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June 20, 2020 Post Session Theme: “Together we can- Responses

Peer Support for Self-

Questions Responses (Attempt all

questions; this form must be
presented for you to sign the
Participant Register)

1. Why did you choose to (circle the most suitable 1 of the participants chose to
participate in the Positive answer/s) participate in the PH&D
Health & Dignity sensitization -I was invited by JCW+ because they were invited by
session? - I want information to help JCW+, while 3 wanted
with the side effects of my support to improve CD4 and
medication. become virally suppressed. 2
- I want to be supported for of the participants chose the
better treatment outcomes. option other and their reasons
-I want to improve my CD4 were: They wanted to learn
and become virally how to deal with
suppressed. discrimination and also it is
good for me and will help me

JCW+/JASL/Global Fund Service Level Agreement

“An empowered woman is the fastest way to reach and sustain the world”

how to live my life.

2. HIV positive diagnosis is a (circle one) Of the 6 participant, 5 persons

death sentence. said that HIV is not a death
Yes -1 sentence, while 1 person
No -5 believed it is.

3. Disclosure means telling (circle one) For 5 of the respondent,

everyone that you are HIV disclosure does not mean
positive. Yes -1 telling everyone you are HIV
No - 5 positive, while for 1person it
Unsure- means sharing with everyone.

4. The healthcare provider (circle one) Of the 6 participants, 4

decides who should be told persons believes that the
about your test results Yes -4 healthcare provider decides
No - 2 who should be told about
Unsure- ones test results, while the
remaining two said no they
don’t decide.

5. Undetectable viral load (Circle one) 4 of the participants believe

reduces transmission of HIV to that an undetectable viral load
our sex partners and babies. Yes- 4 reduces transmission of HIV
No- 1 to sex partners and babies.
Unsure- 1respondent said it does not
reduce transmission and 1

JCW+/JASL/Global Fund Service Level Agreement

“An empowered woman is the fastest way to reach and sustain the world”

other person did not answer

the question.

6. Support from family and (Circle one) All 6 respondents believe that
friends can improve HIV support from family and
treatment adherence and Yes- 6 friends can improve treatment
quality of life No- adherence and quality of life.

7. Counseling is needed after (Circle one) All 6 respondents said

hearing you are living with or counseling is needed after
affected by HIV Yes- 6 hearing you are living with or
No- affected by HIV.

8. One word that describes - Good within my Majority of the participants

how you are feeling today is - body (5) expressed that they are
- Grateful feeling positive, with 1 person
- Fine feeling not feeling well.
- Good
- Not feeling well
- Bless

9. One of your expectation for - To leave here feeling All participants had the
today is- empowered. expectations of being
- To understand more informed by/educated about

JCW+/JASL/Global Fund Service Level Agreement

“An empowered woman is the fastest way to reach and sustain the world”

about JCW+ subject matter at the end of

- To feel bless the session. These will help
- To feel good about them to feel better within
being with you themselves.
- To get more
- To hear positive


June 20, 2020 Post Session Theme: Together we can- Responses

Peer Support for Self-
empowerment “”

Questions Responses (Attempt all

JCW+/JASL/Global Fund Service Level Agreement
“An empowered woman is the fastest way to reach and sustain the world”

questions; this form must be

presented when signing for
your travel assistance)

1. How would you rate the (Scale of 1 very weak to-5 From the 6 participants, 5
information sharing and learning very strong) persons rate the information
for this session 1- sharing and learning a 5 and 1
2- person gave it a rating of 4.
5- 5

2. What was the most interesting - Learning about JCW+ and Responses from all 6
discussion for you today? its importance. respondents revealed that the
- Understanding more about most interesting topic that
JCW+ was discussed was that of
- Learning about the PH&D JCW+, what it offers and how
programme women can benefit from the
- All topics were different programmes.
good/interesting for me -

3. We can reduce our viral load (Please circle your answer) All 6 respondents believe that
by taking our medication on time taking medication on time
every time True-6 every time will reduce one’s
False- viral load.
JCW+/JASL/Global Fund Service Level Agreement
“An empowered woman is the fastest way to reach and sustain the world”

4. Which ARV’s are you on? Atripla- 4 4 of the respondents said they
I don’t know-2 are on Atripla medication and
the remaining 2 person is not
sure of the meds they take.

5. What side effects are you None- 5 5 of the 6 respondent

dealing with? No response currently do not have any side
effects to the medication,
while 1 person did not
provide a feedback.

6. Sharing your HIV results (Circle one) 4 of persons believe that

sharing your HIV status with
with your partner can be
Yes- 4 ones partner is dangerous, 1
dangerous No- was unsure and 1 person did
Unsure- 1 not provide an answer.

7. What topic do you want more Peer Support- 1 Moving forward, 3 persons
information on? Counseling-3 wanted more information on,
Treatment literacy- 3 chose sexual and
Legal Literacy-1 reproductive rights, 1 wants
Sexual and Reproductive to hear more on peer support,
Health and Rights- 3 1 chose legal literacy and the
Personal Development- 1 remaining 1 person wants to
Other- hear more on personal

8. How are you feeling at this - Good x4 Based on the respondents, the
JCW+/JASL/Global Fund Service Level Agreement
time? - Okay participants checked out in a
“An empowered woman is the fastest way to reach and sustain the world”
- Fantastic positive mood. 4 persons felt
- good, 1 felt ok and the other 1
person felt fantastic.

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