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In the Extremadura Education Law 4/2011, 7th May, attention 2 also key and it will be
developed according to prevention, inclusion, normalization, overcoming inequalities, globalist,
coordination, and responsibility of all educative community members, as well as opening the
schools to their environment including participation with families and community social resources.

By the same token, educative centers doing use of their pedagogic autonomy and following the
inclusion principle will be able to set programs, strategies, and actions in the teaching-learning
process at the organizational and curricular level.
Thus, Decree 228/2014 regulates the educative response to students diversity in our
Autonomous Community, gatheres European Disability strategies instructions (2010-2020) and
ideas of the Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities adopted by the United Nations in
2006 implemented in Spain since 2008 and the Real Decree 1/2013 which approves the new text
of the Rights of Person with Disabilities General Law and their social inclusion throughout a quality
& inclusive education for all.

As indicated in the art. 13 of the Decree 103/2014, 10th June, sets PRIMARY EDUCATION
CURRICULUM, attention 2 div. educative response must ensure/assure the maximum development
of each student (personal, social, emotional, intellectual and professional).

The 13.1 article of Extremadura Education Law 4/2011, establishes Schools will design an
Educative Succes Plan within the Educative Project document considering its the socio-economic
and cultural context. Educative Success Plan aims all and every single student according to their
personal possibilities, needs, motivations, and interests staying in the education system achieving
both the key competencies and the objectives of each educative stage.

Diversity attention is a continuous process from prevention to intervention which distinguishes

ordinary, extraordinary and exceptional measures.
According to art.8 Decree 228/2014, ORDINARY MEASURES mean a non-meaningful
modification of the curriculum elements (objectives, competencies, content, evaluable learning
standards and evaluation criteria) such as:

1. Organization of spaces, timing, resources, professionals, materials, students grouping and

splitting (for remedial work) flexibility.
2. Lesson planning, methodologies, actions, evaluation process and tools adaptation to
different competences levels, capacities, pace, sociocultural contexts, interests and needs
especially for disabled students in foreign language areas.
3. Methodologies based on collaborative work in heterogeneous groups, peer tutoring,
Project Based Learning, actions to foster coexistence and inclusion.
4. Deepening of content curricular measures and specific strategy to allow students to the
maximum of their capacity and motivation.
5. Development of tutoring and educative, academic, and professional orientation.
6. Support programs of non-achieved learnings for students who promote to next courses
and remedial work programs for those who stay one year more at the same course. The last
case will be possible only if all the previous ordinary measures do not work.

The art.9 Decree 228/2014 indicates we have to consider SPECIFIC EXTRAORDINARY

MEASURES to give an answer to students with specific support needs (ACNEAE in Spanish
acronymic) listed below:

1.Schooling in special schools or in an open classroom, schooling in a regular school with

meaningful or accessing curricular adaptations or a schooling combination of both.
2.Specialized non-teaching staff intervention to curriculum access.
3.Amplification and/or enrichment curricular adaptations for high-ability students.
4. One additional schooling year in Primary education without prejudice to stay one extra year in
the stage, condition foreseen in the article 20.4 Organic Law 2/2006.
5. Educative attention to pupils who show difficulties in attending continue and regularly at School.
6. Any other extraordinary measures establish regarding Students with S Needs of Educational
Support by organisms with competence in the education area.

According to art. 11 Decree 228/2014 the EXCEPCIONAL MEASURES are intended for students
with specific Needs of Educational Support when their curriculum modifications are such an
important that schooling organization and/or schooling modality require essential changes &
the extraordinary measures are insufficient.
1. Staying one school year mone at Infant Stage as well as staying until 16-years old for pupils
at Infant and Primary Education at speliazed open classroom.
2. Regarding schooling there are several opctions: schooling in special schools or in an
specialized open classroom in a regular school or a schooling combination of both at P;
schooling part-time at regular schools; and finally schooling period flexibility for students with
high intellectual capacities.
3. Any others expecional measures can be established by organisms with competence
in the education area.

Apart from the above measures the art. 12 Decree 228/2014 indicates other OTHER MEASURES
(programs and actions) could be implemented to favour ATT2DIV & the educative success such as:
• Compesatory of inequalities programs addressed to studenets with late incorporation to
Educative System and students with specific Needs of Educational Support due to personal
conditions or school history.
• Spanish learning programs for pupils with a differnt mother tongue who show a
deficient knowledge of the Spanish language

As indicated in art. 10 Decree 228/2014 will only have the consideration of CURRICULAR
ADAPTATIONS those diversity att. measures that require for its implementation a PSICOPEDAGOGIC
EVALUATION whenever the PSICOPEDAGOGIC REPORT determines so. The different types are:
- Meaningful curricular adaptation
- Access to curriculum adapatation
-Amplification and/or enrichment adaptation including deeping or complementary activities of the
ordinary curriuclo, aomplification and/or enrichment and flexible students’ grouping in a superior level
in one or several subjects.

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