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And So It Goes For SATB a cappella Arranged by. Words and Music by BOB CHILCOTT BILLY JOEL. ee P Soprano sane = tus ary Alto sane = tu ar-y Tenor sane = tw=ar=y Bass every ean there isa sane = tw-ar=y but with rubato J= ca. 60 (d= rehearsal ont) This anangetnt Cony @ 1882 KGELSONGS Mision Admits By Lato Mis CORE Strnignts Nobenea” ‘Useaby Parsoson © musicnotes Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves strong, s ew one - comes Toheal the wounds from comes strong Teal the wounds stone the wounds fov-ers past : comes mp long. 1 spoke to you in cautious tones: you answered me with no pre= mp So ~ Jone, T spoke to you in cauetious tones; — you an-swered me with no pre mp ao long. 1 spoke fo you jin cau-tious tones you an =swered me with na pre= mp =~ Joma, 1 spoke to you in caustios tones : you an -swered me with no pre © musicnotes ‘Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves And sill 1 silence my cr poco crese — fence 06 poco crese fence. 00 p00 eres fence. 00. ev-'y time Te held a rose it seems 1 on = ly felt the thorns (P0€0 69686 Oo. ® musicnotes Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves poco rit poco rit poo rik — rt and 50 it goes, and so will you — soon 1 sup- ‘poco rit ——_ ratemo _— But if my si-tence made you leave, — then =——. > rv aempo ~ _ But if my silence made you leave, — then Patempo aa Ba if my si-tenee made you leave, then uti p a tempo But if my silence made you leave, — then $ musicnotes Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves that would be my worst mis = take So Iwill share this room with you. And = that would be my_ worst mistake So 1 will share this room with you. And that would be— my worst mis = take So 1 will share this oom with you. — And. —== that would be— my worst mis - take So 1 will share this room with you And — poco crese you can have this heart to break 00. —— poco crese you can have this heart wo break. 0. = poco eres = = you can have this heart to break 00. And this is_why may eyes are closed, Es Ta a ~ 20. you can have this hear! to break bo § musicnotes Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves And soit and soit goes, Solo just as well. for all 've seen, 3 20 rit == tt ——— praremp = © So 1 would ppatempo ~ = So 1 would ppatempo — (Se So T would — and you're the on = ly one who knows poco rit ppatempo sa Stempo ® musicnotes ‘Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves St mf choose 10 be with you, That's ifthe choise were mine to make. But you can ——$$—$—— mf choose to be with you, That's if the choice were mine to make. Bul you can mf —$—$ — the choice were mine to make —— nf But you choose to be with you That's ifthe choice were mine to make, But_you can Slower a tempo moltorit ——=_ f =P PP legato make de ci-sions too. ‘And you can have this heart to break. Boo doo doo molto ri, —<—<—=_f —=——_P pp legato make — de = ci-sions too And you can NAVEthis heart to break. Boo doo doo motto rit, —<—<$<—=_ ff =— P pp legato make de = ci-sions too. And you can have this heart to break, ‘Boe doa coo motto rit =f —=——_P pp legato —_) make de ci-sions too ‘And you can have this heart to break, Deo doo doo Slower molto rt ‘tempo © musicnotes Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves 660 doo doo. doo doo doo doo doo. doo doo 4600 doo doo doo doo ~ doo doo doo doo doo doo doo rit Slower long) = aA — and 50 it oes, — and you're the on = ‘who. knows, Mong) — ~ and soit goes, and you're the on = ly, one who knows, ong) a—— and soit goes and you're the on = ty one who. knows (tong) — you're the on = yong who. -knows. © musicnotes ‘Authorized for use by: Edward Reeves

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