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36. THEGONIOMETER: Disadvantages of loop direction finder:— 1. The Joop has to be small enough to be rotated easily. This results ig relatively small signal pickups. w Further to facilitate manual operation, the loop has to be located. rear the receiver. This: is a requirement which ig not always eas Y tC meet particularly on ship-oard. “Both these disadvantages are eliminated by using two fixed loops, metually perpendicular, and combining their outputs in a “geniometer”, Geniometer * The loops, being fixed, can. be as large as practicable and the goniometer can be placed with the receiver in any convenient: locetion, The antenna and goniometer arrangement is shown in Fig.4.7. * The goniometer Consists two ‘windings, mutually perpendicular (called the ‘stators’) and a winding at the centre of these ‘called the rotor’, which can be Totated about the axis of symmetry, The two fixed loops are connected tc the two, stator windings and the voltage induced in the'rotor is taken to the receiver, The voltage induced in the rotor is equivalent to the voitage in a soteting loop antenna, Radar and - Navigaiiona al Avda fet the two loops be oriented NS and E.W arid je: os oe onagnctc wave make an angle @ with the North, The yt incl ing in the (WO loops are then proportional to cos® (N = $ loop) wal : nts 9028)" sin @ (EW loop). ; 7 i dN-S d EW cos ( ie corresponding stator coils be calle coil an i | yenioncee ; | poo ; i ie Loop antenna “1 oon i i ' i ' ‘ 1 i i i i ' ‘ i i i i i a A 4 (a) a Teta (0) plan of the I the loo, i nn! P antenna (b) The magnetic field within the gonionyeter ie Sn eri. ces ee Maximum when the iS parallel to the plan ced by th he loop Currents are Proportional ctively in Fig 8 ( _ direc : (5) and the resultant magnetic flux has the Jon wit h respect to theN-§ stator that the electromagnetic wave has with Fespect t the normal to. the N~ § loop. The volt flux is Perpendicular to the pl ‘ane of the rotor and zero ¢ of the rotor, when it! The bearing can be found by turing the rotor to @ null, and faking the direction of the plane of the rotor to the normal to the N ~ $ stator coil as the direction of the incoming wave with respsct to North. The signal fiom i fr inienna for sense the rotor can be combined with the signal from a vertical antenna for finding.

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