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The Improbable Task

An original stop-motion animation

Written and produced by
Josef Sparrey


Thursday 9th December, final submission

Pre-production booklet:

Concept – pg.2

Why I’m producing this production – pg.2

Target audience – pg.3

What my audience want to see – pg.3

What I am creating from my research – pg.4

Where my production will be aired – pg.


The story opens with a Lego ninja figure on the run holding a special
gem item. Throughout his run, he engages in combat with trained
gunmen/assassins. Until he becomes fully surrounded with the main
antagonist who as well steps forward. An all-out battle erupts with
the ninja using only his sword and martial art skills to fight ever single
gunman. He finally engages the boss enemy which he wins.

Why I am producing this production

I have chosen to create a stop-motion animation as my second

production for BeCreative, as I haven’t made one of these for many
months, but I also wanted to tell a story using practical materials for
the sets and characters.
I also wanted to create a stop-motion, is because I want to work on
using a variety of different camera angles, as well as creating all the
sound effects with Foley which would be for every movement,
punch/kicks or anything in a shot that would naturally have a sound.
However, music can be included but I don’t have to create my own
I am also producing this animation, to push myself with creating
something I haven’t really done before, as this is going to take up a
great deal of my time so it will see how patient I can be, and not
become distracted or annoyed when problems arise.


Target audience

Creating a stop-motion animation with Lego is not usually what

would usually appeal to my audience, who are from the ages of 40-
60 years old. Instead, I am hoping the narrative, lighting and visuals
will entertain my audience and be an animation production that they
are interested in.
However, from a recent survey I sent out to a couple of people who
are in my target audience range, the majority of them had seen stop-
motion productions before, but all of them agreed that having Lego
wasn’t suitable towards them and instead children. I am still planning
to use Lego figures as the characters, but I will need to make the
tone of the animation feel slightly more adult like, whether that
being from the use of darker lighting or blood effects etc.

What my audience want to see

After researching into different aspects about my target audience
and the things they enjoy, which included surveys, interviews and
general secondary research online, such as looking at different
statistics on websites. As my audience are older, 40-60 years, my
animation can not include any uplifting happy music or colourful
shots, and instead be more moody and have darker lighting as well
as keeping it faced pace, as it is an action sequence in stop-motion.
However, my audience have said from a survey that they do enjoy
watching stop-motion animations and the stories that can be told
through the use of practical objects, but they do think that Lego is for
younger people. This is true, however I haven’t got action figures and
am limited with resources, so will experiment with using Lego,
cardboard and other materials.


What I am creating from my research

I am going to create a short 1-2 minutes action sequence using Lego
figures as the main characters, with cardboard, little lights and a
backdrop being used to create the location setting. The genre of
action isn’t the most popular for the general audience of people aged
40-60, however there will be many people with different opinions
about the genre types they prefer, so should will still be enjoyed and
watched by an audience even though it’s an action sequence in stop-
From researching stop-motion animations, there are multiple camera
angles to use, which will break up the visuals and keep the story
paced and entertaining. As well as looking at how lights are set up for
a shot, creating a different mood or tone in each shot. As the genre is
action, I am planning on creating small fight scenes with the fictional
characters so I have had to look at different tips to make the hits and
kicks look as if there are physics involved, but to make them more
impactful when stuck.

Where my production will be aired

As I am producing a stop-motion which is to be uploaded to the web,
the most popular social video sharing platform is YouTube, as well as
this being the most accessible for the vast majority of my target
Also, Facebook and Instagram or even Twitter can easily be accessed
by my viewers who have a device that can connect to a network, as
these are the social platforms I can use to be promoting my
production on.

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