UDPS1013 Final Exam 201701 - Student - Ans

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APR 2017 TIME: (2 HOURS)



Instructions to Candidates:

Answer ALL questions in section A.

Answer ANY ONE question in section B.

If more than ONE question from section B is answered, then only the first question attempted
in section B will be marked.

All questions carry equal marks. Marks allocated for each part of the questions are indicated
in brackets.

This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages.


Section A: Answer ALL the questions.

Q1. (a) Consider an economy with three sectors: Fuels and Power, Manufacturing, and
Services. Fuels and Power sells 80% of its output to Manufacturing, 10% to
Services, and retains the rest. Manufacturing sells 10% of its output to Fuels
and Power, 80% to Services, and retains the rest. Services sells 20% to Fuels
and Power, 40% to manufacturing, and retains the rest.

(i) Construct the exchange table for this economy. (2 marks)

(ii) Develop a system of equations that leads to prices at which each

sector’s income matches its expenses. Then write the augmented
matrix that can be row reduced to find these prices. (4 marks)

(iii) Find a set of equilibrium prices when the price for the Services output
is 100 units. (5 marks)

(a) (iii) pf=30.1, pm=71.2

(b) Player R has two cards: a red 2 and a black 8. Player C has three cards: a red 3,
a black 5, and a black 10. They each show one of their cards. If the cards are
the same color, C receives the larger of the two numbers. If the cards are of
different colors, R receives the sum of the two numbers.

(i) Write the payoff matrix for the game. (2 marks)

(ii) Find the optimal strategy for player R. (12 marks)

(b) (i)

(ii)  19 
 
xˆ =  29 
 
 29 
[Total : 25 marks]

This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages.


Q2. (a) Use factorization A = PDP −1 to compute Ak , where k represents an arbitrary

positive integer. (15 marks)
 a 0
A= 
2(a − b ) b 

 ak 0
 k 
2a − 2b
bk 

(b) A healthy child’s systolic blood pressure p (in millimeters of mercury) and
weight w (in pounds) are approximately related by the
equation β 0 + β1 ln w = p . Use the following experimental data to estimate the
systolic blood pressure of a healthy child weight 100 pounds. [Hint: use least
square method] (10 marks)

w 44 61 81 113 131
ln w 3.78 4.11 4.39 4.73 4.88
p 91 98 103 110 112

(b) ∴ p = 18.56 + 19.24 ln w

When w=100, p=107 millimeters of mercury.
[Total : 25 marks]

Q3. (a) Suppose that the weather in a certain city is either sunny, cloudy, or rainy on a
given day, and consider the following:
1) If it is sunny today there is a 70% chance it will be sunny tomorrow and a
30% chance that it will be cloudy.
2) If it is cloudy today there is a 40% chance it will be sunny tomorrow, a 40%
chance that it will be cloudy, and a 20% chance that it will be rainy.
3) If it is rainy today there is a 40% chance it will be sunny tomorrow, a 30%
chance that it will be cloudy, and a 30% chance that it will be rainy

(i) Suppose the predicted weather for Friday is 55% sunny, 35% cloudy,
and 10% rainy. What are the chances that Sunday will be rainy?
(4 marks)

(ii) In the long run, how likely is it that the weather will be rainy on a
given day? (7 marks)

(a) (i) 9.7%

(ii) 9 .5 %

This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages.


4 3 4 − 7 0
 − 4 5 − 8 7 4 
(b) Let b =   and A =   . Is b in the range of the
 − 4 6 − 8 6 4 
   
− 7 9 − 7 − 2 0
transformation x a Ax ? If so, find an x whose image under the transformation
is b. (14 marks)

1 
 2
(b) x =  .
1 
 
[Total : 25 marks]

Section B: Answer any ONE question.

Q4. (a) The network in the figure 1 shows the traffic flow (in vehicles per hour) over
several one-way streets in the downtown area of a certain city during a typical
lunch time.

Figure 1

(i) Determine the general flow pattern for the network. In other words,
find the general solution of the system of equations that describes the
flow. In your general solution let x4 be free. (11 marks)

(ii) Consider the network flow studied general solution in part (a)(i),
determine the possible range of values of x1 and x2 . (3 marks)

 x1  600 − t 
 x 2 400 + t 
   
(a) (i)  x3 = 300 − t 
   
 x 4  t 
 x5  300 

This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages.


(ii) 300 ≤ x1 ≤ 600 and 400 ≤ x 2 ≤ 700 .

(b) { }
Let P = p : p ∈ Pn , p (t ) = a + t 2 where a is in ℜ . Determine if the given set
P is a subspace of Pn for an appropriate value of n. Justify your answers given.
(4 marks)

(b) No, the zero vector is not in the set. p(0) = a ≠ 0 .

(c) Show that if x is an eigenvector of the matrix product AB and Bx ≠ 0 , then Bx

is an eigenvector of BA. (7 marks)

(c) Suppose Bx ≠ 0 and ABx = λx for some λ . Then A(Bx ) = λx .

BA(Bx ) = B(λx ) = λ (Bx ) . This equation says that Bx is an eigenvector of BA,
because Bx ≠ 0 .
[Total : 25 marks]

 3t 
Q5. (a) Let H be the set of all vectors of the form  0  , where t is any real number.
− 7t 
Show that H is a subspace of ℜ 3 . (4 marks)

 3t   3 
(a)  0  = t  0  = tv , then H = span{v}. Thus H is the subspace of ℜ 3 .
   
− 7t  − 7

(b) Suppose A is invertible. Explain why AT A is also invertible. Then show that
A −1 = AT A )
AT . (7 marks)

(b) Since A is invertible, so is AT , by the Invertible Matrix Theorem. Then AT A

is the product of invertible matrices and so is invertible.
(A A )
T −1
AT = A −1 AT( ) −1
AT = A −1 I = A −1

1 t t2 t3 
1 a a 2   
 2 1 x1 x12 x13 
(c) Let T = 1 b b , V (t ) =  .
1 x2 x22 x23 
1 c c 2   
  x32 x33 
1 x3

This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages.


(i) Use row operation to show that det T = (b − a )(c − a )(c − b ) . (8 marks)

(ii) Let f (t ) = det V , with x1 , x2 , x3 all distinct. Explain why f (t ) is a

cubic polynomial, show that the coefficient of t 3 is nonzero.
(6 marks)
[Total : 25 marks]


This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages.

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