to a mutual exclusion problem?
Any Problem with This Solution?
Readers have Priority
Writers have Priority
• The following semaphores and variables are
– A semaphore rsem that inhibits all readers while
there is at least one writer desiring access to the
data area
– A variable writecount that controls the setting of
– A semaphore y that controls the updating of
– A semaphore z that prevents a long queue of
readers to build up on rsem
Writers have Priority
Writers have Priority
Writers have Priority
Message Passing

Note: count is initialized to the maximum

possible number of readers, e.g., 100.

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