Project Proposal 1

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ITE 500: Rich Internet Applications

Master of Information Technology

Course Project
Faculty: Dr. Murad Al-Rajab
Project Proposal
Project Idea: Physics Simulator (Website)
A rich Internet application (RIA) is a Web-based application that aims to provide all similar
capabilities and functionalities as a desktop program. The UI with associated events and
capabilities are often located on the client end of the Internet/network divide, whereas data
manipulation and operation are typically located on the program server end.

Simulations have been something that has always been dealt with delicacy by intrigued
physicists to understand and visualize ideas that are either highly improbable or too dangerous to
study directly in more details, so they could analyze, examine, and evaluate them. The
simulation's goal is to give insight on the underlying mechanisms that regulate a system's

More practically, simulation can be used to predict (forecast) the future system and determine
what you can do to influence that future behavior. Such that, simulations are to predict how the
systems will develop and adjust to its surroundings, allowing any required changes to be made to
help the system function as intended. Moreover, simulations are also used to create situations
that may economically or realistically unfeasible and analyze them.

Our project is to be a simulator which deals with and visualizes eccentric concepts like blackhole
or quantum physics etc. The major functionally that is to be included in our project is the user to
have the freedom to choose phenomena and create environments to observe them.

This application will be truly web based, practically a website where users can register
themselves and login into the website. The user is able to choose the category/type of the
simulations he wants to simulate, and the results will be generated, furthermore the results can be
downloaded in pdf, mp4 and doc format. Similarly, previously performed simulations can be
revisited and explored. As the previously performed simulations are stored in the supported
In order to ensure easy usage, the UI is supposed to be user friendly and easy to operate.


1. The application shall allow the user to select the location for their simulation. And shall
offer different locations such as: Space, water, and white room.
2. Each location shall offer specific physical phenomenon unique to them, with different
levels of control on said phenomena.
3. The application shall provide objects to test out the simulations on such as: A cube, a
sphere, and a cylinder.
4. The user shall have the ability to drag and drop any number of the aforementioned
objects into the simulation.
5. The application shall allow the user to edit the transformation, scale, rotation, and mass
of the object that they have selected.
6. The application shall run a simulation based on the settings of the location and the
selected properties of the objects and display how the objects behave to the user.
7. The user shall have the ability to select when an object enters the simulation by manually
entering the time at which they want an object to be introduced into the simulation.
8. The application shall also allow the user to pause and resume the simulation at any time
once the simulation has been started.

Libraries that will be included are:

 Bootstrap
 Javascript
 Node.js
 AngularJs

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