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AMENDED JAN 2016 FORMS Farter amended August 222018 The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago MINISTRY OF EDUCATION APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT OF A NON NATIONAL IN A SCHOOL, IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO CHILD Name of Child: Pisce of Bic School for which application is made: Date of Entry to school (if applicable) Passport Number: Saati Date of Issue... Date of Expiry er i Date of entry into country: Date of grant of Student Permit(ifapplicable): cece Date of Expiry: MOTHER ‘Name of Mother: Place of Birth:... o pen Date of Birth: Contact Number: Address of Mother... Passport Number nn ar Date of Issue: Date of Expiry os . : won Date of entry into country: FATHER Name of Father. Place of Birth : ena Date of Birth: Pe? Contact Number: . Address of Father: Passport Number: Date of Issue: Date of Expiry: oe i Date of entry into country Is the child subject to # Court Order? Yes O No Oo If*yes” please submit copy of document Is the parentignardian the holder uf? (a) Trinidad & Tobago Passport Yes O No O (b) Document showing residenveitizenship status Yes O No O Reason for application: Name of person making the application:......... Contact No. Relationship with child Signanure of Person Making Application Date CERTIFICATE paragraph (¢} of sub-regulation (6) of Regulation (9) of the Immigration Regulations is quoted hereunder: “No person shall admit to any educational or training establishment in Trinidad and Tobago any person who is not a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago or a resident, unless that person is in possession of a valid Saudent’s Permit issued by the Chief Immigration Officer Pes 4 person who admits any such student into an educational or training establishment without there being in force a valid Student's Permit in relation to that admivance in contravention of the provisions of this regulation is guilty of an offence." I certify that [have examined the followi attached: original documents presented to me, copies of which are € Bio page of child’s passport € Child’s Birth Certificate € Child’s Visa Page (if applicable) € Child's Schoot Record € Child's immunization Record / Schedule € 1D/ bio page of passport and other relevant travel documents of Parent/Guardian € Page of passport showing Immigration stamp of both parent and child entering Trinidad & Tobego. € Other a. sosseeeg, Court Order, Adoption Papers, Custody Papers, Ceiicate of Residence, previous Student Penni Marriage Certificate. Complete Relevant Statement (New student) [certify that no national will be denied a place because of this admission. The student can be placed in Form / Standard (Returning smident) I certify that no national has been denied a place because of this admission. This student was enrolled at this school sine and is currently in Form/Standard.... Name of Principal Signature of Principal in BLOCK LETTERS Please Affi School Stamp and date Name of Sch001 non eee Signature of School Supervisor Supervisor Dibtres Stamp ard date qa @ Ped ‘The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago MINISTRY OF EDUCATION ‘Schoo! Supervision and Management Division 14° Floor, #5 St. Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain GUIDELINES FOR THE REGISTRATION DEA NUS-NA SIONAL IV A SCHOOL IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Parents/Guardians must identify the school (Primary or Secondary), which they would like their child/ward to attend and contact the Principal On the advice of the principal at the Primary or Secondary School, the parent/guardian ‘must complete the relevant sections of the attached Form B in duplicate and submit it to the Principal of the school. ‘The parent/guardian/applicant must provide some form of identification to the principal a, ID, DP, Passport. Copies of the following documents of parent's and child must be attached to Form B in duplicate and submitted to the Principal of the school + Bio-data page of Passport © Visa page if applicable + Birth Certificate + Previous Student permit if granted + Previous School Records of student ‘+ Immunization Record / Scheciule of student * Other travel documents of Parent/Guardian © Work permit + Last Entry Certificate and Extension Cenificate (from Immigration Division) if applicable of both parent and child entering Trinidad & Tobago. * Ina case where a guardian i the applicant, the legal document (Court Order) must be submitted Pes + [fone parent (non-national) is married to a Trinidad & Tobago citizen or resident, a ‘marriage certificate must also be submitted, (3) The completed forms with the Principal's recommendation, signature and school stamp should then be sent to the Division of School Supervision via the respective District School ‘Supervisor. The Principal must indicate the Form or Class that the pupil will be placed in (6) Ifa Parent/Guardian is experiencing difficulty in having his/her child/ward placed in a school, he/she may consult the respective School Supervisor II for Primary Schools or School.Supervisor IIL for Secondary Schools,

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