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What is Facebook Page?

Facebook Page is a public Facebook account that can be used by brands, to share contact
information, post updates, share content, promote events and releases etc. and they're free to
set up.

How to create a Facebook Business Page?

Before you can sign up for your Facebook Business Page, you need to log into your personal
Facebook account. the information from your personal account will not be publicly visible on
your business Page.

• Step 1: Sign in
So, if you’re not already logged into your personal account, log in now, then create your
Facebook business page

• Step 2: get started

Go to
Click on get started By clicking Get Started, you agree to the Facebook Pages Terms

• Step 3: Give your Page a Title

The title of your Page should match the name of your brand, business or organization. So
use your business name or the name people are likely to search for when trying to find your
• Step 4: Select Category
Add one category to help people understand your Page. Choose the closest one — you can
update it later. type a word or two that describes your business and Facebook will suggest
some options. You can choose up to three of the suggestions.

• Step 5: Add your website

If you have a website, add it here so people can get to it from your Page. You can this
step if you don't have a website.
• Step 6: Add Pictures

Pages with profile and cover photos show up higher in search results. Make sure the
photos you choose to align with your brand and are easily identifiable with your
When you are happy with your selections, click Next.

• Step 7: Connect your business to WhatsApp

You will see a pop-up asking if you want to connect your business to WhatsApp. This is
optional, but it does allow you to add a WhatsApp button to your page

• Step 8: Create your username

To create your username, click Create Username on the Page preview.

Your username, is how you tell people where to find you on Facebook.
• Step 9: Add your business details

Fill in the appropriate details here like your website, location, business

Now Your page is ready

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