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Name: Britania James

Topic: Lottery Scamming
Name of School: Distinction College
Candidate #
Center #
Table of Content

Plan of Investigation

Artifact 1

Artifact 2

Artifact 3

Reflection 1

Reflection 2

Reflection 3

Written report

Plan of oral presentation

Plan of Investigation

Lottery scamming is a common social issue that has affected more than 100,000 young

and old people worldwide. I planned on investigating about what influence people into lottery

scamming in the world. I become interested in this topic after noticing the negative effects on

lottery scamming among the young people in my country.

My expected benefit of this topic is to help widen my vocabulary and extend my thinking

skill. I intend to collect the relevant information on this topic by browsing the internet, reading

books and examining newspaper clippings on the issues of lottery scamming.

Artifact 1
Artifact 2

A lottery scam is a type of advance-fee fraud which begins with an

unexpected email notification, phone call, or mailing (sometimes
including a large check) explaining that "You have won!" a large
sum of money in a lottery. The recipient of the message—the target
of the scam—is usually told to keep the notice secret, "due to a mix-
up in some of the names and numbers," and to contact a "claims
agent." After contacting the agent, the target of the scam will be
asked to pay "processing fees" or "transfer charges" so that the
winnings can be distributed, but will never receive any lottery
payment. [1] Many email lottery scams use the names of legitimate
lottery organizations or other legitimate corporations/companies,
but this does not mean the legitimate organizations are in any way
involved with the scams.
Artifact 3

Another type of lottery scam is a scam email or web page where the
recipient had won a sum of money in the lottery. The recipient is
instructed to contact an agent very quickly but the scammers are
just using a third party company, person, email or names to hide
their true identity, in some cases offering extra prizes (such as a 7
Day/6 Night Bahamas Cruise Vacation, if the user rings within 4
minutes). After contacting the "agent", the recipient will be asked to
come to an office, where during one hour or more, the conditions of
receiving the offer are revealed. For example, the prize recipient is
encouraged to spend as much as 30 times the prize money in order
to receive the prize itself. In other words, although the offer is in fact
genuine, it is really only a discount of a few percent on an extremely
expensive purchase. This type of scam is legal in many jurisdictions.

Sometimes lottery scam messages are sent by ordinary postal mail;

[4] their content and style is similar to the e-mail versions. For
example, some scams by letter misuse the names of the legal Spanish
lotteries, such as El Gordo de la Primitiva. [5]

In the UK, lottery scams have become such a major problem that
many legitimate lottery sites now have dedicated pages on the
subject. [6]
Reflection 1

My first piece of data which I processed in my relation to my topic is an article published

in 2015 on the internet which placed emphasis on the percentage of lottery scamming in Jamaica.

Lottery scamming is the most common causes of poverty which has now become more prevalent

in today’s society. This article hereby motivates me to protest against lottery scamming as it is

now escalating among our youths.

Moreover this article reminded me of an interview on CNN which featured an old lady

speaking about how she lost all of her life savings by scammers on the internet when she was

threaten by them. Lottery scamming is a serious issue and the relevant authority needs to put

methods in place to minimize this problem. Compiling this SBA has given me new insight on the

issue of lottery scamming.

Reflection 2

Language plays and important role in writing it is important not only to identify the

linguistic features in any document but also to understand why and what purpose the document is

written. In the first instance, the writer of the article uses rhetorical questions to use a question in

which the answer is self-evident. The answer is inherent no response because the answer is

inherent in the question. Similarly in the poem the use of rhetorical question is evident along

with rhyme and simile.

The usage of the rhyme is to draw attention to the idea and the simile usage is to

contribute to the meaning and clarity of the poem by helping the reader or listener to visualize

the comparison in a new and vivid way. The language used by the writer is well understandable

and formal because I was able to emphasize with the victim through the writer words that appeal

to my emotion.
Reflection 3

This research was very instrumental for me, because it helped me to understand more

about the effects of lottery scamming on the youths. After doing this research from my

understanding, I could even create a definition using my own word, about it. This research had

increased my reading and thinking skill and it has taught me a lot about the negative effects on

lottery scamming. While doing this research, I challenged myself to dig into every text as deeply

as possible to gain a better and more satisfying understanding about this topic.
Witten Report

Our SBA started with our teacher who explained the different parts, so we could

understand what it is all about. We then selected our group members, the theme and subtopic.

Afterwards we had to work individually to find evidence for our article then we come together

and worked on the written report. The internet was very helpful for the research. The outcome of

this research was very understandable and positive, and our writing and reading skills were

improved with assistance from our teacher and other members of the group.

Our knowledge on the topic “Lottery scamming” are fully improved. This topic led us to

be more aware and avoid situations that may lead to lottery scamming. We used the internet to

help us to understand the negative effects on lottery scamming. Our SBA was completed in the

time that was given to us even though it was a bit challenging for us but we managed to complete

our SBA within that period of time. The information we selected was based on the different

headings we received and it was fully explained by the teacher. Everyone in this group worked

together and very hard for the completion of this SBA.

Plan of oral presentation

Topic: Lottery scamming

Genre- speech
Language used- informal and formal

Jamaica is a small third world country in the Caribbean with a population of approximately

2,709,300 people. The country faces many problems yearly but one of the worst is lottery

scamming. In August 2012, Jamaica tend to start calling people regularly and telling them that

they won money which was getting out of hands which became a problem from then. The

country has taken a turn for the worst over the past years. Both global and local television

exposed them alongside with newspapers are packed with daily stories about scamming.

Most people tend to scam because they are lack of education, and lack of jobs. Many young

people who fail to get jobs, either because they are under qualified or there was just nowhere to

accommodate them, that’s why most of them will do illegal works like scamming.

Another reason why young people scam is because of poverty. Most of them aren’t so

comfortable living a poor life because its hard for them so they would pick up the lifestyle of

scamming and that’s why most of the young youths are in prison now or they die.

Narinesingh, C., & Narinesingh, U. (2005). A comprehensive English course. Macoya, Trinidad:

Royards Educational Books.

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