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Name: Dilsher Chiyay Salim Group.

 University of Zakho.
 Faulty of Science.
 Computer Science Department.
 Third Stage / 5th Semester.

“Web Development”
“Active Server Page (ASP)”

Dr. Karwan. Mr. Younis. Mr. Aya.
Table of content: Pages
1) Introduction. ........................................................... 2

- 1.1: what is an ASP. 2

- 1.2: WWW and TCP/IP protocol. 2

- 1.3: HTTP. 2

- 1.4: Server. 3

- 1.5: Web Server. 3

- 1.6: More Precise “ASP” Definition(summed up) 3

2) How is the ASP used, and its types?................................. 4

- 2.1: Static Web Application. 4

- 2.2: Dynamic Web Environment Application. 5

- 2.3: Types. 5

3) History of ASP ........................................................ 6

- 3.1: In December 1996, ASP 1.0. 6

- 3.2: In September 1997, ASP 2.0. 6

- 3.3: In November 2000, ASP 3.0. 6

4)  Advantages and Disadvantages of ASP.............................. 7

- 4.1: Advantages 7

- 4.2: Disadvantages 8

4)  Conclusion and Benefits .............................................. 8

1. Introduction:

1.1: what is an ASP:

ASP.NET is known as one of the application servers delivers as software

package, an application server is a piece of software that’s installed on a server
(in our case a web server), which is an HTML page that includes one or more
scripts (rulers or conditions) that are processed inside Web server before the
page is sent to the user(client), for dynamic web Page or filtering or security.

1.2: WWW and TCP/IP protocol:

The WWW(word wide web) includes many users(clients) and

servers that are connected over internet, they communicate
using a protocol called TCP/IP this is the protocol that
connects all of the computers in the whole world together

1.3: HTTP:

when these computers talk to each other, they exchange messages in a format
known as HTTP, which stand for “HyperText Transfer Protocol”. This sort of
communication is used whether you are working with a static website, those who
delivers static fix web pages, or a dynamic web application those who support
ASP.NET. users(clients) start the process by sending a request in the HTTP
format, the clients request a web source, which might be the following

 Web Page
 Image File
 Text file contain JavaScript’s or CSS code

Figure: 1 is an illustration for this, check figure: 1

Figure 1: HTTP communication

1. Introduction:

1.4: server:

A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or

programs to other computers, known as clients, the server responds by sending
back the resources that has been requested. Check figure 1.1 for server type.

 Web Server(we are interested)

 DataBase Server
 Email Server

Figure 1.1: some type of servers

1.5: Web Server.

The web server is a computer that runs a peace of software called the HTTP
server, there are two major HTTP server products on the market.
 Microsoft’s Internet Information(IIS) only available on windows platform
 Apache, which is a free HTTP server product, Cross-platform
If your going to work with ASP or ASP.NET you will be deploying your web
application or your dynamic website using Internet Information(IIS) because
only IIS does a good job for integrating the ASP or ASP.NET application server

1.6: More Precise “ASP” Definition(summed up).

Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment

that you can use to create and run dynamic, interactive Web server applications.
With ASP, you can combine HTML pages and script commands to create
interactive Web pages and powerful Web-based applications that are easy to
develop and modify, ASP is a framework or a scripting environment that allows
you to send dynamic HTML documents to users after a database query, or
basically ASP makes use of server side scripting to produce webpages

2. How is the ASP used, and its types?

2.1: Static Web Application.

Here is how a static web Page works. The web clients make a request for a
resource, let’s say a web page, by sending a HTTP formatted request over the
internet to the server. Shown in figure 2.1

Figure 2: static web server,


The service responds by locating the file on its hard disk that has been
requested this is known as static web page with a file extension of typically of
html, the web server responds by sending that content back to the client and
the client, and the client which might be a web browser on a personal computer,
render and displays the web page visually. this is a static web page, figure 2.1
complete the prosses.

Figure 2.1: static web server,


2. How is the ASP used, and its types?

2.2: Dynamic Web Environment Application.

When you move to the dynamic environment, the application server software is
installed on the same computer as the web server. The application server, in this
case ASP.NET can communicate with database and other service resources,
shown in figure 2.3.

Figure 2.1: dynamic web server

Once again, the web client makes the HTTP formatted request. The web service
talks to the application server. The application server talks to the database and
other network resources and then its up to the web server to construct an
HTML formatted response, which once again is sent back to the web client.

2.3: types

There are many software packages that you can use select from as an
application server

 Microsoft Active Server Pages

 Adobe ColdFustion(cross operation system and use its own language)
 Java-based server(J2EE)

3. History of ASP

ASP.NET was released in 2002 as a successor to Classic ASP.

The earliest version of ASP was launched as an add-on to the Internet

Information Services through the Windows NT 4.0 in the year 1996. Since the
release of the Windows 200 server, it is included in the Windows server as a
free component. Three editions of ASP have been released; each one being
accompanied by a different edition of the IIS:

 In December 1996, ASP 1.0 was released along with IIS 3.0.

 In September 1997, ASP 2.0 was lunched, being a part of the IIS 4.0.
This newer version came with six default objects, namely: Request,
Application, Response, ASPError, Session and Server. Session object is
involved in maintaining the state of variable from one page to another.
ASP websites are also allowed to access functionality in compiled libraries
like DLLs because the Active Scripting engine has support for the
Component Object Model (COM)

 In November 2000, the IIS 5.0 was released along with the ASP 3.0.
There aren’t many major differences between ASP 3.0 and 2.0. However,
there some extra improvements in version 3.0 of ASP. These include the
Server.Execute and Server.Transfer methods, as well as a better
ASPError object. This version also allows for buffering (a built-in
feature), leading to enhanced performance of the engine.

The support for ASP is present in Windows Operating Systems like Windows 7,
Vista, 8 and 10 at present. However, the support for ASP in Windows 7 would be
ended on 14th January 2020. Prior to the release of Windows 8, it was stated
the support for ASP in the operating system would last for at least 10 years
after its launch.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of ASP

4.1: Advantages.
1. Allow for separation
ASP is a script environment which mean it only work when its needed, not
like programming language that work nonstop, and also ASP is a server-
side which also mean it work in server side, when u do a computation like
1+1 it wont work on your pc or in your browser it send to the server and
server will send back the result.

2. Reduces coding time

The framework technology is a big help in reducing coding time, especially
when you are developing big applications. You don’t want to start write the
code and maybe the code you right will not be efficient, so the frame
work provide a good efficient already written package code.

3. Cross-platform migration
The framework language allows for easy cross-platform migration.

4. Security
Security is a good feature of the framework language. You can develop
secure applications through built in Windows authentication and per-
application configuration features.

5. flexibility
The framework language is based on common language runtime, so all the
web application developers can enjoy flexibility and power of that entire

6. Language Independence
It is also language independent, so you can choose the language for your
application or even divide your application across several languages.

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of ASP

4.2: Disadvantages.

 One of the main disadvantages of using application is it only support

on Windows platform. That means another based Operating System is not
allowed to use to develop their web application. The limitation of the will make some of the web developer abandon to use to
develop their web application and choose other more appropriate application
to develop their web application such as PHP support in any platforms.

5. Conclusion and Benefits.

 ASP is a new technology and powerful web development language to build a

web application much faster. Lately, we can always hear the news of ASP
especially on the web developer sites. can be said that is a new aera in the
web development field.

 ASP provide you with a powerful way to create programmable Web pages.
They are side- server-based, meaning that the code runs on the server,
producing HTML output that’s sent to the browser. When users click a
button in a Web browser, it sends the page to the server for processing—
that is, it makes a round-trip. 

1. introduction

“Critical Evaluation On ASP Net Computer Science Essay.” UKEssays.Com,

Rick-Anderson. ASP.NET Overview.


2. How is the ASP.NET used, and its types?

ASP.NET: Understanding How ASP.NET Works | Lynda.Com - YouTube.

Active Server Pages - Ryte Wiki - The Digital Marketing Wiki.

3. History of ASP

“Active Server Pages (ASP).” Cleverism, 11 Aug. 2016,

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of ASP.NET

Advantages and Disadvantages of ASP.NET | Software Developer India .
“What Are the Disadvantages of Asp.Net? - Bayt.Com Specialties.” Bayt.Com,

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