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The Selection of a Research Aopxaech ae Ismilenia Malta 2 Nurmila Sari 3. Fitriani Ayuningsi 4. Erwin 1. Define of Research Research is a systematic process of discovery and advanoament of human knowledge’ (Gratton & Jones, 2009, p.4). Accor ding to Theodor son and ‘Theodor son (1969) research refers to any honest attempt to study a problem sySematically or to add to man’s know edge of a problem. Research isa process of enquiry and investigation; itis systematic, methodical and ethical: research can hap solve practical problems and inareaseknowtedge Resear ch can be one of the most inter esting features of any degree cour se asit offers you a measure of control and autonomy over what you learn. It gives you an opportunity to confirm, darify, pursue — or even discover — new aspects of a subject or topicyou areinter ested in. 2. Difine Research Aproach Research approaches are plans and the procadtires for research that span the steps from broad assumptions to detailed methods of deta collection, analysis, and interpretation. The overall decision involves which approach should be used to study a topic. Inforrring this decision should be the philosophic assumptions the reseercher brings to the study. 3. The selection of aresearch approach The selection of a research approach isso based on the neue of the reseerch problem or issue being addressed, the researchers’ persona experiences, and the audiences for the study. Thus, in thispresentation, research approaches have thre keys terms that represent a perspective about research ‘approach that presents information in a successive way. 4. Three approaches to research This rreteria will ciscusses three cormon of research ‘approaches, quditaive, quantitative, and mixed methods. Creswell (2002) noted that quantitative research is the process of collecting andyzing, interpreting, and writing the results of a study, while quditative research is the approach to data ‘collection, analysis and report writing d ffering from the tracitional, quantitative approaches So this materia sprovides a further disfinction between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Mixed methods research resides in the midd eof this ‘continuum because it incorporates d ements of both quditaive and quantitative approaches © Qualitative rescerchis an approach for exploring and Understanding the meening ind vidud s or groups ascribe toa sod or humenprotiem The process of research involves emerging questions ‘and procedures ceta typically collectedin theparticipant’ setting eta ends sinductively building frompatticuarsto genera themes, ‘and the researcher making interpretations of the mezning of the cata, ‘The find written report has a flexible strudure. Those who engage in this form of inquity support away of locking t research thet honors: anincuctive syle, a focus on individual meering. © Quantitative research is en approach for testing objective theoriesby exarrining therelationship among vaiables These variables, in tum, canbe measured, typically on instruments, so that nurrbered deta can be andyzed using staistica procedures, The find written report hasa set structure cons sing of introduction, literature end theory, methods, results, and discussion. Like quditative rescerchers, those who engagein this formof inquiry have assumptions about testing theories decucively, building in protections against bias, controlling for dtemative explanations and being aleto gnerdize and replicaethe findings. @ Mixed methods research is an approach to inquiry invaiving collecting both quantitative and quditative deta integrating the two forms of deta end using distinct designsthet may invalve philosophic assumptions and theoreticd frameworks. The core assumption of this form Of inquiry is that the combination of quaitative and quantitative approaches provides amore complete understanding of a research problem then dither approach done.

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