Geo Question Grade 9

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Neway Challenge Academy

Addis Ababa
2020/21 Geography Review Exercises for Grade 9
I. Choose the best answer from the given alternative.
1. The foundation of geography as a branch of knowledge is credited
to the ____________

A. Medival arabs C. Ancient Greeks

B. German scholars D. Medival Europes

2. The geography of the ancient Greeks was more related to:

A. Environmental hazards
B. Locational and astrological aspects
C. Mathematical geography
D. Human geography
E. B and C
3. One of the following persons defined geography as a speculative
science in the spatial distribution of things and phenomena.
A. Hartshorne B. yeates C. sauer D. Humboldt
4. Who modernized geography as a science?

A. The Greeks C. The Germans

B. The Arabs D. The Romans

5. What characteristic distinguishes yeate’s view from Hartshorne in

the definition of geography?
A. Geography is more descriptive and non-predictive.
B. Geography is a science that can predict & speculate
C. Geography is a science that studies or describes spatial
distribution of phenomena & things
D. B and C
6. Ptolemy defined geography as a science that deals with:
A. The distribution of things and phenomena over the surface
of the earth
B. The art of map making
C. The study of the relationship between human beings and
their environment
D. A and C
7. The definition of geography as the study of the earth is first
forwarded by:
A. Imanuel kant C. Hartshorne
B. Eratosthenes D. Humboldt

8. Which field of study does not belong to human geography?

A. Demography C. Poletical geography

B. Geomorphology D. Urban geography

9. Which field of study does not belong to physical geo-graphy?

A. Climatology C. Pedology
B. Geomorphology D. Urban-geography

10. Which one of the following is not relevant to the development of

the scope of geography?
A. The invention of the magnetic compass
B. The age of exploration and discovery
C. The invention of the printing press
D. None of the above
11. When we say geography is speculative & predictive, it implies that
A. Has the capacity of forecasting
B. Is more of non- practical
C. Is simply idea
D. B and C
12. Which geographical categories listed do not belong to the study of
physical geography?

A. Vegetation C. Settlement
B. Drainage-system hierarchy
D. Land forms

13. The most recent innovation that revolutionized geography is the

application of the:
A. Magnetic compass
B. Geographic information system
C. Use of protection
D. Use of printing press
14. According to Carl o. Saur:
A. People’s cultural level influences the way they utilize their
physical environment.
B. People’s culture is the by product of their wish
C. The physical environment is master of man
D. B and C
15. Which branch of geography studies about tides, sea-waves etc?

A. Oceanography C. Geomorphology
B. Biogeography D. Demography

16. The study of the interactions in the eco-system is the task of:

A. Geomorphology C. Oceano-graphy
B. Bio-geography D. Ethno-graphy

17. The science that studies about the forces responsible for the
formation of block mountains, valleys, craters etc is the concern of:

A. Economics C. Climatology
B. Demography D. Geomorphology

18. The study of human settlement patterns and hierarchies is the

study of:

A. Demography C. Urban geography

B. Ethnography D. Historical geography

19. The study of population changes structure and distributions is

the concern of:

A. Urban geography C. Demography

B. Biogeography D. Economic geography

20. The meaning of scope refers to:

A. range B. content C. boundary D. all
21. Who was defined geography as the study of environmental
influence on man?

A. Semple C. Yeates
B. Sauer D. Kant

22. The word geography originated from the two _______ words.

A. Roman C. Greek
B. France D. Italian

23. Which of the following features is not included in the study of

physical geography?

A. Relief C. Climate
B. Soil D. Settlements
24. The study of nature, characteristics, causes, effects and its
A. Soildistribution
temporal geography of climate over the surface
C. Climatology
of the earth is
B. Poletical
concerned to: geography D. Geomorphology

25. The word “graphy” means:

A. earth B. writing C. description D. A and C

II. Match the items of column A with the items of column B


26. Bio geography B

27. Economic geography A. Content or boundary of the subject
28. Soil geography B. Studies distraction of plants
29. Demo graphy C. Studies geography of the past events
30. Urban geography D. Studies patterns of goods & services
31. Geomorphology E. Studies the distribution of political system
32. Climatology F. Studies the different aspects of soil
33. Poletical geography G. Studies spatial & temporal weather
34. Historical geography condition
35. Scope H. Studies about population change
I. Studies characteristics & cause of
J. Studies the development and
characteristics of settlement centers

III. Write A if the statement is correct unless write B

36. Geography is a dynamic subject.
37. The age of exploration and discoveries have contributed little to
the development of geography.
38. The Germans had contributed little development of geography.
39. According to kant, time factor is insignificant in the study of
40. There is no relationship between yeates & Hartshorne in the
definition of geography.
41. Ellen Churchil, semple and car.O.sauer are alike in the definitions
they suggest about geography.
42. Geography is one of the oldest sciences that dates back to the
period of ancient Greeks, Romans and others.
43. Physical geography is the study of the distribution of naturally
occurring features and their inter relationship.
44. Scope refers to the content extent or boundary treated by the
subject matter.
45. Oceano graphy is the studies about the subdivisions of population
46. Immanue kant defines geography is the description of the earth.
47. Humboldt defines geography as a science that investigates the
cause and effects relationship in the physical world.
48. Geography is not a social science subject.
49. According to the ancient Greeks and Romans, geography was a
general science dealing with physical aspects of the earth.
50. Lithosphere is deals about wate bodies.

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