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TDJ2O0-A Mr.


2 Point Perspective - Dream House FINAL Drawings

Please submit a photograph of your final draft 2 point perspective drawing for evaluation.

2 Point Perspective - Dream House FINAL Drawings Rubric

Level 4
Level 2
Level 3 (exceeds expectations
(criteria partially met -
(criteria met) - great attention to
little attention to detail)

Setup and Scale (K/U)

Horizon line is clear

Drawing fills the page
Drawing has been labelled with your name and the architectural style of your house
Example: Drawn by Mr. Elsie, Style - Early Modern

Lines (APP)

Construction lines have been erased

Lines go to vanishing points where suitable
Lines that are vertical are parallel to each other
Connections between lines are crisp and clean
Lines are dark and clear

Overall Design and Style (APP)

Design is unique or original in some way and includes elements of the chosen
architectural style
Drawing includes consistent shadows and shading where necessary
Landscaping in the form of trees, plants, driveways, etc exists

Teacher Comments

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