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Cinderella 2.

Recent studies show that the supposedly fictional tale of Cinderella
by The Grimm Brothers is surprisingly true, and according to four children
who claim to have gone back in time and interviewed the main characters,
the story is much different than we all have heard. Now they also answer a
question asked for centuries: What happens after the original tale?

Interview 1: White Bird from Cinderella’s Mother’s Grave

By Benicio Vantini Gulinello

Benicio: “Hi White Bird, how are you?”

White Bird: “Good"
Benicio: “Who are you?”
White Bird: “I’m Cinderella’s godmother”
Benicio: “Wow! I didn't expect that. Can you tell me a little bit about
Godmother: “Well I like talking to birds and sleeping in the tree, I also like
flying around the Palace and stealing the food there, the croissants are
really good.”
Benicio: “Ok, do you still stay in the tree after the story?”
Godmother: “No, I'm staying at the palace to see Cinderella.”
Benicio: “That’s nice, how did you get the stuff for Cinderella?”
Godmother: “I grew the stuff on the tree with magic.”
Benicio: “Now let's go on to Brandon.”

Interview 2: Cinderella’s Father in Paradise outside palace:

By Brandon Thomas Pham

“Hello Cinderella's father, In Cinderella by the Grimm Brothers you

have been known as Cinderella's father the whole story, but everyone has
been asking, what is your real name? “My real name is Henry and actually I
changed my name from Gregory to Henry”.
“I had another question to ask, why were you flipping sides so
much”? Then things got really quiet, soon enough Henry leaned in and said
to Brandon, “Listen here little boy I hid her for her own good and she
deserved it too”.
“For what reason was that?” Brandon asked,
“I wish you never asked. It is a very simple answer. It’s only because
she is so nice and perfect, she never got in trouble and you know that
some people like drama. (Kind of like me, I love drama). So that is why I let
the girls torture Cinderella, also why I cut down the tree and destroyed the
pigeon house - that was just for fun. Oh Wait, You look like someone I could
torture. You look so nice and kind., so what do you say? Let me have some
“HAHAHA” Brandon started getting really sweaty and said
“Y-y-yes s-s-sir” in a very quiet voice. Finnaily Brandon said, “GOODBYE”.
(Then he sprinted all the way to his next interview with Cinderella).

Interview 3: The Wicked Stepmother in the Palace Dungeon:

By Catherine Aazam Karsaz

Catherine: “Hello, Ms...Mrs...Miss...Your Royal Wickedness?” the

young girl stuttered as she thought of the headlines -- “10-YEAR-OLD
even one word and got the mean mother of two blind spoiled brats angry, it
would be the end of her short life.
“Ms. Marianna,” the most hated woman in the past and present
worlds, gave the small girl a clearly fake smile and strained wave. She was
beautiful, with glossy black hair and a tan complexion. Her nose was small,
mouth framed with plump red lips, a cleft in her chin, and her blue eyes
showed no frown lines. However, there was something devilish and scary in
her bright eyes, something that made you imagine red flashing in those two
seas of evil, enough to make a little girl shrink like a bunny and her
stomach drop to her toes, her lungs taking its place, making it hard to
“I-I-I-- We-- I mean--Why do you carry knives around?” Catherine’s
heart plunged. This was it. She would die from the same knife she needed
to know about. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact: cold,
hard metal slicing through her chest, death following soon after, but it never
came. When she peeked open one eye, she saw the same sly grin. It made
her blood turn to ice.
“I carry around knives because you never know when a little pest
comes and tries to tell the world what a monster you are,” she hissed. Then
came the scariest thing yet. She pulled out a small pocket knife from the
folds of her black velvet ball gown. Seeing the delicate flesh on her pale
arm, she grabbed Catherine’s trembling hand and yanked it clockwise. She
then yanked her sleeve upwards like she was giving a flu shot and slid the
knife across her soft skin, piercing her just above muscle and veins, said,
“You will keep quiet about this,” and gave her the pocket knife with a smile,
this times not fake, but a smile of menace and triumph. “Now go.” She
didn’t need to be told twice, and ran down the prison steps like her life
depended on it, because, in all honesty, it did.

Interview 4: The Prince at the Palace:

By MaiLee Ann Wachter

“Hello Prince! What is your real name? We never heard it in any of

the stories.” Mailee says boldly as she walks up to him with her tattered
notepad and pen.
“My name is Albérto! Obviously,” Albérto rolls his blue eyes and flicks
his long, blond hair back
“Umm okay then. What is Cinderella like?” She grabs her notepad
and looks up into his gleaming blue eyes.
“She is wonderful! She listens to Opera at the opera house
sometimes and I always go with her” He says haughtily.
“So is she nice to you?” She says as she writes in her notepad
“Yes, we always are together.” Albérto says smugly.
“Do you usually have balls in this huge palace?” MaiLee says
“Yes I try to find elegant people to come and do balls in my huge,
luxurious palace.”
“Do you have any friends, because it seems like,” MaiLee says as
she looks around carefully “you don’t.”
“EXCUSE ME LITTLE GIRL!”, Albérto says, clearly offended. “Of
course I have friends!” He crosses his arms and walks out of the room.
“Well then, I think I should go now.” she says to herself calmly as she
walks to go interview Cinderella.

Interview 5 & Conclusion: Cinderella at the Palace:

All Staff Writers

All: “So, Cinderella, you like to be in the company of other people?”

MaiLee finally plucked up the courage to say after several long minutes of
awkward silence. The three children had been awestruck at first, because
Cinderella had been so pretty. Her pearly-blue eyes were framed by shiny,
blond hair and fair skin.
Benicio was the second to recover. “Why did your stepmother cut off
your step sisters' toes and heels?”, Benicio asked.
“She wanted them to become queen so she could be the duchess. ”
Benicio’s face heated up.
“If I may,” Brandon said, “why did you put on the golden slipper if you
knew it had blood on it? Isn’t that a sanitary hazard?”
“Well, you get used to sanitary hazards when you clean the floor that
Stepmother cuts off toes on,” Cinderella admitted. The kids’ faces went
“So she was a murderer?” MaiLee asked and thought of her little
companion who went to interview the wicked stepmother. Why wasn’t she
here yet?
“No bodies have been found, but rumor has it she killed my mother.”
Cinderella stopped MaiLee’s train of thought with a wipe of her eye. A
servant hurried over with a silver platter with a handkerchief on it, and
Cinderella accepted it with a gracious thank-you and blew her nose
delicately on the white satin cloth. Then another servant swooped in and
took the hankie away.
“Where are your stepsisters?” Benicio questioned as he checked his
notes to make sure he had enough time to ask them.
“Oh, I put them in jail a while ago. I tried to reason with them, but they
just wouldn't apologize. I tried to set them up with a family but they refused,
chanting ‘jewels and dresses, jewels and dresses’.” All this was written
down by Benicio, and Brandon went next.
“When--” Suddenly, there was a “BANG!” on the silver french doors
on the other side of the parlor. Then, a small figure wearing a knee-length
hooded lavender cloak burst into the room.
“RUN!” a little girl’s voice screamed. “GO!” They all just stared at her.
Her face was not visible under the hood, but she scanned the room. Her
head stopped as she saw MaiLee, Benicio, and Brandon.
“Run!” she yelled again. “She’s coming!”
“Who’s--” MaiLee started, but the closing silver doors were suddenly
pushed open and a woman with blue eyes, tan skin, and black hair entered.
“Stepmother!” Cinderella cried.
“Hello, dear. Miss me?” The stepmother smiled in her devious way,
and people started to panic.
“Get out!” the hooded girl screamed. And this time, everyone listened
to her. Most of the people went up the castle stairway, but the hooded little
girl, bringing up the rear, pointed the young reporters and Cinderella to a
side door that led outside. Funny enough, Ms. Marianna didn’t go upstairs.
She was after the children.
As their booted feet pounded on the cobblestone streets, Cinderella
lagged behind, and after about a minute or so of running her satin slipper
burst open. Without a word, the cloaked girl pulled a quilt from the nearest
clothesline and wrapped it around her head. She pointed to the nearest
alley. Then she kept on running.
The disguise worked, and the stepmother gave Cinderella no more
than a single glance and, thinking she was a street urchin, wrinkled up her
nose and continued to run towards the children. But, Cinderella thought, if
the children were going to get caught, she was going to save them, just as
they had saved her. She started as fast as her stockinged feet could carry
her along the backside of the tall houses, and hoped she could get there in
Meanwhile, Brandon was in the front, Benicio next, MaiLee third, and
the hooded girl last. She was herding the rest of them into a straight line,
glancing behind her, then finding that the Stepmother was slowly gaining on
the group! They ran a few yards ahead, but as the ones up in front sprinted,
they heard a cry of distress behind them. One quick look back and they
realized that the girl in the cloak had been captured! (Tragic
“If you don’t give me your notes, and cease telling anyone about
my...deeds, I will keep her from going through the portal at noon!” the
Stepmother cackled at what she hoped was the right moment.
Unfortunately for her, no one was horrified or shivering.
“Who cares? She isn’t part of our group…” MaiLee trailed off. The
Stepmother grinned big, despite her earlier mishap on the cackling.
“Oh, isn’t she?” and in one swoop, she pulled the ribbon on the girl’s
cloak, and everything seemed to go in slow-motion. The hooded cape fell
to the floor, followed by translucent blue-and-purple glasses, clattering on
the cobblestone. Through the bright sunlight, they saw a lightly freckled,
light-skinned face, brown hair, braided into two pigtails. Last they saw were
her dark brown eyes.
“CATHERINE!” they all shouted. “Oh, so you do know her.” the
Stepmother grinned. “And you would care if I kept her away, wouldn’t you?”
“But you won’t do a thing like that, Mother dear.” Cinderella suddenly
stepped into the situation.
“Really, Cinderella, you disappoint me the most.” Then, Prince
Albérto appeared from the side of the closest house. As he rounded the
corner, he twisted something on his finger and pulled it off. As he neared
the children, they saw a golden band studded with diamonds. He held it up
when it was within MaiLee’s line of sight.
“You see this!” he said triumphantly. “I am your be-un-loved husband.
“I OWN you!” You will NOT disgrace my name by helping goodie-two-shoes
like these! They aren’t even like us! They are from the future! What kind of
Prince Albérto would let his wife help those little rats? A good one, that’s
As the prince babbled on to Cinderella about how bad he was and
that he was superior, Brandon spotted something glowing from the hood.
Since the Stepmother was turned around to face the Prince, mesmerized
that a grown man could throw such a tantrum, kicking and stomping like a
two-year-old, that he could slip in and take the cloak. As he was sneaking
back, something slipped out of the cloak. It was a silver locket with a
lavender stone in the center. He pressed on the stone and the locket
clicked open! Inside was a bubble. It floated away! Brandon tried to pop it,
but instead of breaking, it went to MaiLee and popped.
Suddenly she started to glow and hover above the ground. Her mouth
opened slowly and an ear-piercing scream escaped. Her eyes were blank.
She was now a glowing neon-green color, and was growing taller by the
second. Everyone was staring at her in fear. And way too quickly for
anyone to think about running away, she opened her mouth again and
millions of little people came rushing out. They started picking up stones
and throwing them at the children and Cinderella, but, strangely enough,
not the Stepmother or the Prince.
The children responded by throwing rocks at them. So immature.
Anyways, MaiLee needed to control her anger. Especially because she was
a giant, green, people-spitting magic-wielder. Yep, that’s right. The bubble
was a magic bubble. Why Catherine had a magic bubble in her locket,
you’ll have to ask her. MaiLee, however, was a giant, and she seemed to
be controlling the little monsters - there seemed to be no hope for the
Then, out of the corner of his eye, Brandon saw Catherine, not
throwing rocks, but rushing over to the gleaming silver locket. Why would
she do that after what happened to MaiLee? She didn’t get there though,
because, right then, one of the larger flying rocks hit her. It was about the
size of a volleyball but flatted, like a frisbee. As luck would have it, the
frisbee-rock was rough and pointed. It hit her right arm and left an ugly
gash the size of a new pencil behind. She stumbled for a second and then
fell to the ground.
Brandon was wearing a blank expression on his face, his arm
extended like he had just thrown something. Suddenly, MaiLee rumbled
once, twice, three times. Her head enlarged, her body got bigger and
morphed into a big, purple, hairy, scary, SPIDER! “Argh! BRANDON!”
Benicio cried. “Pain made her more powerful!” No one cared that Catherine
was on the ground in pain.
The crowded street seemed to close in on everyone. Everyone
started panicking, but in the midst of all the chaos, no one saw Cinderella
quietly tiptoe to the locket, pick it up, and press the stone in the center. The
bubble floated out just like the previous one, but this time it had a pink glint
to it. It popped on Cinderella, but she didn’t turn into a giant spider. She
didn’t seem to change at all. Catherine, who was closest to the princess,
knew something was up.
“MaiLee,what you are doing is really mean. Sto-o-o-o-o-o-op!”
Cinderella carefully whispered.
Suddenly, Spider-MaiLee stopped short and turned to face
“PWEASE?” Cinderella asked.
MaiLee then shrank down to regular size.
“MaiLee!” all the children shouted, unsure if it was the real MaiLee, as
they ran over to her.
“Get out! There is something called personal space you know, and I
have it!” MaiLee shouted to them.
“Is it like the Coronavirus?” Brandon asked.
“Yes”, MaiLee says with an attitude.
“Hahaha, and while you are neglecting each other, I am celebrating,
because you have destroyed the only force that could make me go back to
prison, picking lentils and peas out of the ashes of the fire. Hahaha!” But
right as the stepmother became cocky, Cinderella whispered again. “No.”
It was a simple word, but it changed the Stepmother’s demeanor
considerably. Her face softened (if you could call anything on her
expression “soft”), and she lost the sudden urge to punch the closest child
with a lowering of her fist.
“Yes, daughter dear,” she said as if in a trance.
“Now, Stepmother, go back to your cell, and I’ll give you plenty of
peas and lentils to pick out of the fireplace.“
Cinderella seemed to be ordering the Stepmother through mind
control! Once the children noticed, they each had a mild expression like it
was normal for their three-year-old cousin’s hero to be mind-controlling her
father’s wife (with her husband watching too). Prince Albérto had his mouth
open in disbelief, staring at Cinderella.
“That is SO immature, Cinderella! Grow up, girl.” The Prince flicked
his hair, which he couldn’t seem to stop doing, behind his shoulder. “No
thank you, sir. I think you should go to the dungeon too, because you are
being tremendously, impossibly, horrific.” The prince pouted. “Okay,
Mother,” he said as if Cinderella was his mom. Then, he and the
Stepmother started trudging away half-heartedly. “Now, children, I do
believe it is time for you to go,” Cinderella said. Benicio looked at his
shining, green, wristwatch. “Guys, it’s almost twelve!” he shouted. “How do
we get back?!” Cinderella cringed. “Didn’t you forget that someone is on the
floor?” MaiLee wrinkled her nose. “Oh, her.” The others rushed to
Catherine. By now, she had risen and got the locket. “I think I might know,”
she whispered. She clicked the stone, and the bubble, once again, floated
and popped on her. She, like Cinderella, didn’t seem to change. With a
snap of her finger, a small hole, about the size of a serving tray, appeared
on the ground. It grew and grew until it was the size of a large table.
Catherine grabbed her cloak, put the locket around her neck, and turned
around. As the other children gathered around the portal, she looked at
Cinderella. “I was supposed to ask you during the interview: What is your
real name?” Cinderella smiled warmly, touched that a small child would
wonder about a thing so dear and near to her heart. “Elizabeth is my
name,” she whispered. Catherine smiled. With that, everyone jumped into
the portal.

And that is how, my dear readers, we know the ending to every little
girl’s favorite tale for over two centuries, Cinderella by The Grimm Brothers.

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