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1. Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el primer condicional:

1. If we ________ (go) to Oxford, we _____________ (take) the train.

2. You _____________ (miss) the plane unless you ________ (leave) before 6.00.

3. If Paul ___________ (become) the new mayor, he ______________ (build) a new hospital.

4. It ___________ (be) very good if they ________ (clean) the slums.

5. We ____________ (not go) to the party unless we ________ (be) invited.

2. Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos que hay entre paréntesis.
Utiliza el segundo condicional:

1. If I ________ (have) a dog, I ______________ (walk) it three times a day.

2. I ______________ (help) the homeless people in our town if I ________ (have) the opportunity.

3. If there ________ (be) more factories, there ____________ (be) less unemployment.

4. I ______________ (live) in this suburb if I ________ (have) enough money.

5. Tom _______________ (share) his chocolate if it ________ (be) bigger.

3. Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos que hay entre paréntesis.
Utiliza el tercer condicional: Created with 1

1. Steve ______________________ (not feel) left out if you _______________ (invite) him.

2. If Vanessa _____________ (take) my smartphone, she ___________________ (tell) me.

3. We ______________________ (not be) late if the train ____________ (leave) on time.

4. If you _____________ (ask) me, I ___________________ (tell) you the truth.

5. Tom _________________________ (not shout) if he _______________ (be) so angry. Created with 2

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