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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020


A survey form for HUMSS 11-A

Name (Optional):
First Semester Grade:

A. Directions: Please rate each item as to the extent/desire that you displayed the following traits
and behaviors using the scale:

5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never

Study Habits 5 4 3 2 1
Do you study your lesson at home at least 5 times a day?

Do you study your lesson at school during vacant hours?

How often do you open your notes to read/review during free time?

Do you actively listen to the discussion, every time there is?

Do you study the lesson before the teacher’s discussion?

B. Directions: Put a check (✓) in the box under the choices whether your answer is Yes or No.

Academic Performance YES NO

I actively participate in graded recitations
I always get high scores in written output
I clearly understand the discussion of the lesson
I understand the lectures that are given by the teacher
I sometimes forgot the lesson even though I study about it.

Prepared by: Caling, James G. HUMSS 11-A

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

Null Hypothesis

Grade 11 HUMSS A students’ study habits has no particular relation with their academic


Alternative Hypothesis

Their study habits has a significant relation and somehow affects their academic


Figure 1: The number and percentage of respondents according to age.

Age f %
16 15 35.71%
17 21 50%
18 4 9.52%
19 2 4.76%
N = 42 100%

Figure 1 shows the number and percentage of respondents according to age. Among 42

respondents which represents 100% of the total population, 21 out of 42 or 50% of the

respondents are classified at the age of 17, 15 out of 42 or 35.71% of the respondents are

classified at the age of 16, 4 out of 42 or 9.52% of the respondents are classified at the age of 18,

and 2 out of 42 or 4.76% of the respondents are classified at the age of 19.

Figure 2: The number and percentage of respondents according to sex.

Sex f %

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

Male 16 38.10%
Female 26 61.90%
N = 42 100%

Figure 2 shows the number and percentage whether the respondents are male or female.

Among 42 respondents which represents 100% of the total population, 26 out of 4s or 61.90%

are classified as female, and 16 out of 42 or 38.10% of the respondents are classified as male.

Table 1: Distribution of respondents according to first semester grade.

Class Interval f x fx %
76-80 9 78 702 21.43%
81-85 14 83 1162 33.33%
86-90 13 88 1144 30.95%
91-95 5 93 465 11.90%
96-100 1 98 98 2.28%
i=5 N = 42 Σfx = 3571 100%

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents according to first semester grade. There are

14 out of 42 or 33.33% of the respondents got a grade ranging from 81-85, 13 out of 42 or

30.95% of the respondents got 86-90, 9 out of 42 or 21.43% of the respondents got 76-80, 5 out

of 42 or 11.90% of the respondents got 91-95, and 1 out of 42 or 2.28% of the respondents got

96-100. With a calculated mean of 85.02381, using the formula µ=Σfx/N.

The survey form has 2 parts. First part being about the study habits, consisting of 5

questions answerable by a 5-point scale which focuses on how the respondents do their part on

learning and understanding the lesson by themselves.

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

To determine the minimum and the maximum length of the 5-point Likert Scale, the

range is calculated by five minus one equals four (5 – 1 = 4), then divided by five as it is the

greatest value of the scale (4 ÷ 5 = 0.80). After that, the number one which is the least value in

the scale was added in order to identify the maximum length of the cell. The length of the cell is

determined below:

 From 1-1.80 represents Never.

 From 1.81-2.60 represents Rarely.

 From 2.61-3.40 represents Sometimes.

 From 3.41-4.20 represents Often.

 From 4.21-5 represents Always.

To find the mean, the number of the respondents who chose the value (f) is multiplied to

the chosen value (x). The summation of answers multiplied by its value is divided to the

number of the respondents, representing the formula µ=Σfx/N.

Figure 3: How often the respondents do what is stated in the questions.

Study Habits 5 4 3 2 1 µ Description

Do you study your lesson at home at least 0 7 22 11 2 2.809523 Sometimes
5 times a day?
Do you study your lesson at school 2 4 19 14 3 2.761904 Sometimes
during vacant hours?

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

How often do you open your notes to 1 10 20 8 3 2.952380 Sometimes
read/review during free time?
Do you actively listen to the discussion, 8 26 6 2 0 3.952380 Often
every time there is?
Do you study the lesson before the 0 2 14 18 8 2.238095 Rarely
teacher’s discussion?
Total: 11 49 81 53 16 2.923809 Sometimes

The figure shows how often the respondents do what is stated in questions catered to

study habits. The first question answered by the respondents, state that the respondents

sometimes study their lesson at least 5 times a day, with a mean of 2.809523. The second one

states that the respondents sometimes study their lesson during vacant hours in school, with a

mean of 2.761904. The third one states that the respondents sometimes open their notes to read

or review during their free time, with a mean of 2.952380. The fourth one states that the

respondents often actively listen to discussions, every time there is, with a mean of 3.952390.

Lastly, the fifth one states that the respondents rarely study the lesson before the discussion, with

a mean of 2.238095.

Table 2: Frequency distribution table of the answers.

Choices (x) f fx <cf (x-µ) (x-µ)2

1 16 16 16 -1.9238095 3.70104
2 53 104 64 -0.9238095 0.853424
3 81 243 150 0.0761905 0.00580499

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

4 49 196 149 1.0761905 1.15819
5 11 55 210 2.0761905 4.31057
N = 210 614 Total 10.0290202899

To get the mean, given the formula µ=Σfx/N, the summation of the number of answers (f)

multiplied by the choices (x) divided by the total number of answers (N). The computed Σfx=614

divided by N=210. The mean of the number of answers is 2.9238095.

After getting the mean, proceed in determining the variance and the standard deviation.

Using the formula, σ2=Σ(x-µ)2P(x), the variance is 0.0477572. Next is finding the standard

deviation with formula, σ=√ Σ( x−µ) 2 P( x). The standard deviation of the distribution of

number of answers is 0.218534.

The second part of the survey, being the academic performance, consisting of questions

answerable by YES or NO focuses on knowing how well does the respondents do in their lessons

provided by the teachers.

To determine the minimum and the maximum length of the 2-point scale. The range is

calculated by two minus one equals one (2 – 1 = 1) divided by two which is the highest value of

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

the scale (1 ÷ 2 = 0.50). After that, one is the least value in the scale will be added in order to

identify the maximum of the cell. The length of the cell is determined below:

 From 1-150 represents YES.

 From 1.51-2 represents NO.

To find the mean, the number of respondents who either chose Yes or No (f) is divided

by the value that represents Yes and No (Yes is 1, No is 2). The summation of the answer

multiplied by its value is divided to the number of respondents representing this formula;


Figure 4: How often the respondents relate to the statement given.

Academic Performance YES NO µ Description

I actively participate in graded recitations 17 25 1.5952380 NO
I always get high scores in written output 10 32 1.761904 NO
I clearly understand the discussion of the lesson 25 17 1.4047619 YES
I understand the lectures that are given by the
34 8 1.190476 YES
I sometimes forgot the lesson even though I
38 4 1.095238 YES
study about it.
Total 124 86 1.4005238 YES

The figure shows how often the respondents relate to the statement given by the survey,

catered to academic performance. The first statement answered by the respondents, states that

they do not actively participate in graded recitations, with a mean of 1.5952380. The second

statement states that the respondents do not always get high scores in written output, with a mean

A Study about the Study Habits and The Academic Performance of HUMSS 11-A
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Senior High School Department S.Y. 2019-2020

of 1.761904. The third statement states that the respondents clearly understand the discussion of

the lesson, with a mean of 1.4047619. The fourth statement states that the respondents

understand the lectures given by the teachers, with a mean of 1.190476. Lastly, the fifth

statement states that the respondents sometimes forgot the lesson even though they study about

it, with a mean of 1.095238.

Table 3: Frequency distribution table of the answers.

Choices (x) f fx <cf (x-µ) (x-µ)2

YES (1) 124 124 124 -0.4095238 0.16771
NO (2) 86 172 210 0.5904762 0.358662
N = 210 296 Total 0.526372

To get the mean, given the formula µ=Σfx/N, the summation of the number of answers (f)

multiplied by the choices (x) divided by the total number of answers (N). The computed Σfx=296

divided by N=210. The mean of the number of answers is 1.4095238.

After getting the mean, proceed in determining the variance and the standard deviation.

Using the formula, σ2=Σ(x-µ)2P(x), the variance is 0.00250653. Next is finding the standard

deviation with formula, σ=√ Σ( x−µ) 2 P( x). The standard deviation of the distribution of

number of answers is 0.0500653.

Therefore, the respondents’ study habits somehow affect their academic performance

through their part of understanding the lessons by themselves. Table 2 catered to study habits

shows that sometimes is the frequency for the respondents to do what is stated in the questions.

Table 3 catered to academic performance stated that the respondents understands the lesson but

lacks in application.

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