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10/27/2020 5:03:43 PM

Insurance companies Office ϥϳϣ΄Ηϟ΍ΕΎϛέηΏΗϛϣ

Dear Sir ϦϴϣήΘΤϤϟ΍ΓΩΎδϟ΍

This is to confirm that the below mentioned member is
medically covered under Bupa Arabia Health Care
scheme with the following information:

Name: Abdullah Mohamed Ali Alaswed :Ϣγϻ΍

Membership: 16983301 :Δϳϭοόϟ΍ϡϗέ
ID Number: 2459966566 :ΔϳϮϬϟ΍Ϣϗέ
Class Name: Mgmt :ΔϳρϐΗϟ΍ΔΟέΩ
Network: NW6 :ΔϜΒη
Year of Birth: 2018 :ΩϼϴϤϟ΍ΦϳέΎΗ
Out-Patient Deductibles: Hospital - 20% upto SR 150.00 : ΔϴΟέΎΧΕ΍ΩΎϴϋ
Polyclinic - 20% upto SR 75.00
MPN - 20% upto SR 75.00

Effective From: 12/06/2018 :ΦϳέΎΗϥϣΔΣϟΎλ

Effective To: 7/31/2021 :ΦϳέΎΗϰϟ΍ΔΣϟΎλ
Customer Name: Mohawarean International Group :Δϛήθϟ΍Ϣγ΍
All other terms and condition are as per policy ΪϗΎόΘϟ΍ΩϮϨΒϟϊπΨΗ˯Ύτϐϟ΍ρϭήηϊϴϤΟ

Should he / she need any treatment that is covered Ύϳ΍ΰϤϟ΍ϝϭΪΟΖΤΗΔΟέΪϣΔϴΟϼϋΔϣΪΧϢϳΪϘΘϟΔΟΎΤϟ΍ΪϨϋ

under his / her scheme, please accept this letter ΏΎτΨϟ΍΍άϫϝϮΒϗϰΟήϳΎϘΑΎγΓέϮϛάϤϟ΍ΔϳϮπόϟ΍ΔΟέΪΑιΎΨϟ΍
instead of the membership card for one visit only ςϘϓΓΪΣ΍ϭΓήϤϟϚϟΫϭΔϳϮπόϟ΍ΔϗΎτΒϟϞϳΪΒϛ

Please attach this letter and a copy of the member ID ΪϨϋΔΒϟΎτϤϟ΍ϊϣΏΎτΨϟ΍ϭϞϴϤόϠϟΔϳϮϬϟ΍ΓέϮλϕΎϓέ·ϰΟήϳ

with the claim invoices.
As per normal eligibility practice, please check the
membership number for the treatment services in the ΓΪϤΘόϤϟ΍ΔϴτϐΘϟ΍.
hospital according to the approved protocol and the
member network.

Should you have any queries, please contact one of ϝΎμΗϹ΍ϲϓΩΩήΘϟ΍ϡΪϋ˯ΎΟήϟ΍ˬΕ΍έΎδϔΘγ΍ϱ΍ΩϮΟϭϝΎΣϲϓ

our advisers on the Bupa Arabia customer service line 8002440307˯ϼϤόϟ΍ΕΎϣΪΨϟϲϧΎΠϤϟ΍Ϣϗήϟ΍ϒΗΎϫϞϋ

Sincerely yours, ΕΎϴΤΘϟ΍ΐϴρ΍ϊϣ

Bupa Arabia ΔϴΑήόϟ΍ΎΑϮΑ
Customer Service ˯ϼϤόϟ΍ΔϣΪΧ

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