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Evaluation and perception of physical beauty in T.V.

Commercials “Beauty Products”

Social media has increased in popularity ever since the idea of smart phones and tablets started to
appear for sale; there are various types of “social apps”, where millions of people can create their own
profile and communicate with each other. While one may think social media only consistsof contacting
friends and sharing memories, the use of social has started to become the complete opposite of its
purpose. Social media has slowly progressed into presenting boys and girls with their definition of what
is “perfect” or “beautiful” and it has started to make an impact on self-esteem.Most women are
dissatisfied with their bodies. This is nothing new but young women have become more and more
insecure since the advent of social media. On Instagram and flatform like it those who are judged to be
themost beautiful and rewarded with the most like. Young women tend to focus alot on what they are
not or do not have and they feel inadequate. Because being sexy is the definition of beauty and if you
don’t meet their standard’s they will never accept you and it will cause you to have depression,
anorexia, and anxiety.We cannot escape the power of image. Of course, it’s causing insecurity.
Especially among women in young girls. It affects men too. Pressure on women is also higher because
the female body has been central to the formation of women’s identity for centuries. We are dealing
with youngpeople who aren’t fully settled in their identity yet. Real people compare themselves with
these norms most of them fall short and think they are not beautiful enough. Because the whole social
media hypes started on flatforms like Instagram. People started thinking that not only super models look
that way but normal girls too. That’s why their using cosmetics to look more presentable, more
beautiful, and to boost their self-esteem. And also, for them to be accept by our society.Evaluation and
perception of Physical Beauty Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person's physical features
are considered aestheticallypleasing or beautiful. Although physical attraction includes universal
perceptions common to all human cultures, it is also culturally and socially dependent. Therefore, it is
through analyzing the physical attributes which are valued on an aesthetic basis in a certain culture that
we get the idea of the male and female beauty stereotypes. The idea of Physical Beauty is expressed
mainly with the help of the lexeme beauty,meaning "the quality of being pleasing, especially to look at,
or someone or something that gives great pleasure, especially when you look at it' and its derivative
beautiful,which means "very attractive", "very pleasant". Thus, 'beauty' is the most general term of
aesthetic appreciation. The term 'outer beauty' is often applied to the appreciation of physical
appearance, including body structure, height, face, legs, waist, etc. These physical features are

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