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Name: Nikita K TOTAL: /12 marks

Comparing and Contrasting

“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell and Gilligan’s Island, “The Hunter.”

“The Most Dangerous Game” “Gilligan’s Island”
How are they alike?
Describe five MAJOR ways that the movie and
the short story are alike. Think about
characters, setting, and order of events.
5 points

All events took place on the island like in The Most Dangerous Game
Jonathan ( hunter ) had his own assistant as well as Zaroff had


Jonathan ( hunter ) also hunted people and called this hunting as a game

Rainsford and Gilligan tried to survive in the stories

As a result, hunters ( Zaroff and Jonathan ) lost their games

“The Most Dangerous Game” “Gilligan’s Island”
How are they different?
Describe five MAJOR ways that the movie and the
short story are different. Think about characters,
setting, and order of events.
5 points
1.There was only 2 people on There was 7 people on
the island the island
2. Rainsford was responsible for Gilligan was responsible
his life for life’s of 7 people

3. Everyone except Rainsford Everyone survived

died on the island

4. Rainsford had to die at any Gilligan had to dodge

moment, according to Zaroff Jonathan for 24 hours to
( actually he gave him 3 days but survive.
it was just formally). Gilligan was a simple
Also Rainsford was a person and a bit coward
professional hunter for my opinion

5. All the events seemed real This was a comic show

Opinion/Connections: Describe which was better in your opinion and why. 2 points

In my opinion, The Hunter ( Gilligan Island ) was better, because it was very funny even though this show is really
old. I was more involved in watching one of the series and it was interesting for me to observe what Gilligan will do
while Jonathan was hunting him. In the Most Dangerous Game everything was tensely, but interesting as well.

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