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Academic year: 2021-2022

Project Title: Voice Up

Project supervisor: M.s Mayssa Souissi
Learning outcomes:
Throughout this project, you will be able to:
 Acquire teamwork skills and develop their sense of collaboration
 Work on a one-term project
 Identify problems in their community and find solutions
 Develop critical thinking, decision making and social awareness
 Enhance communicative, reporting, presentation, and writing skills
 Develop an active role as a local and global citizen
 Participate in the community at different levels, nationwide and worldwide

Project description:

In this project, you will discuss cyberbullying and learn about the issue through watching
videos, engaging in online research, reading real testimonials from local and global Facebook
groups, blogs, digital news etc.
You will also learn about the Upstander/Bystander framework as you decide what to do about
the matter. Links to consider:

In groups, you will then create and conduct a survey to gather information about the extent
and effects of cyberbullying in their university/community, district to ultimately shoot an
anti-cyberbullying short film.

Week 3: Project kick off

 You must be divided into heterogeneous groups.

Groups should be comprised of 5 to 6 members,
maximum, both gender, all nationalities.
 You should respond to some questions before
watching an anti-bullying short film:
- Have you ever been a bystander? What did
you do? Would you do anything differently if it
happened again?
- What are the strategies that may help
prevent/end cyberbullying?
 In groups, you start working on the first graded
- Data and survey reporting: The survey reporting englobes ONLY local results
gathered from local sources: e.g. students’ school, district, and online chat room such
as Clubhouse. HOWEVER, data reporting should demonstrate both global and local
- First assignment output: You are invited to present and discuss your reports in a
slideshow format, in week 6. The report is just for content validity; hence it shouldn't
exceed 10 pages.

Week 6: Data and Survey Reporting Presentation

You should consider the following:

The presentation should last 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for feedback

The presentation should be structured as follows:

Part 1: Introduction

• Group logo and slogan significance

• History of cyberbullying
• The real life effects of cyberbullying

Part 2: Data reporting

• Data reporting should demonstrate both global and local findings. This part should
answer notably the following questions:
• What are the latest statistics representing the number of victims of cyberbullying?
• What are the different forms of cyberbullying?
• What are the prevention policies applied internationally? What about Tunisia?
• Which countries have the highest rate of cyberbullying? Why?

Part 3: Survey reporting

• Presentation of local findings gathered from local sources: e.g. Online
questionnaire targeting Esprit students, online chat room such as Clubhouse.
Students can insert screenshots , voice mails, etc.
• P.S: The use of graphs is mandatory to better interpret the results.
• You should also provide their teachers with a hard copy of the survey report
when presenting this section.

Part 4: Action plan

• You must unanimously decide upon the strategy to adapt in order to raise
awareness againt the danger of cyberbullying.
• Measures may include a petition, a prevention month, announcing Tunisian
cyberbullying day, teaching digital citizenship etc

Part 5: Conclusion
• Wrap up the presentation ''be as creative as possible''

Week 8: Output- Voice-Up Speech

In teams, you speak out against cyberbullying and advocate (to a public audience =
classmates) for change. Teams can also speak up using an online platform such as Clubhouse
chat room. However, the conversation must be recorded.

Present written proposals to school/district leaders, arguing for new or revised cyberbullying
policies and making a specific evidence-based case for the content of those policies.

Week 11: Final output- The short movie

Teams will create a short film that shares how important it is to VOICE UP to stop
cyberbullying and create the best virtual world possible. The style is up to you!

You can create a story, and act solo in a single room…You may invite family members to act
as well, sing an existing song related to bullying, or maybe come up with a rap or musical
piece, or even opt for a contemporary dance if possible.

The short film should be no more than 10 minutes long – and doesn’t have to be filmed
professionally – it can even be filmed on a phone. The short movie will be uploaded to
YouTube so make sure the content is suitable for all ages.

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