TCS IT Quiz - A Level: Preliminary Round

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TCS IT Quiz - A level Preliminary Round

Question 1. When did the first Apple iPhone become available?

Option A. 2005 Option B. 2006 Option C. 2007 Your Answer

Question 2. What is the full form of EA?

Option A. Electronic Arts Option B. Entertaining Animation Option C. Excellent Artist Your Answer

Question 3. IBM is a well known computer and information technology company. What does IBM stand for?

Option A. Information Option B. International Option C. International Business Your Answer

Business Management Business Machines Missions

Question 4. What is the name of the Friendly Helper in Windows OS that takes the form of a Paper Clip?

Option A. Mervin Option B. Dr. Clip Option C. Clip-it Your Answer

Question 5. What does VCM stand for?

Option A. Virtual Connection Option B. Voice Option C. Virtual Channel Your Answer
Manager Communications Module Memory

Question 6. Who is the Father of Mobile Phones?

Option A. Martin Cooper Option B. Chuck Lorre Option C. Larry Paige Your Answer

Question 7. Who is the Father of IT?

Option A. Charles Babbage Option B. Alan Turning Option C. Steve Jobs Your Answer

Question 8. Who invented the Super Computer?

Option A. Tim Berners Lee Option B. Seymour Cray Option C. Gordon Bell Your Answer

Question 9. Which company recently tested a driver-less car?

Option A. Samsung Option B. Lexus Option C. Google Your Answer

Question 10. The founders of Apple Computers Inc…?

Option A. David E. Shaw & Option B. Steve Jobs & Option C. Bill Gates & Steve Your Answer
Larry Page Stephen Wozniak Balmer

Question 11. Who co-developed CD-ROM?

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TCS IT Quiz - A level Preliminary Round

Option A. Philips & Sony Option B. Microsoft & Infosys Option C. Lenovo & Dell Your Answer

Question 12. The Android OS is based on what system?

Option A. Zenix Option B. Unix Option C. Linux Your Answer

Question 13. Who is the founder of Twitter?

Option A. Dick Costolo Option B. Larry Bird Option C. Jack Dorsey Your Answer

Question 14. What is the full form of VGA?

Option A. Video Graphics Option B. Video Game Option C. Virtual Graphics Aid Your Answer
Array Adapter

Question 15. Who is the founder of the NEXT Computer Corp.?

Option A. Makoto Nagao Option B. William Gates Option C. Steve Jobs Your Answer

Question 16. Name the company that built the first microprocessor

Option A. Nvidia Option B. AMD Option C. Intel Your Answer

Question 17. What is Dot Matrix?

Option A. A printer Option B. An operating Option C. A graphic software Your Answer


Question 18. What was the working name given to the project by Microsoft which was later released as Windows XP?

Option A. Odyssey Option B. Neptune Option C. Whistler Your Answer

Question 19. The key which is used to display help in Windows OS?

Option A. F3 Option B. F1 Option C. F5 Your Answer

Question 20. What is the full form of HTML?

Option A. HyperText Option B. HyperText Option C. HyperText Markup Your Answer

Memory Link Markup Language Layout

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