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My family

My mother and my father live in satipo, they work in their

business of fruit merchants, apart from that they dedicate
themselves to the planting of bananas in different
varieties, weekly they go for a walk to the river that is near
the farm, and they practice fishing, I have a sister who is
in Lima and she practices evangelism, on the part of my
father, his family lives in satipo; And his brothers work
abroad on the carnival cruise, they spend several months
outside Peru, due to work, so they only come to visit once
a year, but one of them is also based in Russia; He
married my Russian aunt jeniar, who is a fashion
designer; my two Cousins were born out of that marriage.
Princes and maxim. From my mom; His family lives in the
huancayo district; Vilcabamba and tarma, one of his
brothers works in the mine, and also has very little time to
visit my grandmother who lives with him, and for me; For
the moment I live alone here in huancayo; Studying and
working in a law firm specialized in criminal and
criminology, waiting for the right time to visit my family,
since I haven't seen them for several months.

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