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Exposing The LGBTQ+ community

By: N8

In the USA Today in the 21st century the lgbtq+ have been pushing
their agenda to us and making it clear what their agenda is, there agenda is
to: Get rid of western culture. By this stance they want us to forget about
our american culture which is very Christian, European, and white. What
the fags want is to remove all religions not just Christianity they want to
remove religion to say that being gay is ok when clearly when you look into
the data and facts its the complete opposite.
They want children to be brainwashed! If your local library has had a
“drag queen story time” and there were people there who said things like “it
teaches kids to be loving and accepting to gay kids.” When in fact the “drag
queens” wipe away the truth and the facts about what they're teaching. One
thing they do is directing their message to kids because the gays love kids.
Now that sounds creepy and it is because gays are the highest percentage
of pedophiles and they make up ONLY 13% or less of the world population
but commit OVER 50% of the sex crimes to children. Before some Jew
says “hmmm what a strange coincidence” it’s not a COINCIDENCE! It’s a
fabricated plot to get kids to become a part of this community its a plot to
make being gay a more “normal” thing. Before you start saying this is
incorrect just think about it, the fag community make up 13% of the
population but commit over 50% of the sex crimes against children then is
pushing thefts propaganda to kids.
Also the fag community wants to get rid of religion because in
Christianity and Islam it teaches that being a homosexual is bad. And the
fag community knows this and is trying into tricking kids into thinking that
Jesus was a trans women or like church pastors wearing a rainbow sash
with the white robe standing by a cross preaching about Jesus. Even
though in the Bible it states in genesis: 2:24 : "Therefore a man shall leave
his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become
one flesh." Which already exposes why a gay pastor is bullshit. Also they
hate Christians like at the STOP THE STEAL rally there was lady maga a
drag queen trump lover and then there were catholics with a DEUS VULT
banner and chanting that and then the trumps and “conservatives' ' booed
them. Which proves that conservatives aren’t conserving shit.
Also the word conservatism means to conserve Christian values.
Guess who they get let into the “conservative” movement? Ron smith GAY,
milo yianopolus also GAY, lastly catlyn Jenner also GAY. Which just proves
that the modern day “conservative” movement are not actually conserving

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