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5. Use the information on exercise 4 to write a text and

Illustrate it.
Usa la información del ejercicio 4 para escribir un
texto e ilústralo.

__________________________________________ _

Lesson 2
This is your school principal


1. Read the dialogue between Pedro and his parents.

Lee el diálogo sobre Pedro y sus padres.

At school.
En la escuela.

Good morning. I’m

Mr. Medina and
this is Francisco
Saavedra, the
Good morning. Good morning. Nice
school principal.
Nice to meet you. to meet you, too.

Sit down please. Yes, I’m his father. Yes, I’m his mother.
Are you Pedro’s

What do you do? I’m an electrician. And I’m a housewife.

Well, Pedro is a
good student.
There isn’t any
problem with him
but you have to
help him with


2. Find the occupations in the text. Match them with their definitions.
Encuentra las ocupaciones dentro del texto. Relaciónalas con su definición.

a) The person who washes the dishes, cooks food and takes care of the family at
home. _________________________________________________________
b) The person who works in a school giving classes to
c) The leader of students and teachers.
_____________________________________________________________ _
d) The person who maintains electric systems.


3. Look and read the announcement, a person needs a baby sitter.

Observa y lee el anuncio en donde una persona necesita una niñera.

4. Answer the questions.

Contesta las preguntas.

a) What does the announcement require? ____________________________

b) What qualities are required? ____________________________________
c) What’s the working time of the job? _______________________________
d) What’s the phone number to schedule an interview? _________________
e) What’s the e-mail address? _____________________________________


5. Design an announcement offering a service (mechanic, carpenter, teacher,

electrician, doctor, etc.). Write your name, your occupation, a phone number or
address, your qualities, etc.
Diseña un anuncio ofreciendo un servicio (mecánico, carpintero, profesor,
electricista, doctor, etc.). Escribe tu nombre, ocupación, número telefónico o
dirección, tus cualidades, etc.


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