The Present Simple Tense: To Be: Affirmative (Potvrdan Oblik)

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The Present Simple Tense: To be

Affirmative (potvrdan oblik):

1. I Work 1. We Work
2. You Work 2. You Work
3. He/She/It Works 3. They Work
Exceptions (3rd person):
-sh, -ss, -ch, -x – izgovara se iz (watches, passes, finishes, fixes,...).
Cry = cries, fly = flies. Izuzetak: kada je samoglasnik (play=plays).
Have = has, go = goes, do = does
1. Do I (Work)? 1. Do We (Work)?
2. Do You (Work)? 2. Do You (Work)?
3. Does He/She/It (Work)? 3. Do They (Work)?
Wh-questions (Where, When, Why, How)
1. Where do you work?
2. When do you go to work?
3. Where does she go to after work?
4. Why does Milan work in school?
5. When doyour parents go to sleep?
1. I Don’t Work 1. We Don’t Work
2. You Don’t work 2. You Don’t Work
3. He/She/It Doesn’t Work 3. They Don’t Work
1. Customs (običaji)
2. Habits (navike)
3. Routines (rutine – stalno ponavljanje)
4. General truth (opšte poznate činjenice): The Earth is round.
5. Adverbs of frequency (prilozi za učestalost):
always, usually, sometimes, often, never, rarely (direktno posle subjekta, odn. glavnog glagola)
- She always visits her friends on Sundays. Ovi prilozi idu omah posle glagola to be jer su pomoćni.
- I am always late.
- He is never tired.

Plural of Nouns (množina imenice):
Type 1: Boy = Boys
Type 2: -ch, -sh, -ss, -s, -x = -es
Type 3: Baby = Babyes U slučaju kada je suglasnik ispred y.
Play = Plays
Type 4: Irregular Plural:
Child = Children, Man = Men, Woman = Women, Goose = Geese, Tooth = Teeth,
Foot = Feet, Mous = Mice, Louse = Lice, Wife = Wives

Articles (članovi):
Indefinite Article (neodređeni član):
Koristi se kada se nešto spominje po prvi put.
- He has a son and a daughter.
- There is an apple on the table.
- Once a week; Twice a day. Kada se govori o vremenskom trajanju.
- She is a beautiful girl. Ispred prideva.
- Zoran is an interesting person.
- Jobs: Del Boy isn’t a doctor.
Definite Article (određeni član):
Koristi se kada nešto ponavljamo u priči:
- He has a son and a daughter. The son is 10, and the daughter is 8.
- The Swiss – Švajcarci
- The Chinese – Kinezi
- The USA
- The East Germany
- The National Gallery
- The Alps, The Danube, The Moon, The Sun
- The Weather
- The First, The Second
- The Best, The Worst, The Great
- The Piano, The Guitar
- The Simpsons, The Petrovics
Zero Article (nulti član):
- Apples are healthy to eat.
- Tom is English. He speaks English. He lives in London in England.
- Zorka drinks tea in the morning.
- We have lunch. Zaklin has launch at 12.30.
- He plays chess.

Verb patterns:
Type 1: Love, Like, Hate, Enjoy, Can't stand, Usually don't/doesn't mind
GERUND (verb in –ING)
- Saša loves eating.
- Zorka doesn’t like washing the dishes.
- Deki hates learning English.
- Deki enjoys sleeping.
- Veljko can’t stand going to work.
- Goca doesn’t mind working with Chinese.

Type 2: Hope, Want, Learn, Deside, Need, Would like, Would love
- She hopes to finish school. She hoped ...
- She wanted to win medal.
- Steve learns to fly everyday.
- She decided to get married.
- She needs to earn more money.
- He would like to buy a new car.

Present Continuous Tense:
is + verb in -ING
Exceptons in writing:
Type 1: come – coming
leave – leaving
Type 2: run – running
swim – swimming
begin – beginning
Type 3: lie – lying
Type 4: play – playing
try - trying

State Verbs (glagoli stanja):

love like hate hear see smell
taste believe know remember want
wish think (Opinion: I think fruit is good. Razmisljati: I am thinking about fruit.)
1. Now, at the moment, at present
2. About arranged plans in future:
I'm visiting my parents next month.
3. When we talk about temporary actions:
Deki always goes to work by bus, but today he is taking a taxi.

The Past Simple Tense:
When do you use Past Simple?
Radnja koja je završena u prošlosti u određeno vreme.
yesterday, ago, last, in 1983, in july
- I saw him in july.
- He died on Saturday morning.
I met him on the train.

TO BE prošlo vreme
1. I was 1. We were
2. You were 2. You were
3. He was 3. They were
She was
It was

Questions inverse:
1. Was I? 1. Were we?
2. Were you? 2. Were you?
3. Was he? 3. Were they?
Was she?
Was it?

1. I wasn't. 1. We weren't.
2. You weren't. 2. You weren't.
3. He wasn't. 3. They weren't.
She wasnt't.
It wasn't.

WH – questions + was/were + subject
- Where were you last night?
- Who was there two days ago?
- What was so interesting?
- Why was she so sad?

Regular verbs:
- ed/- d (ako se glagol završava na e)
played arrived
1. I played 1. We played
2. you played 2. You played
3. He, she, it played 3. They played
1. try – tried (samo ako je ispred suglasnik)
2. play – played (ako je samoglasnik ostaje y)
3. stop – stopped; travel – travelled
did + subject + infinitive
1. Did I play? (isto za sva lica)
Wh questions:
- Why did you play football?
- When did she learn English?
- Where did she cry?
Subject questions:
who; what....
- Who helped you? (Ko ti je pomogao?)
- Who watched that movie? (Ko je gledao taj film?)
- What caused the damage? – The flood. (Šta je prouzrokovalo štetu? – Poplava)
- Who gave the money? (Ko ti je dao novac?)
My mother gave me the money.

Negative: subject + didn’t + infinitive
1. I didn’t play. (isto za sva lica)
Irregular verbs:
Infinitive Past simple Past participle
give gave given
1. He gave me a toy.
2. Did he give me a toy? (U pitanju se vraca u infinitiv).
3. He didn't give me a toy.

I bought socks at the market.

- Did you buy socks at the market?
- I didn't buy.....
- Who bought you....
- Whom did you buy...
- Where did you buy...
- Who were you with?
- Who kissed you? (Ko te je poljubio?)
- Who did you kiss? (Koga si poljubio?)
- Who caught the thief?
- Who saw you? (Ko te je video?)
- Who did you see in the garden? (Koga si video u vrtu?)

The Future Tense:
1. Will + Infinitive
1. I will eat a sandwich (I'll eat a sandwich). Will eat – Isto u svim licima
2. Will you marry me? Will+nešto+infinitiv
3. I will not marry you (I won't marry you).
1. For decisions which are made at the moment of speaking:
Q: Will you have a drink?
A: Yes. I will have a coke.
2. In predictions 50/50:
It will be rainy tomorrow.
The Chinese will be the language of the future.
3. In offers:
A: Ah, this bag is heavy.
B: Don't worry, I will help you.
4. If you have in one sentence following: maybe, probably, possibly, I think that,...
2. To be going to
1. I am going to...
2. You are going to...
3. He/She/It is going to...
1. We/You/They are going to...
I am going to... Pitanje: Are you going to... Negacija: I am not going to...
For decision which are made before the moment of speaking:
A: Where are you going with those bag?
B: I am going to buy some fruit.
A: What are you going to do when you grow up?
B: I am going to be a doctor.

Prepositions of place:
1. AT: at the party, at the university, at work, at Jane’s, at the door, at the table, at the traffic
light, at the top, at the bottom, at the end,...
2. IN: I’m in the room, in Germany, in Paris, in the picture, in the world, in the street,...
3. ON: on the wall
4. TO: go to, come to, swim to, run to,...
Exception – Combination with home: come home, stay at home, he is at home,...
5. BY: by bus, by car, by ferry
Exception: On foot

Preposition of time:
1. AT: at six o’clock, at night, at midnight,...
2. IN: in may, in the morning/afternoon/evening, in 1982, in summer/winter/..., in 3 weeks
3. ON: on Monday, on 2nd of may (on/of)

Countable nouns:
Many people, many apples

Uncountable nouns:
Much money, much sugar

1. Uz množinu imenica: There are some people in the street.
2. Uz nebrojive imenice: There is some milk in the fridge.
3. U potvrdnim rečenicama: Would you like some vine? (Učtivo pitanje), Can you give me
some advice?
1. Uz množinu imenica
2. Uz nebrojive imenice
3. U pitanjima i negativnim rečenicama – Uvek:
Are there any bananas on the table?
Is there any money in the bank?
There aren’t any bananas on the table.
There isn’t any rice in the kitchen.

Izuzetak: Kada any ide sa imenicom u jednini – tada znači svaki, bilo koji:
You can exchange your money in any bank you like.

Describing people
What does he look like (Kako on izgleda?) – He’s tall, handsome...
Who does he look like? (Na koga on liči?)
What is he like? (Kakav je on?) – He is nice.
Who is like his mother? (Na koga je on?) – He is like his mother. He is stubborn.

Short adjectives:
Positive Comparative Superlative
1. Long Longer The longest
2. Nice Nicer The nicest
3. Big Bigger The bigest
4. Thin Thiner The thinest
5. Happy Happier The happiest
6. Ugly Uglier The ugliest

Long adjectives:
1. Popular more popular The most popular

1. Good Better The best
2. Bad/ill Worse The worst
3. Little Less The least (uz nebrojive – less sugar, less time...)
4. Few Fewer The fewest (uz brojive – fewer girls, fewer people...)
5.Much/many More The most

Poređenje po jednakosti
AS + Adjective + AS
- She is as clever as her mother.
- She isn’t as clever as...
The same as...
Different from...
- His head is bigger than mine.

Present Perfect Tense
Usage: radnja koja se završila u neodređeno vreme u prošlosti
I have seen your brother.
have/has + Past Participle(III Column/ed/d)
1. I have seen. We have seen.
2. You have seen. You have seen.
3. He/she/it has seen. They have seen.
1. Have I seen? Have we/you/they seen?
2. Have you seen?
3. Has he/she/it seen?
1. I haven’t seen. We/you/they haven’t seen.
2. You havent seen.
3. He/she/it hasn’t seen.
ever, never, just, already – između have i III kolone (svi ostali na kraju rečenice)
yet – uvek na kraju rečenice (uvek u pitanjima i negativnim rečenicama)
for+period (She has been there for two weeks.)
since (since 1998, since May...)
so far – do sada
recently (I haven’t seen him recently.)
lately – u poslednje vreme (She has met many friends lately.)
this (this morning, this month...)
- I have fried boiled snails.
- Deki hasn’t been to Egypt.

Slaganje vremena

- I have finished my homework and now I can go out. – može bilo koje vreme
- She has cut her finger. She went to the doctor.
- Have you been to London? – Yes, I have. – When were you there?

Modals (Modal Verbs)
1. Must + infinitive (I must go now.) - Isto je u svim licima!
2. Questions: Must I eat all that?
Must Deki get up early?
3. Negative: Must not – mustn't – negacija, ne smeti.

CAN – moći
1. Can + infinitive (without to) – He can eat all night. – isto u svim licima
2. Questions: Can I go now?
3. Negative: Can not – can't (cannot – zvanično «ne mogu»)

COULD – mogao-prošlo vreme

1. Could + infinitive (without to)
- Saša could fall, but he didn't.
- I could eat more when I was a child.
- He could eat candies more and he can do that now.
Isto u svim licima.
2. Questions: Could you swim when were 8?
3. Negative: Could not – couldn't

SHOULD – trebalo bi da, treba da

1. Should + infinitive (without to)
- I should learn irregulars.
- Saša should watch the game tonight.
- Yes, you should stay.
2. Negative: Should not – shouldn't

Past Continuous Tense
WAS/WERE + verb in ING
1. I was working 1. We/You/They were working
2. You were working
3. He/She/It was working
1. Was I working? 1. Were We/You/They working?
2. Were You working?
3. Was He/She/It working?
1. I wasn’t working 1. We/You/They weren’t working
2. You weren’t working
3. He/She/It wasn’t working
Type 1:
Radnja duže vremena trajala u određeno vreme u prošlosti:
I was waiting for him all day yesterday.
We were making cakes all day yesterday.
Type 2:
Radnje koje su se istovremeno dešavale u prošlosti:
While I was singing, he was dancing.
While I was making cakes, Sale was sleeping.
Type 3:
Jedna prošla radnja bila u toku kada je druga prošla radnja prekinula (ona je uvek past simple):
When I entered the classroom, they were learning about past continuos.
Glagoli koji nemaju continuos (-ING): like, love, hate, understand, think, see, hear, smell, taste,
want, wish, remember, know, believe, start.

A: Hanry writes books.
P: Books are written by Hanry.
A: My mother makes a good cake.
P: A good cake is made by my mother.
A: Sale loves Žaklina.
P: Žaklina is loved by Sale.
A: Veljko hates mosquitos.
P: Mosquitos are hated by Veljko.
A: Ana gives me the money every day.
P1: I am given the money by Ana every day.
P2: The money is given to me by Ana every day.
A: Dejan gets the papers for Australia.
P: The papers for Australia are got by Dejan.
A: Zorka got 1 million yesterday.
P: 1 million was got by Zorka yesterday.
A: Veljko told a secret last week.
P: A secret was told by Veljko last week.
A: Tom showed her his picture.
P1: His picture was shown to her by Tom.
P2: She was shown Tom’s (his) picture.
A: Zoki heard the sound.
P: The sound was heard by Zoki.
A: Sarah saw the murderer at the crime scene.
P: The murderer was seen at the crime scene by Sara.
A: Goca arrested him.
P: He was arrested by Goca.
A: The president stole all our money.
P: All our money was stolen by the president.
Ako aktivna rečenica sadrži all, people, they, everybody to se u pasivnoj ne pominje:
A: People buy cars in Italy.
P: Cars are bought in Italy. – ne ubacuje se by people


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