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TDJ2O0-A Mr.


2 Point Perspective - Dream House Rough Drawings

Please submit a photograph of your rough draft 2 point perspective drawings of your dream house design for me to
provide feedback.

Drawing criteria: Completion marks Marks

Setup and Scale

Horizon line is clear /1

Drawing fills the page /1

Drawing has been labelled with your name and the architectural style of your house.

Example: Drawn by Mr. Elsie, Style - Early Modern


Construction lines have been erased /1

Lines go to vanishing points where suitable /1

Lines that are vertical are parallel to each other /1

Connections between lines are crisp and clean /1

Lines are dark and clear /1

Overall Design and Style

Design is unique or original in some way and includes elements of the chosen architectural style /1

Drawing includes consistent shadows and shading where necessary /1

Landscaping in the form of trees, plants, driveways, etc exists /1

Total Marks /11

TDJ2O0-A Mr. Elsie

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