AS 82545 KVCOM Forexcel UM 96119E GB WW 1086-9

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1 Before Use


Data Collection/Transfer • Monitoring Software KV-DH1E

2 Basics

3 Advanced

KV COM+ for Excel Ver. 1 Chapter

4 OPC Server

User's Manual ・ Device List

・ Error Message List

Please read this Manual before use.

Keep this Manual in a safe place for later reference.

Applicable CPU Unit

- KV-7500
- KV-7300
- KV-5500
- KV-5000
- KV-3000
- KV-1000
- KV-700
- KV Nano Series
This manual explains the functions, operating procedures and matters to be careful about regarding "KV COM+
for Excel". Read this manual thoroughly before using the product. Keep it in a safe place so that you can use it
anytime when there is a need for it.

 Related Manuals
When using “KV COM+ for Excel”, read the following manuals as well.
To receive these manuals, contact our sales office listed at the end of this document.

Title Contents
This manual explains the system configuration
and specifications of the "KV-7000 Series", the
KV-7000 Series User's Manual
functions built in the CPU, and also the method
of how to create a ladder program.
This manual explains the system configuration
and specifications of the "KV-5500/5000/3000
KV-5500/5000/3000 Series User's Manual
Series", the functions built in the CPU, and also
the method of how to create a ladder program.
KV-7000/5000/3000/1000 Series
This manual explains the instruction words
KV Nano Series
available for ladder programming.
Instruction Reference Manual
KV-7000/5000/3000/1000 Series This manual explains how to create a script
KV Nano Series program and also available operators, control
Script Programming Manual statements, and functions.
This manual explains how to operate "KV
KV STUDIO User's Manual
KV-5500/5000/3000/1000 Series System Macro This manual explains system macros available
Manual for the "KV-5500/5000/3000/1000 Series".
This manual makes it easy to introduce "KV-
KV-1000 Series Introduction Manual
1000". Be sure to read this before the first use.
This manual explains the specifications, built-in
KV-1000 Series User's Manual
functions, and operation method of "KV-1000".
This manual explains how to create a ladder
KV-1000 Series Programming Manual program by using "KV-1000" and also the
module macros and local devices.
This manual explains the specifications, built-in
KV-700 Series User's Manual
functions, and operation method of "KV-700".
This manual explains instruction words available
KV-700 Series Instruction Reference Manual
for "KV-700".
This manual explains the system configuration
KV Nano Series Base Unit (terminal block type) and specifications of the terminal block type "KV
User's Manual Nano Series", the functions built in the CPU, and
also how to create a ladder program.
This manual explains the system configuration
KV Nano Series Base Unit (connector type) User's and specifications Lof the connector type "KV
Manual Nano Series", the functions built in the CPU, and
also how to create a ladder program.
Safety Precautions
This manual provides information about “KV COM+ for Excel” and explains how to operate it.
To bring out the best performance and functions from “KV COM+ for Excel”, read this manual well for full
understanding. Keep this manual with great care for use whenever necessary. Make sure that this manual is
always close at hand and available for those who shall actually use the product.

 Symbols
The following symbols are used hereinafter so that important parts can be understood easily.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the symbols.

DANGER It indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING It indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

It indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate

It indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could result in product damage as well as
property damage.

Important It indicates cautions and limitations that must be followed during operation.

Point It indicates additional information on proper operation.

Reference It indicates tips for better understanding or useful information.

Page or manual providing related information

 General Precautions
• Note that the functions and performance cannot be guaranteed if the product is used not according to
the specified standards or is altered.
• If devices are combined, they may not be able to exhibit their functions or performance under certain
conditions of use or environment. Determine the optimum combination upon sufficient enquiry into
the matter.
• No part of this manual may be used or reproduced without permission.
• Information provided in this manual is subject to change without notice.
• Company and product names in this manual are registered trademarks or trademarks of the
corresponding companies.
• Microsoft, Windows and Excel are registered trademarks of U.S. Microsoft in the United States and
other countries.

96119E 1
Software License Agreement

By using or copying all or any portion of KV COM+ for Excel (hereinafter referred to as "This Software"),
you accept all the terms and conditions of this Software License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as
"This Agreement").

1. Definition
1.1 "use" or "using" means to access, install, download, copy, or otherwise benefit from using the
functionality of This Software.
1.2 "This Software" means the software and all associated documentation provided by KEYENCE.

2. Grant of License.
2.1 As long as you comply with all of the terms and conditions of This Agreement, KEYENCE grants
to you a non-exclusive license to use This Software.
2.2 You may install This Software on a single computer (in the case of KV-DH1E-5: 5 computers) in
order to use the products produced by KEYENCE.

3. Limitation on Copying.
3.1 You may make one copy of this software for backup purposes only.

4. Restrictions.
4.1 Other than installation of updates or new functions provided by KEYENCE, you may not modify
or add any functions to This Software.
4.2 You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble This Software.
4.3 You may not create derivative works based on This Software.
4.4 Other than expressly stated by KEYENCE, you may not resell, retransfer, rent, or otherwise
redistribute This Software to any third parties.

5. Copyright.
5.1 This Software is the property of KEYENCE. Other than expressly stated herein, This Agreement
does not grant you any intellectual property rights.

6. Disclaimer.
6.1 This Software is being delivered to you "AS IS" and KEYENCE makes no warranty as to its use
or performance. In no event will KEYENCE or its suppliers be liable to you for any damages,
claims, costs, or any lost profits caused by using This Software.

7. Termination.
7.1 This Agreement will automatically expire when you stop using This Software.
7.2 The license will terminate if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of This Agreement.
KEYENCE may terminate the license by notifying you that your continued use of This Software is
prohibited. In the event the license is terminated for any reason, you must destroy This Software
including its backup copy.
7.3 You will compensate KEYENCE for costs or any lost profits caused by your violation of This

8. Governing Law.
8.1 This Agreement will be governed by Japanese laws and regulations.
8.2 If any part of This Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the
balance of This Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms and

2 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

How This Manual Is Organized

This chapter gives an outline of the product and explains

Before Use the operating environment, system configuration, and
software installation method.

This chapter explains the operation flow, the Excel book 2
Basics configuration, the items of the menu list, and various
2 setting methods.
Chapter This chapter explains the extended function settings, 4
Advanced the options menu, the tools menu, and error and
3 communication status display.
Chapter This chapter gives an outline of an OPC server and
OPC Server
4 explains how to set it.

The appendices explain how to install the USB driver and

Appendices give explanations about the menu list, the toolbar list, the
device list, the error message list, and the note list.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3


Safety Precautions .................................................................................................1

Software License Agreement ................................................................................2
How This Manual Is Organized .............................................................................3
Contents .................................................................................................................4
Conventions Used In This Manual .......................................................................8
Terminology ........................................................................................................... 9
Symbols ................................................................................................................. 9

Chapter 1 Before Use

1-1 Outline and Functions ..............................................................................1-2
Outline ................................................................................................................1-2
Functions ............................................................................................................1-5
1-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration ..............................1-8
Operating environment .......................................................................................1-8
System configuration ..........................................................................................1-9
1-3 Software Installation ...............................................................................1-10
Before Installing KV COM+ for Excel ...............................................................1-10
Installing KV COM+ for Excel ...........................................................................1-11
Uninstall KV COM+ for Excel. ..........................................................................1-15
1-4 Notes on Use ...........................................................................................1-17

Chapter 2 Basics
2-1 Operation Flow ..........................................................................................2-2
When creating a new file ....................................................................................2-2
When opening an existing book .........................................................................2-3
2-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration ..............................2-4
Setting a Destination ..........................................................................................2-5
Trigger setting ....................................................................................................2-5
2-3 Menu List ...................................................................................................2-6
KV COM+ ...........................................................................................................2-6
Edit .....................................................................................................................2-7
Basic function setting .........................................................................................2-7
Extended function setting ...................................................................................2-8
Parts configuration .............................................................................................2-8
Setting Device List ..............................................................................................2-8
Tool ....................................................................................................................2-9
Option .................................................................................................................2-9
Version information ............................................................................................2-9
Right-click Menus .............................................................................................2-10
2-4 Activation and Termination ...................................................................2-11
Activating KV COM+ for Excel ..........................................................................2-11
Terminating KV COM+ for Excel ......................................................................2-12
To activate KV COM+ for Excel automatically at the startup of Excel ..............2-12
2-5 Connection Destination Setting ............................................................2-15
Adding Connection Destination ........................................................................2-16
Modifying Connection Destination ....................................................................2-21
Deleting Connection Destination ......................................................................2-22

4 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

Saving Connection Destination Settings in Another File (Export) ....................2-23
Reading Connection Destination Settings from Another File (Import) ..............2-24
Communication with the Simulator ...................................................................2-25
Setting the Simulator ........................................................................................ 2-25
Simultaneous Communication with KV STUDIO ..............................................2-27
2-6 Setting Basic Functions .........................................................................2-28
Monitor .............................................................................................................2-28
Section Names and Functions .......................................................................... 2-29
Create New Monitor Setting ............................................................................. 2-31
Batch Modification of Monitor Settings ............................................................. 2-38
Notes ................................................................................................................ 2-39
Logging .............................................................................................................2-40
Section Names and Functions .......................................................................... 2-41
Creating New Logging Setting .......................................................................... 2-43
Notes ................................................................................................................ 2-52
Real time logging ..............................................................................................2-53
Section Names and Functions .......................................................................... 2-54
Creating New Real Time Log Setting ............................................................... 2-57
Notes ................................................................................................................ 2-64
Data folder ........................................................................................................2-65
About Specification of Record Number and Record Comments ...................... 2-66
Section Names and Functions .......................................................................... 2-67
Creating New Data Folder Setting .................................................................... 2-71
Creating New Data Folder Setting
(When set up via sensor parameter is selected) .............................................. 2-81
Notes ................................................................................................................ 2-83
Alarm ................................................................................................................2-84
Section Names and Functions .......................................................................... 2-85
Setting Alarm System ....................................................................................... 2-88
Creating New Alarm ......................................................................................... 2-94
Notes ................................................................................................................ 2-99
Change Settings .............................................................................................2-100
2-7 Trigger Setting ......................................................................................2-103
About Trigger Types .......................................................................................2-103
Cyclic Trigger .................................................................................................2-104
Time Trigger ...................................................................................................2-107
Device Trigger ................................................................................................2-112
Button Trigger .................................................................................................2-118
Combination Trigger .......................................................................................2-123
Trigger Setting Modification ............................................................................2-126
Trigger Setting Deletion ..................................................................................2-128
2-8 Edit .........................................................................................................2-129
Move Each Setting to Another Cell ................................................................2-129
Copy Each Setting to Another Cell .................................................................2-131
Delete Each Setting ........................................................................................2-132
Select All Monitor Settings .............................................................................2-133
Select All Logging Settings .............................................................................2-133
Select All Real Time Log Settings ..................................................................2-134
Select All Data Folder Settings .......................................................................2-134
Select All Alarm Settings ................................................................................2-135

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 5

2-9 Start and Stop Communication ...........................................................2-136
Start Communication ......................................................................................2-136
Stop communication .......................................................................................2-136
Notes ..............................................................................................................2-137

Chapter 3 Advanced
3-1 Extended Function Setting ......................................................................3-2
Auto save setting ................................................................................................3-2
Auto print setting ................................................................................................3-8
Excel Page Setting ...........................................................................................3-10
Mail Sending Setting ........................................................................................3-12
Check Items before Setting .............................................................................. 3-12
Setting Mail Server ........................................................................................... 3-12
Setting Email Sending Function ....................................................................... 3-14
3-2 Parts Configuration ................................................................................3-21
About Parts Configuration ................................................................................3-21
About Parts setting ...........................................................................................3-22
Parts .................................................................................................................3-25
Properties Page ................................................................................................3-26
Switch ............................................................................................................... 3-26
Lamp switch ...................................................................................................... 3-27
Lamp ................................................................................................................. 3-27
N-State Part ...................................................................................................... 3-28
Bar Meter .......................................................................................................... 3-30
Circle Meter ...................................................................................................... 3-33
Fan Meter ......................................................................................................... 3-36
3-3 Setting Device List ..................................................................................3-39
Displaying Setting Device List ..........................................................................3-39
Batch Replacement of Setting Devices ............................................................3-40
3-4 Tool ..........................................................................................................3-41
Read Device Comments from a File ................................................................3-41
Read Import Support Information .....................................................................3-43
What is import support information? ................................................................. 3-43
Import support information reading procedure ................................................. 3-44
Assigning import supprot information ............................................................... 3-46
Clearing import support information ................................................................. 3-47
Setting Up Protection .......................................................................................3-48
Set up protection .............................................................................................. 3-48
Cancelling setting protection ............................................................................ 3-49
3-5 Option ......................................................................................................3-50
Create Comments ............................................................................................3-50
Switching Setting .............................................................................................. 3-50
Contents of Comments ..................................................................................... 3-50
Displaying All Comments .................................................................................. 3-52
Deleting Comments .......................................................................................... 3-52
Add Border .......................................................................................................3-54
Mail Sending Setting ........................................................................................3-55
Alarm System Setting .......................................................................................3-57
PC Presence Detect Relay ...............................................................................3-58
3-6 Error and Communication Status Display ............................................3-59

6 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

Chapter 4 OPC Server
4-1 OPC Server ................................................................................................4-2
What is OPC Server? .........................................................................................4-2
OPC Server Setting Method ...............................................................................4-3
Connecting an OPC Server ................................................................................ 4-3

Chapter App Appendices

1 Installing the USB Driver .....................................................................App-2
Installation in Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP ........................................................ App-2
2 Menu List ..............................................................................................App-3
3 Toolbar List ..........................................................................................App-4
4 Device List ............................................................................................App-6
5 Error Message List ..............................................................................App-8
Setting Destination ........................................................................................ App-8
Monitor .......................................................................................................... App-8
Logging ........................................................................................................ App-10
Real Time Logging ...................................................................................... App-12
Data Folder .................................................................................................. App-13
Import Support Information .......................................................................... App-16
Set Trigger ................................................................................................... App-16
Edit .............................................................................................................. App-17
Auto Save .................................................................................................... App-17
Auto Print ..................................................................................................... App-18
Send Email .................................................................................................. App-18
Destination List ............................................................................................ App-18
Alarm ........................................................................................................... App-19
Protection of Settings .................................................................................. App-20
Simulator ..................................................................................................... App-20
6 Notes List ...........................................................................................App-21
General ........................................................................................................ App-21
Communication ........................................................................................... App-22
Basic function .............................................................................................. App-23
Trigger ......................................................................................................... App-25
Setting Destination ...................................................................................... App-25
Extended Functions ..................................................................................... App-25
Activation ..................................................................................................... App-26
Edit .............................................................................................................. App-27
7 PLC Compatibility ..............................................................................App-28
8 INDEX ..................................................................................................App-30

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 7

Conventions Used In This Manual

This section explains the configuration of pages used throughout this manual and the meaning of

Main heading 2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Chapter title This section explains how to set the basic functions of KV COM+ for Excel.

Function Part Monitor Medium header

At the occurrence of a trigger (that can be set by cycle, time, device, or button), the PLC device value
This is given to each 2 is written into a set cell. It is also possible to write a cell value into a PLC device at the occurrence of
a trigger or at the confirmation of input.

chapter Small header

Setting Basic Functions

■Create a new monitor.

1 Select a cell (range) where to set the monitor.

Different procedure Reference A cell (range) can also be specified at "Object Cell" in the Set Monitor dialog box. Operating procedure
Operation 2 From the menu, select "Add-in" "KV COM+(K)" -> "Set Basic Function (F)" -> "New Monitor (M)".
Different procedure Reference information
corresponding to the
Here are listed items
‡ Click .

menu operation item in

‡ Open the right-click menu and click "Create Monitor".

The Set Monitor screen is displayed.
further enriching the
the explanation of the Click the Set Device tab.
Set a object cell range and also a monitoring device and its display. understanding of the main
procedure 4
text, and the information
Select a device type and enter a device number.

Reference page or useful to know.

"Appendices: Device List" (Page App-7)

5 Set a device name display position. Operation screen

Page or manual giving
related information
When "Object Cell" is specified by a range, the settable items are limited. Cautions
Notes on operations
that are often
If a cell range is specified in the column direction, "Above" and "Below" cannot be set.

Example erroneously. Be sure
to read them.

2-26 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

* This page is made only for explanation purposes and is different from actual pages of the manual.

8 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -


With certain exceptions, this manual uses the following terms for explanations.

Term Description
Excel Add-in Program provided to the user as KVComPlus.xla and its functions
Generic name of a program controller system containing the basic unit, the CPU
unit and other units attached to them. This indicates the entire system.
Personal computer Personal computer
"KV STUDIO" "KV STUDIO Ladder Support Software"
Ladder Program Program created by "KV STUDIO Ladder Support Software"
OLE for Process Control, which is a standard interface based on Microsoft COM/
OPC Server
DCOM to support the development of measuring and control systems


This manual uses the following symbols in the explanations of menu items and buttons

Symbol Description
" " • Menu item that can be selected from the menu bar
• Name of a dialog box or item
• Character-marked button at a dialog box to execute or cancel operation
Ctrl Key on the keyboard

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 9


10 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -


Before Use
Before Use 1

This chapter gives an outline of the product and explains the operating
environment, system configuration, and software installation method.

1-1 Outline and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2

1-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration . . 1-8
1-3 Software Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-10
1-4 Notes on Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-17

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-1

1-1 Outline and Functions
Before Use

This section gives an outline of KV COM+ for Excel and explains its functions.

KV COM+ for Excel is a software product to handle PLC data by Excel on a Windows personal
Outline and Functions


The user can read values from a PLC device into Excel cells or write cell values into a PLC device by
easy settings. There is no need to install a complicated communication program.
In addition, data can be processed by combining various functions of Excel.

KV COM+ for Excel enables the user to monitor operation and quality control statuses in real time. In
addition, it is easy to automate documentation about daily reporting, operation management, and
quality control.

KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT
4 5
12 13
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Logic Controller



 Example of application
 Real time trend graph

Temperature and other analog

data is read from a PLC device
and displays as a history.

1-2 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-1 Outline and Functions

Before Use
 Alarm display

The current alarm status and

alarm history are displayed.

Outline and Functions

 Rearrangement management

management can be
realized easily on Excel.

 Pareto chart

Fault occurrence is
monitored and displayed
as a Pareto chart.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-3

1-1 Outline and Functions
Before Use

 Real time trace

All data can be collected fast because data

logged in PLC internal buffer is read.

Outline and Functions

 Real parts display

Meters can be used easily by combining

registered parts with the monitor function.

 KV simulator linkage

By communicating with KV STUDIO simulator,

debugging is possible without PLC.

KV STUDIO simulator

KV COM+ for Excel

1-4 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-1 Outline and Functions

Before Use

 Monitor function
At the occurrence of a trigger (that can be set by
time period, time, device, or button), the PLC
device value is read into a set cell. It is also

Outline and Functions

possible to write a cell value into a PLC device at KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT
4 5
12 13
4 5
12 13

the occurrence of a trigger or at the confirmation of


Logic Controller



The display format (decimal, hexadecimal, binary,



BCD, floating-point real number, character string)

for read into a cell can be selected to create a
monitor screen suitable for each purpose easily.

 Example of use
• Checking the current value of measurement data
• Checking and setting the production output
"Monitor" (Page 2-28)

 Logging function
At the occurrence of a trigger, a PLC device value is
recorded in a set cell range. This is repeated for
history display. For logging, even devices KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT KV-SAD04
connected to different destinations, of different
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types, or not continuous can be registered at once.

Logic Controller

The operability of the logging function can be


enhanced by setting logging start, logging stop and


clear trigger. Operation after logging can be

selected from seven types (scroll, worksheet
movement, clear, overwrite, exit, clear after printing,
clear after saving).

 Example of use
• Collecting measurement data
• Saving quality data
"Logging" (Page 2-40)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-5

1-1 Outline and Functions
Before Use

 Data folder function (Recipe function)

At the occurrence of a trigger, values can be written
from a pre-registered cell range into a PLC device
simultaneously. This makes rearrangement easy. It is

1 also possible to read from a PLC device to a specified

cell range at a time for registration. This reduces the Read
use of a PLC internal device and the load on a ladder KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT KV-SAD04
Outline and Functions

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Logic Controller

 Example of use


• Modifying processing conditions


• Modifying such parameters as motor control point

and speed Write
"Data folder" (Page 2-65)

 Real time logging function

This is a high-speed logging function, that is supported only when KEYENCE PLC of the KV-7500/
7300/5500/5000/3000 or KV Nano Series is connected. Since the data buffered in PLC is read by
communication, data loss dependent on the communication load can be prevented.

 Example of use
• Collecting measurement data
• Saving quality data
"Real time logging" (Page 2-53)

 Alarm function
Registered alarm devices are monitored and the number of alarms, the accumulated time of alarms,
and messages set to the devices are displayed.
The current alarm status and the alarm history can be checked.

 Example of use
• Real-time Alarm Monitoring and Alarm History
• Pareto chart

 Example of application
"Alarm" (Page 2-84)

1-6 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-1 Outline and Functions

Before Use
 Extended functions
"Extended Function Setting" (Page 3-2)

 Auto save setting

At the occurrence of a trigger. an Excel book (.xls) or sheet (.csv) can be saved automatically.
 Auto print setting

Outline and Functions

At the occurrence of a trigger. an Excel book (.xls) or sheet (.csv) can be printed automatically.

 Send mail setting

At the occurrence of a trigger. an Excel book (.xls) or sheet (.csv) can be sent automatically to a
specified address by email automatically.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-7

1-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration
Before Use

This section explains the operating environment and system configuration of KV COM+ for Excel.

Operating environment
* The interface important for your computer differs depending on the form of connection.
Operating Environment and System Configuration

If your computer has no RS-422A port, attach an RS-232C/RS-422A converter to an RS-232C port.

 Operating environment
The following environment is needed to operate KV COM+ for Excel.
Check that your system satisfies the requirements and has necessary equipment.
Supported personal computer
Personal computer with RS-232C or USB interface where Windows XP, 2000, 7, 8, 10 or Vista is
* KV COM+ for Excel version 1.3 or later will not run on Windows 2000.
CD-ROM drive
Windows XP/2000: Pentium 800MHz or higher (Pentium 1GHz or higher recommended)
Windows 10/8/7/Vista: Processor recommended by Microsoft Corporation.
Memory capacity
Windows XP/2000: 256MB or greater extended memory (512MB or more recommended)
Windows 10/8/7/Vista: Memory recommended by Microsoft Corporation.
Applicable OS
• Windows XP
• Windows 2000 (SP3 or more)
• Windows Vista (Not included 64-bit version)
• Windows 7, Windows 8 (including 8.1)
• Windows 10
(English OS only)
Supported language
Microsoft Office Excel 2013/2010/2007/2003/2002/2000 (Excluding Microsoft Office Excel 2013/2010
64-bit edition)
Hard disk space
200MB or more
KV COM+ for Excel supports the following PLCs:
• KV-7500 KV Nano Series
• KV-7300 KV-N14**
• KV-5500 KV-N24**
• KV-5000 KV-N40**
• KV-3000 KV-N60**
• KV-1000 KV-NC32T
• KV-700/700+M
• KV Nano Series
<<OPC server>>
KV COM+ for Excel is ensured to run on the following OPC server:
FA-Server5.0/4.0 (by Roboticsware, Inc.)
The OPC server enables communication with all PLCs supported by the server.

Point The KV Nano Series is compatible with KV COM+ for Excel version 1.10 or later, and
the KV-7000 Series is compatible with version 1.30 or later. Editing and communication
cannot be started on versions of KV COM+ for Excel which are not compatible.

1-8 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration

Before Use
System configuration
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Logic Controller




Serial LINK

Operating Environment and System Configuration



BlueTooth USB KV-7500/7300/5500/5000/3000/1000/700

KV Nano Series
Serial KV-7300/3000/1000/700/L21V
KV Nano Series
Ethernet KV-7500/5500/5000/LE21V/EP21V
KV-NC1EP(KV Nano Series)
Bluetooth KV-5500/5000/3000
BlueTooth FL-net

KV-5000/FL20V Routing setting (FL-net)

USB KV-5000/FL20V
Serial KV-PU1
4 5
12 13
4 5
12 13

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15



BlueTooth CARD
Logic Controller

Logic Controller





EtherNet/IP™ EtherNet/IP™

OPC Server
KV-7500/5500/EP21V Routing setting (EtherNet/IP)
KV-NC1EP(KV Nano Series) KV-7500/5500/EP21V
KV-NC1EP(KV Nano Series)

USB Serial
Serial Ethernet※1※2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Logic Controller






VT5/VT3 series
Routing setting (VT/DT)
Serial KV-7300/3000/1000/700/L21V
KV Nano Series
Ethernet KV-7500/5500/5000/LE21V/EP21V
KV-NC1EP(KV Nano Series)

PLC of other company

*1 Use an STP/UTP cross cable when directly connecting the PLC and computer (excluding the KV-7500).
Either a cross cable or a straight cable can be used when using the KV-7500 or using an ethernet switch
with an Auto MDI/MDI-X switching function.
*2 Required when a VT STUDIO Ver. 4.75 or later system program is transferred to the VT5/VT3 series.
Cannot be connected when using the DT series.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-9

1-3 Software Installation
Before Use

This section explains how to install and uninstall KV COM+ for Excel.

Before Installing KV COM+ for Excel

 Hard disk space
Software Installation

KV COM+ for Excel can be installed on a hard disk only. The install-to hard disk must have space of
200M bytes. If there is not enough space, create space in advance.

 Windows environment and installation place

KV COM+ for Excel is a software program running on Windows and installed from Windows.
Check that Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/2000 is installed and running correctly in your computer.
* KV COM+ for Excel version 1.3 or later will not run on Windows 2000.

 Serial port (RS-232C)

For RS-232C connection to each device, have a serial port ready on your computer. For the setup, refer
to the manual of your personal computer.

 USB port
For USB connection to each device, have a USB port ready on your computer. For the setup, refer to
the manual of your personal computer. For USB connection, the USB driver of the device to be
connected is necessary.
"Appendices 1 Installing the USB Driver" (Page App-2)

 Ethernet port
For Ethernet connection to each device, have an Ethernet port ready on your computer. For the setup,
refer to the manual of your personal computer or consult the network administrator.

 Bluetooth
For Bluetooth connection to each device, have the Bluetooth function of your computer or a Bluetooth
adapter ready to use. For the setup, refer to the manual of your personal computer

1-10 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-3 Software Installation

Before Use
Installing KV COM+ for Excel

To install KV COM+ for Excel in a Windows Vista computer of the following drive configuration, follow

the procedure below.

Turn the computer power on to start up Windows.


Software Installation
• Before starting installation, terminate all other software programs now running.
If an anti-virus program is running, extra time may be necessary for installation.
• For installation, log in to your computer as a user authorized to modify the system, such
as a computer administrator.

2 Load the KV COM+ for Excel Install CD on the CD-ROM drive of your computer.
KV COM+ for Excel The CD runs automatically (auto execution). After the installation program starts up
automatically, go to Step 5.

3 Click [Start] and enter "e:\setup" into the search box.

Search results are listed.

4 Click [setup] displayed in the window.

The installer program starts up.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-11

1-3 Software Installation

Before Use

A progress bar is displayed and the computer starts preparation for setup.

Software Installation

6 When the following screen is displayed, click [Next] to start setup or [Cancel] to cancel startup.

7 When the following screen is displayed, read the user license agreement, check "I accept the
terms in the License Agreement", and click [Next].

1-12 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-3 Software Installation

Before Use
Enter the User Name, Organization, and Serial Number and click [Next].
For the serial number, see "License Certificate" enclosed in the package.

Software Installation
9 Check the names of the install drive and folder (directory).
The default install folder is "C:\Program Files\KEYENCE\KVComPlus". If there is no need to change the
folder, click [Next (N)].
To change the install folder, click [Change] and specify a drive and a folder (directory).

10 When the following screen is displayed, click [Install] to start installation or [Cancel] to cancel

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-13

1-3 Software Installation

11 At the end of setup, a completion message is displayed.

Before Use

Click [Finish] to finish installation.

Software Installation

1-14 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-3 Software Installation

Before Use
Uninstall KV COM+ for Excel

To uninstall KV COM+ for Excel from your computer, follow the procedure below.

If KV COM+ for Excel is added in, invalidate its registration before uninstallation.

Software Installation
"Deactivate the registration of KV COM+ for Excel." (Page 2-14)

1 Turn the computer power on to start up Windows.

For uninstallation, log in to your computer as a user authorized to modify the system, such
as a computer administrator.

2 Click [Start] and then [Control Panel].

The control panel is displayed.

3 Click [Programs and Features].

A program list is displayed.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-15

1-3 Software Installation

Before Use

Click [KEYENCE KV COM+ for Excel] and then [Uninstall].

Software Installation

5 Click [Yes].
The uninstall program starts up and KEYENCE KV COM+ for Excel will be deleted.

1-16 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

1-4 Notes on Use

Before Use
When using KV COM+ for Excel, be sure to read the notes given below.

 About each interface of personal computer

Depending on your connection method, check that the serial, USB, or Ethernet port is available on your
computer. Without correct setup, KV COM+ for Excel cannot be used normally. For the setup, refer to
the manual of your personal computer.

Notes on Use
 Note during communication
If a connected device is turned off or its connection cable is disconnected during communication, a
communication error will occur. Avoid such operations until the end of communication.

 Note on USB use

For USB connection, connect a cable directly to a USB port of the device without using a USB hub.
If the communication status is unstable due to noise, disconnect and reconnect the USB cable. If
communication is interrupted frequently, attach a ferrite core to the cable.

 Note during long-time communication

To enhance data reliability significantly, create a duplex configuration from two personal computers.

 Note on use
When using KV COM+ for Excel, give the user "Power User" or greater privilege.

Reference For other notes on KV COM+ for Excel, see "Appendices 6 Notes List" (Page App-

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 1-17

1-4 Notes on Use
Before Use


Notes on Use

1-18 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -


Basics 2

This chapter explains the operation flow, the Excel book configuration, the
items of the menu list, and various setting methods.

2-1 Operation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2

2-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration . . . 2-4
2-3 Menu List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6
2-4 Activation and Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-5 Connection Destination Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15
2-6 Setting Basic Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-28
2-7 Trigger Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-103
2-8 Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-129
2-9 Start and Stop Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-136

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-1

2-1 Operation Flow
This section explains the operation flow when using KV COM+ for Excel.

When creating a new file


2 Starting up KV COM+ for Excel

"Start" button -> "All Programs" -> "KEYENCE Applications" -> "KV COM+ for
Operation Flow

Excel" ( Page 2-11)

Creating a new book

"Microsoft Office" button -> "New (N)"/

Setting destination
"Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)"/

( Page 2-15)

Setting each function

• Monitor ( Page 2-28) Logging ( Page 2-40)
• Data folder ( Page 2-65) Alarm ( Page 2-84)
• Real time logging ( Page 2-53) Extended function setting ( Page 3-2)

Saving the book

"Microsoft Office" button -> "Save as (A)"
The book is saved in the same way as an ordinary Excel file.

Connecting equipment

Connect the equipment you plan to use to your personal computer.

Starting communication

"KV COM+(K)" -> "Start Communication (C)"/ ( Page 2-136)

2-2 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-1 Operation Flow

When opening an existing book

Start KV COM+ for Excel
"Start" button -> "All Programs" -> "KEYENCE Applications" -> "KV COM+ for
Excel" ( Page 2-11)
Point Even when you directly click on a book containing settings of KV COM+

Operation Flow
for Excel, KV COM+ for Excel will not start automatically. KV COM+ for
Excel requires a registration of an add-ins to enable automatic startup
when such a book is opened. ( Page 2-12)

Opening a book

"Microsoft Office" button -> "Open (O)"/

Editing each function (*)

• Change setting ( Page 2-100) • Edit ( Page 2-129)
• Extended functions setting ( Page 3-2)

Saving a book (*)

"Microsoft Office" button -> "Save (S)"

Connecting equipment

Connect the equipment you plan to use to your personal computer.

Start communication

"Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Start Communication(C)"/ ( Page 2-136)

(*) : Execute this as required.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-3

2-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration
When KV COM+ for Excel is used, Excel book configuration becomes as follows:

"Monitor" (Page 2-28)


"Logging" (Page 2-40)

"Real time logging" (Page 2-53)
"Data folder" (Page 2-65)
"Alarm" (Page 2-84)

Operating Environment and System Configuration

Monitor setting

Data folder setting

Logging setting
Alarm setting

"3-6 Error and Communication Status Real time Book

Display" (Page 3-59) log setting
Alarm system

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15) "2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting"

(Page 2-15)

"Auto save setting" (Page 3-2)

"Mail Sending Setting" (Page 3-12) "Setting Mail Server"

(Page 3-12)

2-4 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-2 Operating Environment and System Configuration

Setting a Destination

The connection destination is a unique name given to connection conditions for combination of a model

of equipment and personal computer. Once a connection destination is created, there is no need to set
a connection target for each function. Connection destination settings can be shared between functions
and saved as the connection destination list for each Excel book.
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)
KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Destination: Preprocess of Line 1

Operating Environment and System Configuration

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Personal computer CARD

Logic Controller


CARD SW Model: KV-7500

Connection mode: Ethernet

IP Address:


Destination: Postprocess of Line 2

Model: KV-5000
Connection mode: Ethernet
IP Address:

PLC of other company

(Via OPC server in personal computer)

Trigger setting

Set an operation timing for each function of KV COM+ for Excel.

Trigger settings can be shared between functions and saved as a trigger list for each Excel book.

 Period
Set timing by time period.
Example Every second

 Time
Set timing by time or time range.
Example Every hour on the half hour

 Device
Set timing by bit device's rising edge (), falling edge () both edges () ON or OFF.
Example  of Relay (R) 1000

 Button
Create and set a button that can be clicked on Excel.
Example Write Setting button

 Combination
Combine and set two of the triggers above. (AND/OR)
Example Every 10 seconds when Relay (R) 1001 is ON
"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-5

2-3 Menu List
This section explains the menu of KV COM+ for Excel.
For the contents of Excel menu, refer to the manual and help provided for Excel.


Menu List

Item Function Page
Start communication with connected equipment. 2-136
Stop communication with connected equipment. 2-136
Start tracing.
Start tracing 2-63
(Not grayed out even during real time logging)
Stop tracing.
Stop tracing 2-63
(Not grayed out even during real time logging)
Open a submenu to edit cells in which basic functions are already
Edit 2-129
Basic function
Open a submenu to create or modify basic functions. 2-28
Extended function
Open a submenu for extended functions. 3-2
Open a submenu for parts such as switches and lamps. 2-8
Trigger setting Open the trigger setting window. 2-104
Open the connection destination setting window. 2-16
destination setting
Setting device list Open the setting device list window. -
Tools Open a submenu for tools. 3-41
Option Open a submenu for options. 3-50
User's Manual Open the user's manual. -
Display the version information of KV COM+ for Excel. 2-9

When settings are protected, no menu items except "Start communication", "Stop
Communication", "Start tracing", "Stop tracing", "Version information", "User's manual"
and "Tool" are displayed.
"Setting Up Protection" (Page 3-48)

2-6 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-3 Menu List



Menu List
Item Function
Cut setting Cut settings of cells in a selected range. 2-129
Copy setting Copy settings of cells in a selected range. 2-131
Paste setting Paste settings of cells in a selected range. 2-129
Delete setting Delete settings of cells in a selected range. 2-132
Select all monitor settings Select all monitor settings on a sheet. 2-133
Select all log settings Select all logging settings on a sheet. 2-133
Select all real time log settings Select all real time logging settings on a sheet. 2-134
Select all data folder settings Select all data folder settings on a sheet. 2-134
Select all alarm settings Select all alarm settings on a sheet. 2-135

The menu items above are not displayed when settings are protected.

Basic function setting

Item Function
New monitor Set new monitor. 2-31
New logging Set new logging. 2-43
New real time log Set new real time logging. 2-57
New data folder Set a new data folder. 2-71
New alarm Set a new alarm. 2-94
Modify monitor, logging, real time logging, data folder
Change setting 2-100
and alarm settings.

The menu items above are not displayed when settings are protected.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-7

2-3 Menu List

Extended function setting


2 Item Function
Auto save setting Set the auto save function. 3-2
Menu List

Auto print setting Set the auto print function. 3-8

Mail sending setting Set the email send function. 3-12

The above menu items are not displayed when settings are protected.

Parts configuration

Item Function
Switch Arrange a switch. 3-26
Lamp switch Arrange a lamp switch. 3-27
Lamp Arrange a lamp. 3-27
N status lamp Arrange an N-state lamp. 3-28
Bar meter Arrange a bar-type meter. 3-30
Circle meter/fan meter Arrange a Circle and fan meter.

Setting Device List

Item Function
Setting Device List Display the setting device list window. 3-39

2-8 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-3 Menu List


Item Function

Menu List
Read device comments Display the read device comments window. 3-41
Read import support
Display the import support information window. 3-44
Clear import support
Display the cleat import support Information window. 3-47
Setting protection Protect the setting of each function. 3-48

For the contents of display when settings are protected, see "Setting Up Protection"
(Page 3-48).


Item Function
Set whether or not to create comment at the setting of
Create comments 3-50
basic functions.
Set whether or not to rule line at the setting of basic
Add border 3-54
Mail server setting Display the mail server setting window. 3-55
Alarm system setting Set an alarm device or message. 3-57
PC presence detect relay Display the PC presence detect relay setting window. 3-58

The menu items above are not displayed when settings are protected.

Version information

Item Function
Version information Display the version information window.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-9

2-3 Menu List

Right-click Menus

Excel standard function menu

Menu List

KV COM+ for Excel menu

Excel standard function menu

Item Function
Cut setting Cut settings of cells in a selected range. 2-129
Copy setting Copy settings of cells in a selected range. 2-131
Paste setting Paste settings of cells in a selected range. 2-131
Delete setting Delete settings of cells in a selected range. 2-132
New monitor Set new monitor. 2-31
New logging Set new logging. 2-43
New real time log Set new real time logging. 2-57
New data folder Set a new data folder. 2-71
New alarm Set a new alarm. 2-94
Modify monitor, logging, real time logging, data folder
Change setting 2-100
and alarm settings.

When settings are protected, the menu of KV COM+ for Excel is not displayed at all.

2-10 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-4 Activation and Termination
This section explains how to activate and terminate KV COM+ for Excel.

Activating KV COM+ for Excel

1 Select "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "KEYENCE Applications" -> "KV COM+ for Excel" in this
order. 2
Different procedure

Activation and Termination

Open the "KVComPlus.xla" file in the folder where KV COM+ for Excel is installed.
A macro warning dialog box is displayed.

<About Excel macro warning>
Excel has a programming function called macros. When a file is read, a warning window
about macros is displayed. Since KV COM+ for Excel is not a program contradicting the
warning, click "Enable Macros" to execute the program. If "Disable Macros" is selected, KV
COM+ for Excel cannot be executed.
At some security level of Excel, the warning dialog box may not be displayed and the KV
COM+ for Excel cannot be activated. In that case, open Security Center from Options of
Excel and check the macro level.

Reference The first activation of KV COM+ for Excel after installation may take time if anti-virus
software is active.

2 Click "Enable Macros (E)".

Excel starts.
* The "R1C1" setting in the Excel options is not supported. Use in "A1 mode".

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-11

2-4 Activation and Termination

3 Select "Microsoft Office" -> "New (N)".

The KV COM+ for Excel menu is displayed.

Terminating KV COM+ for Excel

2 1 Click "Microsoft Office" -> "Exit Excel (X)".

At exiting from Excel, KV COM+ for Excel also terminates.
Activation and Termination

To activate KV COM+ for Excel automatically at the startup of Excel

Activating KV COM+ for Excel Automatically at the Startup of Excel

Different procedure
Create a shortcut to the "KVComPlus.xla" file and copy it into the "XLSTART" folder of Excel.

 Registering KV COM+ for Excel as an add-in program

If KV COM+ for Excel is registered in Excel as an add-in program, it automatically activates at Excel

1 Start Excel.

2 Click "Microsoft Office" and "Excel Options (I)".

Click "Add-Ins" in the left column.
Set "Manage" at the bottom to "Excel Add-ins" and click "Go (G)".

2-12 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-4 Activation and Termination

3 Click "Browse".
The "Browse file" window is displayed.


Activation and Termination

4 Select the folder where KV COM+ for Excel is installed.

5 Select the "KVComPlus.xla" file and click "OK".

6 Click the "KV COM+ for Excel" check box to check it.

7 Click "OK".
The display returns to the Excel window. The KV COM+ for Excel menu is displayed.

8 Click "Microsoft Office" and "Exit Excel (X)".

KV COM+ for Excel starts up automatically at the next activation of Excel.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-13

2-4 Activation and Termination

 Deactivate the registration of KV COM+ for Excel.

1 Click "Microsoft Office" and "Excel Options (I)".
Click "Add-Ins" in the left column.

Set "Manage" at the bottom to "Excel Add-ins" and click "Go (G)".

Activation and Termination

2 Click the "KV COM+ for Excel check box" to clear it.

3 Click "OK".
The display returns to the Excel window. The menu of KV COM+ for Excel is not displayed.

4 Click "Microsoft Office" and "Exit Excel (X)".

When Excel is started next time KV COM+ for Excel will not start.

2-14 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting
For setting each function of KV COM+ for Excel, you need to set a connection destination first. This
section explains how to set a destination.

The connection destination is a unique name given to connection conditions for combination of a model

of equipment and personal computer. Once a connection destination is created, there is no need to set
a connection target for each function. Connection destination settings can be shared between functions
and saved as the connection destination list for each Excel book.
KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT

4 5
12 13

12 13

IN Destination: Preprocess of Line 1

Personal computer REALTIME
Logic Controller

Connection Destination Setting


CARD SW Model: KV-7500

Connection mode: Ethernet


IP Address:

Destination: Postprocess of Line 2

Model: KV-5000
Connection mode: Ethernet
IP Address:

PLC of other company

(Via OPC server)
The connection destination can be imported from or exported to the connection destination list file

The KV Nano Series is compatible with KV COM+ for Excel version 1.10 or later, and the
KV-7000 Series is compatible with version 1.30 or later. Editing and communication cannot
be started on versions of KV COM+ for Excel which are not compatible.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-15

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Adding Connection Destination

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)".

Displays the "Connection" window.

Connection Destination Setting

Item Contents
Destination List A list of connection destination settings is displayed.
Add Add a new connection destination.
Change Change connection destination settings.
Delete Delete a connection destination.
Import Read a connection destination from a file.
Export Write a connection destination into a file.

2 Click "Add".
The "Add Connection" window is displayed.

Item Contents
Connection Enter a connection destination name.
Target PLC Select a model to connect.
Communication path Select a connection destination method.
Set the destination equipment to KV STUDIO Simulator
Connect to KV STUDIO Simulator mode

2-16 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

3 Enter a unique name into "Connection".

4 Click the "  " button at "Target PLC".
A connection model list is displayed. 2

Connection Destination Setting

5 Click a model to connect.

6 Select "Communication path".

When adding or modifying a "Communication path", click "Settings".

The "Comm settings" window is displayed.

7 Select the communication port of your computer.

Name Explanation
USB (U) Connect equipment by USB.
Serial (S) Connect equipment by RS-232C.
Ethernet (E) Connect equipment by Ethernet.
Bluetooth (H) Connect equipment by Bluetooth.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-17

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

8 If "Ethernet (E)", "Serial (S)" or "Bluetooth (H)" is selected as the connection mode, set connection

 Ethernet (E)

Connection Destination Setting

Name Explanation
IP address Enter the IP address assigned to the destination equipment.
Port No. Enter the port number assigned to the destination equipment.

When searching for a connection destination, click "Search dest"..

The "Search destination" window is displayed.

2-18 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

 Serial (S)


Connection Destination Setting

Name Explanation
COM port Select a COM port to use.
Baud rate Select the communication speed of the COM port.
Unit No. setting Click "Unit No. setting" to display the "Unit No. setting" dialog box.

For simultaneous communication with KV STUDIO, set the same machine No. as KV

 Bluetooth (H)

When searching for a connection destination, click "Search destination".

Search for a connection destination starts.
Item Contents
Enter the ID set at KV-BT1 of the connection destination. This ID can be set by
Identification search for a destination. The ID format is "PLC model name (single-byte space) (ID
Name set by the KV STUDIO unit editor)". The ID can also be checked on the PLC access
Enter the BD address set at KV-BT1 of the connection destination. This BD address
BD address can be set by search for a destination. The BD address can also be checked on the
PLC access window.
Passkey Enter the passkey set at KV-BT1 of the connection destination. (Default: 0000)
Search The "Search destination" dialog box is displayed. Use search for a destination to find
destination a KV-BT1 that can be connected.
This indicates a COM port No. used by a Bluetooth adapter. The port No. can also be
Port No.
entered manually.
Manual By checking this box, a COM port No. for Bluetooth communication can be specified.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-19

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Depending on the Bluetooth drive installed in your computer, Bluetooth communication
may not be possible unless Excel is run with Administrator rights.

There is no item to set.
 Route setting
Connection Destination Setting

Set a communication path.

• Routing setting (R)

Check this for advanced settings.
Click "Detail (A)".
The "Routing detail setting" window is displayed.

9 Click "OK".
The destination is added to the "Connection destination list".

2-20 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Modifying Connection Destination

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)".

Displays the "Connection" window.

Connection Destination Setting

2 On the "Connection destination list", click the connection destination to change.
The selected connection destination line is inverted to indicate selection.

3 Click "Change".
The "Edit connection destination" dialog box is displayed.

4 Change the settings of each item as required.

5 Click "OK".

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-21

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Deleting Connection Destination

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)".

Displays the "Connection" window.

Connection Destination Setting

2 On the "Connection destination list", click the connection destination to delete.

The selected connection destination line is inverted to indicate selection.

3 Click "Delete".
The "ConnectionDelete" dialog box is displayed.

4 Click "Yes".

The connection destination used by each function cannot be deleted.

2-22 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Saving Connection Destination Settings in Another File (Export)

By saving connection destination settings in a file, you can use them again when creating another book.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Set destination setting (S)".
Displays the "Connection" window.

Connection Destination Setting

2 Click "Export".
The "Save As" window is displayed.

The "Save as type" is the connection destination list file (*.ali) only.

3 Enter a file name and click "Save".

A file named "*(file name)*.ali" is created.

Whether the "Connect to KV STUDIO Simulator mode" has been checked when setting the
simulator, and the OPC server settings are not saved in the connection settings file.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-23

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Reading Connection Destination Settings from Another File (Import)

By reading destination settings from a file, you can appropriate settings created in another book.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)".

2 Displays the "Connection" window.

Connection Destination Setting

2 Click "Import".
The "Open" window is displayed.

The "file type" is the connection destination list file (*.ali) only.

3 Select a "Destination List" (*.ali) and click "Open".

The "Connection destination list" is updated.

2-24 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Communication with the Simulator

Setting the Simulator

You can set up communication with the KV STUDIO Simulator.

For details about the KV STUDIO Simulator, refer to "KV STUDIO User's Manual".
The same monitoring and logging operations as for PLC are possible to the devices activated in the KV

Connection Destination Setting

STUDIO Simulator.

 Linking the KV Simulator

Communication with the KV STUDIO Simulator

enables debugging without PLC.

Simulator mode

KV COM+ for Excel

 Example of use
• Verifying the operation of a created program

The Simulator cannot be set as a connection destination of the real time logging function.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)".
Displays the "Connection" window.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-25

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

2 Click "Add".
The "Add Connection" window is displayed.

Connection Destination Setting

3 Enter a unique name into "Connection".

4 Check "Connect to KV STUDIO Simulator mode".

5 Click "OK".
The Connection is added to the "Connection destination list".

2-26 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-5 Connection Destination Setting

Simultaneous Communication with KV STUDIO

KV COM+ for Excel can communicate simultaneously with KV STUDIO.

Since the same communication path as PLC can be used, the communications from both KV STUDIO
and KV COM+ for Excel in the personal computer can be set up through a single USB cable.
* Simultaneous communication has become available from KV STUDIO Ver.5.5.
* If you start up KV STUDIO with Administrator rights in Windows 10/8/7 or Vista, you must also start up
KV COM+ with Administrator rights to enable connection.

Connection Destination Setting

KV STUDIO Communication COM server

Personal computer


- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-27

2-6 Setting Basic Functions
This section explains how to set the basic functions of KV COM+ for Excel.


At the occurrence of a trigger event (that can be set by time period, time, device or button), the PLC
2 device value is read into a set cell. It is also possible to write a cell value into a PLC device at the
occurrence of a trigger event or at the confirmation of input. The display format (decimal, hexadecimal,
binary, BCD or floating-point real number) for read into a cell can be selected to easily create a monitor
Setting Basic Functions

screen suitable for each purpose.



4 5
12 13

12 13

Logic Controller



 Example of use
• Checking the current value of measurement data
• Checking and setting the production output

2-28 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Section Names and Functions

 Device setting

Set a target cell range and also a monitoring device and its display.

Open the cell specification window.

Setting Basic Functions

Open the connection destination setting
The device selection window opens.



Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

Item Contents
Target cell Specify a cell to set monitor. 2-31
When this is checked, the device number is set
Device increment incrementally. (Only when there is more than one target 2-32
Specify the priority direction of device number
Direction incrementation. (Only when there is more than one target 2-32
Connection Select a connection destination. 2-32
Target device Set the type and number of the target device. 2-33
When this is checked, a target device can be selected by
Use device comments 2-33
device comments.
Display device name Select a device name display position. 2-33
Display format Select a device value display format. 2-34

"Create New Monitor Setting" (Page 2-31) Steps 3 to 9

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-29

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Setting Operation
Set an operation mode and a trigger.

Setting Basic Functions

Open the Set Trigger window.

Item Contents
Read Read data. 2-35
Write Write data. 2-35
Read/Write Read and write data. 2-35
Read Set a data read trigger. 2-36
Write Set a data write trigger. 2-36
When this is checked, an update of a cell value (when a
value is typed in and the Enter key is pressed, a value is
Write when determined changed or a value is recalculated) shall be set as a 2-36
trigger. This can be set only when the "Write" mode is

"Create New Monitor Setting" (Page 2-31) Steps 10 to 12

2-30 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Create New Monitor Setting

1 Select a cell (range) where to set the monitor setting.

Reference A cell (range) can also be specified at "Target Cell" in the "Monitor setting" dialog box.

2 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "New
monitor (M)".
Different procedure

Setting Basic Functions

• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "New monitor (M)".
• Press the Ctrl, Shift, and M keys.
The monitor setting dialog box is displayed.

3 Click the "Device setting" tab.

Set a target cell range and also a monitoring device and its display.


Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

4 Type in a target cell directly or click the cell specification button.

Cell specification button

When the cell specification button is pressed, the window below is displayed. You can specify a target
cell range by mouse dragging.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-31

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

5 If more than one cell is specified at "Target cell", set "Device increment" and "Direction".

• Device increment
When this is checked, the device number is set incrementally (+ 1).
This can be set only when more than one cell is specified at "Target cell". This is checked by default.
2 • Direction
Specify the priority direction of device number incrementation.
Setting Basic Functions

This can be set only when more than one cell is specified at "Target cell". The default is "Vert".

6 Select a "Connection".

When adding or modifying "Connection", click "Settings".

The "Connection" window is displayed.

After adding or changing a connection destination, specify the connection destination to use and click
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

2-32 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

7 Select a target type and enter a device number.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

The "Select device" window explains the device input range, etc.

Setting Basic Functions

"Appendices 4 Device List" (Page App-6)

Check "Use device comments" to select a target device by device comments.



Real time Logging

Point Data Folder

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41) Change setting

8 Set a device name display position.

The following items can be selected:

Item Contents
None Do not write a device name into a cell.
Above Write a device name into the cell above the set one.
Below Write a device name into the cell below the set one.
Left Write a device name into the cell on the left of the set one.
Right Write a device name into the cell on the right of the set one.

When "Use device comments" is checked, device comments are written.

When "Target cell" is specified by a range, the settable items are limited.

If a cell range is specified in the column direction, "Above" and "Below" cannot be set.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-33

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

9 Select a display format and make necessary settings for the format.

The setting items differ depending on the selected device and display format.

2 Bit Device
The following items can be selected:
Setting Basic Functions

Item Contents
of display
0/1 Display the device status as 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). 1
Character Display the device status by a predetermined character string.
String Character strings for ON and OFF can be set.

Word Device
The following items can be selected:
Example of
Item Contents
Unsigned Binary Data length: One or two words (Unsigned decimal) 1234
Signed Binary Data length: One or two words (Signed decimal) - 3568
HEX Data length: One or two words (Hexadecimal) AB5E
BCD Data length: One or two words 7865
Binary Data length: One or two words 10001001
Floating-point Real Number Data length: Two words fixed 12.584
Character String (Shift JIS) Data length: 1 to 64 words AB

About the storage format when character string is selected

Item Contents
Usual Continuous character string data starting with the target word device
Upper/Lower Continuous character string data where the upper and lower bytes are replaced
Upper only Character string data of the upper bytes only
Lower only Character string data of the lower bytes only

Character string data stored to indicate ABCD on cells
Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4
Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower
Standard A B C D — — — —
Upper/Lower B A D C — — — —
Upper only A ** B ** C ** D **
Lower only ** A ** B ** C ** D

2-34 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

When "Device increment" is checked, the device number is set incrementally according to
"Word Length". If two cells are selected and "Target device" is set to DM00000 and "Data
Length" to two words, for example, "Target device" becomes DM00002.

10 Click the "Operation setting" tag.
Set an operation mode and a trigger. 2

Setting Basic Functions



Real time Logging

Data Folder


11 Select an operation mode. Change setting

Operation mode Data Flow

Read Connection destination  Personal computer
Write Connection destination  Personal computer
Read/Write Connection destination 
 Personal computer

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-35

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

12 Setting a Trigger
Items requiring setting differ depending on the selected operation mode.
Write when
Operation mode Read trigger Write trigger

Read Essential Unable to set Unable to set

Write Unable to set * *

2 Read/Write Essential Essential Unable to set

* In the "write" mode, either "Write Trigger" or "Write when determined" needs to be set.
Setting Basic Functions

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)

When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

2-36 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

13 Click "OK".
The monitor function is set to the target cell.


Setting Basic Functions

When "Create comments" is checked, comments are added to a target cell.
"Create Comments" (Page 3-50)

When "Add border" is checked, a target cell is ruled.

"Add Border" (Page 3-54)


Reference If a target cell range is overlapping with another setting area, an overwrite confirmation Real time Logging

Data Folder
dialog box is displayed.

Change setting

Click "Yes" to overwrite the existing setting.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-37

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Batch Modification of Monitor Settings

To change a monitor setting device, "Setting device list" can be used.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Setting device list(V)".

Setting Basic Functions

2 Select a device and click "Change".

"Create New Monitor Setting" (Page 2-31) Steps 3 to 9

2-38 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

• No setting is possible during communication.
• For setting, at least one connection destination needs to be set.

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)
• When a cell is being edited, none of setting windows can be opened.
• To modify an existing setting, use the change setting function.
"Change Settings" (Page 2-100) 2
• If a new real time logging setting is created when such an object as a graph is selected, the target or

Setting Basic Functions

starting cell becomes blank.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If the
display format in the cell format settings is changed later, data may not be displayed normally.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If a
large cell range is set, the file size may become several megabytes or greater at saving.
• If there is too much data to set, it may take time until the setting is completed. The time required for
setting depends on the performance of your computer.
• Values are not updated if the set sheet is protected.
• If a sheet is protected or a book is shared, each setting cannot be executed. Monitor

• If the actual communication period is longer than the set monitor trigger period, cell data is updated Logging

only at every communication period. Real time Logging

• If the target device is a bit device and the display format is character string, a set character string Data Folder

cannot be written into the PLC. Be sure to enter "0" or "1". Alarm

• Even if a value is written into a device that cannot be written into or a device always written into by a Change setting

ladder program, the value written in a cell cannot be updated.

• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.
• If a result of operation by a mathematical expression is written, the value may not become an integer
because of an operational error and a write error may occur. To solve this problem, add an INT
• When "Write when determined" is set, nothing is written at the start of communication.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-39

2-6 Setting Basic Functions


At the occurrence of a trigger event, a PLC device value is recorded in a set cell range. This is repeated

for history display. For logging, even devices connected to different connection destinations, of different
types, or not continuous can be registered. The operability of the logging function can be enhanced by
setting logging start, stop and trigger clearance. Operation after logging can be selected from seven

2 types (scroll, worksheet movement, clear, overwrite, exit, clear after printing and clear after saving).


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Setting Basic Functions

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

IN Read
Logic Controller


 Example of use
• Collecting measurement data
• Saving quality data

2-40 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Section Names and Functions

 Device setting

Set a logging device and its display.

Setting Basic Functions

Exchange the position of a selected
logging device.

Delete a selected logging device.

Open the connection destination setting

The device selection window opens.
Add a logging device.

Real time Logging

Change the settings of a device selected
on the log device list. Data Folder


Change setting

Item Contents
Log device list Display a list of set logging devices. 2-43
Connection Set a connection destination. 2-44
Target device Set the type and number of an object device. 2-44
When this is checked, a target device can be selected by
Use device comments 2-44
device comments read in advance.
For addition, set the number of devices to add by serial
Created quantity 2-45
Display format Set the logging device display format. 2-45

"Creating New Logging Setting" (Page 2-43) Steps 3 to 9

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-41

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Operation setting
Click the starting cell, the count of logging data, and each trigger.

Open the cell specification window.

2 Open the trigger setting window.

Setting Basic Functions

Item Contents
Logging direction Select Vertical or Horizontal for the logging direction. 2-47
Specify the top-left corner cell of the cell range where logging is to
Starting cell 2-47
be set.
Target cell range Set a range of cells to log. 2-47
Number of data Set a data count to log. 2-47
Log trigger Set a trigger to log. 2-48
When this is checked, log data is cleared at the occurrence of a
Execute clear 2-48
clear trigger event.
Clear trigger Set a trigger to clear log data. 2-48
When the check is cleared, the logging period can be determined by
Always execute 2-48
a trigger.
Start trigger Set a trigger to start logging. 2-48
Stop trigger Set a trigger to stop logging. 2-48
Processing after Set the processing after logging until the end of the target cell
complete range.
Notify the PLC of the completion of writing a value after a trigger
Complete flag 2-50
event occurs.
Select information to add. 2-50

"Creating New Logging Setting" (Page 2-43) Steps 10 to 19

2-42 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Creating New Logging Setting

1 Select a starting cell or cell range to arrange logging settings.

The cell range can be selected within the number of columns. Range selection in the row
direction is not reflected.
Reference The starting cell can also be specified at "Starting cell" in the "Logging setting" dialog box.

Setting Basic Functions

2 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "New
Logging (L)".
Different procedure

• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "New logging".
• Press the Ctrl, Shift, and L keys.

The logging setting dialog box is displayed.
Real time Logging

3 Click the "Device setting" tab. Data Folder

Set a logging device and its display. Alarm

Change setting

Exchange the position of a selected

logging device.

Delete a selected logging device.

Add a logging device.

Change the settings of a device selected

on the log device list.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-43

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

4 Select "Connection".

When adding or changing "Connection", click "Settings".


Displays the "Connection" window.

Setting Basic Functions

After adding or modifying a destination, specify a destination to use and click "Select".
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

5 Select a type of target device and enter a device number.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

The "Select device" window explains the device input range and other.

"Appendices 4 Device List" (Page App-6)

Check "Use device comments" to select a target device by device comments.

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41)

2-44 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

6 Enter the number of devices to add by serial numbers into "Created quantity".


When DM00000 to DM00004 are set, "Created quantity" becomes "5".
When only DM00000 is set, "Created quantity" becomes "1".

Any setting here is valid for new addition only.

Setting Basic Functions

7 Select a display format and make necessary settings for the format.

The setting items differ depending on the selected device and display format.

Bit Device
Real time Logging
The following items can be selected:
Data Folder
Item Contents Alarm
of display Change setting

0/1 Display the device status as 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). 1

Character Display the device status by a predetermined character string.
string Character strings for ON and OFF can be set.

Word Device
The following items can be selected:
Item Contents
of display
Unsigned Binary Data length: One or two words (Unsigned decimal) 1234
Signed Binary Data length: One or two words (Signed decimal) - 3568
HEX Data length: One or two words (Hexadecimal) AB5E
BCD Data length: One or two words 7865
Binary Data length: One or two words 10001001
Floating-point Real Number Data length: Two words fixed 12.584
Character String (Shift JIS) Data length: 1 to 64 words AB

About the storage format when character string is selected

Item Contents
Standard Continuous character string data starting with the target word device
Continuous character string data in which the upper and lower bytes are
Upper only Character string data of the upper bytes only
Lower only Character string data of the lower bytes only

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-45

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Character string data stored to indicate ABCD on cells
Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4

Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower

Usual A B C D — — — —
Upper/Lower B A D C — — — —
2 Upper only A ** B ** C ** D **
Lower only ** A ** B ** C ** D
Setting Basic Functions

When "Device increment" is checked, the device number increments according to "Word
Length". If two cells are selected and "Target device" is set to DM00000 and data length to
two words, for example, "Target device" becomes DM00002.

8 Click "Add".
The set device is added to the Device List.

9 Repeat device setting as required.

Reference To change the set contents, select a device from the Log device list, change the settings,
and click "Change".

10 Click the Operation setting tab.

Set the starting cell, the count of logging data, and each trigger.

2-46 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

11 Select Vertical or Horizontal at "Logging direction" for the logging direction.

Vert (Vertical) Horz (Horizontal)

Device Name Device Name Data
Logging Direction

Setting Basic Functions

Logging Direction

12 Click the cell specification button and specify "Starting cell" at the top-left corner of the cell
range to set by using the mouse. Direct input is also possible.

Cell specification button Monitor

When the cell specification button is pressed, the window below is displayed. You can specify "Starting
Real time Logging
cell" and "Target cell range" by mouse dragging.
Data Folder


Change setting

13 At "Number of data", set the number of rows or columns for logging.

When "Logging direction" is vertical When "Logging direction" is horizontal

Device Name Device Name Data

Data Number of rows

Number of columns

The target cell range is determined by the number of logging devices and the "Number of data".

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-47

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

14 Set "Logging trigger".

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

Setting Basic Functions

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)
When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

15 To clear logging data by a trigger, check "Execute clear" and set "Clear trigger".

When "Clear" is checked, the contents of the target cell range are cleared at the occurrence of a trigger
Set "Clear trigger" in the same way as "Log trigger".

16 To specify a period of logging by a trigger, clear "Always execute" and set "Start trigger" and
"Stop trigger".

When "Always execute" is cleared, logging can be started and stopped at the occurrence of a trigger
event. Set "Start trigger" and "Stop trigger" in the same way as "Log trigger".

2-48 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

17 At "Processing after complete", set the processing after logging until the end of the target cell

Scroll 2
Old data is shifted one by one and new data is inserted into the last row or column.

Setting Basic Functions

The oldest data at the first row or column is deleted.
Worksheet movement
A new sheet is created and logging data is collected from the same target cell range on the first
The sheet name is created by adding a numeric value to the original sheet name.
Original sheet: Sheet 1
First sheet to be created: Sheet1_1 Monitor
Second sheet to be created: Sheet1_2 Logging

Real time Logging

Data Folder

Point Alarm
• On the new sheet, only settings about logging are created and other cell values or
Change setting
formats are not copied.
• If there is already a sheet of the same name, data is overwritten on cells in the logging

Logging data is cleared and logging starts again from the first row or column.
Logging data is maintained and logging starts again from the first row or column.
Logging is finished. Logging data is not cleared.
Clear after printing
After a sheet with logging settings is printed, logging data is cleared.
Logging starts again from the first row or column.
Clear after saving
After saving, logging data is cleared and logging starts again from the first.
Click "Save options" and set saving.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-49

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Item Contents
File Name Enter a storage file name.
Storage Folder Set a storage folder.

Storage Format Select a storage file format.

Operation mode Set whether to save data by overwriting or in time series.

2 Point
At the setting of logging, "Save option" is set by each logging function. The extended
Setting Basic Functions

function "Auto save setting" is set for each Excel book.

Reference For details about each setting item, see "Auto save setting" (Page 3-2).

18 To notify the PLC of the completion of logging, click "Complete options".

The "Complete flag setting" window is displayed.

When "Notification completed" is checked, a completion notification device can be set.

19 Select information to add.

When this is checked, a trigger event occurrence date recording column (row) is created on the left
side of (above) "Target cell range".
If this is set together with "Time", the column (row) is created on the left side of (above) the time.
This is not checked in default.
When this is checked, a trigger event occurrence time recording column (row) is created on the left
side of (above) "Target cell range".
If this is set together with "Date", the column (row) is created on the right side of (below) the date.
This is not checked in default.
Item display
When this is checked, a device name row (column) is created on the left side of (above) "Target cell
When the above Date and Time are added, their item labels are displayed.
This is checked in default.

* () indicates the operation when "Logging direction" is Horizontal.

2-50 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Check all of "Date", "Time", and "Item display".
When "Logging direction" is Vertical When "Logging direction" is Horizontal

Date Time Device Name Date
Time Data
Device Name 2

Setting Basic Functions

"Target cell range" is the range including the cells of the above additional information.

20 Click "OK".
The logging function is set to the cells.


Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

When "Create comments" is checked, comments are added to a target cell.

"Create Comments" (Page 3-50)
When "Add border" is checked, a target cell is ruled.
"Add Border" (Page 3-54)

Reference If a target cell is overlapping another setting area, an overwrite confirmation dialog box is

Click "Yes" to overwrite the existing setting.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-51

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

• No setting is possible during communication.
• For setting, at least one connection destination needs to be set.

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

• When a cell is being edited, none of setting windows can be opened.
• To modify an existing setting, use the change setting function.
2 "Change Settings" (Page 2-100)

• If a new logging setting is created when such an object as a graph is selected, the target or starting
Setting Basic Functions

cell becomes blank.

• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If the
display format in the cell format settings is changed later, data may not be displayed normally.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If a
large cell range is set, the file size may become several megabytes or greater at saving.
• If there is too much data to set, it may take time until the setting is completed. The time required for
setting depends on the performance of your computer.
• Values are not updated if the set sheet is protected.
• If a sheet is protected or a book is shared, none of the settings can be executed.
• If communication is stopped during logging, logging starts not from the interrupted point in the target
cell range but from the beginning at the start of the next communication.
• If the actual communication period is longer than the set logging trigger period, the target cell
becomes blank.
• If the set logging trigger period is shorter than the computer processing time, no data is added to the
target cell because trigger event occurrence is missed.
• A trigger event may be missed if it occurs during processing after end.
• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.

2-52 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Real time logging

In logging (Page 2-40), data is collected and managed by Add-ins to Excel. If file access increases the

CPU load, however, data then may be lost. In real time logging, a temporary increase of computer load
does not cause a data loss because data is collected and managed in a PLC.
Trigger, Device, Logging Start/Stop, Clear Trigger and Operation after Logging can be set in almost the
same way as for Logging (Page 2-40).
Differences from logging
• Only one destination can be set for each real time logging setting.

Setting Basic Functions

• More than one software program (Excel sheet, etc.) cannot execute real time logging on the same
• The number of real time logging devices is limited to 128.
• Real time logging can be started and stopped manually.
If real time logging is set for more than one PLC, however, every real time logging setting is initiated
at an executed at a start.
• The Simulator cannot be set as a connection destination of real time logging setting.
• Only the KV-7500/7300/5500/5000/3000 and the KV Nano Series can be set as a connection Monitor
destination of real time log setting.

KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT KV-SAD04 Real time Logging

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Data Folder
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Logic Controller
V0+ Alarm

Change setting


 Example of use
• Collecting measurement data
• Saving quality data

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-53

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Section Names and Functions

 Device setting

Set a logging device and its display.

2 Open the connection destination setting

Setting Basic Functions

Exchange the position of a selected

logging device.

Delete a selected logging device.

The device selection window opens.

Add a logging device.

Change the settings of a device

selected on the Log device list.

Item Contents
Connection Set a connection destination. 2-58
Log device list Display a list of set logging devices. 2-57
Target device Set the type and number of a target device. 2-58
When this is checked, a target device can be selected by
Use device comments 2-58
device comments read in advance.
For addition, set the number of devices to add by serial
Created quantity 2-58
Display format Set the logging device display format. 2-59

"Creating New Real Time Log Setting" (Page 2-57) Steps 3 to 9

2-54 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Trigger setting
Select a mode and set each trigger.


Setting Basic Functions

Set the bit device trigger condition by ON or
OFF. (More than one device can be set.)

Select a condition of combining bit device

and word device triggers.
Set the word device trigger condition by a Logging
value range. (,>,,<, ,=) Real time Logging

Data Folder


Reference Change setting

Item Contents
Select either Log mode or Tracing mode.
In Logging Mode, data collected in the PLC from the start of tracing
until the end is acquired and displayed.
Select mode In Trace Mode, logging data before and after the occurrence of a 2-62
PLC trigger event (specific event in PLC) that occurs after clicking of
the start tracing button is acquired and displayed. Once acquisition
is completed, status changes to Stop tracing.
Sampling period Set a sampling cycle. 2-62
The time necessary for acquiring the score of 100% data volume
after a trigger is displayed by seconds.
The maximum time necessary for acquiring all data after inputting a
Sampling buffer trigger is displayed.
period Sampling period multiplied by Score of 100% data volume after a
* If the sampling period is SCAN or Command Trigger (TRGD), a
mathematical expression is displayed.

"Creating New Real Time Log Setting" (Page 2-57) Steps 17 to 19

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-55

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Operation setting
Click the starting cell, the count of logging data, and each trigger.

Open the cell specification window.

Open the trigger setting window.
Setting Basic Functions

Item Contents
Specify the top-left corner cell of the cell range where logging is to
Starting cell 2-60
be set.
Target cell range Display the cell range where logging is to be set. 2-60
Number of data Set a data count to log. 2-60
When this is checked, log data is cleared at the occurrence of a
Execute clear 2-60
clear trigger event.
Clear trigger Set a trigger to clear log data. 2-60
When the check is cleared, the logging period can be determined by
Always execute 2-61
a trigger.
Start trigger Set a trigger to start logging. 2-61
Stop trigger Set a trigger to stop logging. 2-61
Processing after
Set processing after logging until the end of the target cell range. 2-61
Select information to add. 2-61

"Creating New Real Time Log Setting" (Page 2-57) Steps 10 to 16

2-56 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Creating New Real Time Log Setting

1 Select a starting cell or cell range to arrange new real time logging setting.

The cell range can be selected within the number of columns. Range selection in the row
direction is not reflected.
Reference The starting cell can also be specified at "Starting cell" in the "Real time log setting" dialog

Setting Basic Functions


2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "New real
time log (R)".
Different procedure

• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "New Real time log". Monitor

Real time log setting dialog box is displayed.
Real time Logging

3 Click the "Device setting" tab. Data Folder

Set a target device for real time logging and its display.
Change setting

Exchange the position of a selected logging


Delete a selected logging device.

The device selection window opens.

Add a logging device.

Change the settings of a device selected

on the Log device list.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-57

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

4 Select a connection destination.

When adding or modifying a "Connection", click "Settings".


Displays the "Connection" window.

Setting Basic Functions

After adding or modifying a connection destination, specify the connection destination to use and click
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

5 Select a type of target device and enter a device number.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

The "Select device" window explains the device input range and other.

"Appendices 4 Device List" (Page App-6)

Check "Use device comments" to select a target device by device comments.

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41)

6 Enter the number of devices to add by serial numbers into "Created quantity".

When DM00000 to DM00004 are set "Created quantity" becomes 5.
When only DM00000 is set, "Created quantity" becomes 1.

Any setting here is valid for addition only.

2-58 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

7 Select a display format and make necessary settings for the format.

The setting items differ depending on the selected device and display format.

Bit Device
The following items can be selected:

Setting Basic Functions

Item Contents
of display
0/1 Display the device status as 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). 1
Character The device status is displayed by an arbitrary character string. ON and
String OFF character strings can be set, respectively.

"Creating New Logging Setting" (Page 2-43) Step 7

8 Click "Add". Monitor

The set device is added to the Device List. Logging

Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

9 Repeat device setting as required.

Reference To change the set contents, select a device from the Log device list, change the settings,
and click "Change".

10 Click the Operation setting tab.

Click the starting cell, the count of logging data and each trigger.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-59

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

11 Click the cell specification button and specify "Starting cell" at the top-left corner of the cell
range to set by using the mouse. Direct input is also possible.

Cell specification button

2 When the cell specification button is pressed, the window below is displayed. You can specify "Starting
cell" and "Target cell range" by mouse dragging.
Setting Basic Functions

12 At "Number of data", set the number of rows or columns for logging.

The target cell range is determined by the number of logging devices and the "Number of data".

13 To clear logging data by a trigger, check "Execute clear" and set the "Clear trigger" settings.

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

Reference After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)
When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

2-60 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

14 When specifying a period of logging by a trigger, clear "Always execute" and set "Start trigger"
and "Stop trigger".

When "Always execute" is cleared, logging can be started or stopped at the occurrence of a trigger
Set "Start trigger" and "Stop trigger" in the same way as "Log trigger".
15 In "Processing after complete", set the processing after logging until the end of the target cell

Setting Basic Functions


Reference "Creating New Logging Setting" (Page 2-43) Step 17 Logging

Real time Logging

Point Data Folder
If "Tracing mode" is selected at "Select mode", scrolling, moving a sheet or clearing is the
same as end processing.
Change setting

16 Select information to add.

When this is checked, a data ID recording column is created on the left side of "Target cell range".
If this is set together with "Date", "Time" and "PLC trigger", the column is created on the left side of
the Date.
This is checked in default.
When this is checked, a trigger event occurrence date recording column is created on the left side of
"Target cell range".
If this is set together with "ID", "Time" and "PLC trigger", the column is created on the left side of the
This is not checked in default.
When this is checked, a trigger event occurrence time recording column is created on the left side of
"Target cell range".
If this is set together with "ID", "Date" and "PLC trigger", the column is created on the right side of
the Date.
This is not checked in default.
Item display
When this is checked, a device name row is created above "Target cell range".
When the above "ID", "Date" and "Time" are added, their item labels are displayed.
This is checked in default.
PLC trigger
This can be checked when the Tracing mode is selected at the Select mode.
When this is checked, a column is created on the left side of "Target cell range" where 1 is written
when the PLC trigger is an input data ID.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-61

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

If this is set together with "ID", "Date", and "Time", the column is created on the right side of the Time.
This is not checked in default.

Real time logging reads the time of the calendar timer on the CPU unit or the base unit and

adds information to it. The KV-N14** has no calendar timer function, so the date and time is
not read, "--/--/-- --:--:--" is displayed.

2 17 Click the Trigger setting tab.

Setting Basic Functions

18 Select a mode.

• Log mode
Data collected in the PLC from the start of logging until the end is acquired and displayed.
• Tracing mode
Logging data around a PLC trigger is acquired and displayed.

19 Set the sampling period.

In Tracing mode, set the post-trigger data volume and trigger condition.
Set the volume of data after a trigger (unit: %).

Set the trigger condition.

The trigger condition can be set by combining the statuses of multiple bit and word devices.
• Bit Device
Set the trigger condition by ON or OFF. (More than one device can be set.)
• Word Device
Set the trigger condition by value range. (, >,,<, ,=)

2-62 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

By checking sequentially from the top, set the

bit device and trigger condition (ON or OFF).

Select a condition of combining the triggers of
multiple bit devices.

Select a condition of combining bit device and

word device triggers. 2
Check this and set a word device.

Setting Basic Functions

Set a value to be compare with the word
device value.

Select a symbol for setting the range of word

device value. (, >,,<, ,=)

Point Logging
A trigger to select should be set in advance. Real time Logging

Data Folder

20 Click "OK". Alarm

Change setting
The real time logging function is set in the cell.

Reference If start trace trigger and stop trace trigger are not set at Step 14, tracing should be started
and stopped manually.

Starting Tracing
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Start tracing (R)".
Different procedure (Click ( ).

Stopping Tracing
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Stop tracing (P)".
Different procedure (Click ( ).

If tracing is started or stopped manually, all of the settings for real time logging are started
or stopped.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-63

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

• No setting is possible during communication.
• For setting, at least one connection destination needs to be set.

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

• When a cell is being edited, none of setting windows can be opened.
• To modify an existing setting, use the change setting function.
2 "Change Settings" (Page 2-100)

• If a new real time logging setting is created when such an object as a graph is created, the target or
Setting Basic Functions

starting cell becomes blank.

• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If the
display format in the cell format settings is changed later, data may not be displayed normally.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If a
large cell range is set, the file size may become several megabytes or greater at saving.
• If there is too much data to set, it may take time until the setting is completed. The time required for
setting depends on the performance of your computer.
• Values are not updated if the set sheet is protected.
• If a sheet is protected or a book is shared, none of the settings can be executed.
• If communication is stopped during logging, logging starts not from the interrupted point in the target
cell range but from the beginning at the start of the next communication.
• If the actual communication period is longer than the set logging trigger period, the target cell
becomes blank.
• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.
• In Log mode, if a communication takes too long, data may be lost because the internal buffer is
overwritten with new data before reading of the data buffered in PLC. In the Tracing mode, no data is

2-64 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Data folder

At the occurrence of a trigger event, values can be written from a pre-registered cell range into a PLC

device at a time. This makes rearrangement easy. It is also possible to read values from a PLC device
into a specified cell range at a time and register it as a record. This reduces the number of PLC internal
devices, the load on a ladder program and man-hour for the program creation. Specify the record for
reading or writing by record number or record comments.

Setting Basic Functions

Setting Read Record Number 1
Setting Read Record Comments FR234

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Record Number 1 2 3
Logic Controller
Comment FR234 MN521 AH321

Temperature 27 52 48

Amount of Feed 150 1200 230 Monitor

I3+ Product Count 2000 1500 2500 Logging

Real time Logging

Write Data Folder

Setting Write Record Number 3 Change setting
Setting Write Record Comments AH321

 Example of use
• Modifying such parameters as motor control point and speed
• Modifying processing conditions

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-65

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

About Specification of Record Number and Record Comments

Specify a record number from left or top as 1, 2, 3 n.

 Read (Connection destination  Personal computer)


 If the value of the "Record No. specifying cell" is other than "0"

2 Data is read into the record of the value specified in the "Record No. specifying cell". Then the
character string of the "Record comments specifying cell" is read as a comment on the record.
If a non-existing record number other than "0" is specified, read is not executed.
Setting Basic Functions

 If the value of the "Record No. specifying cell" is "0"

Records are searched in the ascending order of record number for a record matching the character
string set at the "Record comments specifying cell". If a matching record is found, data is read into
the record. If such a record is not found, records are searched in the ascending order of record
number for an empty record (*) and data is stored there. The character string of the "Record
comments specifying cell" is read as a comment on the empty record. If there are no empty records,
data is not read.

 Write (Personal computer Connection destination)

 If the value of the "Record No. specifying cell" is other than "0"
A record of the value at the "Record No. specifying cell" is written into the PLC. The "Record
comments specifying cell" is not browsed for a character string. If a non-existing record number
other than "0" is specified, data is not written.

 If the value of the "Record No. specifying cell" is "0"

Records are searched in the ascending order of record number for a record matching the character
string set at the "Record comments specifying cell". If a matching record is found, it is written into the
PLC. If such a record is not found, no record is written.

* Empty record: Record totally free of record comments and data

2-66 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Section Names and Functions

 Device setting

Set a data folder execution device and its display.

Setting Basic Functions

When selecting a data folder device, select
setting by device number or sensor


Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

 When "Set up via device" is selected

Item Contents
Data folder device list A list of set data folder device is displayed. 2-71
Connection Set a connection destination. 2-72
Target device Set the type and number of a target device. 2-72
When this is checked, a target device can be selected by
Use device comments 2-72
device comments read in advance.
For addition, set the number of devices to add by serial
Created quantity 2-73
Display format Set the display format of the data folder device. 2-73

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-67

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 When "Set up via sensor parameter" is selected


Setting Basic Functions

Item Contents
Connection Set a connection destination. 2-81
Support information Set import support information. 2-81
Display format Set the display format of the data folder device. 2-81
Update import support Display "Read import support information" and read new
information import support information.
Register all read import support information in the data
Batch Add 2-82
folder device.

For setting by sensor parameters, it is necessary to read import support information.
"Import support information reading procedure" (Page 3-44)

For the data folder setting procedure, see below.

"Creating New Data Folder Setting" (Page 2-71) Steps 3 to 9

2-68 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Operation setting
Set the starting cell, the number of record, each trigger and the record No. specification cell.

Open the cell specification window.

Setting Basic Functions

Open the trigger setting window.



Real time Logging

Data Folder


Reference Change setting

Item Contents
Select the direction of device and record from
Direction setting 2-75
row or column.
Specify the top-left corner cell of the cell range for
Starting cell 2-75
data folder setting.
Target cell range Display the cell range for data folder setting. 2-75
Number of records Set the necessary number of records. 2-75
Read Read data at a time. 2-76
Write Write data at a time. 2-76
Read/Write Read and write data at a time. 2-76
Trigger Set a data folder execution trigger. 2-76
Record No. Specify a cell to browse for a record number to
Read setting 2-77
specifying cell execute a data folder.
Write setting
Record comments Specify a cell to browse for record comments to
specifying cell execute a data folder.
Information addition Select information to add. 2-78

"Creating New Data Folder Setting" (Page 2-71) Steps 10 to 18

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-69

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Complete notification setting

Make setting to notify the connection destination of the completion of data folder execution.

Setting Basic Functions

Name Explanation
When this is checked, the target device becomes ON at the
Notification completed 2-79
completion of execution.
Connection Set a connection destination to notify of completion. 2-79
Turn the target device OFF at the start of data folder
Reset at the beginning 2-80
Set the type and number of a completion notification bit
Target device 2-80
When this is checked, a target device can be selected by
Use device comments 2-80
device comments read in advance.

"Creating New Data Folder Setting" (Page 2-71) Steps 19 to 22

2-70 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Creating New Data Folder Setting

1 Select a starting cell or cell range to arrange data folder setting.

Reference The starting cell can also be specified at "Starting cell" in the "Data folder setting" dialog

The cell range can be selected within the number of columns. Range selection in the row 2
direction is not reflected.

Setting Basic Functions

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "New data
folder (D)".
Different procedure

• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "New data folder".
The Data folder setting dialog box is displayed.

3 Click the "Device setting" tab. Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

Exchange the position of a selected

data folder device.

Delete a selected data folder device.

Open the connection destination setting

The device selection window opens.
Add a data folder device.

Change the settings of a device selected

from the data folder device list.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-71

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

4 Select "Connection".
When adding or changing "Connection", click "Set".
Displays the "Connection" window.

Setting Basic Functions

After adding or changing a connection destination, specify a connection destination to use and click
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

5 Select a type of target device and enter a device number.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

The "Select device" window explains the device input range and other.

"Appendices 4 Device List" (Page App-6)

Check "Use device comments" to select a target device by device comments.

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41)

2-72 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

6 Enter the number of devices to add by serial numbers into "Created quantity".

Setting here is valid at new creation only.

7 Select a display format and make necessary settings for the format. 2

Setting Basic Functions

The setting items differ depending on the selected device and display format.

Bit device
The following items can be selected:
Example Monitor
Item Contents
of display Logging

Real time Logging

0/1 Display the device status as 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). 1
Data Folder
Character The device status is displayed by an arbitrary character string.
Stop Alarm
String ON and OFF character strings can be set, respectively.
Change setting

Word device
The following items can be selected:
Item Contents
of display
Unsigned Binary Data length: One or two words (Unsigned decimal) 1234
Signed Binary Data length: One or two words (Signed decimal) - 3568
HEX Data length: One or two words (Hexadecimal) AB5E
BCD Data length: One or two words 7865
Binary Data length: One or two words 10001001
Floating-point Real
Data length: Two words fixed 12.584
Character String (Shift JIS) Data length: 1 to 64 words AB

About the storage format when character string is selected

Item Contents
Standard Continuous character string data starting with the target word device
Continuous character string data where the upper and lower bytes are replaced
each other
Upper only Character string data of the upper bytes only
Lower only Character string data of the lower bytes only

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-73

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Character string data stored to indicate ABCD on cells
Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4

Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower

Usual A B C D — — — —
Upper/Lower B A D C — — — —
2 Upper only A ** B ** C ** D **
Lower only ** A ** B ** C ** D
Setting Basic Functions

When "Device increment" is checked, the device number is set incrementally according to
the setting of "Word Length". If two cells are selected, "Target device" is set to DM00000
and data length to two words, for example, "Target device" of the second cell becomes

8 Click "Add".
The Set device in Data Folder is added to the Device List.

9 Repeat device setting as required.

Reference To change the set contents, select a device from the data folder device list, change the
settings, and click "Change".

10 Click the "Operation setting" tab.

Set the starting cell, record count, each trigger and the record No. specifying cell.

2-74 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

11 At "Direction setting", select either the row or the column direction for device and record

12 Click the cell specification button and specify "Starting cell" at the top-left corner of the cell
range to set by using the mouse. Direct input is also possible. 2

Setting Basic Functions

Cell specification button

When the cell specification button is pressed, the window below is displayed. You can specify "Starting
cell" and "Target cell range" by mouse dragging.



Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

13 Enter the necessary number of records into "Number of records".

The target cell range is determined by the number of data folder devices and the number of records.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-75

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

14 Set operation mode.


2 mode
Data Flow

Read Connection destination  Personal computer

Setting Basic Functions

Write Connection destination  Personal computer

Read/Write Connection destination Personal computer

The setting items differ depending on the set operation mode.

Cell specification button Cell specification button

15 Set each "trigger".

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)

When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

2-76 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

16 Click the cell specification button and set the "Record No. specifying cell".
Read setting
Set a cell to specify a record number for storing a read device value.

Write setting
Set a cell to specify a record number for writing into a registered device.

• Make sure that the "Record No. specifying cell" does not overlap with the "Target cell
range" or the "Record comments specifying cell".
• Specify the "Record No. specifying cell" on the same sheet as the "Starting cell".

Setting Basic Functions

17 Click the cell specification button and set the "Record comments specifying cell".
Read setting
Set the record comment specification cell for reading.
Write setting
Set the record comment specification cell for writing. Monitor


Reference For the relationship between record No. and record comments, see "About Real time Logging

Data Folder
Specification of Record Number and Record Comments" (Page 2-66).

Change setting
• Make sure that the "Record comments specifying cell" does not overlap with the "Target
cell range" or the "Record No. specifying cell".
• Specify the "Record comments specifying cell" on the same sheet as the "Starting cell".

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-77

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

18 Select information to add.


When this is checked, a trigger event occurrence date recording column (row) is created on the right

side of (below) "Target cell range".
If this is set together with "Time" and "Operation status", the column (row) is created on the left side
of (above) the Time.
This is not checked by default.
Setting Basic Functions

When this is checked, a trigger event occurrence time recording column (row) is created on the right
side of (below) "Target cell range".
If this is set together with "Date" and "Operation status", the column (row) is created between the
Date and the Operation status.
This is not checked by default.
Operation status
When this is checked, a data execution status recording column (row) is created on the right side of
(below) "Target cell range".
If this is set together with "Date" and "Time", the column (row) is created on the right side of (below)
the Time.
This is not checked by default.
Item Display
When this is checked, a record No. and device name column (row) is created on the left side of
(above) "Target cell range".
When the above Date, Time and Operation status are added, their item labels are displayed.
This is checked by default.
* () indicates the operation when "Direction setting" is set to position the record above.

Check all of "Date", "Time", "Operation status", and "Item display".

"Direction setting": Record on the left "Direction setting": Record above

No. Comments Device Name Date Time Operation Record Number. 1 2 3

2 Device Name
3 Date

"Target cell range" is the range including the cells of the additional information above.

2-78 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

19 Click the "Complete notification setting" tab.

Make a setting to notify the connection destination of the completion of data folder execution.

For no notification of completion, clear the "Notification completed" check box and click

"OK" to finish setting of the data folder.

Setting Basic Functions



Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

20 Check the "Notification completed" check box.

The Complete notification device setting column becomes valid.

21 Select a connection destination.

When adding or modifying a "Connection", click "Settings".

Since the "Connection" window is displayed, add or modify connection destination settings, select a
connection destination to use, and click "Select".
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-79

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

22 Select an "Target device" type and enter its number.


"Appendices 4 Device List" (Page App-6)

Check "Use device comments" to select a target device by device comments.

Setting Basic Functions

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41)

When "Reset at the beginning" is checked, the "Target device" is turned OFF at the start of data folder

23 Click "OK".
The data folder function is set to the cell.

When "Create comments" is checked, comments are added to a target cell.

"Create Comments" (Page 3-50)

When "Add border" is checked, a target cell is ruled.

"Add Border" (Page 3-54)

If the target cell range is overlapping with another setting area, an overwrite confirmation
dialog box is displayed.

Click "Yes" to overwrite the existing setting.

2-80 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Creating New Data Folder Setting

(When set up via sensor parameter is selected)
This section explains the procedure when set up via sensor parameter is selected.

1 Select a starting cell or cell range to arrange the data folder setting.
Reference The starting cell can also be specified at "Starting cell" in the "Data folder setting" dialog
box. 2

Setting Basic Functions

The cell range can be selected within the number of columns. Range selection in the row
direction is not reflected.

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "Data folder
Different procedure
• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "New data folder". Real time Logging

The "Set Data Folder" window is displayed. Data Folder

Check "Set up via sensor parameter". Change setting

If no import support information is set, the "Read import support information" window is displayed.
Select a file and a connection destination and click "Read".

"Import support information reading procedure" (Page 3-44)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-81

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

4 Click "Batch add".

When the following dialog box is displayed, click "Yes".

Based on import support information, a target device is set on the data folder device list.
Setting Basic Functions

Reference For operation and other settings, see "Creating New Data Folder Setting" (Page 2-
71) Steps 10 to 23.

2-82 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

• No setting is possible during communication.
• For setting, at least one connection destination needs to be set.

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)
• When a cell is being edited, none of setting windows can be opened.
• To modify an existing setting, use the change setting function.
"Change Settings" (Page 2-100) 2
• If a new data folder setting is created when an object such as a graph is created, the target or starting

Setting Basic Functions

cell becomes blank.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If the
display format in the cell format settings is changed later, data may not be displayed normally.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If a
large cell range is set, the file size may become several megabytes or greater at saving.
• If there is too much data to set, it may take time until the setting is completed. The time required for
setting depends on the performance of your computer.
• If the record comments specifying cell is blank when the write data folder is executed with record No.
0, a record with no comments is searched for. Monitor

• If the record comments specifying cell is blank when the read data folder is executed with record No. Logging

0, data is read with no comments. Real time Logging

• Clear the cell of the target record at the start of read data folder execution. Data Folder

• Time displayed in the update date and time column becomes the read start time at read or the write Alarm

end time at write. Change setting

• Make sure that the record No. specifying cell, record comments specifying cell, and target cell range
do not overlap.
• Make sure that the record No. specifying cell, record comments specifying cell, and target cell range
are on the same sheet.
• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.
• If a result of operation by a mathematical expression is written, the value may not become an integer
because of an operational error and a write error may occur. To solve this problem, add an INT
• If the target device is a bit device and the display format is character string, a set character string
cannot be written into the PLC. Be sure to enter "0" or "1".
• Even if a value is written into a device that cannot be written into or is always written into by a ladder
program, the value written in a cell cannot be updated.
• If a trigger event occurs during data folder execution, data may be lost. To confirm current execution
in the PLC, use the end notification (enabling reset also at the start).
• At the reading of a character string from the record comments specifying cell as a comment on the
record, the displayed character string is read as it is.
When #### is displayed (narrow column width), the record comment is ####.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-83

2-6 Setting Basic Functions


This is a function to monitor the statuses of registered alarm devices and display the alarm count,

accumulated time and messages individually set to devices.

Up to 256 alarm devices (4096 points max) can be registered.
Up to 4800 alarms and recovery information are recorded.

2 There are the following three alarm display modes:

• Log
Setting Basic Functions

A history of up to 4800 alarms is displayed.

Past alarms can be checked.

• Real time
Only the current alarm is displayed.
The current alarm can be checked by real time.

• Resolution
The statuses of all registered alarm devices are displayed.
Since data can be rearranged automatically in the order of alarm count and accumulated time, this is
useful for Pareto chart creation and other data analysis.

 Example of use
• Real time alarm monitoring
• Alarm history
• Pareto chart

2-84 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Section Names and Functions

 Alarm setting

Make settings about alarm display.

Open the cell specification window.


Setting Basic Functions

Open the trigger setting window.



Real time Logging

Open the alarm system window. Data Folder


Change setting

Item Contents
Starting cell Specify the top-left corner cell of a cell range for alarm setting. 2-95
Target cell range Display a cell range for alarm setting. 2-95
Connection filter Select a connection destination for alarm display. 2-95
When this is checked, alarm data is cleared at the occurrence of a
Execute clear 2-95
clear trigger event.
Clear trigger Set a trigger to clear alarm data. 2-95
Display mode Select the alarm display mode. 2-96
Sorting condition Select a condition to determine the display order of alarm data. 2-96
Number of data Set the alarm display data count. 2-96
Information addition Select information to add to display data. 2-97
State display form Set the alarm status display format. 2-98

"Creating New Alarm" (Page 2-94)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-85

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Alarm system setting

 Device setting
Set settings for alarm device and operation.

Exchange the position of a selected
Setting Basic Functions

alarm device.

Delete a selected alarm device.

Add an alarm device.

Changes the set contents of a device
selected on the alarm device list.

Opens the trigger setting window.

Item Contents
Alarm device list Display a list of set alarm devices. 2-88
Connection Set a connection destination. 2-89
Target device Set the type and number of a target device. 2-89
When this is checked, a target device can be selected by
Use device comments 2-89
device comments read in advance.
For addition, set the number of devices to add by serial
Created quantity 2-90
Alarm condition Select the alarm trigger detection condition. 2-91
Alarm trigger Set the alarm detection trigger. 2-91

" Setting Alarm System" (Page 2-88) Steps 1 to 9

2-86 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Message setting
Set an alarm message.

Edit a selected alarm message.

Exchange the position of a selected

alarm message.

Setting Basic Functions

Import the contents of a specified cell
range as an alarm message.

Import alarm messages.

Export alarm messages. Monitor


Real time Logging

Data Folder
Item Contents Alarm
Page Change setting

Alarm message list Display a list of set alarm messages. 2-92

"Setting Alarm System" (Page 2-88) Steps 10 to 15

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-87

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Setting Alarm System

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "Alarm system setting (A)".
The "Alarm system setting" window is displayed.

Different procedure
Click "Set System" on the "Set Alarm" window.

2 2 Click the "Setting device" tab.

Make settings about alarm device and operation.
Setting Basic Functions

Exchange the position of a selected

alarm device.

Delete a selected alarm device.

Add an alarm device.

Modify the contents of a device
selected on the alarm device list.

Open the Set Trigger window.

2-88 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

3 Select a "Connection".

When adding or modifying a "Connection", click "Settings".
Displays the "Connection" window.

Setting Basic Functions


After adding or modifying a connection destination, specify the destination to use and click "Select". Logging

Real time Logging

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)
Data Folder

4 Select a type of target device and enter a device number. Alarm

Change setting

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

The "Select device" window explains the device input range and other.

"Appendices 4 Device List" (Page App-6)

Check "Use device comments" to select a target device by device comments.

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-89

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

5 Enter the number of devices to add by serial numbers into "Created quantity".

"Created quantity" for setting from 00000 to 00004 is "5".
"Created quantity" for setting 00000 only is "1".

Any setting here is valid for addition only.
Setting Basic Functions

6 Click "Add".
The set device is added to the device list.

Reference If "Target device" is set to "Word" for addition, 16 alarms are registered per device to be

7 Repeat device setting as required.

Reference To modify the set contents, select a device to modify on the alarm device list, modify the
settings and click "Change".

2-90 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

8 Select "Alarm conditions".

Set whether ON or OFF of the device is to be detected as an alarm status and the condition for

recording as a log. The following items can be selected:

Item Contents

An alarm occurs when the device status is ON. This is recorded as a log at the start
of alarm occurrence (device rise) only.

Setting Basic Functions

An alarm occurs when the device status is OFF. This is recorded as a log at the start
OFF Down
of alarm occurrence (device fall) only.
An alarm occurs when the device status is ON. This is recorded as a log at the start
ON UpDown
of alarm occurrence (device rise) and at recovery (device fall).

9 Set "Alarm trigger".


Set the alarm device status read timing. Logging

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting. Real time Logging

Data Folder


Change setting

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)

When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-91

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

10 Click the "Message setting" tab.

Set a message for each alarm device.

Edit a selected alarm message.

2 Exchange the position of a selected
alarm message.
Setting Basic Functions

Import the contents of a specified cell

range as an alarm message.

Import alarm messages.

Export alarm messages.

Reference • By clicking "Read from cell", the contents of the first column in a selected cell range can
be imported as an alarm message. Messages are entered sequentially from the first row
and ones already registered are overwritten.

• By clicking "Export", an alarm message setting can be stored in the following CSV file
(Contents of CSV file)

• When "Import" is clicked, a message is read from a CSV file exported in advance.
Messages are entered sequentially from the first row and ones already registered are
overwritten. Device settings are not imported. Each message is read up to 100
characters. An alarm message exported by "VT STUDIO" can also be imported.
( "image" "VT STUDIO Reference Manual" "8-4 Setting an Alarm System")

2-92 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

11 Click "No." to enter a message.

The clicked row is inverted.


Setting Basic Functions

12 Click "Change".
The "Message setting" window is displayed.



Real time Logging

13 Enter a message and click "OK". Data Folder

Messages are registered on the Alarm message list. Alarm

Change setting

Reference A message can be entered up to 100 single-byte characters.

14 Likewise, enter messages of other "numbers" as well.

15 Click "OK".
Alarm system settings are confirmed.

Reference When a word device is registered, set a message for each bit.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-93

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Creating New Alarm

1 Select a starting cell or a cell to be arranged range for alarm setting.


The cell range can be selected within the number of rows. Range selection in the column
direction is not reflected.
Reference The starting cell can also be specified at "Starting cell" in the "Alarm setting" dialog box.
Setting Basic Functions

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> Select "New
alarm (A)".
Different procedure

• Click .
• From the right-click menu, select "New alarm (A)".

The Alarm setting window is displayed.

Reference If the alarm system setting is not complete, click "System setting" to open the "Alarm
system setting" window. After setting, click "OK" to return to the "Alarm setting" window.
"Setting Alarm System" (Page 2-88)

Open the cell specification window.

Open the trigger setting window.

Open the alarm system window.

2-94 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

3 Click the cell specification button and specify "Starting cell" at the top-left corner of the cell
range to set by using the mouse. Direct input is also possible.

Cell specification button
When the cell specification button is pressed, the window below is displayed. You can specify "Starting
cell" and "Target cell range" by mouse dragging.

Setting Basic Functions


Set "Connection filter" and select a connection destination to display its alarm status. Logging

Real time Logging

Data Folder

A device registered by alarm system setting can be selected as a connection destination. Change setting

5 To clear alarm data by a trigger, check "Execute clear" and set "Clear trigger".
Reference When clear command is executed, the history data, alarm count, accumulated time and
last alarm date and time are cleared.

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)
When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-95

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

6 Select "Display mode".

According to the selected display mode, the selectable items at "Sorting conditions", the maximum
value of "Number of data" and the default of "Information addition" differ.

Display mode Function
Setting Basic Functions

A history of up to 4800 alarms is displayed.

Past alarms can be checked.
Only the current alarm is displayed.
Real time
The current alarm can be checked by real time.
The statuses of all registered alarm devices are displayed.
Resolution Since data can be rearranged automatically in order of alarm count and accumulated
time, this is useful for Pareto chart creation and other data analysis.

7 Select "Sorting conditions".

Selected items are automatically arranged in the ascending order of count.

Display mode Selectable Item

History Time
Real time Time, Alarm No., Count, Accumulated time
Analysis Time, Alarm No., Count, Accumulated time

8 At "Number of data", set the number of rows for alarm display.

Display mode Setting Range

History 1 to 4800
Real time 1 to 4096
Analysis 1 to 4096

2-96 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

9 Select additional items for display, other than alarm messages.

Display mode Default
History Date, Time, Alarm No., Status, Count, Item display 2
Real time Date, Time, Alarm No., Count, Item display

Setting Basic Functions

Resolution Alarm No., Count, Accumulated time, Item display

When this is checked, an alarm date column is created on the left side of the alarm message
column. The last alarm date is shown when the display mode is "Real time" or "Resolution".
When this is checked, an alarm time column is created on the left side of the alarm message
column. The last alarm time is shown when the display mode is "Real time" or "Resolution". Monitor

Alarm No.
Real time Logging
When this is checked, an alarm No. column is created on the left side of the alarm message column.
Data Folder

Connection destination Alarm

When this is checked, an alarm device connection destination column is created on the left side of Change setting
the alarm message column.
When this is checked, an alarm device status column is created on the right side of the alarm
When this is checked, an alarm count column is created on the right side of the alarm message
Accumulated time
When this is checked, a total alarm duration recording column is created on the right side of the
alarm message column. The accumulated time is updated every five seconds.
Item display
When this is checked, an item name row is created at the top of "Target cell range".

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-97

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Check all of "Date", "Time", "Alarm No.", "Destination", "Status", "Count", "Total
Duration", and "Item Display".

Date Time Alarm No. Destination Alarm Status Count Total Duration

Setting Basic Functions

Always created

"Target cell range" is the range including the cells of the above additional information.

10 Select "State display form".

When "0/1" is selected, the alarm status is indicated by 0 or 1.

When "Character string" is selected, enter character strings into "ON string" and "OFF string".
The character string of "ON string" is displayed instead of 1 and that of "OFF string" is displayed
instead of 0.

Setting at "State display form" is valid only when "Status" of "Information addition" is

11 Click "OK".
The alarm function is set to the cell.

Reference If a target cell is overlapping with another setting area, an overwrite confirmation dialog
box is displayed.

Click "Yes" to overwrite the existing setting.

2-98 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

• No setting is possible during communication.
• For setting, at least one connection destination needs to be set.

"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)
• Up to 256 alarm settings can be set per book.
• When a cell is being edited, none of setting windows can be opened.
• To modify settings, use the change setting function. 2
"Change Settings" (Page 2-100)

Setting Basic Functions

• If a new alarm is created when an object such as a graph is created, the target or starting cell
becomes blank.
• When the status display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be
changed. If the display format in the cell format settings is changed later, data may not be displayed
• When the status display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be
changed. If a large cell range is set, the file size may become several megabytes or greater at
• If there is too much data to set, it may take time until the setting is completed. The time required for Monitor

setting depends on the performance of your computer. Logging

• Values are not updated if the set sheet is protected. Real time Logging

• If a sheet is protected or a book is shared, none of the settings can be executed. Data Folder

• The alarm history, alarm count, accumulated time, and occurrence time are not cleared at the start of Alarm

communication. Change setting

• If the actual communication period is longer than the set alarm trigger period, an alarm device is
monitored only at every communication period.
• The update period for accumulated time is five seconds.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-99

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

Change Settings

Change the contents of a cell where a basic function is set.


 Changing the set contents of a single cell

2 Select a cell where a basic function is set.
Setting Basic Functions

Logging, data folder or alarm should always be selected with the starting cell.

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "Change
setting (H)".
Different procedure

• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Change setting".
The setting dialog box of each basic function is displayed.
* For the contents of each setting, see below.
"Monitor" (Page 2-28)
"Logging" (Page 2-40)
"Real time logging" (Page 2-53)
"Data folder" (Page 2-65)
"Alarm" (Page 2-84)

2-100 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

 Change the set contents of multiple cells at a time.

1 Select more than one cell where the same basic function is set.


Setting Basic Functions

• The batch modification function is available only when the same basic function is
selected several times.
• Logging, data folder, or alarm should always be selected with the starting cell.

Reference To select all basic functions in a sheet, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" ->
"(Each Basic Function) Select all settings".
"Select All Monitor Settings" (Page 2-133)
"Select All Logging Settings" (Page 2-133)
Real time Logging

"Select All Real Time Log Settings" (Page 2-134) Data Folder

"Select All Data Folder Settings" (Page 2-134)
Change setting
"Select All Alarm Settings" (Page 2-135)

2 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "Change
setting (H)".
Different procedure

• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Change setting".

The setting dialog box of each basic function is displayed.

Setting Items allowing batch modification
Change connection destination (Only when the settings are identical)
Read trigger
Write trigger
Display format (Not when bit and word devices are mixed)
Logging trigger
Clear trigger
Start trigger (Not when ""Always execute" is set)
Stop trigger (Not when ""Always execute" is set)
Clear trigger
Real time
Start trigger
Stop trigger
Read trigger
Data folder
Write trigger

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-101

2-6 Setting Basic Functions

* Alarm settings cannot be modified at a time.

For the contents of each setting, see below.

"Monitor" (Page 2-28)


"Logging" (Page 2-40)

"Real time logging" (Page 2-53)

2 "Data folder" (Page 2-65)

"Alarm" (Page 2-84)

Setting Basic Functions

2-102 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting
Set the operation timing for each function of KV COM+ for Excel. Trigger settings can be shared
between functions and saved as a trigger list for each Excel book.

About Trigger Types

There are five trigger types available to KV COM+ for Excel. 2

 Cycle

Trigger Setting
Set timing by time cycle.
"Cyclic Trigger" (Page 2-104)

Every second

 Time
Set timing by time or time range.
"Time Trigger" (Page 2-107)

Every hour on the half hour

 Device
Set timing by the rising edge, falling (), falling edge () both edges () ON, or OFF of bit device.
"Device Trigger" (Page 2-112)

 for Relay (R) 1000

 Button
Create and set a button that can be clicked on Excel.
"Button Trigger" (Page 2-118)

Write Setting button

 Combination
Combine and set two of the triggers above. (AND/OR)
"Combination Trigger" (Page 2-123)

Every 10 seconds when Relay (R) 1001 is ON

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-103

2-7 Trigger Setting

Cyclic Trigger

 What is cyclic trigger?


This trigger is generated at regular time intervals.

After the set period of time elapses, a function set with this trigger is executed once.

2 Example
When 100 ms is set
Trigger ON
Trigger Setting

Trigger OFF
100msec 100msec 100msec
Start Communication

 Setting a cyclic trigger

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".
The "Trigger list" window opens.

Different procedure
• Click .
• Click "Trigger setting" at the setting operation of each function.

2 Click the "number" where to register the trigger.

The clicked row is inverted.

2-104 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

3 Click "Settings".
The "Trigger setting" window opens.


Trigger Setting
Reference Double-clicking the number at Step 2 opens the "Trigger setting" window.

4 Select the cyclic trigger and click "Next".

The contents of "Trigger setting" window changes to time period trigger setting.

Name Explanation
Period Set a trigger period.
Comment Enter trigger comments.
Options Open the set up write complete flag window.

5 Set the period.

The unit and value selection ranges are as follows:

Item Contents
msec 10 to 2147483647 milliseconds
sec 1 to 2147483 seconds
min 1 to 35791 minutes
hour 1 to 596 hours

The minimum unit of setting is 10 msec. The actual permissible trigger period differ
depending on the computer performance and load factor, the number of units connected,
the communication settings and the number of devices registered in the book.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-105

2-7 Trigger Setting

6 Enter trigger comments into "Comment".

Comment can be given up to 128 single-byte characters.

7 For the notification of the writing of device value to the PLC, click "Options".

The "Set up write complete flag" window is displayed.
Trigger Setting

Item Contents
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the "Destination list" window.
Reset at the beginning Check this for reset at start.
Target device Select a target device.
Refer to The device selection window opens.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.

When the "Notify write end" check box is checked, a completion notification device can be set.
Click "OK".

8 Click "Register".
The "Trigger list" window displays registered triggers.

2-106 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

Time Trigger

 What is time trigger?

This trigger event is generated at specified intervals or in specified time range.
 Time
Every condition set time, a function set with this trigger is executed once.

Trigger Setting
When 12:30 is set (other item conditions ignored)
Trigger ON

Trigger OFF

ON (level)
For a condition set time, a function set with this trigger is executed.
When 12:30 is set (other item conditions ignored)
Trigger ON

Trigger OFF
12:30 12:31

The trigger event is generated continuously for one minute from 12:30 every day.

When 30 seconds is set (other item conditions ignored)

Trigger ON

Trigger OFF
30 seconds 31 seconds 30 seconds 31 seconds

The trigger event is generated continuously for one second every minute on the half minute.

 Time range
For a set time range, a function set with this trigger is executed.
When 09:00 to 17:00 is set
Trigger ON

Trigger OFF
09:00 17:00

If time ON (level) trigger and time range trigger are set independently to each function, the
trigger events are generated continuously. This increases the computer load. It is
recommended to combine several independent triggers together.
"Combination Trigger" (Page 2-123)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-107

2-7 Trigger Setting

 Time trigger setting

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".
The "Trigger list" window opens.

Trigger Setting

Different procedure
• Click .
• Click "Trigger setting" at the setting operation of each function.

2 Click a "number" where to register the trigger.

The clicked row is inverted.

3 Click "Settings".
The "Trigger setting" window opens.

Reference At Step 2, double-click "No." to open the "Trigger setting" window.

2-108 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

4 Select the time trigger and click "Next".

The contents of "Trigger setting" window changes to time trigger setting.

Every condition set time, the trigger
event is generated once.
For a condition set time, this trigger

Trigger Setting
event is generated continuously.

Name Explanation
Type Select Time or Time range.
Conditions Select the condition of trigger occurrence from (rising edge) and ON (level).
Ignore Check items are not set as conditions.
Comments Enter trigger comments.
Options Open the set up write complete flag window.

Specify the trigger ON time range.

5 Select a type.

The following types can be selected:

• Time
• Time range

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-109

2-7 Trigger Setting

6 Set "Time" or "Time range".

Setting for one-minute execution from 15 minutes every hour

Trigger Setting

Setting for single execution at 12:00 on weekday

Time range
Setting for execution from 9:00:00 until 17:00:00

The trigger event is generated continuously for a specified time range.

Reference The time range may be across 00:00 (midnight), for example from 23:00:00 until 3:00:00.

2-110 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

7 Enter trigger comments into "Comments".

Comments can be added up to 128 single-byte characters.

8 For write notification to the PLC, click "Options".

Trigger Setting
The "Set up write complete flag" window is displayed.

Item Contents
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the connection destination list window.
Reset at the beginning Check this for reset at start.
Target device Select a target device.
Refer to The device selection window opens.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.

When the "Notify write end" check box is checked, a complete notification device can be set.
Click "OK".

9 Click "Register".
The trigger is registered on the "Trigger list" window.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-111

2-7 Trigger Setting

Device Trigger

 What is device trigger?


This trigger event is generated depending on the status of a specified bit device.
A function set with this trigger is executed if the bit device status matches the condition.

2 Rising edge
When the status of a specified bit device changes from OFF to ON, a function set with this trigger is
Trigger Setting

executed once.

Device ON

Device OFF

Trigger ON

Trigger OFF

Falling edge
When the status of a specified bit device changes from ON to OFF, a function set with this trigger is
executed once.

Device ON

Device OFF

Trigger ON

Trigger OFF

Both edges
When the status of a specified bit device changes, a function set with this trigger is executed once.

Device ON

Device OFF

Trigger ON

Trigger OFF

2-112 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

When a specified bit device is ON, a function set with this trigger is executed.

Device ON

Device OFF

Trigger ON

Trigger Setting
Trigger OFF

When a specified bit device is OFF, a function set with this trigger is executed.

Device ON

Device OFF

Trigger ON

Trigger OFF

• If ON and OFF device triggers are set independently to each function, the trigger events
are generated continuously. This increases the computer load. It is recommended to
combine multiple independent triggers together.
"Combination Trigger" (Page 2-123)
• If the device ON (OFF) time is too short, trigger detection may not be possible. The
minimum trigger detection time differs depending on the computer performance and
load factor, the number of units connected, the communication settings and the number
of devices registered in the book.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-113

2-7 Trigger Setting

 Device trigger setting

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".
The "Trigger list" window opens.

Trigger Setting

Different procedure
• Click .
• Click "Trigger setting" at the operation setting of each function.

2 Click the number where to register a trigger.

The clicked row is inverted.

3 Click "Settings".
The "Trigger setting" window opens.

Reference At Step 2, double-click "No." to open the "Trigger setting" window.

2-114 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

4 Select the device trigger and click "Next".

The contents of the "Trigger setting" window changes to device trigger setting.


Trigger Setting
Name Explanation
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the connection destination list window.
Target device Select a target device.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.
Conditions Select a condition of trigger occurrence.
Reset trigger bit When this is checked, the trigger bit is reset.
Comments Enter trigger comments.
Notify write end of
When this is checked, a complete notification device can be set.
Options Open the set up write complete flag window.

5 Select a Connection.

When "Settings" is clicked, the "Connection" window opens and the connection destination setting can
be modified.
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-115

2-7 Trigger Setting

6 Select a target device.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.


The "Select device" window not only allows device selection but also displays information about device

Trigger Setting

When "Use device comments" is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.

To use this function, device comments should be read in advance.
"Read Device Comments from a File" (Page 3-41)

7 Select a condition.

The selectable conditions are as follows:

• (Rising edge)
• (Falling edge)
• (Both edges) *The trigger bit cannot be reset.
• ON *The trigger bit cannot be reset.
• OFF *The trigger bit cannot be reset.

To reset the trigger bit, check the "Reset trigger bit" check box.

Reference When the "Reset trigger bit" check box is checked, the trigger bit status is changed at
trigger detection. This allows the confirmation of trigger detection on the PLC side.
""... When a trigger is detected, the Trigger bit becomes OFF.
""... When a trigger is detected, the Trigger bit becomes OFF.

8 Enter trigger comments into "Comments".

Comments can be given up to 128 single-byte characters.

2-116 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

9 Click "Options" at "Notify write end" to open the "Set up write complete flag" window.

When "Notify write end" check box is checked, a complete notification device can be set.


Trigger Setting
Item Contents
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the connection destination list window.
Reset at the beginning Check this for reset at start.
Target device Select a target device.
Refer to The device selection window opens.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.
Click "OK".
10 Click "Register".
The trigger is registered on the "Trigger list" window.

11 Click "Close".

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-117

2-7 Trigger Setting

Button Trigger

 What is button trigger?


This trigger event is generated when the button on an Excel sheet is pressed.
The button here is automatically created after button trigger setting.

2 Button
not pressed
Trigger Setting

Button pressed

Trigger ON

Trigger OFF

 Button trigger setting

1 Select a cell near the button placement position.

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".
The "Trigger list" window opens.

Different procedure
• Click .
• At the operation setting for each function, click "Trigger setting".

2-118 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

3 Click the number where to register a trigger.

The clicked row is inverted.


Trigger Setting
Click "Settings".
The "Trigger setting" window opens.

Reference Double-clicking the number at Step 2 opens the "Trigger setting" window.

5 Select the button trigger and click "Next".

The contents of the "Trigger setting" window changes to button trigger setting.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-119

2-7 Trigger Setting

Name Explanation
Click for confirmation Check this for confirmation at button clicking.
Comments Enter trigger comments.

Options Open the set up write complete flag window.

6 Enter a button name for display.

Trigger Setting

7 To add the click confirmation function, check "Click for confirmation".

8 Enter comments.

9 When "Options" is clicked at "Notify write end", the "Set up write complete flag" window is

When the "Notify write end" check box is checked, a complete notification device can be set.

Item Contents
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the connection destination list window.
Reset at the beginning Check this for reset at start.
Target device Select a target device.
Refer to The device selection window opens.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.

Click "OK".

2-120 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

10 Click "Register".
The edited trigger is registered on the "Trigger list" window and the button is placed at the specified cell.


Trigger Setting

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-121

2-7 Trigger Setting

 Button editing

A button for button trigger can be edited only in Design Mode of the Excel standard


1 From the menu, select "Developer".

2 The toolbar of the control toolbox is displayed.
Trigger Setting

If the menu has no "Developer" tab, click "Microsoft Office" and select "Excel Options (I)".
Click "Popular" and check "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon (D)" check box.
Click "OK" to display the "Developer" tab on the menu.

2 Click "Design Mode" to activate Design Mode.

3 Click the button to edit.

4 Change the size of a button or move it.

5 Click "Design Mode" to terminate Design Mode.

• Do not start communication in Design Mode.
• Rename or delete the button created here by "Trigger setting".
• Do not activate Design Mode during communication. The Excel add-ins operation may

2-122 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

Combination Trigger

 What is combination trigger?

This trigger allows a condition to be set by combining two triggers.
Time period, Time, Device and Button can be combined arbitrarily.

If time range and device ON/OFF triggers are set independently to each function, the 2
trigger events are generated continuously. This increases the computer load. It is

Trigger Setting
recommended to generate an independent trigger by combination.

 Combination trigger setting

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".
The "Trigger list" window opens.

Different procedure
• Click .
• Click "Trigger setting" at the operation setting of each function.

2 Click the "number" where to register the trigger.

The clicked row is inverted.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-123

2-7 Trigger Setting

3 Click "Settings".
The "Trigger setting" window opens.

Trigger Setting

Reference Double-clicking the number at Step 2 opens the "Trigger setting" window.

4 Select the combination trigger and click "Next".

The contents of the "Trigger setting" window changes to combination trigger setting.

Name Explanation
Trigger 1 Select the first trigger to combine.
AND / OR Select the condition of combination.
Trigger 2 Select the second trigger to combine.
Comments Enter trigger comments.
Options Open the set up write complete flag window.

5 Select Trigger 1.

A trigger event to select should be set in advance.

6 Select Trigger 2.

A trigger event to select should be set in advance.

2-124 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

7 Select the condition of combing two trigger events.

• AND: When both of the two specified trigger events are generated
• OR When either of the two specified trigger events is generated

8 Enter comments.

Trigger Setting
9 Click "Options" at "Notify write end" to open the "Set up write complete flag" window.

When the "Notify write end" check box is checked, a complete notification device can be set.

Item Contents
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the connection destination list window.
Reset at the beginning Check this for reset at start.
Target device Select a target device.
Refer to The device selection window opens.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.

Click "OK".

10 Click "Register".
The trigger is registered on the "Trigger list" window.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-125

2-7 Trigger Setting

Trigger Setting Modification

1 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".

The "Trigger list" window opens.

Trigger Setting

Different procedure
• Click .
• Click "Trigger setting" at the operation setting of each function.

2 Click the trigger number to edit.

The clicked row is inverted.

3 Click "Set".
The "Trigger setting" window opens.

Reference Double-clicking the number at Step 2 opens the "Trigger setting" window.

2-126 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-7 Trigger Setting

Item Contents
Period Set the period.
Comment Enter trigger comments.

Options Open the set up write complete flag window.

Reference By clicking "Return", the trigger type can also be changed.

4 Edit the set contents.


Trigger Setting
5 Click "Options" at "Notify write end" to open the "Set up write complete flag" window.

When the "Notify write end" check box is checked, a complete notification device can be set.

Item Contents
Connection Select a connection destination.
Settings Open the connection destination list window.
Reset at the beginning Check this for reset at start.
Target device Select a target device.
Refer to The device selection window opens.
Use device comments When this is checked, a target device can be selected by set comments.

Click "OK".

6 Click "Register".
The edited trigger is registered on the "Trigger list" window.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-127

2-7 Trigger Setting

Trigger Setting Deletion

1 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Trigger setting (T)".

The "Trigger list" window opens.

Trigger Setting

Different procedure
• Click .
• Click "Trigger setting" at the setting operation of each function.

2 Click a trigger number to delete.

The clicked row is inverted.

3 Click "Delete".
The deletion confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Click "Yes".
The trigger is deleted.

If a trigger selected by each function is deleted, the function is disabled.

2-128 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-8 Edit
This section explains the edit function for cells where the basic functions of KV COM+ for Excel
(Monitor, Logging, Real time logging, Data folder and Alarm) are set.
The edit function of KV COM+ for Excel is based on that of Excel but extended with a unique function to
edit the settings of KV COM+ for Excel.

Cut Copy Delete
KV COM+ for Excel  

Excel   

Åõ: Cell values and formats and also settings of KV COM+ for Excel can be edited.
Å~: Cell values and formats can be edited but not settings of KV COM+ for Excel.

Move Each Setting to Another Cell

The settings of KV COM+ for Excel cannot be moved to another book or a separately active
cell of Excel.

 How to move each setting (KV COM+ for Excel)

1 Select a cell to move.
More than one cell can also be selected.

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Cut setting (T)".
Different procedure
• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Cut setting".

3 Click the move-to cell.

4 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Paste setting (P)".
Different procedure
• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Paste setting".
The cell moves.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-129

2-8 Edit

 How to move each setting (Excel Standard)

1 Select the cell to move.
More than one cell can also be selected.


2 From the right-click menu, select "Cut (T)".

The target cell is surrounded by a broken line.

3 Click the move-to cell.

4 From the right-click menu, select "Paste (P)".

The cell moves.

Reference Each setting can also be moved by the standard cell dragging method of Excel.

2-130 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-8 Edit

Copy Each Setting to Another Cell

• The standard copy function of Excel cannot copy the settings of KV COM+ for Excel.
• The settings of KV COM+ for Excel cannot be copied to another book or a separately
active cell of Excel.

 How to copy each setting (KV COM+ for Excel)
1 Select the cell to copy.
You may also select more than one cell.

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Copy setting (C)".
Different procedure
• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Copy setting".

3 Click a copy-to cell.

4 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Paste setting (P)".
Different procedure
• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Paste setting".
The cell is copied

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-131

2-8 Edit

Delete Each Setting

The "setting deletion" of KV COM+ for Excel can delete cells containing settings of KV COM+ for Excel.

The standard function of Excel cannot delete the settings of KV COM+ for Excel.

2 1 Select the cell to delete.

More than one cell can also be selected.

2 From the menu, select "Add-ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Delete settings (D)".
The Delete Setting window is displayed.

Different procedure
• Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "Delete settings".

3 Select a deletion method and click "OK".

• Delete all
Delete cell information completely.
• Delete all except border
Delete cell information, excluding ruled lines.

2-132 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-8 Edit

Select All Monitor Settings

This is useful for changing monitor settings because the location of monitor set cells on a sheet can be

found at a glance.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Select all monitor settings
All monitor set cells are selected from the sheet. 2

Different procedure
• Click .

Select All Logging Settings

This is useful for changing logging settings because the location of logging set cells on a sheet can be
found at a glance.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Select all logging settings
All logging set cells on a sheet are selected.

Different procedure
• Click .

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-133

2-8 Edit

Select All Real Time Log Settings

This is useful for changing real time logging settings because the location of real time logging set cells

on a sheet can be found at a glance.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Select all real time logging
settings (R)".
2 All real time logging set cells on a sheet are selected.

Different procedure
• Click .

Select All Data Folder Settings

This is useful for changing data folder settings because the location of data folder set cells on a sheet
can be located at a glance.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Select all data folder settings
All data folder set cells on a sheet are selected.

Different procedure

• Click .

2-134 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-8 Edit

Select All Alarm Settings

This is useful for changing alarm settings because the location of alarm set cells on a sheet can be

found at a glance.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Edit (E)" -> "Select all alarm settings (A)".
All alarm set cells on a sheet are selected.


- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-135

2-9 Start and Stop Communication
This section explains how to start and stop communication with connected equipment.

Start Communication

Start communication with connected equipment through the set route.

2 Data of monitor and logging set cells are updated according to the trigger conditions. Data update
continues until the end of communication.

Start and Stop Communication

From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Start communication (C)".
Different procedure

• Click .
Communication starts.

At the normal start of communication, "Start communication (C)" is disabled and "Stop communication
(D)" is enabled to select.

If the mouse cursor is on (Stop communication) immediately after the start of
communication, the display of (Stop communication) does not change.

Reference • To confirm the communication status, select the DB_ERROR sheet.

"3-6 Error and Communication Status Display" (Page 3-59)
• If two or more books are open, communication starts on all books.

Stop communication

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Stop communication (D)".
Different procedure

• Click .
Communication stops.

At the normal stop of communication, "Stop communication (D)" is disabled and "Start communication
(C)" is enabled to select.

2-136 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2-9 Start and Stop Communication

If the mouse cursor is on (Stop communication) immediately after the start of
communication, the display of (Stop communication) does not change.

Reference • To confirm the communication status, select the DB_ERROR sheet.
"3-6 Error and Communication Status Display" (Page 3-59)
• If two or more books are open, communication starts on all books. 2

Start and Stop Communication


• During communication, all menu items other than the stop communication, displaying version
information, start trace, stop trace, and user's manual are disabled.
• The communication period differs depending on the computer performance and load factor, the
connection route and the number of devices registered in the book. It is recommended to keep other
applications (including resident ones) inactive. To prevent data loss, avoid operating Excel during
communication. If a graph is displayed on the Excel window during communication, the
communication period becomes long. To keep the communication period short, do not display a
graph on the window.
• If the computer goes into standby mode, communication stops and operation after it turns on again
becomes unstable. Set the computer you use KV COM+for Excel at so that it doesn't enter into
standby mode.
• Do not delete or insert rows or columns during communication because the subsequent operation
cannot be ensured.
• During cell edit, dialog display (excluding some cases) or print preview, since Excel operations do not
work, data is not updated at all. Since only one trigger event can be stored in this status, the above
operation during communication may cause data loss.
• If the mouse cursor is on the "Stop communication" icon (stop communication) immediately after the
start of communication, the display of the "Stop communication" icon (stop communication) does not
• If the mouse cursor is on the "Stop communication" icon (start communication) immediately after the
stop of communication, the display of the "Stop communication" icon (start communication) does not
• If two or more books are open, communication starts or stops on all books.
• If too many devices are set, it may take time until communication actually starts. The time required
depends on the computer performance.
• Communication is not possible in Design Mode.
• During communication, do not set Design Mode.
• During communication, mouse dragging is not possible.
• When the right-click menu is displayed, communication is not in progress.
• When a graph (sheet) or graphic is selected, communication stops.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 2-137

2-9 Start and Stop Communication


Start and Stop Communication

2-138 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -


Advanced 3

This chapter explains the extended function settings, the option menu, the tool
menu and error and communication status display.

3-1 Extended Function Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-2

3-2 Parts Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-21
3-3 Setting Device List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-39
3-4 Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-41
3-5 Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-50
3-6 Error and Communication Status Display . . . . . . . .3-59

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-1

3-1 Extended Function Setting
This section explains the "Extended function setting" menu of KV COM+ for Excel.

Auto save setting


At the occurrence of a set trigger event, an Excel book (.xls) or sheet (.csv) can be saved automatically
in a file. In the Overwrite mode, a book is saved in the same file by overwriting. In the Log Mode, a book
is saved in a different file with the file name generated by adding date and time to the file name. Either
mode can be selected.
3 In "Auto save setting", each Excel book is saved independently. If an error occurs at saving, the
function protecting saved data ( Page 3-6) works.
Extended Function Setting

 Example of use
• Saving the current values and parameters in a file at an alarm occurrence
• Saving quality control data in a file at the end of production

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Extended function setting (O)" -> "Auto
save setting (S)".
Different procedure

• Click .

The "Auto save setting list" window is displayed.

3-2 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

Opens the Select save folder window.

Opens the Trigger setting window.

Extended Function Setting

Item Contents
Enable When this is checked, "Set Auto Save" is enabled.
File name Enter a file name to save.
Refer Cell Acquire a file name from a cell to save.
Save folder Set a folder to save.
Save format Select a file format to save.
Target worksheet Select a target worksheet to save.(.csv only)
Operation mode Select overwrite save or history save.
Save trigger Set a trigger to specify the timing of saving.

The trigger can be saved only when "Save trigger" is set.

2 Check the "Enable" check box.

Reference This is not checked by default.

When this is cleared, none of the items can be set.

3 Enter a file name for saving in "File name".

Cell specification button

Do not enter a file extension. It is added automatically depending on the storage format.

If the "Refer cell" check box is checked, the contents of the target cell will be used as the file name.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-3

3-1 Extended Function Setting

When the cell specification button is clicked, the window below is displayed. You can specify the
contents of the target cell as the file name.

3 4 Enter the location for saving the file into "Save folder".
Extended Function Setting

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select Save folder" dialog box.

Select any folder and click "Save"; the path of the selected folder will be entered into "Save folder".

Automatic saving is only available when "Save folder" exists. Create a "Save folder" in
your computer in advance.

5 Select "Save format".

• Excel file (.xls)

Save the entire book as an Excel file.
You can read, browse, and edit this file in Excel.
• CSV file (.csv)
Save any worksheet as a CSV-format text file delimited with a comma (,).
You can read and edit this file not only in Excel but also in notepad or other commercially available
text editors.

3-4 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

6 At "Target worksheet", select a worksheet to save.(Only when CSV file is selected)

Clicking a worksheet name inverts its display. To save several worksheets, invert all of the names of

worksheets to be printed.

If the file is saved in Excel format, data cannot be saved in the units of individual
7 Select an operation mode.

Extended Function Setting

• Overwrite
At the occurrence of a trigger event, data is saved with a set file name. If there is already a file of the
same name, that file is overwritten.
If you always require the latest data, you should choose the Overwrite mode.

<Example of file name>


File name Worksheet name (csv files only)

• Log
Data is saved in a different file with date and time automatically added to the file name.
If you require current values at the time of saving or require history management, you should choose
the Log mode.

<Example of file name>

A trigger event occurred at 17:05:30 on April 1, 2011.

File name Worksheet Date Time

(csv file only)

If you choose the Overwrite mode, enter a file name that is different from the current book

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-5

3-1 Extended Function Setting

8 Set "Save trigger".

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

Extended Function Setting

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)
When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

Do not set a time range trigger or an ON/OFF device trigger independently as a "Save
trigger". Doing so may generate trigger events continuously and make your computer

9 Click "OK".
Reference If an error occurs at automatic saving, its contents are recorded on the "DB_ERROR"
worksheet ( Page 3-60). In addition, the book or target worksheet saved automatically
is also stored in the same folder as the book under communication. If the book under
communication has not been saved even once, it is stored in the current folder of Excel.

<Example of file name>

An error occurred at 17:05:30 on April 1, 2011.
File name* Worksheet Date Time
(csv file only)

*The file name of the book under communication is used.

3-6 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

 Example of setting
When saving the contents of an Excel file in the Log mode every two hours
Auto save setting

Excel file

Extended Function Setting

Log mode

Setting a trigger

Trigger setting

Every two hours

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-7

3-1 Extended Function Setting

Auto print setting

At the occurrence of a trigger event, an Excel worksheet can be printed automatically. The worksheet is
"Auto print setting" is saved for each Excel book.

If an error occurs at printing, the function protecting print data ( Page 3-10) works.

 Example of use
• Printing a daily report at the end of the day's work
3 • Printing the current values and parameters at an alarm occurrence

For automatic printing, the standard settings of the default printer are used.
Extended Function Setting

If non-standard settings are made on the printing window of Excel, the contents are not
saved in the Excel file.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Extended function setting (O)" -> "Auto
print setting (P)".
Different procedure

• Click .
The "Auto print setting" window is displayed.

Check this to enable "Auto print


Select target worksheets to print.

Set a trigger to print.

Opens the Trigger setting window.

Item Contents
Enable Check this to enable "Set Auto Print".
Target worksheet Select target worksheets to print.
Print trigger Set a trigger to print.

Printing is executed only when "Print trigger" is set.

2 Check the "Enable" check box.

Reference This is checked by default.

When this is cleared, none of the items can be set.

3-8 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

3 Select "Target worksheet" to print.

Clicking a worksheet name inverts its display. To print several worksheets, invert all of their names.

4 Click [Trigger setting] and create a new print trigger.

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting. 3

Extended Function Setting

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".
"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)
When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

Do not set a time range trigger or an ON/OFF device trigger independently as "Print
trigger". Doing so may generate trigger events continuously and make your computer

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-9

3-1 Extended Function Setting

5 Click "OK".

Reference If an error occurs at automatic printing, its contents are recorded on the "DB_ERROR"
worksheet ( Page 3-60). In addition, the target worksheet printed automatically is also
stored in the same folder as the book under communication. If the book under

communication has not been saved even once, it is stored in the current folder of Excel.
<Example of file name>
An error occurred at 17:05:30 on April 1, 2011.

3 Sample_Sheet1_20110401_170530.xls
File name* Worksheet Date Time
Extended Function Setting

*The file name of the book under communication is used.

Since Excel may not be able to detect an error at printing, it is recommended to use the
"Auto save" function in combination with printing to save the data.
"Auto save setting" (Page 3-2)

Excel Page Setting

One sheet of paper may not be enough for printing an Excel worksheet in which a wide range of cells is
used for logging.
The page settings of Excel allow easy reduced printing.

3-10 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

 Example of setting
Printing work sheets 1 and 3 at 17:30 on weekday (Monday to Friday)
Auto print setting

Sheet 1, Sheet 3

Setting a trigger

Extended Function Setting



- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-11

3-1 Extended Function Setting

Mail Sending Setting

At the occurrence of a trigger event, an Excel book (.xls) or worksheet (.csv) can be automatically
attached to an email and sent to a specified address.
It is also possible to add a specified cell range to email as its body.

"Mail sending setting list" and "Mail server setting" are saved for each Excel book.
If an error occurs at the time an email is sent, the function protecting attached file data ( Page 3-18)

3  Example of use
• Sending a message by email at an alarm occurrence according to the alarm contents
• Sending the current production output and the number of defective products at fixed intervals
Extended Function Setting

Check Items before Setting

For automatic email sending, an email server connected to a network is necessary.
Set "Server setting" before setting "Mail sending setting".
The supported protocols are "SMTP" and "POP Before SMTP".
For network connection and email server settings, consult your network manager.

Using such communication methods as dial-up connection may impose load on your
computer, affecting data collection or interrupt sending of email due to timeouts.

Setting Mail Server

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Extended function setting (O)" -> "Mail
sending setting (M)".
Different procedure

• Click .
The "Mail sending setting list" window is displayed.

3-12 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

2 Click "Server setting".

The "Server setting" window is displayed.
Different procedure
"Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "Mail server setting (E)"

Enter the email sender information.

Enter the email server information.


Extended Function Setting

Item Contents
Name Enter the sender name.
Address Enter the sender email address.
SMTP Server Enter the email server address.
Port No. Enter the mail server port number.
Check this to connect to an email server with POP3 authentication before
Use POP-Before-SMTP
POP Server Enter the POP3 server address.
User ID Enter the user ID (account name).
Password Enter the password.

3 Enter all the items.

When "POP-Before-SMTP" is checked, the input box for necessary authentication information is
For details about each item, consult the network administrator.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-13

3-1 Extended Function Setting

4 Click "OK".
The display returns to the "Mail sending setting list" window and the "Settings" button is enabled.

Extended Function Setting

Setting Email Sending Function

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Extended function setting (O)" -> "Mail
sending setting (M)".
Different procedure

• Click .
The "Mail sending setting list" window is displayed.

2 Click a "number" under which you want to register the settings.

3-14 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

3 Click "Settings".
The "Mail sending setting" window is displayed.


Extended Function Setting

Open the cell specification window.

Open the Trigger setting window.

Item Contents
Mail settings No. Display the current email setting number.
Operation mode Select the format of attachment to be used for the information to be sent by email.
Enter the destination address of outgoing email.
Title Enter the title (subject) of outgoing email.
Text Enter the body of outgoing email.
Target cell Specify the cell range to be added to the body as text.
File type Select a file format for attachment.
Target worksheet Select a target worksheet for attachment.
Send trigger Set an email sending trigger.

4 Set an Operation mode.

• Text
Select this when there is not much data to send or when email with an attached file cannot be sent.
Since the data is written in the body as a text, the size of the sent email will be small.

• Attachment
Select this when you require data in a certain file format.
Since data is attached to email as a file, the email server may not be able to send the email or the
size of the sent email may be large.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-15

3-1 Extended Function Setting

5 Enter the email address of the destination.

The maximum address length is 256 single-byte characters.

6 Enter the email title.


The maximum title length is 256 single-byte characters.

3 7 Enter the email body.

The maximum body length is 512 single-byte characters.
Extended Function Setting

8 Set a target cell (range). (Text mode only)

Cell specification button

When the cell specification button is clicked, the window below is displayed. You can specify a target
cell range by mouse dragging.

A target cell can be specified only when the operation mode is "Text".

Reference If multiple cells are set, they are sent by delimiting with a comma (,).

3-16 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

9 Select a file type. (Attachment mode only)

• Excel file (xls)

Data is attached as an Excel file.
You can open, read, and edit this file in Excel.

• CSV file (csv)

Save any worksheet as a CSV-format text file delimited with a comma (,).
You can read and edit this file not only in Excel but also in notepad or other commercially available
text editor.

Extended Function Setting

A "File type" can be selected only when the operation mode is "Attachment".

10 Select a target worksheet. (CSV format only)

Clicking a worksheet name inverts its display. To send several worksheets, invert all of their names.

A "Target worksheet" can be selected in the CSV format only.
In the Excel format, the entire book is attached as a file.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-17

3-1 Extended Function Setting

11 Set "Send trigger".

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

Extended Function Setting

After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".

"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)
When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

Do not set a time range trigger or an ON/OFF device trigger independently by "Send
trigger". Doing so may generate trigger events continuously and make your computer
unstable. In addition, this imposes load on the set email server.

12 Click "OK".
The display returns to the "Mail sending setting list" window.

Reference If an error occurs at the time an email is sent, its contents are recorded on the
"DB_ERROR" worksheet ( Page 3-60). In addition, the book or target worksheet
attached to email is also stored in the same folder with the book under communication.
The body of the email is not saved. If the book under communication has not been saved
even once, it is stored in the current folder of Excel.
<Example of file name>
An error occurred at 17:05:30 on April 1, 2011.
File name* Worksheet Date Time
(csv file only)

*The file name of the book under communication is used.

3-18 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-1 Extended Function Setting

 Example of setting
 Sending the contents of Sheet 2 in the CSV format by email at 12:00 every day

Mail sending setting

Send as attached file

Extended Function Setting

File format (CSV)

Target worksheet (Sheet2)

Setting a trigger

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-19

3-1 Extended Function Setting

 Sending a message by email at an alarm occurrence according to the alarm contents

Mail sending setting


Sending a target cell (range)

by adding to the body

Extended Function Setting

Specifying a target cell (range)

Trigger setting

3-20 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration
KV COM+ for Excel provides good quality parts of the most frequently used types, such as switches,
lamps and bar meters. It is easy to use them by simply specifying their settings.

About Parts Configuration

1 Select a cell (range) where to arrange parts.

2 From the menu, select parts by "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)".
Different procedure 3
• Click .

Parts Configuration
The "Cell reference setting" window is displayed.

Lamp switch arrangement

Select a cell to display

the switch status.
Select a cell to display
the lamp status.
If no cell position is
specified, the value set
on the "Attributes" will
be valid.
If no value is set in the
"Attributes" window
either, the function will
be invalid.

Open the Attributes


For advanced settings, click "Attributes" to open the "Attributes" window.

"Properties Page" (Page 3-26)

3 Click "OK".
Parts are arranged in the target cell.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-21

3-2 Parts Configuration

About Parts setting

Set advanced settings on the properties window.

1 Change the operation mode to Design.


"How to switch to design mode" on the next page

Select parts to set.

Open the right-click menu, select "(Control name*) Object (O)" -> "Attributes (P)".

3 * The control name differs depending on the part.

• For switch, lamp, lamp switch, or N status lamp
DBCommandButton Control
• For bar meter
Parts Configuration

DBBarMeter Control
• For circle or sector meter
DBFanMeter Control

The "(Control name*) Attributes" window is displayed.

2 Click "Attributes".
The "Attributes" window is displayed.

Set advanced settings of parts.

"Properties Page" (Page 3-26)

3-22 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

 How to switch to design mode

Office 2007 or later
From the menu, select "Developer" -> "Design Mode".

Reference If the menu has no "Developer" tab, follow the procedure below. The "Developer" tab will

be displayed on the menu.

1 Click "Microsoft Office" and select "Excel Option (I)".

2 Click "Popular" and check the "Show Developer tab in the Ribbon" check box.

Parts Configuration

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-23

3-2 Parts Configuration

Office 2003

Click ( ) on the toolbar.

Reference If the toolbar has no design mode icon, execute the procedure below. This adds the icon

to the toolbar.

1 From the menu, select "Tool (T)" -> "User Settings (C)".

3 2 Click the "Toolbars" tab and check the "Control Toolbox" check box.
Parts Configuration


Click ( ) on the toolbar.

Reference If the toolbar has no design mode icon, select "View (V)" -> "Toolbar (T)" -> "Control
Toolbox" from the menu.

3-24 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration


Seven types of parts are available in KV COM+ for Excel.

 Switch

From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "Switch (S)".
Set the value of a specified cell to 0 or 1.
"Switch" (Page 3-26)

 Lamp switch 3
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "Lamp switch (W)".

Parts Configuration
The value of a cell specified as a switch is set to 0 or 1. The lamp becomes unlit or lit depending on the
specified value, 0 or 1.
"Lamp switch" (Page 3-27)

 Lamp
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "Lamp (L)".
The lamp becomes unlit or lit depending on the specified value, 0 or 1.
"Lamp" (Page 3-27)

 N-Status lamp
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "N-State lamp(N)".
The display status differs depending on the value of a specified cell.
"N-State Part" (Page 3-28)

 Bar Meter
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "Bar Meter (B)".
Various bar meters can be created.
"Bar Meter" (Page 3-30)

 Circle Meter
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "Circle/Fan Meter
Various Circle meters can be created.
"Circle Meter" (Page 3-33)

 Fan Meter
From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Parts configuration (G)" -> "Circle/Fan Meter
(C)". At style selection on the properties page, select the Fan.
Various Fan meters can be created.
"Fan Meter" (Page 3-36)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-25

3-2 Parts Configuration

Properties Page

Make advanced settings of parts on the "Cell reference setting" window and the "Properties" window.
The contents of the "Cell reference setting" window and the "Attributes" window differ for each part.


Click "Basic Tab".

Set the contents of "Basic".
If there is "Display", set tab contents.
If there is "Scale", set tab contents.
3 2 By preview, check part operations.
Parts Configuration

3 Click "OK" to save settings.

Click "OK" on the "Cell reference setting" window or the "(Control name) Attributes" window.
Reference To modify Attributes, it is necessary to change the operation mode to design.
For how to change the operation mode to design, see "About Parts setting" (Page 3-


Select the switch style.

Parts other than switches can also be selected.

Set a switch type.

Set the preview status.

In preview, switch operations can be checked.

Switch types

Item Contents
Set the value of the cell specified at "Status" of the switch to 1 only once when
the switch is pressed.
Set the value of the cell specified at "Status" of the switch to 0 only once when
the switch is pressed.
Change the value of the cell specified at "Status" of the switch to 1 if it is 0 and
Reverse bit
to 0 if it is 1 only once when the switch is pressed.
Set the value of the cell specified at "Status" to 1. When the switch is
Set momentary
released, the cell value becomes 0.

3-26 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

Lamp switch

Select the lamp switch style.

Parts other than lamp switches can also be

Set a lamp switch type.

Set the preview status. 3

By preview, lamp switch operations can be

Parts Configuration

Lamp switch types

Item Contents
Set the value of the cell specified at "Status" of the switch to 1 only once when
the switch is pressed.
Set the value of the cell specified at "Status" of the switch to 0 only once when
the switch is pressed.
Change the value of the cell specified at "Status" of the switch to 0 if it is 1 and
Reverse bit
to 1 if it is 0 only once when the switch is pressed.
Set the value of the cell specified at "Status" to 1. When the switch is
Set momentary
released, the cell value becomes 0.


Select the lamp style.

Parts other than lamps can also be selected.

Set the preview status.

By preview, lamp operations can be checked.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-27

3-2 Parts Configuration

N-State Part

 N-State lamp
Has N number of states. "N" differs depending on the part selected.

Select an N-State part style.

Parts other than N-state parts can also be
3 selected.
Parts Configuration

Set the preview status.

By preview, N-State part operations can be

 Toggle 3
This part has three states.

 State Select 3
This part has three states.

3-28 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Rotary 4
This part has four states.


Parts Configuration
 Rotary 6
This part has six states.

 Rotary 8
This part has eight states.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-29

3-2 Parts Configuration

Bar Meter

 Basics
Set the range and appropriate values.

Select the bar meter style.

Parts Configuration

Set preview values.

Redraw the preview automatically.

If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the

preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Input range Set the input range.
Lower limit Set the lower limit of the input range.
Upper limit Set the upper limit of the input range.
Display range When this is checked, the display range settings are enabled.
Lower limit Set the lower limit of the display range.
Upper limit Set the upper limit of the display range.
Alarm range When this is checked, the alarm range settings are enabled.
Set the lower limit value of the alarm range. The value should be smaller than
Lower limit
the upper limit value of the alarm range and within the display range.
Set the upper limit value of the alarm range. The value should be greater than
Upper limit
the lower limit value of the alarm range and within the display range.
Reference Line When this is checked, the setting of reference range is enabled.
Set the ideal value of the ideal line. Values outside the display range are
Ideal value

3-30 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Display
Set settings for view.

Open the color setting window.

Parts Configuration
Set preview values.
Redraw the preview automatically.
If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the
preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Displacement direction Set the direction of displacement.
Data Set settings for data display.
Select a data display pattern.
Pointer type Select a pointer shape.
Line type Select a pointer line type.
Image Frame Set settings for image frame display.
Style Select an image frame style.
Alarm/ideal line Set settings for alarm and ideal line display.
Alarm When this is checked, the alarm and ideal lines are displayed.
Select a display pattern for the alarm and ideal lines.
Line type Select a line type for the alarm and ideal lines.
Alarm lower When this is checked, the line color of the display pattern at the lower limit of
limit alarm is set.
Alarm upper When this is checked, the line color of the display pattern at the upper limit
limit of alarm is set.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-31

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Scale
Set settings for scale display.

Open the color setting window.

3 Set the font.

Parts Configuration

Set preview values.

Redraw the preview automatically.
If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the
preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Scale When this is checked, a scale is displayed.
Scale position Select a scale position.
Add to data When this is checked, the scale is added to data.
Main scale When this is checked, the main scale is displayed.
Interval Set the main scale interval.
Auxiliary scale When this is checked, the auxiliary scale is displayed.
Interval Set the auxiliary scale interval.
Number of division When this is checked, the scale value is displayed.
Number of display
Set the number of display digits.
Decimal point Set the decimal point position,

3-32 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

Circle Meter

 Basic
Set the range and appropriate values.

Select the round meter style.
Parts other than round meters can also be
selected. 3

Parts Configuration
Set preview values.

Redraw the preview automatically.

If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the

preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Input range Set the input range.
Lower limit Set the lower limit of the input range.
Upper limit Set the upper limit of the input range.
Display range When this is checked, the display range settings are enabled.
Lower limit Set the lower limit of the display range.
Upper limit Set the upper limit of the display range.
Alarm range When this is checked, the alarm range settings are enabled.
Set the lower limit value of the alarm range. The value should be smaller than
Lower limit
the upper limit value of the alarm range and within the display range.
Set the upper limit value of the alarm range. The value should be greater than
Upper limit
the lower limit value of the alarm range and within the display range.
Ideal line When this is checked, the setting of ideal range is enabled.
Set the ideal value of the ideal line. Values outside the display range are
Ideal value

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-33

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Display
Set settings for display.

Open the color setting window.

Parts Configuration

Set preview values.

Redraw the preview automatically.
If the Auto draw check box is not checked,
the preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Displacement direction Set the direction of displacement.
Data Set settings for data display.
Select a data display pattern.
Pointer type Select a pointer shape.
Line type Select a pointer line type.
Scoop out
Select a ratio for scooping out the center of the data display.
Start angle Select a start angle for data display.
End angle Select an end angle for data display.
Image Frame Set settings for image frame display.
Style Select an image frame style.
Alarm/Ideal line Set settings for alarm and ideal line display.
Alarm When this is checked, the alarm and ideal lines are displayed.
Select a display pattern for the alarm and ideal lines.
Line type Select a line type for the alarm and ideal lines.
Alarm lower When this is checked, the line color of the display pattern at the lower limit of
limit alarm is set.
Alarm upper When this is checked, the line color of the display pattern at the upper limit
limit of alarm is set.

3-34 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Scale
Set settings for scale display.

Open the color setting window.

Set the font.


Parts Configuration
Set preview values.
Redraw the preview automatically.
If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the
preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Scale When this is checked, a scale is displayed.
Scale position Select a scale position.
Main scale When this is checked, the main scale is displayed.
Interval Set the main scale interval.
Auxiliary scale When this is checked, the auxiliary scale is displayed.
Interval Set the auxiliary scale interval.
Scale value When this is checked, the scale value is displayed.
Number of division Set the number of display digits.
Decimal point Set the decimal point position

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-35

3-2 Parts Configuration

Fan Meter

 Basic
Set the range and ideal values.

Select the sector meter style.

Parts other than sector meters can also be
3 selected.
Parts Configuration

Set preview values.

Redraw the preview automatically.

If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the

preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Input range Set the input range.
Lower limit Set the lower limit of the input range.
Upper limit Set the upper limit of the input range.
Display range When this is checked, the view range settings are enabled.
Lower limit Set the lower limit of the view range.
Upper limit Set the upper limit of the view range.
Alarm range When this is checked, the alarm range settings are enabled.
Set the lower limit value of the alarm range. The value should be smaller than
Lower limit
the upper limit value of the alarm range and within the display range.
Set the upper limit value of the alarm range. The value should be greater than
Upper limit
the lower limit value of the alarm range and within the display range.
Range/Ideal line When this is checked, the setting of ideal range is enabled.
Ideal value Set the ideal value of the ideal line. Values outside the view range are invalid.

3-36 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Display
Set settings for display.

Open the color setting window.

Parts Configuration
Set preview values.
Redraw the preview automatically.
If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the
preview is redrawn.
Item Contents
Displacement direction Set the direction of displacement.
Data Set settings for data display.
Select a data display pattern.
Pointer type Select a pointer shape.
Line type Select a pointer line type.
Scoop out
Select a ratio for scooping out the center of the data display.
Start angle Select a start angle for data display.
End angle Select an end angle for data display.
Image Frame Set settings for image frame display.
Style Select an image frame style.
Alarm/Ideal line Set settings for alarm and ideal line display.
Alarm When this is checked, the alarm and ideal lines are displayed.
Select a display pattern for the alarm and ideal lines.
Line type Select a line type for the alarm and ideal lines.
Alarm lower When this is checked, the line color of the display pattern at the lower limit of
limit alarm is set.
Alarm upper When this is checked, the line color of the display pattern at the upper limit
limit of alarm is set.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-37

3-2 Parts Configuration

 Scale
Set settings for scale display.

Open the color setting window.

3 Set the font.

Parts Configuration

Set preview values.

Redraw the preview automatically.
If the Auto draw check box is not checked, the
preview is redrawn.

Item Contents
Scale When this is checked, a scale is displayed.
Scale position Select a scale position.
Main scale When this is checked, the main scale is displayed.
Interval Set the main scale interval.
Auxiliary scale When this is checked, the auxiliary scale is displayed.
Interval Set the auxiliary scale interval.
Scale value When this is checked, the scale value is displayed.
Number of division Set the number of display digits.
Decimal point Set the decimal point position

3-38 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-3 Setting Device List
This section explains the "Setting device list" menu of KV COM+ for Excel.
Specify the top device before the replacement, the number of devices to replace and the top device
after the replacement. Then replace all registered devices in the corresponding section.

Displaying Setting Device List

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Setting device list (V)".
The "Setting device list" window is displayed.

Setting Device List

Display the devices at the selected
connection destination.

Open the Replace device window.

Open the Monitor setting window and

modifies the settings of the selected device.

Export the device settings in the CSV file


Select a display format:

• Common display
Registered devices are displayed.
• Display device comments
Devices registered by using device
comments are displayed.
• Display import support information
Devices registered by using import
support information are displayed.

Reference For device replacement, multiple devices can be selected simultaneously by using the
Ctrl or Shift keys; this way only the selected devices will be replaced.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-39

3-3 Setting Device List

Batch Replacement of Setting Devices

1 Click "Replace device".

The "Replace device" window is displayed.

Open the Select device window.

3 Set the number of devices to replace.

Setting Device List

Replace selected devices only.

2 Select the type of the top device before the replacement and enter the device number.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

In the "Select device" window, the explanations regarding the device input range, etc. are displayed.

3 Enter the number of devices to replace continuously.

4 Select the type of the top device after the replacement and enter the device number.

If the "Replace selected devices" check box is checked, only selected devices will be replaced.

5 Click "OK".
Batch replacement of the devices is executed.

Reference An error occurs if the type (bit or word) of the top device before the replacement is
different from that of the top device after the replacement.
A warning dialog is displayed if the kind (DM, EM, etc.) of the top device before the
replacement is different from that of the top device after the replacement.
If the "Replace selected devices" check box is checked, only selected devices will be

3-40 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-4 Tool
This section explains the "Tool" menu of KV COM+ for Excel.

Read Device Comments from a File

KV COM+ for Excel can read device comments in the txt or csv file format that were stored by "Save
comments with text format" in KV STUDIO.

 What is Device Comment?

KV STUDIO can register comments on devices used. When the device comment function is used, the
"total production output" and other data regarding actual use can be added to the actual device number

and displayed as comments, which improves the readability of both the program and the data. KV
COM+ for Excel can also reduce registration errors because the data for monitoring can be checked in
actual use by importing device comments.

Reference The read device comment becomes "Comment 1".

"6-11 Entering Comments and Labels" in "KV STUDIO User's Manual"

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Tool (T)" -> "Read device comments (M)".
The "Read device comments" window is displayed.

2 Click "Refer to".

The "Open" window is displayed.

3 Select a device comment file of the txt or csv format and click "Open".
The display returns to the "Read device comments" window.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-41

3-4 Tool

4 Select a "connection" to read device comments from.

To add or change a "connection", click "Setting".
The "Connection" window is displayed.


After adding or modifying a connection destination, specify a connection destination to use and click
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

Reference When "Use device comments" is checked at "Target device" for each function, a target
device can be selected by comments read.

5 Click "Read".
Device comments read from a file are registered to the current book so that device can be specified by
device comments for each function.

Setting device list (Displaying device comments)

Word device comments in bits can be read but not displayed.

3-42 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-4 Tool

Read Import Support Information

What is import support information?

If an import support information file is used when the data folder function of KV COM+ for Excel is set,

record data can be entered with each sensor parameter name. Management not by device numbers but
by sensor parameter names can reduce setting errors.
If the "sensor setting batch transfer function" of KV-7500, KV-5500, KV-EP21V, or KV-NC1EP is used
together, sensor parameters can be rearranged easily.
* Import support information is the parameter name of each sensor amplifier assigned to a PLC device
number. This information can be output from KV STUDIO (Ver.6 or later) as an import support
information file.

PLC EtherNet/IP Scanner
KV-7500 KV-SIR32XT
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KV-EP21V
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Logic Controller



Transfer to device

Read from device

Various EtherNet/IP adapters

Import support information includes the following information:

• Device and sensor parameter assignment information
• Assigned sensor parameter name
• Assigned sensor parameter type information
Import support information is provided as a file.

Reference • What is Rearrangement?

Rearrangement is the adjustment of production lines and replacement of instruments
implemented in order to manufacture through different processes or to manufacture
different products. This means the batch modification of assigned device values.
• Exporting import support information
To read import support information, KV STUDIO should export (output) import support
information. For the export of import support information, refer to "Ethernet/IP
User's Manual".
• Import support information can be used by the data folder function.
"Creating New Data Folder Setting (When set up via sensor parameter is
selected)" (Page 2-81))

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-43

3-4 Tool

Import support information reading procedure

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Tool (U)" -> "Read import support
information (I)".
The "Read import support information" window is displayed.

"Read import support information (I)" can be selected only when a connection destination
is set.


2 Click "Refer to".

The "Open" window is displayed.

3 Select an import support information file and click "Open".

The display returns to the "Read import support information" window.

3-44 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-4 Tool

4 Select a "Connection".

The "Connection" window is displayed.


After adding or modifying a connection destination, specify a connection destination to use and click
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)
The display returns to the "Read import support information" window.

5 Click "Read".

Import support information is read.

Reference If import support information is already read, it is necessary to assign import support
"Assigning import supprot information" (Page 3-46)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-45

3-4 Tool

Assigning import supprot information

The contents of a new import support information file are assigned to the import support information
already read.

If there is no import support information, the information is newly assigned.

The "Assigning import support information" window is not displayed.

 Operation procedure
3 1 Read import support information.
"Import support information reading procedure" (Page 3-44)

The "Assigning import support information" window is displayed.

Cancels all modifications.

This is enabled after assignment
modifications on the "Change
assignment of import support
information" window.

2 Select and double-click a device on the assignment list after reread.

The "Change assignment of import support information" window is displayed.

Changes a target device to the

status where no import support
information is assigned.
3 Select and double-click a device on the modification candidate list.
Click "OK".
The display returns to the "Assign import support information" window.
If a device is assigned redundantly, it is displayed in red. Avoid redundant device assignment.
4 Click "OK".
Import support information is updated.

3-46 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-4 Tool

Clearing import support information

The contents of read import support information are cleared.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Tool (U)" -> "Clear import support
information (C)".

The "Clear import support information" window is displayed.

This can be selected only when there is a connection destination.
This can be selected only when there is import support information.
2 Select a connection destination to clear import support information.

3 Click "Clear".

The "Import support information Delete" dialog box is displayed.

4 Click "Yes".
Import support information is cleared.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-47

3-4 Tool

Setting Up Protection

KV COM+ for Excel applies password protection to the settings of each function to prevent new
creation or modification. The setting protection function is set for each book.

Set up protection

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Tool (T)" -> "Setup protection (P)".

3 The "Set up protection" window is displayed.


2 At "Password" (upper), enter a password to set.

The password should not be longer than 32 single-byte characters.

Be careful not to forget the password entered here. If you forget the password, you cannot
create or modify the settings of each function in the book.

3 At "Password (confirmation)" (lower), enter again the password entered at "Password".

If the password is different from that entered at "Password" (upper), you cannot complete the setting.

4 Click "OK".
The menu items and the toolbar will be hidden, excluding "Start communication", "Stop
Communication", "Start tracing", "Stop tracing" and "Version information". In addition, the "Set up
protection" menu is changed to "Cancel setting protection".
On the right-click menu, all menu items for KV COM+ for Excel are hidden.
Toolbar display

3-48 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-4 Tool

Cancelling setting protection

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Tool (T)" -> "Cancel setting

The "Cancel setting protection" window is displayed.

2 At "Password", enter the password specified to protect settings.

3 Click "OK".
The menu items, toolbar and right-click menu hidden in the setting protection status are restored to
allow the setting and modification of each function.
The menu item of "Cancel setting protection" is changed to "Set up protection".
Toolbar display

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-49

3-5 Option
This section explains the "Option" menu of KV COM+ for Excel.
For how to set the alarm system, see "Alarm" (Page 2-84).

Create Comments

When setting the basic functions (monitor, logging, real time logging and data folder) of KV COM+ for
Excel, set whether to create comments in the target cell.

3 Point
If there are comments in the target cell, old comments are overwritten by the new ones
when this is checked; otherwise the original comments are maintained.

Switching Setting

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "Create comments (C)".
At each selection, the display switches between creating comments or not creating comments at the
setting of basic functions.

Create comments Do not create comments

Contents of Comments
When the mouse cursor is positioned above the target cell, its comments are displayed automatically.

 Monitor

"Display item"
Function name
Connection destination
Target device
Display format

3-50 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-5 Option

 Logging

"Display item"
Function name
Logging trigger
Number of data

Processing after complete
Save file name* 1
Save format* 1
Connection destination* 2
Notification device* 2
*1 When the processing after complete

is set to "Clear after saving"
*2 When the complete flag is set

 Real time logging

"Display item"
Number of data
Processing after complete
Save file name* 1
Save format* 1

*1 When the processing after

complete is set to "Clear after

 Data folder

"Display item"
Function name
Number of records
Complete notification setting
Connection destination

 Alarm

"Display item"
Function name
Connection destination
Clear trigger
Display mode
Number of data

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-51

3-5 Option

Displaying All Comments

From the menu, select "Review" -> "Show All Comments" to display all comments on a worksheet. Use
this function to check the settings of several cells at a time.
Select "Review" -> "Show All Comments" again to hide all comments.

Reference For Excel 2003, select "View (V)" -> "Comments (C)" from the menu.

Deleting Comments
3 Unnecessary comments can be deleted. Use this function to delete only comments without changing
the settings of KV COM+ for Excel. Even when comments are deleted, settings are not.

1 Select a cell containing comments to delete.

2 Display the right-click menu.

3 Select "Delete Comment (M)".

Right-clicking on a cell with no comments displays a menu of different contents.

3-52 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-5 Option

 Comment toolbar
From the menu, select "Review" to display the comment toolbar.

Various operations with comments can be executed from this toolbar.
Excel 2003
From the menu, select "View (V)" -> "Toolbar (T)" -> "Check/Comments" to display the toolbar for
comments. 3

• Even when comments are modified, the settings of KV COM+ for Excel are not.
• The Excel standard functions copy and paste cells with comments but do not copy the
settings of KV COM+ for Excel.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-53

3-5 Option

Add Border

When setting the basic functions of KV COM+ for Excel, set whether to modify border. If a border is
changed, you can easily tell which cell (range) is set.
When setting the basic functions to a cell where line ruling is already set, be careful not to modify the


When "Add border" is checked, a border is overwritten on the existing one.

3 1 From the menu, select "Add-in" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "Add border (K)".
Each selection switches whether to modify the ruled line at the setting of basic functions.

Modifying ruled line Not modifying ruled line

When setting monitor, modify the ruled line of a "target cell".


When setting logging or data folder, modify the outer frame of the "Target cell".

 Relationship between ruled line and function

Function Fame Line Color
Monitor Red
Logging Blue
Real time logging Blue
Data folder Green
Alarm Orange

The ruled line is the thinnest solid line.

3-54 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-5 Option

Mail Sending Setting

1 From the menu, select "Add-in" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Extended function setting (O)" -> "Mail
sending setting (M)".

Different procedure

• Click .
The "Mail sending setting list" window is displayed.

2 Click "Server setting".
The "Server Settings" window is displayed.
Different procedure
"Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "Mail server setting (E)

Enter the email sender information.

Enter the information of the email

server to be used.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-55

3-5 Option

Item Contents
Name Enter the sender name.
Address Enter the sender email address.
SMTP server Enter the email server address.

Port No. Enter the mail server port number.

Check this to connect the email server for POP3 authentication before
Use POP-Before-SMTP
POP server Enter the POP3 server address.
3 User ID Enter the user ID (account name).
Password Enter the password.

3 Enter each item.

When "POP-Before-SMTP" is checked, the input box for necessary authentication information is
enabled. For details about each item, consult the network administrator.

3-56 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-5 Option

Alarm System Setting

This is a function to monitor the statuses of registered alarm devices and display the alarm count, the
accumulated time of alarm, and messages individually set to devices.

From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "Alarm system setting (A)".
The "Alarm system setting" window is displayed.

 Setting a device
Set settings for an alarm device and its operation.

Exchange the selected alarm devices.

Delete a selected alarm device.

Add a new alarm device.

Changes the setting of a device selected
on the Alarm device list.

Opens the Trigger setting window.

 Setting a message
Sets an alarm message.

Edit a selected alarm message.

Exchange the position of a selected

alarm message.

Import the contents of a specified cell

range as an alarm message.

Import an alarm message.

Export an alarm message.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-57

3-5 Option

PC Presence Detect Relay

A connected PLC device can be turned ON and OFF repeatedly at fixed cycles from KV COM+ for
Excel. The PLC can confirm normal communication with KV COM+ for Excel (computer) by monitoring
that the specified device changes in a fixed period.

1 From the menu, select "Add-Ins" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Option (V)" -> "PC presence detect relay
The "PC presence detect relay (P)" window is displayed.

Open the Connection destination window.

Open the Select device window.

2 Check "Use PC presence detect relay".

3 Select a "Connection".

To add or change a "Connection", click "Setting".

The "Connection" window is displayed.
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

4 Select the type of the target device and enter the device number.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.

In the "Select device" window, explanations regarding the device input range, etc. are displayed.
When "Use device comments" is checked, a target device can be selected by device comments.

5 Click "OK".
The PC presence detect relay function is set.

3-58 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-6 Error and Communication Status Display
This section explains the "DB_ERROR" worksheet that is always created in a book with a function of
KV COM+ for Excel to display error and communication statuses.

• Do not change the name or delete the "DB_ERROR" worksheet. Doing so may disable

normal communication.
• Do not set a basic function (monitor, logging, real time logging, data folder, alarm or
parts arrangement) in the "DB_ERROR" worksheet.

Reference The "DB_ERROR" worksheet is created when a "Connection" is set to a new book for the

Error and Communication Status Display

first time.

1 Click the "DB_ERROR" worksheet tab.

The "DB_ERROR" worksheet is displayed.

Clears the error log. Updates the communication status.

Error log display box Communication status display box

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-59

3-6 Error and Communication Status Display

 Communication status list

The status of communication with a connection destination is displayed.
In one of the following cases, clear "Status" and check the status of communication with each
connection destination.
• When communication is started
• When the "DB_ERROR" worksheet becomes active

• When the "Update" button is clicked

Status Contents
 Communication with the connection destination is working
3  or (blank) Communication with the connection destination is not working
Error and Communication Status Display

• The "Update" button is enabled during communication only.
• No communication status is displayed for a connection destination that is registered in
the Connection destination setting but is not referred to in any function settings.
• If a connection destination is not yet connected, try reconnecting.

 Error log list

The log of errors generated during communication is displayed. The latest error is shown in the top row.
The contents of the error are displayed with the date and time of occurrence, the connection
destination, the cell position and the function.
When "Clear" is clicked, the current log list is deleted.
Error comment list

Contents Objects Details

Destination Invalid
Each function The set connection destination does not exist.
Device Invalid Error Each function The set target device does not exist.
Setting Invalid Error Each function The setting is invalid.
Trigger Invalid Error Each function The set trigger does not exist.
Monitor, data folder and
Write Error Data cannot be written into the PLC.
Monitor, logging, real time
Read Error logging, data folder, alarm and Data cannot be read from the PLC.
Sheet Creation Error Logging New worksheets cannot be created.
Record Number Error Data folder The specified record No. does not exist.
Record Empty Error Data folder There are no empty records.
Record Search Error Data folder The specified record comment does not exist.
Communication Error Each connection destination An error occurred during communication.
Auto save, auto print and
Sheet Invalid Error The set worksheet does not exist.
email send
Logging, real time logging and
Save Error The file cannot be saved.
auto save
Print Error Logging and auto print Printing cannot be executed.
Email Send Error Email send The email cannot be sent.
Communication Start
Each connection destination An error occurred at the start of communication.

3-60 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3-6 Error and Communication Status Display

Reference If an error occurs at automatic saving, automatic printing or email sending, its contents
are recorded on the "DB_ERROR" worksheet. In addition, the target book or work sheet
is also stored in the same folder as the book under communication. If the book under
communication has not been saved even once, it is stored in the current folder of Excel.

An error occurred at 17:05:30 on April 1, 2011.

File Name* Worksheet Date Time

(csv file only)

*The file name of the book under communication is used.

Error and Communication Status Display

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 3-61

3-6 Error and Communication Status Display


Error and Communication Status Display

3-62 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -


OPC Server
OPC Server 4

This chapter gives an outline of an OPC server and explains how to set it.

4-1 OPC Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 4-1

4-1 OPC Server

What is OPC Server?

OPC is the acronym of OLE for Process Control. This is used as a standard interface supporting the
development of measuring and control systems.
An OPC server enables communication with a PLC of each company supporting an OPC server.
Since KV COM+ for Excel supports communication with an OPC server, a PLC device supporting an OPC
OPC Server

server can be read and written through an OPC server.

PLC of each company

4 OPC Server
OPC Server

For communication with an OPC server, KV COM+ for Excel should be installed in the
same personal computer as the OPC server and the server should be communicating with
a PLC of each company.

Reference KV COM+ for Excel was verified to operate in the following OPC server:
FA Server5.0/4.0 (Roboticsware, Inc.)

4-2 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

4-1 OPC Server

OPC Server Setting Method

Connecting an OPC Server

This section explains how to connect an OPC server set with the following settings and set the monitor
function for use.
U01 (Unit Setting 01): KV-5000

OPC Server
T01 (Tag Setting 01) of F01 (Folder Setting 01): DM0

1 From the menu, select "Add" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Connection destination setting (S)".
The "Connection" window is displayed.

OPC Server
2 Click "Add".
The "Add Connection" window is displayed.

3 Enter a connection name and select "OPC Server" as the connection model.

4 Click "Select OPC server".

The "Select OPC server" window is displayed. From a list of installed OPC servers displayed, select an OPC
server to connect.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 4-3

4-1 OPC Server

5 Click "OK".
After reflecting the settings, close the window.
Reference Click "Cancel" to discard the settings and close the window.

6 Select a cell (range) where to set the monitor.

Reference A cell (range) can also be specified at "Target cell" in the "Monitor setting" dialog box.
OPC Server

7 From the menu, select "Add" -> "KV COM+(K)" -> "Basic function setting (F)" -> "New monitor
Different procedure
4 • Click .
• Open the right-click menu and click "New Monitor (M)".
OPC Server

The Monitor setting screen is displayed.

8 Click the "Device setting" tab.

Set a target cell range and also a monitoring device and its display.

9 Type in a target cell directly or click the cell specification button to specify the cell to position
the monitor at.

Cell specification button

When the cell specification button is pressed, the window below is displayed. You can specify a target cell
range by mouse dragging.

4-4 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

4-1 OPC Server

10 If more than one cell is specified at "Target cell", set "Device increment" and "Direction".

• Device Incrementation
When this is checked, the device number is set incrementally (+ 1).
This can be set only when more than one cell is specified at "Target cell". This is checked by default.

OPC Server
• Direction
Specify the priority direction of device number incrementation.
This can be set only when more than one cell is specified at "Target cell". The default is "Vert".

OPC Server
11 Select "Connection".

When adding or modifying a "Connection", click the "Setting" button.

The "Connection" window is displayed.

After adding or Changing a destination, specify a destination to use and click "Select".
" Setting a Destination" (Page 2-5)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 4-5

4-1 OPC Server

12 Select an item to monitor.

Click "Refer to" to display the "Select device" window.
The "Select device" window displays a tree of the units and folders to be selected and also items set in the
OPC Server

OPC Server

The "Select device" window is displayed only when the OPC server is active and online.
For device selection, make sure that the OPC server is active and online.

13 Click the "Operation setting" tab.

Set an operation mode and a trigger.

14 Select an operation mode.

Operation Mode Data Flow

Read Connection  Personal computer
Write Connection  Personal computer
Read/Write Connection  Personal computer

4-6 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

4-1 OPC Server

15 Setting a Trigger
Items requiring setting differ depending on the selected operation mode.
Write when
Operation Mode Read Trigger Write Trigger
Read Essential Unable to set Unable to set
Write Unable to set  *
Read/Write Essential Essential Unable to set

OPC Server
* In the "Write" mode, either "Write Trigger" or "Write when determined" needs to be set.

Click "Trigger setting" to display the "Trigger list" window for trigger setting.

OPC Server
After setting, select a trigger to use and click "Select".
"2-7 Trigger Setting" (Page 2-103)

When using an existing trigger, select it from the drop-down list.

When setting a trigger, the read and write timing of OPC server has to be set. The actual
read and write timings depend on the settings of the OPC server.

16 Click "OK".
The monitor function is set to the target cell.

When "Create comments" is checked, comments are added to a target cell.

"Create Comments" (Page 3-50)

When "Add border" is checked, a target cell is ruled.

"Add Border" (Page 3-54)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - 4-7

4-1 OPC Server

Reference If a target cell range is overlapping with another setting area, the overwrite confirmation
dialog box is displayed.
OPC Server

Click "Yes" to overwrite the existing setting.

For monitoring from KV COM+ for Excel, turn the OPC server online. Monitoring from KV
4 COM+ for Excel is possible only when the OPC server is online.
Ex) FA Server5.0/4.0 (made by Roboticsware, Inc.)
OPC Server

Click on the toolbar.

Notation in KV COM+ Notation in OPC Server Tag

Unsigned Binary Integer Binary
Signed Binary Integer Binary (Signed)
BCD Essential
Binary Integer BCD
HEX Integer Binary
Floating-point Real Number Single-precision floating-point type
Character String Ascii

4-8 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

Appendices App

The appendices explain how to install the USB driver and give explanations
about the menu list, the toolbar list, the device list, the error message list, and
the note list.

1 Installing the USB Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-2

2 Menu List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-3
3 Toolbar List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-4
4 Device List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-6
5 Error Message List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-8
6 Notes List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-21
7 PLC Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-28
8 INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . App-30

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-1

1 Installing the USB Driver

To connect KV-5000 to your computer via USB, you need to install the USB driver into your computer.
This section explains how to install the USB driver.

Installation in Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP

On Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP, the USB driver is automatically installed when the KV COM+ for
Excel is installed.
"1-3 Software Installation" (Page 1-10)

Installing the USB Driver

App-2 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

2 Menu List

A list of KV COM+ for Excel menu is displayed.

Page 2-136 Page 2-129
Page 2-136 Page 2-131
Page 2-63 Page 2-129
Page 2-63 Page 2-132
Page 2-133
Page 2-133
Page 2-134
Page 2-134
Page 2-104 Page 2-135

Page 2-16 Page 2-31
Page 3-39 Page 2-43
Page 2-57
Page 2-71
Page 2-94
Page 2-100 A
Page 3-2

Menu List
Page 3-8
Page 3-12
Page 3-26
Page 3-27

Right-click menu Page 3-27

Page 3-28
Page 3-30
Pages 3-33, 3-36
Page 3-41

Page 2-129 Page 3-43

Page 3-47
Page 2-131
Page 3-48
Page 2-129
Page 3-50
Page 2-132
Page 3-54
Page 3-55
Page 3-57
Page 3-58

Page 2-31
Page 2-43
Page 2-57
Page 2-71
Page 2-94
Page 2-100

When settings are protected, some menus may not be displayed.
"Setting Up Protection" (Page 3-48)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-3

3 Toolbar List

A list of KV COM+ for Excel toolbars is displayed.


Icon Name Function
Start communication Starts communication. 2-136

Stop communication Stops communication. 2-136


Start trace Starts tracing. 2-63

Stop trace Stops tracing. 2-63

A Cut setting Cuts settings of cells in a selected range. 2-129

Copy setting Copies settings of cells in a selected range. 2-131

Toolbar List

Paste setting Pastes settings of cells in a selected range. 2-131

Delete setting Deletes settings of cells in a selected range. 2-132

Select all monitor settings Selects all monitor settings on a sheet. 2-133

Select all logging settings Selects all logging settings on a sheet. 2-133

Select all real time logging

Selects all real time logging settings on a sheet. 2-134

Select all data folder setting Select all data folder settings on a sheet. 2-134

Select all alarm settings Select all alarm settings on a sheet. 2-135

New monitor Sets new monitor. 2-31

New logging Sets new logging. 2-43

New real time logging Sets new real time logging. 2-57

New data folder Sets a new data folder. 2-71

New alarm Sets a new alarm. 2-94

Modifies monitor, logging, real time logging,

Change modify setting 2-100
data folder and alarm settings.

Auto save setting Sets the auto save function. 3-2

Auto print setting Sets the auto print function. 3-8

Mail sending setting Sets the email send function. 3-12

Switch Sets a switch. 3-26

Lamp switch Sets a lamp switch. 3-27

Lamp Sets a lamp. 3-27

N status lamp Sets an N-state lamp. 3-28

App-4 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

3 Toolbar List

Icon Name Function
Cell reference setting Sets advanced settings for the selected part. 3-21

Trigger setting Sets a trigger. 2-104

Connection destination
Sets a destination. 2-16

When settings are protected, no icons are displayed, except "Start Communication", "Stop

Communication", "Start Trace" and "Stop Trace".
"Setting Up Protection" (Page 3-48)

Toolbar List

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-5

4 Device List

Devices available on KV COM+ for Excel are listed.

Device KV-7500/ KV-5500/ KV Nano
KV-1000 KV-700
7300 5000/3000 Series
R00000 ~ R00000 ~ R00000 ~ R00000 ~ R00000 ~
R99915 R99915 R59915 R59915 R59915
CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~
Control Relay
CR7915 CR3915 CR3915 CR3915 CR8915
T0000 ~ T0000 ~ T0000 ~ T000 ~ T000 ~
Timer (Contact)
T3999 T3999 T3999 T511 T511

C0000 ~ C0000 ~ C0000 ~ C000 ~ C000 ~

Counter (Contact)
C3999 C3999 C3999 C511 C255
CTC0 ~ CTC0 ~ CTC0 ~ CTC0 ~
CTC (Contact)*1 –
A Internal AUX Relay
MR000000 ~
MR00000 ~
MR00000 ~

MR00000 ~
Device List

LR00000 ~ LR00000 ~ LR00000 ~ LR00000 ~

Latch Relay –
LR99915 LR99915 LR99915 LR19915
B0000 ~ B0000 ~ B0000 ~
Link Relay – –
Data Memory DM0000000 ~ DM0000000 ~ DM0000000 ~ DM0000000 ~ DM0000000 ~
(Handling as Bit)*2 DM6553415 DM6553415 DM6553415 DM3999915 DM3276715
Extended Data
EM0000000 ~ EM0000000 ~ EM0000000 ~
Memory (Handling – –
EM6553415 EM6553415 EM6553415
as Bit)*2
File Register FM0000000 ~ FM0000000 ~ FM0000000 ~
– –
(Handling as Bit)*2 FM3276715 FM3276715 FM3276715
File Register
Sequential Number ZF00000000 ~ ZF00000000 ~
– – –
Mode (Handling as ZF52428715 ZF13107115
Link Register W000000 ~ W000000 ~
– – –
(Handling as Bit)*3 W7FFFF W3FFFF
DM00000 ~ DM00000 ~ DM00000 ~ DM00000 ~ DM00000 ~
Data Memory
DM65534 DM65534 DM65534 DM39999 DM32767
Extended Data EM00000 ~ EM00000 ~ EM00000 ~
– –
Memory EM65534 EM65534 EM65534
FM00000 ~ FM00000 ~ FM00000 ~
File Register – –
FM32767 FM32767 FM32767
Word File Register
ZF000000 ~ ZF000000 ~
Sequential Number – – –
ZF524287 ZF131071
W0000 ~ W0000 ~ W0000 ~
Link Register – –
Temporary Data TM000 ~ TM000 ~ TM000 ~ TM000 ~ TM000 ~
Memory TM511 TM511 TM511 TM511 TM511

App-6 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

4 Device List

Device KV-7500/ KV-5500/ KV Nano
KV-1000 KV-700
7300 5000/3000 Series
TS0000 ~ TS0000 ~ TS0000 ~ TS0000 ~ TS0000 ~
Timer (Set Value)
TS3999 TS3999 TS3999 TS511 TS511
Timer (Current TC0000 ~ TC0000 ~ TC0000 ~ TC0000 ~ TC0000 ~
Value) TC3999 TC3999 TC3999 TC511 TC511
Counter (Set CS0000 ~ CS0000 ~ CS0000 ~ CS0000 ~ CS0000 ~
Value) CS3999 CS3999 CS3999 CS511 CS255
Counter (Current CC0000 ~ CC0000 ~ CC0000 ~ CC0000 ~ CC0000 ~

Value) CC3999 CC3999 CC3999 CC511 CC511
CTH0 ~ CTH0 ~ CTH0 ~ CTH0 ~
Counter (Current –
CM0000 ~ CM0000 ~ CM0000 ~ CM0000 ~ CM0000 ~
Control Memory
CM5999 CM5999 CM11998 CM3999 CM8999 A
TRM0 ~ TRM0 ~ TRM0 ~ TRM0 ~
Trimmer –

Device List

Word Index Device Z1 ~ Z12 Z1 ~ Z12 Z1 ~ Z12 – Z1 ~ Z12

Relay (Handling as R00000 ~ R00000 ~ 00000 ~ 00000 ~ R00000 ~
Word)*4 R99900 R99900 59900 59900 R59900
Control Relay
CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~ CR0000 ~
(Handling as
CR7900 CR3900 CR3900 CR3900 CR8900
CTC0 ~ CTC0 ~ CTC0 ~ CTC0 ~
CTC (Set Value) –
Internal AUX Relay
MR000000~ MR00000 ~ MR00000 ~ MR00000 ~
(Handling as –
MR399900 MR99900 MR99900 MR59900
Latch Relay
LR00000 ~ LR00000 ~ LR00000 ~ LR00000 ~
(Handling as –
LR99900 LR99900 LR99900 LR19900
Link Relay
B0000 ~ B0000 ~ B0000 ~
(Handling as – –

*1 Only read is possible.

*2 Set the lower two digits in the range from "00" to "15".
*3 Set the lower digit in the range from "0" to "F".
*4 Set the lower two digits to "00".
*5 Set the lower digit to "0".
*6 The used device range differs by unit.
KV-N14** : CTH0 to CTH1 (2 devices) CTC0 to CTC3 (4 devices),
KV-N24** : CTH0 to CTH1 (2 devices) CTC0 to CTC3 (4 devices),
KV-N40** : CTH0 to CTH2 (3 devices) CTC0 to CTC5 (6 devices),
KV-N60** : CTH0 to CTH3 (4 devices) CTC0 to CTC7 (8 devices),
KV-NC32T : CTH0 to CTH2 (3 devices) CTC0 to CTC5 (6 devices)

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-7

5 Error Message List

The error messages of KV COM+ for Excel are listed.

Setting Destination

Error Message Cause Action

Please enter the name of
No destination name is entered. Enter a destination name.
connection destination.
Connection destination name is A destination name on the Enter a destination name that is
repeated. destination list is entered. not on the destination list.

At the import of a destination list

Incorrect connection destination Import a destination list file of the
file, the data format of the file is
information correct data format.
not correct.

A Monitor
Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

Please enter target cell. No target cell is specified. Specify a target cell.
The target cell is not entered in Specify a target cell in the correct
Target cell specifying is incorrect.
the correct format. format.
Please specify connection
No destination is set. Set a destination.
No device is specified. No object device is entered. Enter an object device.
Device does not exist (Device The specified device does not
Set a device existing in the PLC.
name). exist in the PLC.
A number outside the limited
Enter a number within the limited
Incorrect device No. range for the specified type is
range for the specified type.
The device name display
Device name display cell cannot Specify the device name display
position is set outside the sheet
be put into worksheet. position within the sheet.
Device name display cell and The device name display Make sure that the device name
monitor setting cell overlap, so position is overlapping the display position does not overlap
cannot be set. monitor setting cell. with the monitor setting cell.
When the device type is bit
device and the display format is
Please input ON string. Enter an ON character string.
character string, no ON
character string is entered.
When the device type is bit
device and the display format is
Please input OFF string. Enter an OFF character string.
character string, no OFF
character string is entered.
When the device type is word
Please enter a numeric value in
device and the display format is For the data length, enter a value
the data length within the range
binary, data length outside the from 1 to 2.
of 1 to 2.
limited range is entered.

App-8 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

When the device type is word
Please enter a numeric value in device and the display format is
For the data length, enter a value
the data length within the range character string, data length
from 1 to 64.
of 1 to 64. outside the limited range is
As a two-word device has double
For 2-word devices, please enter For a two-word device, enter an
accuracy, it does not allow odd-
even number in the data length. even value for the data length.
byte length.
When the device type is word
Please enter a numeric value in device and the display format is
For the data length, enter a value

the data length within the range character string, data length
from 2 to 64.
of 2 to 64. outside the limited range is
In Read Mode or at the time of
Please specify the read trigger. Read/Write, no read trigger is Specify a read trigger.
In Write Mode or at the time of
Please specify the write trigger. Read/Write, no write trigger is Specify a write trigger.

Error Message List

Read/write triggers are specified The same trigger is specified for Do not specify the same trigger
to the same trigger. both the read and write triggers. for the read and write triggers.
The total of monitor, logging,
Beyond max total number Set settings so that their total
data folder, real time logging, and
(65535) of various settings, so does not exceed the maximum
alarm settings exceeds the
cannot be added. limit (65535).
maximum limit.
The active sheet has no monitor Make active a sheet that has a
No setting
setting. monitor setting.
Two and more types of settings At the modification of settings, For the batch modification of
are available, so batch changes the selected range contains settings, select the same basic
are impossible. monitor and other settings. function.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-9

5 Error Message List


Error Message Cause Action

Please specify connection
No destination is set. Set a destination.
No device is specified. No object device is entered. Set an object device.
Device does not exist (Device The specified device does not exist Set a device existing in the
name). in the PLC. PLC.
Enter a number within the
A number outside the limited range
Incorrect device No. limited range for the specified
for the specified type is entered.

Specify the number of devices
If the specified number of devices is
The created quantity is to be created so that the object
added, the object device number will
incorrect. device number does not
exceed the limit.
exceed the limit range.

A Too many devices. Adding

This addition is not possible because
the total number of additional devices
Make sure that the total
number of additional devices
and existing devices does not
failed. and existing ones exceeds the
Error Message List

exceed the device registration

device registration limit.
When the device type is bit device
and the display format is character
Please input ON string. Enter an ON character string.
string, no ON character string is
When the device type is bit device
and the display format is character
Please input OFF string. Enter an OFF character string.
string, no OFF character string is
When the device type is word device
Please enter a numeric value in
and the display format is binary, data For the data length, enter a
the data length within the range
length outside the limited range is value from 1 to 2.
of 1 to 2.
When the device type is word device
Please enter a numeric value in
and the display format is character For the data length, enter a
the data length within the range
string, data length outside the limited value from 1 to 64.
of 1 to 64.
range is entered.
For 2-word devices, please As a two-word device has double For a two-word device, enter
enter even number in the data accuracy, it does not allow odd-byte an even value for the data
length. length. length.
When the device type is two-word
Please enter a numeric value in
device and the display format is For the data length, enter a
the data length within the range
character string, data length outside value from 2 to 64.
of 2 to 64.
the limited range is entered.
Please set up log device. There is no device setting on the list. Set a logging device.
Please enter starting cell. No starting-point cell is entered. Enter a starting-point cell.
Starting cell specifying is No value is entered into the starting- Enter a starting-point cell in
incorrect. point cell correctly. the correct format.
The entered data count is outside the Enter a value within the limited
Number of data incorrect
limited range. range.

App-10 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

When device specification for logging
Set devices so that their total
is in the column direction, the number
does not exceed the maximum
of set devices exceeds the maximum
number of rows (65536).
Device setting column cannot number of columns on the sheet.
be put into worksheet. When device specification for logging
Set devices so that their total
is in the row direction, the number of
does not exceed the maximum
set devices exceeds the maximum
number of rows (65536).
number of rows on the sheet.
When record specification for logging
Set records so that their total
is in the column direction, the number
does not exceed the maximum
of set records is over the maximum
number of columns (256).

Device setting column cannot number of columns on the sheet.
be put into worksheet. When record specification for logging
Set records so that their total
is in the column direction, the number
does not exceed the maximum
of set records exceeds the maximum
number of rows (65536).
number of columns on the sheet.
Please specify log trigger. No logging trigger is specified.
When "Clear" is enabled, no clear
Specify a logging trigger. A
Please specify clear trigger. Specify a clear trigger.
trigger is specified.

Error Message List

When "Always" is disabled for the
Please specify start trigger. logging period, no start trigger is Specify a start trigger.
When "Always" is disabled for the
Please specify stop trigger. logging period, no end trigger is Specify a stop trigger.
Do not specify the same
Log/clear triggers are the same The same trigger is specified for the
trigger for the logging and
trigger, so cannot be set. logging and clear triggers.
clear triggers.
Do not specify the same
Log/start triggers are the same The same trigger is specified for the
trigger for the logging and start
trigger, so cannot be set. logging and start triggers.
Do not specify the same
Log/stop triggers are the same The same trigger is specified for the
trigger for the logging and end
trigger, so cannot be set. logging and end triggers.
Do not specify the same
Beginning/stop triggers are the The same trigger is specified for the
trigger for the start and end
same trigger, so cannot be set. start and end triggers.
At the batch modification of multiple
It may be set not to specify start
selected logging settings, the start Specify a start trigger.
trigger, so update is impossible.
trigger is deleted.
At the batch modification of multiple
It may be set not to specify stop
selected logging settings, the end Specify a stop trigger.
trigger, so update is impossible.
trigger is deleted.
When "Clear after Save" is specified
Please set up save options. at processing after an end, saving by Set the save option.
the Save option is not set.
The total number of monitor, logging,
Beyond max total number Make settings so that their
data folder, real time logging, and
(65535) of various settings, so total does not exceed the
alarm settings exceeds the maximum
cannot be added. maximum limit (65535).
The active sheet has no logging Make active a sheet that has a
No setting
setting. logging setting.
Two and more types of settings At the modification of settings, the For the batch modification of
are available, so batch selected range contains logging and settings, select the same basic
changes are impossible. other settings. function.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-11

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

Beyond maximum total number Set logging settings so that
The total count of set information
of log settings (255), so cannot their total does not exceeds
exceeds the maximum limit.
be added. the maximum limit (255).

Real Time Logging

Message Cause Action

Please specify connection
No destination is set. Set a destination.

There is no device setting on the
Please set up log device. Set a logging device.
Other real time logs are set up in
The specified destination already Specify a different destination not
the selected connection
A destination.
has a real time logging setting. used.

For one real time logging setting,

The number of set devices
Error Message List

Too many devices. Adding failed. set the number of devices to 128
exceeds 128.
or less.
Multiple connection destinations
For one setting, more than one For one setting, specify a device
cannot be used in real time log
destination devices are specified. without changing the destination.
Real time log cannot be set for
the selected connection
The specified destination does Specify a destination supporting
destination. & vbLf &
not support real time logging. real time logging.
"Connection destination cannot
be changed".
Please set up PLC trigger In Trace Mode, no PLC trigger is
In Trace Mode, set a PLC trigger.
conditions. set.
Comparison value of PLC device The PLC trigger (word device) Enter a PLC trigger comparison
is incorrect. comparison value is not correct. value in the correct format.
The entered data count is Enter a data count within the
Number of data incorrect
outside the limited range. limited range.
Please enter starting cell. No starting-point cell is entered. Enter a starting-point cell.
Starting cell specifying is No value is entered into the Enter a starting-point cell in the
incorrect. starting-point cell correctly. correct format.
When sampling period is
(specified cycle), please specify The data count is too small for Specify an appropriate or greater
number of data above (numeric the sampling cycle. count for the sampling cycle.

App-12 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

5 Error Message List

Data Folder

Error Message Cause Action

Please specify connection
No destination is set. Set a destination.
No device is specified. No object device is entered. Set an object device.
The specified device does not exist Set a device existing in the
Device does not exist (%s).
in the PLC. PLC.
Enter a number within the
A number outside the limited range
Incorrect device No. limited range for the specified
for the specified type is entered.

Specify the number of devices
If the specified number of devices is
The created quantity is to be created so that the object
added, the object device number will
incorrect. device number does not
exceed the limit.
exceed the limit range.

Too many devices. Adding

This addition is not possible because
the total number of additional devices
Specify devices so that the
total number of additional
devices and existing ones
failed. and existing ones exceeds the

Error Message List

does not exceed the device
device registration limit.
registration limit.
When the device type is bit device
and the display format is character
Please input ON string. Enter an ON character string.
string, no ON character string is
When the device type is bit device
and the display format is character
Please input OFF string. Enter an OFF character string.
string, no OFF character string is
When the device type is word device
Please enter a numeric value in
and the display format is binary, data For the data length, enter a
the data length within the range
length outside the limited range is value from 1 to 2.
of 1 to 2.
When the device type is word device
For the data length, enter a and the display format is character For the data length, enter a
value from 1 to 64. string, data length outside the limited value from 1 to 64.
range is entered.
For 2-word devices, please As a two-word device has double For a two-word device, enter
enter even number in the data accuracy, it does not allow odd-byte an even value for the data
length. length. length.
When the device type is two-word
Please enter a numeric value in
device and the display format is For the data length, enter a
the data length within the range
character string, data length outside value from 2 to 64.
of 2 to 64.
the limited range is entered.
Please set up data folder
There is no device setting on the list. Set a data folder device.
Please enter starting cell. No starting-point cell is entered. Enter a starting-point cell.
Starting cell specifying is No value is entered into the starting- Enter a starting-point cell in
incorrect. point cell correctly. the correct format.
The entered data count is outside the Enter a data count within the
Number of data incorrect
limited range. limited range.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-13

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

When device specification is set to
Set devices so that their total
the column direction, the number of
does not exceed the maximum
set devices exceeds the maximum
number of columns (256).
Device setting column cannot number of columns on the sheet.
be put into worksheet. When device specification is set to
Set devices so that their total
the row direction, the number of set
does not exceed the maximum
devices exceeds the maximum
number of rows (65536).
number of rows on the sheet.
When record specification is set to
Set records so that their total
the column direction, the number of
does not exceed the maximum
set records exceeds the maximum
number of columns (256).

Data cannot be put into number of columns on the sheet.

worksheet. When record specification is set to
Set records so that their total
the row direction, the number of set
does not exceed the maximum
records exceeds the maximum
number of rows (65536).
number of rows on the sheet.
A Beyond max total number
The total number of monitor, logging,
data folder, real time logging, and
Make settings so that their
(65535) of various settings, so total does not exceed the
alarm settings exceeds the maximum
Error Message List

cannot be added. maximum limit (65535).

Beyond maximum total number Set data folders so that their
The total count of set information
of data folder setting (255), so total does not exceed the
exceeds the maximum limit.
cannot be added. maximum limit (255).
[Read Setting] :Please specify In Read Mode or Read/Write Mode,
Specify a read trigger.
trigger. no read trigger is specified.
[Write Setting] :Please specify In Write Mode or at the time of Read/
Specify a write trigger.
trigger. Write, no write trigger is specified.
[Read Setting] :Please enter Enter a read record number
No read record No. specification cell.
record No. specifying cell. specification cell.
[Write Setting] :Please enter No write record No. specification cell Enter a write record number
record No. specifying cell. is entered. specification cell.
[Read Setting] :The
The target cell is not entered in the Specify a target cell in the
specification of record No.
correct format. correct format.
specifying cell is incorrect.
[Read Setting] :The
The target cell is not entered in the Specify a target cell in the
specification of record No.
correct format. correct format.
specifying cell is incorrect.
[Read Setting] :Please enter
No read record comment Enter a read record comment
record comments specifying
specification cell is entered. specification cell.
[Read Setting] :Please enter
No write record comment Enter a write record comment
record comments specifying
specification cell is entered. specification cell.
[Read Setting] :The
specification of record The target cell is not entered in the Specify a target cell in the
comments specifying cell is correct format. correct format.
[Read Setting] :The
specification of record The target cell is not entered in the Specify a target cell in the
comments specifying cell is correct format. correct format.
Do not specify the same
Read/write trigger is the same The same trigger is specified for the
trigger for the read and write
trigger, so cannot be set. read and write triggers.

App-14 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

Please specifying [Read record Specify the read record
The read record number
No.] specifying cell on the number specification cell on
specification cell and the starting-
same worksheet as starting the same sheet as the record
point cell are set on different sheets.
cell. cell range.
Please specifying [Read record Specify the read record
The read record comment
comment] specifying cell on the comment specification cell on
specification cell and the starting-
same worksheet as starting the same sheet as the record
point cell are set on different sheets.
cell. cell range.
Specify the write record
Please specifying [Write record The write record number
number specification cell on
No] specifying cell on the same specification cell and the starting-
the same sheet as the record
worksheet as starting cell. point cell are set on different sheets.

cell range.
Please specifying [Write record Specify the write record
The write record comment
comment] specifying cell on the comment specification cell on
specification cell and the starting-
same worksheet as starting the same sheet as the record
point cell are set on different sheets.
cell. cell range.
Read record No. specifying cell
is repeated with record cell
The read record number
specification cell is specified in the
Do not specify the read record
number specification cell in the
range. target cell range. target cell range.

Error Message List

Read record comment The read record comment Do not specify the read record
specifying cell is repeated with specification cell is specified in the comment specification cell in
record cell range. target cell range. the target cell range.
Do not specify the same cell
The read record number
Read record No. specifying cell for the read record number
specification cell and the read record
is repeated with record specification cell and the read
comment specification cell are the
comment specifying cell. record comment specification
same cell
Do not specify the same cell
The read record number
Read record No. specifying cell for the read record number
specification cell and the write record
is repeated with Write record specification cell and the write
number specification cell are the
specifying cell. record number specification
same cell.
Do not specify the same cell
The read record number
Read record No. specifying cell for the read record number
specification cell and the write record
is repeated with Write record specification cell and the write
comment specification cell are the
comment specifying cell. record comment specification
same cell.
Do not specify the same cell
The read record comment
Read record comment for the read record comment
specification cell and the write record
specifying cell is repeated with specification cell and the write
number specification cell are the
Write record No. specifying cell. record number specification
same cell.
Read record comment Do not specify the same cell
The read record comment cell and
specifying cell is repeated with for the read record comment
the write record comment
Write record comment cell and the write record
specification cell are the same cell.
specifying cell. comment specification cell.
Write record No. specifying cell The write record number Do not specify the write record
is repeated with record cell specification cell is specified in the number specification cell in the
range. target cell range. target cell range.
Write record comment The write record comment Do not specify the write record
specifying cell is repeated with specification cell is specified in the comment specification cell in
record cell range. target cell range. the target cell range.
Do not specify the same cell
The write record number
Write record No. specifying cell for the write record number
specification cell and the write record
is repeated with Write record specification cell and the write
comment specification cell are the
comment specifying cell. record comment specification
same cell.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-15

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

The total number of monitor, logging,
Beyond max total number Make settings so that their
data folder, real time logging, and
(65535) of various settings, so total does not exceed the
alarm settings exceeds the maximum
cannot be added. maximum limit (65535).
The active sheet has no data folder Make active a sheet that has a
No setting.
setting. data folder setting.
Two and more types of settings At the modification of settings, the For the batch modification of
are available, so batch selected range contains data folder settings, select the same basic
changes are impossible. and other settings. function.

Import Support Information

Message Cause Action

A Please enter file.

Please select the connection
No file path is entered. Enter a valid file name.

No destination is selected. Set a destination.

Error Message List

The data format of the file is not

File format different. Specify the correct file.
import support information can The specified destination does
Specify a destination supporting
not be used by connection not support import support
import support information.
destination. information.
Before reading, delete import
Failed to re-assign import The import support information
support information from the
support information file. could not be reassigned.

Set Trigger

Error Message Cause Action

No period is entered. A cycle is not entered. Enter a cycle.
Non-numeric characters are Enter a numeric value for the
Please enter value in the period.
entered for the cycle. cycle.
The entered cycle is outside the
Enter a number within the limited
Period is out of the range. limited range for the specified
range for the specified type.
In year, please input the value The year is outside the limited Enter a value from 2000 to 2036
from 2000 to 2036. range. for the year.
In month, please input the value The month is outside the limited Enter a value from 1 to 12 for the
from 1 to 12. range. month.
In day, please input the value The day is outside the limited Enter a value from 1 to 31 for the
from 1 to 31. range. day.
In hour, please input the value The hour is outside the limited Enter a value from 1 to 23 for the
from 0 to 23. range. hour.
In minute, please input the value The minute is outside the limited Enter a value from 1 to 59 for the
from 0 to 59. range. minute.
In second, please input the value The second is outside the limited Enter a value from 1 to 59 for the
from 0 to 59. range. second.
Not one day of the week is Specify at least one day of the
No weekday is specified.
specified. week.

App-16 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

Please specify connection
No destination is set. Set a destination.
No device is specified. No object device is entered. Set an object device.
Device does not exist (device The specified device does not
Set a device existing in the PLC.
name). exist in the PLC.
A number outside the limited
Enter a number within the limited
Incorrect device No. range for the specified type is
range for the specified type.
No button name is entered. A button name is not entered. Enter a button name.

You are attempting registration
Please specify trigger 1. Specify Trigger 1.
without specifying Trigger 1.
You are attempting registration
Please specify trigger 2. Specify Trigger 2.
without specifying Trigger 2.

The same trigger is specified.

The same trigger is specified for
Trigger 1 and Trigger 2.
Specify different triggers for
Trigger 1 and Trigger 2. A
Cyclic reference, so cannot be To Trigger 1 or 2, its own trigger Do not specify its own trigger

Error Message List

specified. number is specified. number.


Error Message Cause Action

Please select a cell. No target cell range is selected. Select a target cell range.
Cannot execute this command Two or more cell ranges are
Select a continuous cell range.
for multiple selected ranges. selected.
The setting-paste cell range Make the cell range of setting-
The setting cannot be put into does not fit into the setting-copy cells cut or copied and the
worksheet, so cannot be pasted. cell range or the setting-cut cell setting-cells pasted into the
range. same.
The data to be pasted is
Clipboard data are damaged. Cut or copy the setting again.

Auto Save

Error Message Cause Action

Please enter file name. No file name is entered. Enter a file name.
Please enter save folder. No storage folder is entered. Enter a storage folder.
Either "Excel File (.xls)" or "CSV
Please select save form. Select a storage format.
File (.csv)" has to be selected.
When the storage format is "CSV
Please select target worksheet. File", no object sheet is selected Select an object sheet.
for saving.
Either "Overwrite" or "History"
Please select operation mode. Select an operation mode.
has to be selected.
Please select save trigger. No save trigger is set. Set a save trigger.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-17

5 Error Message List

Auto Print

Error Message Cause Action

No object sheet is selected for
Please select target worksheet. Select an object sheet.
Please select print trigger. No print trigger is set. Set a print trigger.

Send Email

Error Message Cause Action

Please enter name. Your name is not entered. Enter a name.
Please enter address. No address is entered. Enter an address.
A Please enter SMTP server. No SMTP server is entered. Enter an SMTP server.
Please enter POP server. No POP server is entered. Enter a POP server.
Error Message List

Please enter user ID. No user ID is entered. Enter a user ID.

Please enter password. No password is entered. Enter a password.
Either "Text" or "Attached File"
Please select operation mode. Select "Text" or "Attached File".
has to be selected.
No destination address is
Please enter addressee address. Enter a destination address.
Please enter title. No title is entered. Enter a title.
Please enter (select) target cell. No target cell is specified. Specify a target cell.
Either "Excel File (.xls)" or "CSV Select "Excel File (.xls)" or "CSV
Please select file form.
File (.csv)" has to be selected. File (.csv)".
No object sheet is selected for Select an object sheet for
Please select target worksheet. sending. (Only when the file sending. (Only when the file
format is "CSV File") format is "CSV File")
Please select send trigger. No send trigger is set. Set a send trigger.

Destination List

Error Message Cause Action

Setting that uses this connection You are attempting to delete a
Do not delete a destination being
destination already exists, so it destination being used by a
used by any functions.
cannot be deleted. function.

App-18 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

5 Error Message List


Error Message Cause Action

Please specify connection
No destination is set. Set a destination.
No device is specified. No object device is entered. Set an object device.
Device does not exist (Device The specified device does not
Set a device existing in the PLC.
name). exist in the PLC.
A number outside the limited
Enter a number within the limited

Incorrect device No. range for the specified type is
range for the specified type.
If the specified number of Specify the number of devices to
devices is added, the object be created so that the object
The created quantity is incorrect.
device number will exceed the device number does not exceed
Specify devices so that the total
the limit range.
Specify devices so that the total
number of devices with existing number of devices with existing

Error Message List

Too many devices. Adding failed.
ones does not exceed the device ones does not exceed the device
registration limit. registration limit.
When the device type is bit
device and the display format is
Please input ON string. Enter an ON character string.
character string, no ON
character string is entered.
When the device type is bit
device and the display format is
Please input OFF string. Enter an OFF character string.
character string, no OFF
character string is entered.
Please specify alarm trigger. No alarm trigger is set. Specify an alarm trigger.
Please enter starting cell. No starting-point cell is entered. Enter a starting-point cell.
The specification of starting cell The starting-point cell is not Enter a starting-point cell in the
is incorrect. entered in the correct format. correct format.
Please enter a value in the
Enter a value outside the range Enter a value within the limited
number of data within the range
for the data count. range.
of11 to 4800.
Please enter a value in the
The entered data count is Enter a value within the limited
number of data within the range
outside the limited range. range.
of 1 to 4906.
The set data count exceeds the Set data so that its count does
Data cannot be put into
maximum number of columns on not exceed the maximum
the sheet. number of columns on the sheet.
When "Clear" is enabled, no
Please specify clear trigger. Specify a clear trigger.
clear trigger is specified.
The total number of monitor,
Beyond max total number Make settings so that their total
logging, data folder, real time
(65535) of various settings, so does not exceed the maximum
logging, and alarm settings
cannot be added. limit (65535).
exceeds the maximum limit.
The active sheet has no alarm Make active a sheet that has an
No setting.
setting. alarm setting.
Beyond maximum total number Set alarms so that their total
The total count of set information
for alarm setting (256), so cannot does not exceed the maximum
exceeds the maximum limit.
be added. limit (256).

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-19

5 Error Message List

Error Message Cause Action

Two and more types of settings At the modification of settings, For the batch modification of
are available, so batch changes the selected range contains settings, select the same basic
are impossible. alarm and other settings. function.
You have selected and are
Batch change of alarm setting For modification, select one
attempting to modify two or more
cannot be executed. alarm setting only.
alarm settings.

Protection of Settings

Error Message Cause Action

The contents of the two
Enter the same contents into the
Password unmatched. password input boxes do not
two password input boxes.
A The password does not match Enter the same contents as the
Password incorrect. the one entered at the protection one entered at the protection of
Error Message List

of settings. settings.


Error Message Cause Action

The KV COM+ connection Change the connection
The connection destination PLC
destination simulator project destination setting in KV COM+
simulator model does not match.
model does not match. or check the KVS simulator.

App-20 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

6 Notes List

This section explains the important points we would like you to know when using KV COM+ for Excel by


• For use in Windows 2000, the user should have "Power User" or higher authority.
• For RS-422A connection, if your computer has no RS-422A port, attach an RS-232C/RS-422A
converter to an RS-232C port.
• It is possible to set up communication with only one unit through one type of connection - a USB
connection or a serial (RS-232C/RS-422A) connection. Even if your computer has more than one

USB or serial ports, simultaneous communication by the same method cannot be set.
• When more than one instance of Excel is active during communication, normal operation cannot be
guaranteed. If several books are opened by a single instance of Excel, however, communication is
possible. In case of serial (RS-232C/RS-422A) connection, however, book communication is
possible only when the baud rate is the same between books.
• To greatly enhance data reliability, we recommend to create a duplex configuration with two personal A
computers operating.

Notes List
• An operation executed by KV COM+ for Excel cannot be undone ("Edit (E)" -> "Undo (U)"). To keep
the original status, always back up a book.
• If simultaneous use with another Excel add-in or a macro causes a problem, do not execute the
Excel add-in or macro.
• Do not rename or delete the "DB_ERROR" sheet.
• Do not set a basic function (monitor, logging, real time logging, data folder, or alarm) on the
"DB_ERROR" sheet.
• When a graph is selected, the KV COM+ for Excel menu is hidden.
• Menu items of KV COM+ for Excel cannot be executed when a shared book is opened.
• The KV Nano Series is compatible with KV COM+ for Excel version 1.10 or later, and the KV-7000
Series is compatible with version 1.30 or later. Editing and communication cannot be started on
versions of KV COM+ for Excel which are not compatible.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-21

6 Notes List


• During communication, all menu items other than Stop Communication, Start/Stop Trace, and
Version are disabled.
• The communication periods differ depending on the computer performance and load factor, the
connection route, and the number of devices registered in the book. It is recommended to keep other
applications (including resident ones) inactive. To prevent data loss, avoid operating Excel during
communication. If a graph is displayed on the Excel screen during communication, the
communication period becomes longer than if no graph is displayed. To keep the communication
period short, do not display graphs on the screen.
• If the computer goes into standby mode, communication stops and operation after it turns on again

becomes unstable. Set the computer you use KV COM+for Excel at so that it doesn't enter into
standby mode.
• Do not delete or insert rows or columns during communication because the later operation cannot be
• During cell edit, dialog display (excluding some cases), or print preview, since Excel operations do
A not work, data is not updated at all. Since only one trigger event can be stored in this status, the
above operation during communication may cause data loss.
• If the mouse cursor is on the "Stop Communication" icon (Stop Communication) immediately after the
Notes List

start of communication, the display of the "Stop Communication" icon (Stop Communication) does
not change.
• If the mouse cursor is on the "Stop Communication" icon (Start Communication) immediately after the
stop of communication, the display of the "Stop Communication" icon (Start Communication) does
not change.
• If two or more books are open, communication starts or stops on all books.
• If too many devices are set, it may take time until communication actually starts. The time required
depends on the computer performance.
• Communication is not possible in Design Mode.
• During communication, mouse dragging is not possible.
• During communication, do not set Design Mode.
• When the right-click menu is displayed, communication stops.
• When a graph (sheet) or graphic is selected, communication stops.

App-22 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

6 Notes List

Basic function

 Common
• This cannot be set during communication.
• For setting, at least one destination needs to be set.
"2-5 Connection Destination Setting" (Page 2-15)

• When a cell is being edited, none of setting windows can be opened.

• To modify an existing setting, use Change Setting.
"Change Settings" (Page 2-100)

• If a new real time logging setting is created when such an object as a graph is created, the target or
starting cell becomes blank.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If the
display format in the cell format settings is changed later, data may not be displayed normally.
• When the display format is set, the display format in the cell format settings should be changed. If a
large cell range is set, the file size may become several megabytes or greater at saving.
• If there is too much data to set, it may take time until the setting is completed. The time required for
setting depends on the performance of your computer.

Notes List
• Values are not updated if the setting sheet is protected.
• If a sheet is protected or a book is shared, each setting cannot be executed.

 Monitor
• If the actual communication period is longer than the set monitor trigger period, cell data is updated
only at every communication period.
• If the object device is a bit device and the display format is character string, a set character string
cannot be written into the PLC Be sure to enter 0 or 1.
• Even if a value is written into a device that cannot be written into or a device always written into by a
ladder program, value written in a cell cannot be updated.
• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.
• If a result of operation by a mathematical expression is written, the value may not become an integer
because of an operational error and a write error may occur. To solve this problem, add an INT
• When "Write at Confirmation" is set, nothing is written at the start of communication.

 Logging
• If communication is stopped during logging, logging starts not from the interrupted point in the target
cell range but from the beginning at the start of the next communication.
• If the actual communication period is longer than the set logging trigger period, the target cell
becomes blank.
• If the set logging trigger period is shorter than the computer processing time, no data is added to the
target cell because trigger event occurrence is missed.
• A trigger event may be missed if it occurs during processing after end.
• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-23

6 Notes List

 Real time logging

• Real time logging can be set only one for each destination (communication channel).
• The maximum number of devices is limited to 128.
• Since a start trigger is detected by the add-in, real time logging does not start immediately after the
start trigger becomes ON.
• A start trigger event generated during real time logging is invalid.
• If real time logging is started (stopped) manually, every set real time logging starts (stops).
• The Simulator cannot be set as a destination of the real time logging function.
• Only the KV-7500/7300/5500/5000/3000 and the KV Nano Series can be set as a destination for real
time logging.

 Data folder

• If the record comment specification cell is blank when a Write Data Folder is executed with record
No. set at 0, a record with no comments is searched for.
• If the record comment specification cell is blank when Read Data Folder is executed with record No.
set at 0, data is read with no comments.
A • Clear the cell of the object record at the start of Read Data Folder.
• Time displayed in the update date and time column becomes the read start time at read or the write
end time at write.
Notes List

• Make sure that the record number specification cell, record comment specification cell, and target
cell range do not overlap.
• Make sure that the record number specification cell, record comment specification cell, and target
cell range are on the same sheet.
• When the display format is floating-point, a conversion error occurs.
• If a result of operation by a mathematical expression is written, the value may not become an integer
because of an operational error and a write error may occur. To solve this problem, add an INT
• If the object device is a bit device and the display format is character string, a set character string
cannot be written into the PLC. Be sure to enter 0 or 1.
• Even if a value is written into a device that cannot be written into or is always written into by a ladder
program, value written in a cell cannot be updated.
• If a trigger event occurs during data folder execution, data may be lost. To confirm current execution
in the PLC, use the notification of completion (enabling reset also at the start).
• At the reading of a character string from the record comment specification cell as a comment on the
record, the displayed character string is read as it is.

When "####" is displayed (narrow column width), the comment on the record is "####".

 Alarm
• The alarm history, alarm count, total duration, and occurrence time are not cleared at the start of
• If the actual communication period is longer than the set alarm trigger period, an alarm device is
monitored only at every communication period.
• The update cycle of the total occurrence time is five seconds.

App-24 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

6 Notes List


• This cannot be set during communication.

• The minimum trigger cycle is 10 ms. Depending on the computer performance and load factor, the
connection route, and the number of devices registered in the book, however, a trigger may not be
generated at a set cycle. In this case, set the trigger cycle a little longer.
• In case of operation or action imposing great burden on your computer, a trigger event generated in
the period may be missed. During communication, keep other applications (including resident ones)
inactive and avoid operating Excel as much as possible.
• When a device trigger is used, the device status is read every communication period. If many device
triggers are used, therefore, the computer load increases.

• If the device ON (OFF) time is shorter than the communication period, it cannot be detected as a
device trigger. Check the "Reset Trigger Bit" check box to confirm trigger detection by KV COM+ for
Excel on the PLC side.
• Trigger events for time ON (level) trigger, time range trigger and ON / OFF of the device are
generated continuously. This increases the computer load. It is recommended to combine several
independent triggers together.
• Rename or delete a button created here by Set Trigger.
• Excel does not work when a dialog box is displayed for the confirmation of clicking by a button trigger.

Notes List
• If a trigger setting already selected for a function is deleted, the function is disabled. Set the trigger
again by function setting.

Setting Destination

• This cannot be set during communication.

• If a destination already selected for a function is renamed or deleted by destination setting, the
function can no longer refer to the setting. Set the destination and the object device again by function

Extended Functions

 Auto Save
• This cannot be set during communication.
• If there is a file of the same name in the storage folder, the settings are always overwritten.
• If a non-existing folder name is specified, the auto save function is not executed.
• If a specified sheet is deleted or renamed, the auto save function is not executed.
• If the total length of folder and file names exceeds 256 single-byte characters, the auto save function
is not executed.
• If the storage drive does not have enough space or cannot be written into, the auto save function is
not executed.
• Since another trigger event generated during saving may be missed, it is not recommended to save
settings on floppy disk or other drives on which saving takes time.
• If a book with a graph referring to cells on a different sheet is automatically saved, the graph in the
saved file refers to the original book. Either create a graph that refers to cells on the same sheet or do
not update information when opening a saved file.
• If automatic saving could not be performed, an error is recorded on the DB_ERROR worksheet.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-25

6 Notes List

 Auto Print
• This cannot be set during communication.
• For automatic printing, the standard settings of the default printer are used. If non-standard settings
are set on the printing window of Excel, the contents are not saved in an Excel file.
• If a specified sheet is deleted or renamed, the auto print function is not executed.
• Other trigger events that occur during printing may be missed.

 Send Email
• This cannot be set during communication.
• Since dial-up or similar communication method imposes load on your computer, other triggers may
be missed or sending of emails may be interrupted due to time-outs.

• If there is no target cell for text to be sent, email is not sent.

• In Text Mode, all characters currently displayed are sent as they are.

When "####" is displayed (narrow column width), the comment on the record is "####".

A • Other trigger events that occur during e-mail sending may be missed.
• If a specified sheet is deleted or renamed, email is not sent.
Notes List


• Even when a book containing the settings of KV COM+ for Excel is directly opened, KV COM+ for
Excel does not start. KV COM+ for Excel requires add-in registration for automatic startup when such
a book is opened.
"To activate KV COM+ for Excel automatically at the startup of Excel" (Page 2-12)

• If a warning window about macros is displayed at activation, click "Enable Macros"

• The first activation of KV COM+ for Excel after installation may take time if anti-virus software is
• At activation, the clipboard contents are cleared.

App-26 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

6 Notes List


• The edit function of KV COM+ for Excel cannot be used during communication.
• Pasting to another book or to another instance of Excel is not possible.
• The basic function settings cannot be copied by the Excel standard copy function.
• To delete a basic function setting, use Delete Setting on the menu of KV COM+ for Excel.
• For the batch modification of settings of several cells, select the setting of the same function.
• If an Excel standard insertion, deletion, or move function (cut & paste) is executed, the result is as
shown below. This also applies to the edit function of a row or column.
Function Position Insert Delete Move

Other than the target cell Follow Follow –
Target cell Follow Delete Follow
Outside target cell range Follow Follow –
Starting-point cell Follow Delete Follow
Target cell range (Other than
the starting point)
No change No change No change A

Notes List
Outside object cell range Follow Follow –
Starting-point cell Follow Delete Follow
Real time logging
Target cell range (Other than
No change No change No change
the starting point)
Outside object cell range Follow Follow –
Starting-point cell
Record number specification
cell Follow Delete Follow
Data folder
Record comment
specification cell
Object cell range (Other than
No change No change No change
starting point)
Outside object cell range Follow Follow –
Starting-point cell Follow Delete Follow
Object cell range (Other than
No change No change No change
starting point)

Follow: A setting is also moved.

Delete: A setting is deleted.
No change: Set contents are not modified.

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-27

7 PLC Compatibility

The PLCs compatible with each version of KV COM+ for Excel are as shown below.
KV-7500 KV-N24**
KV-3000 KV-NC32T
KV-7300 KV-N40**
Ver.1.0 – Compatible – –
Ver.1.1 – Compatible Compatible –
Ver.1.2 – Compatible Compatible Compatible

Ver.1.3 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible

PLC Compatibility

App-28 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

7 PLC Compatibility



PLC Compatibility

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-29


An index of terminologies used in this manual. They are arranged in the alphabetical sequence.

Device Trigger.....................................2-112
A Displaying Setting Device List...............3-39
About Parts Configuration .....................3-21
About Parts setting................................3-22 E
About Trigger Types............................2-103
Activating KV COM+ for Excel ..............2-11 Edit ................... 2-7, 2-129, App-17, App-27
Activation.......................................... App-26 Error and Communication Status
Activation and Termination....................2-11 Display ..................................................3-59

Add Border ............................................3-54 Error Message List ............................. App-8

Adding Connection Destination.............2-16 Excel Page Setting................................3-10
Advanced ................................................3-1 Extended Function Setting .............. 2-8, 3-2
Alarm....................................... 2-84, App-19 Extended Functions ......................... App-25
A Alarm System Setting............................3-57
Appendices ........................................ App-1
Auto Print ......................................... App-18 F

Auto print setting .....................................3-8 Functions.................................................1-5

Auto Save ........................................ App-17
Auto save setting.....................................3-2
B General ............................................ App-21
Basic function................................... App-23
Basic function setting ..............................2-7 I
Batch Replacement of Setting Devices... 3-40 Import Support Information .............. App-16
Before Installing KV COM+ for Excel ....1-10 Installation in Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP .... App-2
Before Use ..............................................1-1 Installing KV COM+ for Excel................1-11
Button Trigger .....................................2-118 Installing the USB Driver .................... App-2

Change Settings..................................2-100 KV COM+................................................2-6
Combination Trigger............................2-123
Communication ................................ App-22 L
Communication with the Simulator........2-25
Connection Destination Setting.............2-15 Logging ................................... 2-40, App-10
Copy Each Setting to Another Cell......2-131
Create comments..................................3-50
Cycle Trigger.......................................2-104 M
Mail Sending Setting ................... 3-12, 3-55
D Menu List..................................... 2-6, App-3
Modifying Connection Destination.........2-21
Data folder............................... 2-65, App-13 Monitor ...................................... 2-28, App-8
Delete Each Setting ............................2-132 Move Each Setting to Another Cell .....2-129
Deleting Connection Destination...........2-22
Destination List................................. App-18
Device List.......................................... App-6

App-30 - KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -


Set Trigger ....................................... App-16

N Setting a Destination ...............................2-5
Notes...................................................2-137 Setting Basic Functions.........................2-28
Notes List ......................................... App-21 Setting Destination ................App-8, App-25
Notes on Use ........................................1-17 Setting Up Protection ............................3-48
Simultaneous Communication with
KV STUDIO...........................................2-27
O Software Installation..............................1-10
Start Communication...........................2-136
OPC Server..................................... 4-1, 4-2 Starting and Stop Communication ......2-136
OPC Server Setting Method....................4-3 Stop communication............................2-136

Operating environment............................1-8 System configuration...............................1-9
Operating Environment and System
Configuration................................... 1-8, 2-4
Operation Flow........................................2-2 T
Option ........................................... 2-9, 3-50
Outline.....................................................1-2 Terminating KV COM+ for Excel ...........2-12 A
Outline and Functions .............................1-2 Time Trigger........................................2-107

To activate KV COM+ for Excel
automatically at the startup of Excel .....2-12
P Tool ............................................... 2-9, 3-41
Toolbar List ........................................ App-4
Parts......................................................3-25 Trigger.............................................. App-25
Parts Configuration ....................... 2-8, 3-21 Trigger Setting............................. 2-5, 2-103
PC Presence Detect Relay ...................3-58 Trigger Setting Deletion ......................2-128
PLC Compatibility............................. App-28 Trigger Setting Modification ................2-126
Port No. .................................................3-13
Properties Page ....................................3-26
Protection of Settings ....................... App-20 U
Uninstall KV COM+ for Excel. ...............1-15
Read Import Support Information..........3-43 V
Reading Connection Destination
Settings from Another File (Import) .......2-24 Version information .................................2-9
Reading Device Comments from a
File ........................................................3-41 W
Real time logging .................... 2-53, App-12
Right-click Menus..................................2-10 What is OPC Server?..............................4-2
When creating a new file.........................2-2
When opening an existing book ..............2-3
Saving Connection Destination Settings
in Another File (Export) .........................2-23
Select All Alarm Settings.....................2-135
Select All Data Folder Settings ...........2-134
Select All Logging Settings .................2-133
Select All Monitor Settings ..................2-133
Select All Real Time Log Settings.......2-134
Send Email....................................... App-18
Set Device List .............................. 2-8, 3-39

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual - App-31

Revion History
Printing Date Version Details of Revision

Dec 2010 1st version

Sep 2010 2nd version

Jan 2011 3rd version Official release

Mar 2011 4th version

Jan 2013 5th version

Jun 2013 6th version

Jul 2013 7th version

Mar 2015 8th version

Aug 2016 9th version

- KV COM+ for Excel User’s Manual -

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