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C a u s a t i v e Ve r b

Causative verb indicates that the subject does not perform the action or
event but rather takes help or forces another person to perform that
action or event. In simple words, In English there are three persons (Ist
person - I,we, 2nd person - you and third person - he, she, it, Ram).
When Ist person does not perform the action himself rather he is asking
or forcing or managing others to perform that action, we use Causative
• In other words,It shows an external factor(Somebody or something)is
indirectly responsible for an action.
• It can be any tense and followed an object and a verb form which can
be infinitive or a participle and describes the resulting action the
subject has got done.
• Causative verbs, make, let and have are mostly followed by a base
form of verb. These words can also be followed by present and past
• Lets look at the following box which shows the difference in the
sentence structure of basic verb and causative verb.
Basic Verb Causative Verb
To open To make open or cause to open
Ali opened the door. I made Ali open the door.
To tell To let someone tell.
He tells us a story. Teacher lets him tell us a story.
To cry To make cry
She cried to release her emotions. I made her cry to release her emotions.
To listen or to hear. Have one listen/make one listen
Ali listens to Radio news. Sufyan have Ali listen to Radio news.
Most commonly used causative verbs
• Have, Make, Cause, Let, Get, Keep, Allow, Force.

• 'Have' as a causative verb indicates that the person wants to give

responsibility or instruct or force someone to do something for him
• Now the person from whom we are getting the action done might be
known to us or not known to us, but does our work nevertheless.
When we ask or make someone do something we use the rule:
Lets see the examples of 'have' when followed by
the base form of verb:
Rule : Subject + have + person + verb (base form)

Ayan will have his mother serve him food.(Here Ayan is making his mother do action, Serve, base form of the
I had the electrician repair the power line.(I made electrician to do action, Repair, base form of verb.)
I will have my servant wash my car.
I will have him read the book.
• The causative verb 'have' can also be followed by present ( the -ing
form) and past participles (the -ed form).

When we use 'have' with a present participle , '-ing' it refers to the

action happening in continuation. For past tense we use the simple
past form of have i.e. Had in such sentences.
The head chef had us cooking late the whole week.‫ہم سے پورا ہفتہ کھانا پکوایا تھا۔‬
My father had me sleeping till I got recovered.‫مجھے سلوایا تھا۔‬
Rule : Subject + have + object/thing + past participle of verb

• Have along with past participle is used to indicate when we arrange

for something to be done to someone or something. In this formation
we are getting the work done from someone but we don’t necessarily
know them.
She had her hair coloured recently. ‫اس نے حال ہی میں اپنے بال کلر کرواۓ۔‬
I need to have my jeans altered. ‫مجھے اپنی جینز ٹھیک کروانے کی ضرورت ہے۔‬
She had her ears pierced. ‫اس نے اپنے کانوں میں چھید کرواۓ ۔‬
They had young children load their household goods. ‫انہوں نے بچوں اپنا سامان لوڈ کروایا۔‬
They will have young children load their luggage. ‫وہ بچوں سے اپنا سامان لوڈ کروایں گے۔‬
I had Ali give complete report. ‫میں نے علی سے پوری رپورٹ دلوائ۔‬
She had Gaama beat the hooligans. ‫اس نے گاما سے چوروں کو پٹوایا۔‬
I will have Gaama teach hooligans a lesson. ‫میں گاما سے چوروں کو پٹواوں گا۔‬
I had students write in the class. ‫میں نے بچوں سے کالس میں لکھوایا۔‬
I had the lawyer change my will. ‫میں نے وکیل سے اپنی وصیت بدلوائ۔‬
I will have the lawyer change the will. ‫میں وکیل سے اپنی وصیت بدلواوں گا۔‬
I had my friend sit beside me. ‫میں نے اپنے دوست کو اپنے پاس بٹھایا۔‬
We had our house master manage a movie at weekend. ‫ہم نے ہفتہ کے آخر پر اپنے ہاوس ماسٹر سے فلم لگوائ۔‬
I had the mechanic repair my laptop charger. ‫میں نے مکینک سے لیپ ٹاپ کا چارجر ٹھیک کروایا۔‬
The leader had workers gather in the ground. ‫لیڈر نے ورکرز کو میدان میں اکٹھا کروایا۔‬
They will have workers gather in the ground for a speech by the leader.
The doctor had the nurse clean the table. ‫ڈاکٹر نے نرس سے میز صاف کروایا۔‬
She had her husband cook dinner for her. ‫اس نے اپنے خاوند سے رات کا کھانا پکوایا۔‬
I like the way you had the beautician do your hair. ‫مجھے وہ طریقہ پسند آیا جس طرح آپ نے بیوٹیشن سے اپنے بال‬
Rule : Subject + have + something + participle

I had my appendix removed by the surgeon. ‫میں نے اپنا اپینڈیکس سرجن سے نکلوایا۔‬
We had the issue resolved among ourselves. ‫ہم نے مسلہ کو آپس میں سلجھایا۔‬
She had the clothes washed from her husband. ‫اس نے کپڑے اپنے خاوند سے دھلوائے۔‬
I want to have this book bought for your children. ‫میں چاہتا ہوں کہ یہ کتاب آپکے بچوں کے لیے خریدی جاۓ۔‬
She had her car repaired on the same day. ‫اس نے اپنی کار اسی دن ٹھیک کروای۔‬
She had her jacket cleaned. ‫اس نے اپنی جیکٹ صاف کروائ۔‬
I had my watch fixed. ‫میں نے اپنی گھڑی ٹھیک کروائ۔‬
I have my hair cut once in a month. ‫میں مہینے میں ایک بار اپنے بال کٹواتا ہوں۔‬
Did you have the car washed yesterday? ‫کیا آپ نے کل کار دھلوائ؟‬
I will have the table kept in cabin tomorrow. ‫میں کل اپنے کیبن میں میز رکھواوں گا۔‬

• The meaning of 'Get' is very similar to the causative 'Have' but usually
there is a sense of convincing the person to do an action. Get is used
to convince(or trick) someone to do something.
• The sentence structure of get and Have is same but we mostly use
infinitive To before the base verb Get.When we get work done by
someone whom we know or about whom we can talk about ,then
we use infinitive To before the base verb Get.
Rule : Subject + Get + Object + infinitive 'To' + Verb (base form)

I got Liaqat ready to come with us. ‫میں نے لیاقت کو ہمارے ساتھ آنے کے لیے تیار کیا۔‬
She got the children sing in the ground. ‫اس نے بچوں سے میدان میں گانا گوایا۔‬
I got her to stay up till midnight yesterday. ‫میں نے کل آدھی رات تک جگوایا۔‬
He intentionally gets his assistant to stay late everyday. ‫وہ ہر روز جان بوجھ کر اپنے اسسٹنٹ کو دیر تک رکواتا ہے۔‬
I got the dry cleaner to come and clean my coat. ‫میں نے ڈرائ کلینر کو بلوایا اور اپنا کوٹ صاف کروایا۔‬
I got my family to perform Hajj together. ‫میں نے اپنی فیملی کو اکٹھے حج کروایا۔‬
I got the plumber to fix leaking pipe. ‫میں نے پلمبر سے ٹپکتا نال ٹھیک کروایا۔‬
Rule :Subject + get + something + participle

• Get is similar to use as Have as it can also be followed by participle

and the usage remains same.When a present participle(Ing) is used
then the sentence shows an action performed over a period of time.
Senior officials got their room changed. ‫سینئر آفیشلز نے اپنا کمرہ تبدیل کروایا۔‬
Let’s get our car parked in the ground. ‫آو ہماری کار میدان میں کھڑی کروایئں۔‬
She got him fired from his post. ‫اس نے مجھے میری پوسٹ سے ہٹوایا۔‬
I got my leave sanctioned today. ‫میں نے آج اپنی چھٹی منظور کروائ۔‬
She will get her transfer cancelled very soon. ‫وہ بہت جلد اپنا تبادلہ منسوخ کروا لے گی۔‬
I could not get the car started. ‫میں کار سٹارٹ نہ کروا سکا۔‬
She got all the papers mixed. ‫اس نے سارے پیپر مکس کروا دیے۔‬
You get your house cleaned by my servant. ‫تم نے میرے مالزم سے اپنا گھر صاف کروایا۔‬
Examples Of Present Participle
She got me wondering about the power of meditation. ‫اس نے مجھے غور کی طاقت کے متعلق حیران کیے رکھا۔‬
She got the baby drinking water from the glass. ‫اس نے بچے کو گالس سے پانی پلوایا۔‬
During elections, we got the CCTVs working. ‫ ہم نے کیمرے چالو رکھواۓ۔‬،‫دوران الیکشن‬
Use of Have or Get

• Have and get both mean getting work done from someone the
difference lies in the meaning, Get usually implies encouraging or
convincing someone to do something and have implies getting work
done by force or instructions. We usually use Get instead of Have in
informal speech.
• Lets look at the following example to understand the subtle
I had a professional singer perform in the party.(Singer was asked to perform) ‫میں نے پارٹی میں پیشہ ور سنگر‬
‫سے پرفارم کروایا۔‬
I got a professional singer to perform in the party.(Singer was convinced to perform) ‫میں نے پارٹی میں پیشہ ور‬
‫سنگر سے پرفارم کرنے کے لیے بلوایا۔‬
Did you have your roll number re-checked? ‫کیا تم نے اپنا رولنمبر پھر سے چیک کروایا؟‬
Did you get your roll number re-checked? ‫کیا تم نے اپنا رولنمبر پھر سے چیک کروایا؟‬
We will have five computers installed in our office. ‫ہم اپنے دفتر میں پانچ کمپیوٹر انسٹال کروائیں گے۔‬
We will get five computers installed in our office. ‫ہم اپنے دفتر میں پانچ کمپیوٹر انسٹال کروائیں گے۔‬
We had our house decorated on independence day. ‫ہم نے یوم آزادی پہ اپنا گھر سجوایا ۔‬
We had our house decorated on independence day. ‫ہم نے یوم آزادی پہ اپنا گھر سجوایا۔‬
The manager will have the director reconfirm all the appointments. ‫مینیجر تمام تقرریوں کی دوبارہ تصدیق ڈائریکٹر‬
‫سے کرواۓ گا۔‬
The manager will get the director to reconfirm all the appointments. ‫مینیجر تمام تقرریوں کی دوبارہ تصدیق ڈائریکٹر‬
‫سےکرواۓ گا۔‬
When we want to say that we will not(wont) allow something to
happen to something or someone, we always use have.
I won’t have anyone exploit her. ‫میں کسی کو بھی اسکا استحصال نہیں کرنے دونگا۔‬
I won’t have my reputation tarnished under any circumstances. ‫میں کسی بھی صورت میں اپنا شہرت کو داغدار نہیں‬
‫ہونے دونگا۔‬
We often use 'Get' instead of 'Have' in informal speech

I will get her posted in her home town.

He must get his share of cake. ‫اسے اس کے کیک کا حصہ ملنا چاہیے۔‬

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