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‘LEADERS’ Science Academy Mathematics 1* YEAR Solved Past Papers Section t, Short Questions Written by Bashir Ahmad Mubashar [M.Phil, M.Ed] 03336808087 Scanned by CamScanner The LEADERS' Science Academy (Express the complex number 1+/V/3 in polar form. (ii) Simplify ( (iii) Find the multiplicative inverse of (1. 2) (iv) Write the set (x|x¢ £A4q)—> p isa tautology or not. Find the matrix if wx[5 ‘ “1s 12 3)" 123 Forthe matrix A=|-2 3 1 find cofactor Au. 432 la pry Without expansion show that |@ y+a /=0 y asp | When x‘ + 2x! + ka? + 3 Is divided by (x2), the remainder ls 1, Find the value of k. If a, are the roots of ax? +bx-+e=0, ax 0 then find the value of a? +f? The sum ofa: positive number end Its square Is 380, Find the number. Find modulus of 1—iV3. Prove that sum as well as the product of any two conjugate complex numbers is a real umber. Does the set (1, -1) posses closure properties with respect to addition and multiplication? Define a binary relation from a set Ato a set B. Let A= (1, 2, 3), Determine the relation r such that xry If < y. What is proposition? Define row and column matrices. ja Bry Il Without expansion, verify that [8 y+a 1)=0 ly a+f || wash | verity that (47) =(44)" Prove that (~1+ V3)" +(-1-V3)"=-16 If a, are the roots of 3x7 -2x+4=0, then find the value of 58. ‘Show that x-2 Is a factor of x*-13x7 +36 wae the property “3<-2 = 0<1- simplify (-1)". * Express the complex number 1+ v3 in polar form. Bashir Ahmad Mubashar [M.Phil, M.Ed] 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner The LEADERS' Science Academy fv, Define a group. Differentiate between equal and equivalent sets. vi Define a function. Also give one example of a function. 0-4 1 vi Showthat B=| 4 0-3] is skew symmetric. -1300 vill waft Oi stowne 2h -t ix What is the rank of a matrix? What are the extraneous roots of an equation? xi. (+2) and (x—2) are factors of x + pr’ + qx + 2, find the values of p and a. il, Discuss the nature af the roots of equation x*+ 2x + 3=0. 2,and Zz are complex numbers then show that 2,2, =; Z, 23 2 2-31 wa-( 3) and a-(3 4 |) sheath enaton 31-24 fore x 5 a1 2-11 Separate ‘Into Real and Imaginary parts 7 tf Aand B are Overlapping Sets then draw the Venn Diagram of AB, Find the Multiplicative Inverse of -3 ~ Si. Find Four 4” Roots of 81, Define Intersection of two sets and give an exemple, a3 - without expansion show that: |1 1 0]=0 2-3 5 Define Identity Matrix and give an example. ‘Shaw that the roots of px*— (p—q) x—q = Oare rational. It «,f are the roots of x’ - px p—c =O then prove that (I+a)(1+B)= Ime Define Monald. Express (2+ V3)(3+V-3) in the form of a-+ 41 and simplify. 1, Find the multiplicative inverse of -4, 7). fii, Factorize 9a* + 16b?. iv. Define union of two sets and give an example. V. If Mand B are any two sets then prove (UB) =A’N8! vi. Define tautology and absurdity. vii, If Aand B are non singular matrices then prove (48) == 71A~ Back * Bene 3-3 Find the inverse of matrix A =' 4s Bashir Ahmad Mubashar [M.Phil, M.Ed] 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner The LEADERS' Science Academy wanf 2 2-H 2-310 then show that A is skewshermit X Solve the equation x% x46 =0 i. Using factor theorem show that (x~ 1) Is tactor of e+ 4x—5 ‘The sum of a positive number and its reciprocal is % - Find the number. |. Find the modulus of compex number 3+ 4/ it Simplify by justifying each step 4—> by writing properties. Factorize the expression 9a? +1687. 1. Define absurdity and give one example. 4x,43n, <5 Solve the system of near equatlon 5° p24 VL Find the value ofxif|2 x 2)=0 B 6 vii. Define Row Rank of a matrix, dil, Solve the equation x**—10=3x"'. inf A= {}, B= [}, C= {5,6.7,9-10} verity di Intersection. x find the inverse of the relation {(I.3)s(2.5)s(3-7)(49)-(5:1)} ric Use remainder theorem to find the remainder when 2° wat 45x44 isdivided by x2, sii, Find the roots of the equation 1637 +8x+1=0 by using quadratic formula, Istributivity of union over Check the closure property w.r.t “x* on {-1, 1). WL Define modulus of a complex number. 1 lk Find multiplicative inverse of ~3- $i 'v. Write down power set of {a,(0,c}} ¥. Construct truth table for an Implication, VL Define semigroup. 200 x) fl x vy} fa 23 we rndx ty] Sltlo 2 il" 6 a 21 peda ae[? 1 Bashir Ahmad Mubashar [M.Phil, M.Ed] 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner The LEADERS' Science Academy MEAs a non-singular matrix, then show that (4!) = 4 % Solve 2x7+12x-110=0, Xl. If @ iscube root of unity and a? =1, then evaluate 2 +0” +1 xil. Discuss the nature of roots of 25x? -30x+9=0- Define Irrational numbers. iL. Name the properties used in these equations: (a)449=944 (b)1000%1=1000 prove that 2=z Ifzisreal. Write two proper subsets of {a, b, ch. Define order of a set. Find the inverse of {(x,y)1y=25+3, xen} 2 vi, Find xand y i est pet 7 3 3y-4] [3 2. vii. IfAand B are square matrices ofthe same order, then explain why In general {a+ By A-8) #A-8 Define Hermitian matrix. x. Prove that Paya (x4 yx+ay(x+0'y) xi, (fa, Bare the roots of x’ - px ~p=c=0, then prove thét (1+a){1 + B)=1-¢ Write two properties of the cube roots of unity. i. Prove that F=z Iffzsreal. 2 Separate into real and imaginary parts. (say Tet i lil Does the set {0, -1} possess closure property with respect t0 (I) addition (ii) multiplication? Write the set {x|x¢ pax<12} in descriptive a Prove that P > pvg Is tautology. Define a group. IfAlls any square matrly of order 3, show that A ~ At Is skew symmetric, Define Skew SymmetricBatrix. we ae{! 2) ana 42]? 2], nnd values of and b. > 0 0 = 0 by using quadratic formula. 1 ind tabular form. a x. Find roots of equation 15x’ + 2ax xi. Ifa, Bare the roots of 3x2- 2x-+ 4 =0,find value of 7+ xil, Discuss the nature of roots of equation x! + 2x+3 = 0. Bashir Ahmad Mubashar [M.Phil, M.Ed] 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner Mathematics rigst YEAR Sched Past Papars ois LEADERS? Science Academy Sengodha 5 Q#2:- Find out real and imaginary parts of (es +i} . Using formula Qet:- If z, and Z2 are complex number then show tha’ (arby = a4 b+ 3abCarh) (sive +6730 (ss +9) Z+Z, (arbi) +e+di) Zr+Z oe arkite adi Zy 42, H@re) +ilbed) (Bay = (a) +? +388 i) | (Bei = (yes) +i 4 36Gt 3Be (Bein GON + iG) +308) +3004 _ Zi¥Z, 2 (atc) +iCb+d) Zitz, = (arc) -ilbed) — >@ Z, a aybi Zea thi Zea-bi —-@ (sive o + Be Sinilav) . ze e+de Real part =o, Tinaginers potas Z, = take Q45~ Factorize Zac-d—@ a+b Add eg ® LO a 4b ZeZ= G@-bi)+(c-di) = _h1)b* sah yer b> tye Using formule fa)’ — (2ib) ek Dey CAR Similar Question oy Vo? + 16 b* = Ja _ 1 6(-1)b® 0533-6808087 — TK Scanned by CamScanner from 24D 1G it show tt Zp+Z. = Zi +Zr pauh Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (Phil, MEd) Mathematics seconp Year Sled Past Papers The LEADERS’ canactonyagh | = Fae —16e*b* diy An{a, fect} = (Ba)"- (uib)* Soy eee {Ff flog} fot =|(3a-4ib)(30 + 4b) figmer Similar Question 1 Bots 3y™ i A={t} Msn cyt cay =f} {49} = 3(e4 $) iy) As {4,-,x,+} sy Pine{if Lehth tt Gh fe}, fh foosh, {ob 4 fe, {ror} fed, {eb fess +}, {t -1% sh Q#5:- Define a he function. =3{¢ -OO eT =7[-8y] = 3[Oo ayy] Pls alb+ial [non Ath. Define Power Set of a set and give an cxamle. Ans: Power Set s— Te set of all te subsets of a set A is called its power set. It is dlenoted | Ansi- Bijective (Onto/ 1-1 “f PUA). 3 ~ is e fe fau} an onto function and her. ’ ref €F,£5}, fp, 4.3} Similar Question Write down the Powev Set of the following Sets: there is no vepetition im the range of “f" Ren "fis called 9 Bijective (alot ote) fareon $:4(02),(b0) 69} & 21 Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil Physics, MA Wan Sadi MED Scanned by CamScanner Mathematics riast Year Soha Past Papers 7% LEADERS? Science Academy Sargodha 4 Similar Quections: om and inte) function . ] Onto (Surjective) Funetion:— 8 if a function Pe) fF: A+B is such that F:{.0, (oF Ranset =f 2} co B=fLu 3} Function i A binavy relation “f” is called 9 function if there is no vepetition in tke domain of “f”. It is written as fr A-2B G#6:— Construct truth table and show that the statement ~p-4)— P is a tautology or not. sy PLY [Py realtone [x TIF T T F T F TIF Tv felr[r fe fr] Since all the possible values of (p+q)—>P ave true. Tins ~(P>qy)>e is a toutelogy. Range f=B, ten “f” is called an Onto (suyjective) function. For example Ff (ao, (og), Copy Ragef aga, ff a B futo Function :- If a function £2 AB is such that Range f+B Renge cB then “f" is. called an Into fasction. For, exemple oe CE) fr{(a. 1), (6a), (e.3)} Range fa{LU3h & Befi23.4F Into (Injective) / 1 —1 fad I an Into function and there is no repetition in the range of “fT and Rage $ OB tren “fis called an tijective Scanned by CamScanner Mathematles secon YEAR Sold Pat Papers The OT Find the maknx X sfedlele 2 4 ut xf G Jb Jf 3] A)S>+ OE) Soak [ CL2)+O0 Dat 5) + WO) net | ce i [. 3 bath sides —>@ — 8) ‘Sa -2b be -2d Comparing, | ba-2b= -1 zpat+b=as 5e-2d = 12 —>@ 2ze+d 3 —»® Equation@ is Multiply by > ha +2b =18 —© Add ey £O a-i 4 ark Pring He value of fa” in ey @ 200 +be5 a +b=s b =5-2 Similerl Eqpection@ is Multiply by > he +24 =6 —»® Add ey @ 2 © be -2A =I uc y2d=e 5 4 = 18 5. est [eae a Puting Re value of “Cc” in yp ze +423 2Q) +d =3 4 +d =3 d =3-k aoe Ad Yang Q¥8s For the matrix al 2 | 43 2 find cofacty Aja -2. 4 wy (2 1 aecs |e al Anz G8 [ene -wor] An 26 [-4-4] An =61t8) [An =8] loam Sieg MEA) Scanned by CamScanner D L Mathematles riast YEAR Sobud Part Paper i LEADERS? Science Academy Sargodha Q¥4:-Withodt expansion put Pde t because show that remainder is 1 Pa) = 354+4K 4 =35 44K -35 = 4K -3h =4K —34 ak i Qall- lf op are the roots of axsbx+e=0, ato \ et then find the value of Ate ney ot4 B Cot p +8) 1 ‘| ems ¢ , +P frem Co arpa +c zo a(atprt)(o) Cass Toro calurans ave x ‘identical I] We Know that ERAS vence phsed (+B) = ep DXB Qe 10- When x'+ 2204 kxe43 (4p) 208 =oC4p™ is divided by (x-2), the remainder is 1- Find the value of kK. 26 = ep Sol, Pox) = erate Kes 3 * put x-250 P= Bat = op Med Ca Anwsy, Po) =os+r0F+kGP43 Qld: Te sum of a positive PO) = 16 +26) 4K) +3 number and its square Pay a6 +16 HhK 43 is 380. Find the number. Soy Let Rearrange xt -380 <0 Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil, MEd) 0333-6808087 sk Scanned by CamScanner (BY -2g) = oF X% +x = 380 Pa) = 35 +4K | Mathematles second YEAR Sobed Pu Pqews — 7is LEADERS? sanaadeny ape | G02: Prove that 2 +% —380 <0 AP -19% 420% = 38020 | | as well as the 1 phoduet of any two 2X=19x +20x —lax20=0 |-149 +20 conju te numbers isa real 2(%=19) +20(%-19) = 0 numer mber. So Let the numbers be Cum = (a sib)-+ (a -ib) Sum = & +h o we ite ae, product = (a4ib)(a-ib) product = ey iby product = ah OE (x-19)(x4+20) =0 x-IVs0 KtLO=0 Required positive wumber =F] Anse PAPER #2 Qh Find modulus of 1-15 produc = ot CO Sey py using formula tise foe ei veal wombs Hen its modulus if Homes. prend IZl= lege Q#3- Does the set {1,-1} Simitarl Posses closure sties ut 221-3 with respect to a ZH) 4B and mattiplication. $o Ize fOr + CBY 7 we id ERI {u-1 lzl=[1+3 only posses lets = Ne suve ts aie hae potty Bashie Ahmad Mubashar (Phi ya, MAWlnicSod MED Scanned by CamScanner Mathematics mest year Solved Past Papers 2 he LEADERS’ Science Academy Sargedha Qe Define a binary relation} from a set Ato a set B. Ans Let A ond B be two non- empty sets, then ony subcet of Cartesian preduct AXB is called a binary relation, o¥ simply a elation fyem A to B. QS: Let A=fl2,3%, Detennine the yelation ¥ such that any iff x 4, verify that ayy Sy Lins aca) fy Mer ated adj ofA As(2 7 - [ 1 3 7] val=[3 | agjetati, '] lAl= @)0)-G)E0 3 > IMs 2+3 lal 25 A's di adj of A ay J A { Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil, MEd) 0333-6808087 ] [ Mathematics seconp Year Sold Past Papers Tie LEADERS’ Science Academy Sargodha ; we 1443 | ws 1-3 = z aws-1403 jaws -1-F3 Las 2 CINE) eC Fa)" a = (20)'4@20) poole peur +16 wee oat eof oooh!) / cg fow + oval] euefet wr] . Jp aw auded HI Ml 4 =16(-4 wader! 1‘ , 2 a-lé i] = 20) -C8) = RAS How prot len 43 Qatle-If =, are the Vl es roots of 3x-2x+h=0, - . t then find the value of deB. Bx-2x-4=0 ax +bx+Cz0 8 Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil Physics, MA Islamic Studi MED) Scanned by CamScanner i Mathematics riast Year Sole Pat Papas pla) = N= 1302) + 36 Pa) = 16 =13(4) +36 PQ) = 52-52 PQ) = f tesnir =, Se x-2 is a factor of tata 436, PAPER#3 Gal: Name the property ~34-2 = 04! Soy Additive property - = lxeh =208

20716 Multiplicative Property di) 1 >-1 > -3>-5 Additive Propety di) ago = - 70 Multiplicative Property \ dv) arb > i St 2 es! %s Hi fe] Ae. Ae Show that x-2 is a factor of 1327436. 4 - w arb »-a¢-b 4 rae x me +36 Multiplicative prepety : put t-2=0 wen POX) = GS -BGP+H% Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil, MEA 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner Qa Simplify (-i yt (et) ese. Q43:- Express the complex polar form. = 2 560 + 12 SinbO” Shae Wea FED = 1058 + in mse, ~ 4 +18 QA Define a gor Com parin: Anse A monoid havir yose=t Sin = 3 inverse of each of Sypart Senin) its elemevts undey x (reese) =U" vod = 1 Vato eyrsino = 143 2, ino) = 4 Y (ators 6) a ghoupiod. ru) =4 —> Semi Group -- Yoh aS) A non em o 5s Is semi qvoup } felt ty It is closed oo ce —_ to an operation X. ie Simi lavty vgind= Ii, Yebsoe! wt esind = VB oso ~la daro= 3 7 g = tens’ (3) O= bo Reuived polar fem ¥ 050 4 Bind [+i] Arms number L+if3 in (rsiné) = (G5) is called a qroup- Similay Question: v'sin'p = 3 - => Grou iod:— Adding ey O 48 if A closed set with respect to an operation x is called i - ly The operation & ig associative | Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil Physics , MA islamic Studies, MEA) Scanned by CamScanner Mathematics rest year Sled Pact Papars ‘Tie LEADERS’ Science Academy Sargodba : | - aria ; Tus the sets semi grou 1, 2,32 and f 2,03 having on san ty an i 5 it is called moncids |p iat Sot _ qui s— - Group «- If the elements of two sets A amd B ean be paired in such @ Hat each element af 4° is. paired with one and onl one element of B and vice versa, then such @ monoid havin inverse of each of its elements under X is called a group. —> Abelian Group s- If gr Gi satisfies an additional Condition ie. . for every a, beG pawn is called a one-t-ong 4 ‘bya carvespandence between axbe= Hen Gis called an A ond BL OG Abelian ot commutative houp under ¥. G45 Differentiate between equal and equivalent Boe yeep Q#6:- Define a function. A\so qe one example sets. " Ansi- Equal Set s— of a “function. ‘Two get A and [Se Ut Aand B be two non-empty cets such thats 1) fis a xelation from AtoB Pat is, f is a subset of AxR ii) Dom f =A B are epal ie, AaB, if and only Hf they have the same elements that is, if and ") if every ment iene citled of ie ii) First element of oer set) eof fl Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil, MEd) 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner Mathematics rest year Sold Pest Paps am LEADERS’ vannatonpanes | Gee A=[‘ <], show that Atel, So) A-[i 3] pew MG 3 £-foiee aos be Deo ote “lint oti eee a ay eo ae[2 Ss] o <1 “4 olf-! 2 eel ME 2] Ahe Teaco HOOK) Lad (0) +00) eytayelryee) conto) +0) are eqpal , HRen £ is said to be a function from AtwB. We function f is also written as: :A2B which is reads is a function trom AB. QaF- Show that “41 Bl | 430 is skew symmetric Ae oFo ott Ate[ ‘ + [! *]-b . Hence pred (to “ , > te “8 wing Henee pened Bis skew 7 Bashie Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil, MEA) Scanned by CamScanner Mathematles rirst YEAR Sobu'Pat Paps 7a LEADERS? Science Academy Sargodha 4 What is the rank Ges fs matrix? ™m Ans Let A be a non-zero matvix. If is the numbey of non- Here rows when it is veduced te the redwed echelon form, then ¥ is called the (vow) yank of the matrix A. Q#10:—- What are the extraneous roots an ion? Anse Every solution of radical eapation Is also a solution of he radical - free ation but the new equation have solutions rat ave not colutions of the original vadical ey ohion. Cuch extva salution Croots) ave called exbaneous yoot . Qaetl:-If (xu) and (x4+2) ave find the vales of Pp and y- factors of Paptqx +2, Sey Let ga) —rdepriqnen Bashie Ahmad Mubashar (MPhil, MEd) MH TE RH -ac2 Hee x-asx+! aas | ae-l aed | s gothetic Division LoP + pe + aX +2 i) Pa =yf-! ry) my qapese 4 pt! ve ‘oP -! 1-ytPp ze =i. ytersze ow Add ey O2O y42p =? 2per pea > kel Putting Re value of Png ytPt Bae ythnsseo y-rt3e0 + +l eo fosresynte . Aig: Discuss the nature of the roots of eqpeation L*42K4350 Scanned by CamScanner Sol, Av t4+2% +320 ax +bx +Cexo ast, bet, ¢=3 Dise = b> bac Ptse = GY -WIG) Ree eet ave Conpl/inegng and distinct /uneysal . Similar Questions iy 2245x-l 0 ach, ba5, Ca-t Dise = b> -42¢ Dise = (7 -4@eY) Dise 3 25+8 Dise Dise => Dite ¢ The iii) 20-mK +350 ast ,b=-7,C=3 Dise = bre hac Dise = CWO) Dise = 49-24 Dise =25 _ ‘Bashir Almad Mubashar (Pl. WEA) Mathematics rast YEAR Soke Past Papers ke LEADERS’ Science Academy Sargodha => Dise po and a perfect sya? 1 We vests ave Real anal anenpall ") 42x>-l2x +4 =0 Dise = 4-12 a= Dise=a — 8 => Dise << o Dise = bac and equal. y 4xrebxr+l co ash, beé , c=! Dise = L2-bae Diss = BF Dise = (6 4WQ) => Pisce po but Net a Perfect Sqpate Dise = 36-16 2 The socts are Irtetonal Dise = 20 anal unessal. => Dise pO put Not a Perfect Square & The soots ave |rratonal . and unequal . VW 25x46 =0 asl, be-5, ca€ Dise = Potae pise C5) “HO 0333-6808087 4, be-12 ,c=h = Cn P-4@)e4) = 144 14h =o yoots ave Real Scanned by CamScanner — FIRST YEAR Sold Past Papert te LEADERS’ Samus Academy Sop 4 [ pica 25-24 ~)—SCOsfsa& a Dice a t PAPER #4 = Dike 70 and a Perfect Square] a The Yost are Real and unequal. il) 2x7-5x +l =0 as2,b=-5,¢Ce! Dise = b> hac f Q#lerIf Z, and Z, are complex. numbers then show that ZiZ2 =21 A Sol lot Z,ca+bi Dise = 5) 4 C200) Z, sabi Diss = 25-3 Ze cad Pree = 17 Zea cde = ise PO . => Di ZZ. = (a+binc +di) but Not a Perfect inte) bie) ZZ, = are) +@)ai)+ = ac tadi+bei abd i™ v2. “We wots are [yvathona | n . ZZ. way” oe eee 22, ac siled =e) abd) a=r5 , be-30, co3] 7,7, =@¢ _bd) 4d +be) Dise = Bie: oF germ Pise = C30) - usa FF nlc bd) ledebe —@ Dire = 700 =—4oo i Z, =(a- bi(c-d*) . 4 ayn Dise = © Real Zz (eye) (ai)- 6) +84) Fa weet \ axe Zh eac -ad abe +bdi and equal. 57z, -ac~tlad she) + HOW) l ZZ, =c — bd)-ifad+be) — From yD 2@__ LHSERHS > Z=2, 2 ‘Bashir Abad Mubashar (MPhi MEd) 0333-6808087 Scanned by CamScanner Natnemalles east YEAR Safa aimee inciaamyare | Sol, 2-k 4a5e = Ot), G-5) (445i) C4- (4-58) BX-2A=B for X | _ Gy) —Gusin— cen 1070659 BX -2A4=8 Uy -G* 2x = BA = ga li 291 +350 ax-fr | 2 2B | 16 — 25" - a 5 a . = 3-i(10+29) 435) vob 3 ‘FL [‘ $ ra 16-25) 5 4 -l -2 2 16 = @-35 ~i (38) Bee int 16 +25 G+r 1 +10. =-27-384 4 = -27 _38e 4 I fel part = -Z7 oud} prt= -38 oxi = ICA and B ‘Gre overlapping sets then draw the Venn Di fsa Diagram U and imaginary parts 2-% _aa5t Back Paget 38, 16 Sinn Qui ~~ saashir Aad Mubashar (Phi, MEd) 0333-6808087 I gol, Scanned by CamScanner Mathematles riast YEAR Sobed?et Paper oh» LEADERS” Science Academy Sergodha 5 Q#5:- Find the Multiplcatie Inverse of -3-Si- Sy _s_5i a=-3 , b=-5 Using formula 3 a _a_ | —b (Aa 2 ab —(5) ) -3 ~ (aaa > Grrr =(3 , = 4 +25 q+25 ( -3 abe = Ba 7 3H) Answer, Q#6e Find Four 4 Rooks of 8i. | go Let “x” be the fourth root | of 3 } = of =8l yi- G1 =° (ey ay = [er alte-4] =° [e+a] [oot-@F] = ° [e+ a] [o+3e-3)] =o y+B=0| E-3=° | w4qs0 wre -4 e=si esl | 7 e [eaRe Ke z5h Hence he veyived vocts of Ql aves 3,3, -30, Bt | Q#72~ Define Intersection Anss- The Intersection of two Bashir Ahmad Mubashar (NPhi, MEd 0333-6808087 two sets and give an example. sets A and B denoted by ANB, is the set of all elemests, which belong to bath A and B. For Example AaL NET B=f.eiap ANB = frushate. wip ANB =4u5, Union of two sets The union of two sets A and B, denoted by AUB, is the set of all elements, which belong to A or Bs. For Example Aa{2.4.6f . B=fha2} Aub ={2,4,6F 044,812} ADB ={2, 4, 6.8, 125 Scanned by CamScanner Mathematles rast YEAR Sold Past Papers #:— Without expansion a show that e 33 so8 of59 2-3 5 O sqave matrix of order 1- \f aij =° for all i+j and aged ov all i=y, then he matvix A is called a unit matvix or |dewtity matvix. We denote Such matvix lL, § 1=[59] lbh Boy a=pry, b=-P. om LEADERS’ Sane Academy Sati of Px = (p-yn-4= =o are rational. Bo pat (p-y)x-¥=° a=p ,be-(p-y) =F Disc. = br 4ac Disc. = E-¢peny] (PIED Dis. = (Pty) +4PY Dise.= prey —2py +4PY Dise. = Pe +y + 2ZPy Disc. =+¥) it isa perfect sqpare Sa, Rects ave yational. Similar Guestion- (PHY) x*~p* ~F = ca" Dise. = b*-hac Dise. =[-P]=4 (P+9)(-9) Dice. = p* +49 (P44) Dice. = P+ 4 py + qe Die =(Py+a eH) + Gy Disc. = (P+ 24) it is a perfect Cqpave . Lo Roots ave yationnal , Scanned by CamScanner

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