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Role of Microstructural Degradation in the Heat-Affected Zone

of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel Weldments on Subscale Features during

Steam Oxidation and Their Role in Weld Failures

Microstructural degradations in the base metal adjacent to the weld pool, i.e., the heat-affected zone
(HAZ), caused during welding of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, were characterized by electron and optical
microscopy of different regions of the weldments. In order to study the influence of the microstruc-
tural degradations on scaling kinetics in steam and the resulting subscale features, samples of the
base metal, the HAZ, and weld metal specimens were extracted from the weldment and oxidized in
an environment of 35 pct steam 1 nitrogen at 873 K for 10 hours. Oxide scales formed in the three
regions and the underlying subscales were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA). Influence of the ‘‘free’’ chromium content in the three
weldment regions on protective scale formation and on the subscale features has been investigated.
As the principal achievement, this study has clearly shown the occurrence of oxidation-induced void
formation in the subscale zone and grain boundary cavitation in the neighboring area during steam
oxidation of the HAZ. This article also discusses the possible role of oxidation-induced void for-
mation and grain boundary cavitation in the inferior service life of welds in 2.25Cr-1Mo steel com-

I. INTRODUCTION nents.[9] Since weldments are an indispensable part of most

component fabrication, considerable efforts have been di-
LOW-ALLOY ‘‘Cr-Mo’’ ferritic steels, viz., 2.25Cr- rected, in the past three to four decades, to the correlation
1Mo and 1Cr-0.5Mo steels, are used extensively in the
of the in-service failure of these steels with the microstruc-
steam generating and handling systems of power plants (in
tural degradation caused during welding.
the temperature range of 623 to 873 K) because they satisfy
the required mechanical properties, weldability, formability,
and corrosion resistance.[1,2] Common applications of A. Microstructural Features and Oxidation Resistance of
2.25Cr-1Mo steel include reactors for refining and process- 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel
ing of petroleum and high-temperature/high-pressure Microstructural changes due to welding include varia-
vessels for thermal reforming, polymerization, alkylation, tions in the grain size in the area adjoining the weld metal
and hydrocracking.[3–6] This material is also a strong can- (i.e., the heat-affected zone (HAZ)) and enrichment of Cr
didate for the fabrication of pressure vessels used for the in the secondary precipitates and/or additional Cr-rich pre-
gasification and liquefaction of coal.[7] cipitate formation.[1,2,7,9–11] Trapping of ‘‘free’’ chromium
The microstructures of Cr-Mo ferritic steels are very sus- (in the matrix) through Cr-rich precipitate formation and
ceptible to thermomechanical treatments. This microstruc- variations in grain size is reported to alter the oxidation
tural susceptibility is often exploited in order to develop resistance of low-Cr alloys.[12,13,14] For example, the heat
carbide precipitates of a required chemistry, morphology, treatments which cause depletion of chromium due to Cr-
and distribution to effect precipitation hardening. However, rich carbide formation impair the oxidation resistance of
due to the metastable nature of the chemical composition 2.25Cr-1Mo steel by forming a less protective scale. In a
and the morphology of the strengthening precipitates, the similar way, the HAZ of Cr-Mo steel weldments, in which
secondary precipitates undergo undesirable transformations extensive formation of Cr-rich precipitates occurs,[10,11] may
during elevated temperature service and/or thermomechan- exhibit a greater oxidation rate than other weld regions.
ical treatments experienced during fabrication, viz., weld- Low-chromium steels are also known to undergo internal
ing, forging, hot rolling, etc. oxidation[12,15] resulting in distinct ‘‘subscale’’ formation
The strength of the weldments of these steels is generally (subscale is the region underneath the external oxide scale).
reported to be inferior,[7,8] to the extent that the creep rup- The surface scaling-rate data are generally of secondary im-
ture of the welds is often the life-limiting factor. In fact, portance to design engineers (primarily because surface
about 80 pct of the in-service failures are reported to take scaling of steels follows parabolic kinetics, and the scaling
place in the weld region of low-Cr ferritic steel compo- rate decreases considerably after the initial period). How-
ever, internal oxidation at alloy grain boundaries and as-
sociated phenomena, which may provide an easy path for
crack propagation,[16,17,18] would clearly be of direct rele-
R.K. SINGH RAMAN, Postdoctoral Research Associate, is with the
Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, Royal vance to component design engineers because of its direct
Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Melbourne-3000, Australia. bearing on the creep/fatigue life of welded components of
Manuscript submitted April 22, 1997. Cr-Mo steels.


B. Effect of Localized Oxidation on Mechanical ferritic steels. In the HAZ of Cr-Mo ferritic steels, Cr-rich
Properties carbide formation and Cr enrichment in the existing sec-
ondary precipitates, which can be detrimental for corrosion
It is well known that the in-service gaseous environments
properties, are both reported[10,11] to occur. However, the
encountered by Cr-containing steels can play a significant inferior mechanical properties of the HAZ of these steels
role in determining their mechanical properties.[16,17] To that have generally been attributed only to the role of these mi-
extent, metal loss due to high-temperature corrosion (scal-
crostructural changes in degrading the deformation prop-
ing) is generally taken into account when designing com-
erties of the HAZ of the steel.[1,2,7] The role of precipitation
ponents (especially thin-walled components) composed of in localized corrosion properties and, in turn, in alteration
Cr-Mo–based alloys,[8] and a design allowance is given of the mechanical properties, has not received attention, ex-
based on the scaling-rate data of the base alloy. However,
cept for some comments in one article on the mechanical
recent studies on 2.25Cr-1Mo steel[13] have suggested that
properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel welds, which indicated en-
the microstructural changes incorporated in the base alloy
hanced grain boundary oxidation and localized Cr depletion
upon certain heat treatments can change the scaling rate.
as the possible causes of the degradation of mechanical
The microstructural changes, as indicated in these studies,
can also alter the extent of related localized corrosion phe-
nomena in the alloy matrix underneath the external scale,
viz., internal oxidation in the alloy matrix and at the alloy C. Oxidation Resistance/Localized Oxidation of Cr-Mo
grain boundaries. Localized corrosion is reported to influ- Steel Welds
ence the creep and fatigue properties,[16] due to one or more The first reported investigation of in-air, high-tempera-
of the following phenomena: ture corrosion of weldments of Cr-Mo ferritic steel revealed
(1) crack initiation due to grain boundary oxidation;[16] that the HAZ oxidized at a much higher rate than the weld
(2) crack blunting and arrest due to excessive oxidation at metal and the base metal.[25] The disappearance of fine Mo-
the grain boundary crack tip;[17,18,19] based carbide precipitates and an increase in the amount of
(3) grain boundary strengthening due to preferential oxide coarse, incoherent precipitates (enriched in Cr) are believed
precipitation;[19,20,21] to be responsible for the inferior mechanical properties of
(4) selective leaching of alloying elements from the areas the HAZ. The Cr depletion has been found to be respon-
adjacent to grain boundaries, and vacancy and void for- sible as well for the inferior corrosion resistance of the
mation, which can assist crack propagation;[19,20,21] and HAZ.[25] Further, creep ruptures are reported to occur in the
(5) grain boundary cavitation resulting from annihilation of intercritical region, a subzone within the HAZ. A recent
vacancies created due to selective leaching.[18,19,22] study[14] has suggested that the intercritical region has a
The prevalence of these phenomena will be governed by high susceptibility for localized attack at the grain bound-
the availability of the selectively oxidized alloying element aries and within grains having a high density of precipitates.
(e.g., Cr in Cr-Mo steels) and the oxygen pressure under- Considering the diversity of the prior thermomechanical
neath the external scale, which is dictated by the nature of treatments and service conditions experienced by Cr-Mo
the scale. A study on creep of a stainless steel by Rodri- steels, the information generated by the recent in-air corro-
guez[17] has clearly demonstrated a transition from a weak- sion studies can be called a very useful preliminary step in
ening to a strengthening effect on creep as the oxygen the direction of understanding the role of microstructural
content of the environment was increased from 70 to 256 changes in steel weldments on high-temperature corrosion,
ppm. The weakening was caused due to the prevalence of and, in turn, on the mechanical properties of welds. Never-
grain boundary notch sharpening at low oxygen contents, theless, the studies carried out so far on the high-temperature
whereas the strengthening occurred due to blunting at the corrosion of weldments have not addressed localized corro-
notch tips at high pressures. sion (internal oxidation) and associated phenomena, which
In-air oxidation studies of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel[12] have sug- could cause crack initiation and propagation. Such studies
gested the extensive occurrence of internal oxidation at the will be of direct relevance in the context of understanding
alloy grain boundaries, sometimes to the extent of detach- and controlling weld failures. The extent of internal oxida-
ing the alloy grains from the matrix, which can significantly tion and grain boundary penetration, and, more importantly,
degrade the mechanical properties. Smith and Marder[23] the rate of grain boundary penetration, will be relevant to
have observed very clear and deep notches along the grain component design engineers for its direct bearing on the
boundaries of a circumferentially cracked water boiler tube creep/fatigue life of welded components of Cr-Mo steels.
of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel in a sulfur-containing environment, Indeed, grain boundary penetration is considered to be one
and have attributed the component failures to such cracks. of the prime criteria for the assessment of Cr-Mo steel for
As described earlier, the deleterious effects of localized cor- high-temperature applications in aggressive environments.[26]
rosion, viz., grain boundary penetration/cavitation, etc., Another important aspect is the role of the environment
which can impair the mechanical properties of the alloys, on the oxidation rate and the type and extent of localized
have not been investigated for any types of Cr-Mo steel corrosion (internal oxidation). As discussed earlier, in ad-
weldments. As an essential part of the mechanism of lo- dition to the alloy composition/microstructure and the na-
calized corrosion (viz., internal oxidation) at grain bound- ture of the scale developed on an alloy, the internal
aries, the grain boundary diffusion of alloying elements oxidation will also be governed by the nature of the oxidant
and, hence, the average grain size of the alloy, will be im- and its partial pressure underneath the scale. There are no
portant factors. reports on the influence of steam environments on the char-
Both grain size variation and Cr-rich carbide precipita- acteristics of internal oxidation and subscaling in micros-
tion can occur in the HAZ of the weldments of Cr-Mo tructurally different regions in steel weldments.


Table I. Chemical Composition were distinguished on the basis of microstructural dissimi-
larities. The type and extent of secondary precipitation in
Elements (Wt Pct)
the three regions was characterized by transmission electron
Materials C Si S P Cr Mo Fe microscopy (TEM) using carbon extraction replicas of the
Base metal 0.06 0.18 0.008 0.008 2.18 0.93 bal three regions. Details of the weld characterization can be
Weld metal 0.05 0.40 0.020 0.012 2.30 1.10 bal found elsewhere.[14]

Table II. Welding Conditions B. Specimen Separation and Steam Oxidation

Process MMA On the basis of their microstructural dissimilarities, spec-
Electrode diameter 3.15 mm imen coupons of the weld metal, HAZ, and base metal were
Preheat 473 K separated using a precision wafering blade and employing
Arc voltage 22 V repetitive metallographic examination. The HAZ, being a
Arc current 110 A narrow region, was ascertained by several cycles of polish-
Welding speed 3.75 mm s21 ing, etching, and microscopic examination, so that the HAZ
specimens consisted only of the corresponding microstruc-
tures (i.e., the HAZ specimen did not consist of the neigh-
boring base metal or weld metal microstructures).
Sample coupons of the base metal, HAZ, and weld metal
(separated from the weldment, as shown in Figure 1) were
oxidized in an environment containing a mixture of 35 pct
steam and nitrogen (oxygen pressure : ;1025 atm) at 873
K for 10 hours in a thermobalance.

C. Characterization of Scales and Subscale Regions

Oxide scales and the underlying subscale regions devel-
Fig. 1—Schematic diagram showing locations of weld metal, HAZ, and oped on the weld metal, HAZ, and base metal specimens
base metal in weldment and cuts for separating the weld metal, HAZ and during steam oxidation were characterized by scanning
base metal specimens.
electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe microanalysis
(EPMA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The morphology of
The present study has been carried out to investigate the the scales in the three regions was compared by SEM, and
steam oxidation of weldments of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, and it the oxides in the scales were identified by XRD. In order
aims to develop an understanding of the following: (1) the to reveal the features across the scale, the subscale, and the
nature and kinetics of scale formation over the weld metal, adjacent alloy matrix, the oxidized specimens were
the HAZ, and the base metal regions of the weldments; (2) mounted on their cross section, polished, and etched. Fea-
the internal oxidation, alloy grain boundary oxidation, and tures in the cross sections were observed by SEM, and their
grain boundary cavitation in different weldment regions, chemical characterization was carried out by EPMA line
and how these phenomena are influenced by the nature of profiles for Fe, Cr, and O across the scale and subscale
scale and alloy microstructure; and (3) the possible role of regions.
these phenomena in weld failures. The purpose of the pres-
ent study is, mainly, to investigate the role of microstruc-
tural variations in the as-welded material. III. RESULTS
A. Electron Microscopy and Optical Microscopy of
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Different Regions of Weldment

A. Weld Preparation and Characterization The microstructures of the weld metal, the HAZ, and the
base metal of the weldment of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel are dif-
Plates (12-mm thick) of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel base material ferent from each other, and their detailed description can
(composition as given in Table I) were supplied by Thyssen be found elsewhere.[7,14] The weld metal of 2.25Cr-1Mo
Stahl Aktiengsell Schaft (Germany) in the normalized-plus- steel has a lathlike arrangement of upper bainite, with the
tempered condition (austenitized at 1223 K for 17 minutes lath boundaries decorated with carbides. The base metal
followed by air cooling; tempered at 1003 K for 60 consists of a mixture of granular bainite and proeutectoid
minutes). The normalized-and-tempered plates were welded ferrite; the prior austenite grain boundaries and the bainitic
together by the manual metal arc (MMA) welding tech- region are populated with precipitates. The microstructure
nique using basic-coated 2.25Cr-1Mo electrodes (details of of the HAZ is distinguished from both the weld metal and
the welding process are given in Table II). The chemical base metal by variations in grain size and type and extent
compositions of the base metal and the deposited weld of secondary precipitation.
metal are given in Table I. Chromium contents of both the The TEM photomicrographs of the carbon replicas of the
regions are similar. Transverse sections of the weldment HAZ, when compared with those of the weld metal and the
were polished, etched (2 pct nital/20 seconds) and exam- base metal, indicate differences in the morphology and dis-
ined by optical microscopy. The three regions in the weld- tribution of the secondary precipitates, as shown in Figures
ment, viz., the weld metal, the HAZ, and the base metal, 2(a) through (c). The base metal microstructure suggests


Fig. 4—SEM micrograph showing general surface morphology of oxide
formed over the weld metal region of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment
oxidized in 35 pct steam 1 N2 at 873 K for 10 h.

and in clusters (Figure 2(a)), which are the typical features

of the Mo-based carbides of an M2C type.[27] The mor-
phology and distribution of the precipitates in the weld
metal (Figure 2(b)) are broadly similar to those observed
in the base metal, whereas those in the HAZ have distinctly
different features. An insignificantly low population of the
needle-shaped precipitates (M2C) distinguished the micro-
structure of the HAZ. The precipitates predominantly pres-
ent in the HAZ are either parallelepiped-shaped or
rod-shaped (Figure 2(c)), which are the respective typical
shapes (morphologies) of the M7C3 and M23C6 types of car-

B. Scaling Kinetics during Steam Oxidation

As shown in Figure 3, the HAZ oxidized at a consider-
Fig. 2—TEM images showing needle-shaped secondary phase (Mo2C) ably higher rate than the base metal and the weld metal.
predominantly in (a) base metal and (b) weld metal and parallelepiped The oxidation kinetics of the three regions were found to
and rod-shaped phases (M23C6 and M7C3) exclusively in (c) HAZ. be close to parabolic. The parabolic rate constants (kp (mg2
cm24 h21)) for the three regions were found to be 7.7 for
the HAZ, 3.9 for the base metal, and 4.3 for the weld metal.
The term kp is related to the weight gain over unit surface
area (DW) by (DW)2 5 kpt, where t is the oxidation time.

C. Characterization of Scale/Subscale Regions

Unlike the featureless oxide morphology observed during
air oxidation of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment,[14] oxide
scales formed over the base metal, HAZ, and weld metal
regions show faceted oxide grains (Figures 4 through 6).
The faceted oxide grains generally indicate that the oxida-
tion occurred under a low oxygen partial pressure such as
that employed for oxidation tests in the present investiga-
tion. However, the scales formed over the HAZ consisted
Fig. 3—Weight gain vs time plots of weld metal, base metal, and HAZ of much coarser grains (Figure 5(a)) compared to those
samples separated out of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment and oxidized in 35 over the weld metal (Figure 4) and the base metal (Figure
pct steam 1 N2 at 873 K. 6). In addition to the overall coarse grain scale, the HAZ
scale is also distinguished by sporadic areas of excessive
the occurrence of bulky precipitates (believed to be Fe3C[14]) scale growth, as shown through a typical micrograph in
at and around the prior-austenite grain boundaries, while Figure 5(b).
the interior of the bainitic area is populated largely with Cross sections of the oxidized samples of the weld metal,
fine precipitates. The fine precipitates are needle-shaped HAZ, and base metal regions are shown in Figure 7 and in


Fig. 5—SEM micrographs showing surface morphology of oxide formed
over the HAZ region of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment oxidized in 35 pct
steam 1 N2 at 873 K for 10 h: (a) general surface morphology and (b)
morphology in the sporadic areas with excessive scale growth (indicated
as A).
Fig. 7—SEM micrographs showing cross sections of oxide scales and
subscale zones formed over specimens extracted out of different regions
of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment and oxidized in 35 pct steam 1 N2 at 873
K for 10 h: (a) HAZ, (b) weld metal, and (c) base metal.

compact-looking outer layer, a subscale region consisting

of extensive internal oxide precipitates, and a thin layer
between the external layer and the subscale. However, the
cross section of the oxidized HAZ specimen can be distin-
guished from those of the weld metal and base metal spec-
imens by two features, viz., a subscale with extensive void
formation and internal precipitation (the precipitates ap-
pearing blocky), and an additional region in the alloy ma-
trix adjacent to the subscale with features suggesting
cavitation or precipitation at the alloy grain boundaries in
this region. In fact, these grain boundary features were in-
dicated to be cavities, by observations at a higher magni-
fication (Figure 10), which was subsequently confirmed by
X-ray imaging. Hence, it can be concluded that grain
Fig. 6—SEM micrograph showing general surface morphology of oxide boundary cavitation occurred in the alloy matrix adjacent
formed over the base metal region of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment oxidized to the subscale during oxidation of the HAZ. In this region,
in 35 pct steam 1 N2 at 873 K for 10 h. interestingly, there are indications of cavitations even at
those grain boundaries which do not connect with the subs-
the corresponding EPMA profiles for iron, chromium, and cale, as shown in Figure 11. No grain boundary cavitation
oxygen in Figures 8 and 9. There are at least three distinct was observed in the region adjacent to the subscales in the
layers in the cross sections of all three regions: a thick oxidized specimens of weld metal and base metal (Figure


Fig. 9—EPMA line profiles for chromium contents (on an expanded scale)
in the scale, subscale, and alloy matrix regions of HAZ, base metal, and
weld metal regions (profiles starting from the points, A, as indicated in
Fig. 7, and finishing in the alloy matrix neighboring the subscale region).

Fig. 10—Magnified features in subscale and adjacent zones in HAZ shown

in Fig. 7(a), showing extensive precipitation and void formation in the
subscale (indicated as B) and grain boundary cavitation (indicated as C)
in the adjoining area.
Fig. 8—EPMA line profiles for iron, chromium, and oxygen in the scale,
subscale, and alloy matrix regions of (a) HAZ, (b) weld metal, and (c)
base metal regions (profiles starting from the points, A, as indicated in inner layers are oxides of iron and chromium. The XRD
Fig. 7, and finishing in the alloy matrix neighboring the subscale region). analysis identified the oxide scale to be comprised predom-
inantly of magnetite (Fe3O4); however, the diffraction pat-
terns also consist of peaks corresponding to wustite (FeO),
12) or in the interior of the alloy matrix (i.e., farther away hematite (Fe2O3), iron-chromium spinel oxide (FeCr2O4),
from the subscale) of any specimen. Subscale regions in chromium oxide (Cr2O3), and elemental iron. The wustite
the weld metal and base metal specimens were much less formation can be attributed to the oxidation temperature of
populated with internal precipitates than the subscale in the 873 K (wustite is stable at temperatures above 843 K). The
HAZ. However, as shown in Figure 12, in the subscales of XRD patterns, suggesting the presence of Cr-containing ox-
the weld metal and base metal specimens, internal precip- ides, are attributed to the inner layer and the internal pre-
itation was much more intensive at the grain boundaries cipitates shown in Figure 7. The predominance of Fe3O4 in
than within the grains. Also, unlike the HAZ specimen, the outer scales and the formation of Cr-rich inner scales
where voids formed indiscriminately and extensively within are also corroborated by the EPMA line profiles (Figure 8).
the subscale region, void formation within the subscale of The oxidation resistance of iron-chromium alloys is
the weld metal and base metal was restricted to the area known to be effected due to a protective inner layer of
neighboring the grain boundary oxide precipitates (Figure either chromium oxide (in high-Cr alloys) or iron-chro-
12). mium spinel oxide (in low-chromium steels).[15] However,
The EPMA profiles for iron, chromium, and oxygen the chromium content of the inner layer of Fe/Cr oxides in
(Figure 8) suggest that the thick outer layers of oxide scale low-Cr steels governs the extent of protectiveness.[13,25] A
(in Figure 7) consist mainly of iron oxides, and that the comparison of Cr profiles on expanded scales (Figure 9)


as previously reported[10,14] and as observed in the present
study (refer to the TEM results described in Section III–

In order to address the goal of this investigation of
2.25Cr-1Mo steel, the following aspects are discussed.
(1) The influence of secondary precipitation in the three
weldment regions (viz., the weld metal, HAZ, and base
metal) on the chemical characteristics of the protective
inner layer of oxide scale.
(2) The influence of the inner scale on the transport char-
acteristics of the species involved in the oxidation by
(3) The influence of the nature of scale on the character-
istics of the subscale region and the neighboring matrix.
Fig. 11—Typical SEM micrograph showing cavitation (indicated as B)
even at those alloy grain boundaries not connecting with the subscale in
(4) The role of the features of the subscales and the neigh-
the oxidized specimen of HAZ, and void formation in the subscale and boring alloy matrix in weld failures.
grain boundary cavitation in the adjoining area. The prevalent occurrence of Mo2C and Fe3C precipitates
in the weld metal and base metal regions and that of Cr-
rich precipitates (viz., M7C3 and M23C6) exclusively in the
HAZ, as suggested from the TEM examinations, are in
agreement with the reported literature on the microstruc-
tural variations in the weldments of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel.[10,14]
The precipitation of Cr-based carbides, as observed in the
HAZ of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel weldment, depletes the effec-
tive (free) chromium in the alloy matrix.[13,14,28,29] Hence, the
inner oxide scale layer developed over the HAZ (where
precipitation of Cr-rich carbides caused extensive Cr deple-
tion in the alloy matrix) contained considerably lower con-
centrations of Cr than the inner layers over the weld metal
and base metal regions, as shown in Figure 9. The Chro-
mium content of the inner oxide layer governs the protec-
tiveness of the scale and, hence, controls the diffusion of
iron and oxidant species through the scale of the iron-chro-
mium alloys, including 2.25Cr-1Mo steel.[30–33] A less pro-
tective inner scale formed over the HAZ, therefore, explains
the higher oxidation rate of the HAZ specimen than that of
Fig. 12—Representative magnified features in subscale and adjacent zones the weld metal and base metal specimens (Figure 3).
in weld metal and base metal regions shown in Fig. 7.
The formation of a double oxide layer, shown in Figure
7, is consistent with other reports on steam oxidation of
suggests that the relative Cr content in the inner layer of low-alloy ferritic steels.[34–37] Oxidation mechanisms have
the scale developed over the HAZ is considerably lower taken into consideration three possible types of diffusion:
(;4.25 at. pct) than those in similar scale layers over the outward solid-state diffusion of Fe ions, inward lattice or
base metal (;13 at. pct) and the weld metal (;11 at. pct). gas phase diffusion of oxidant species (O22, H2O, and O2),
The chromium profiles in Figure 9 also suggest the pres- and outward vapor phase diffusion of volatile Fe(OH)2.[35]
ence of Cr-rich phases in the subscales and the neighboring However, while the mechanism involving Fe(OH)2 diffu-
area. This high chromium concentration in the subscale ar- sion has been discounted,[36] there is general agreement on
eas is due to Cr-rich internal oxide particles. This was con- the counter-diffusion of Fe ions and oxidant species, re-
cluded since the Cr peaks in this area are found to occur sulting in an oxidation reaction at both the gas/oxide and
in association with oxygen peaks, suggesting a higher-than- metal/oxide interfaces.[34] Migration of iron ions occurs both
average oxygen concentration and a lower iron concentra- via lattice and grain boundary diffusion; however, the latter
tion (Figures 8 and 9). The chromium profiles suggest a path predominates.[38] There has been a general lack of
higher local concentration of chromium in the area adjoin- agreement[34–38] on the type of migrating oxidant species, as
ing the subscale exclusively in the case of the HAZ spec- well as its diffusion path. Mayer and Manolescu[37] have
imen. However, unlike the Cr profiles for the subscale area, suggested molecular steam (H2O) and oxygen (O2) to be
no oxygen peaks were found to coexist with the Cr peaks. the inward-diffusing species, and that pores at the grain
Hence, the Cr peaks in the area adjoining the subscales are boundary triple points are the diffusion path. Tomlinson
believed to occur due to Cr-rich carbides rather than oxides. and Cory[34] also observed similar pores, which enable gas
This conclusion is based on the extensive formation of Cr- phase diffusion of steam to the metal/scale interface. Ef-
rich secondary carbides exclusively in the HAZ matrix, fertz[38] has argued in favor of solid-state diffusion (both


2.25Cr-1Mo steel were oxidized in steam 1 air (i.e., at an
oxygen pressure higher than experienced during steam ox-
idation in the present study). Both the surface morphology
(Figure 13(a)) and cross section (Figure 13(b)) of the re-
sulting oxide scale indicated a porous nature of the outer
scale, which is similar to the outer scale features observed
in the studies by Tomlinson and Cory[34] and Cory and Her-
rington.[39] The comparison of outer scale morphology in
the present study to those in the studies by Tomlinson and
Cory[34] and Cory and Herrington[39] confirms that the grain
boundary pore formation and the gas phase diffusion of
steam and oxygen molecules through the pores can occur
only at high oxygen pressures. The inability of steam mol-
ecules to reach the metal/oxide interface also rules out the
generation of hydrogen at this interface. In fact, the trans-
port mechanism in the present study appears similar to the
one proposed by Effertz,[38] who suggested that the oxida-
tion reaction took place entirely by solid-state diffusion of
O22 and iron ions together with electron transport from
metal to the gas/oxide interface, and that all hydrogen
formed by the reaction at this interface was released directly
into the gas phase.
The inward diffusion of oxygen ions is particularly im-
portant in the context of internal oxidation and the subscale
features of the different regions considered (Figures 7, 10,
and 12). A less-protective inner scale formed in the case of
the HAZ than in the weld metal and the base metal (as
described earlier), which presumably allowed a greater in-
ward diffusion of oxygen ions and, thus, facilitated the
presence of a greater amount of oxygen available for re-
action with the chromium of the alloy matrix (Cr will se-
lectively oxidize at the low oxygen activity experienced in
the alloy matrix under the scale). Greater diffusion of ox-
ygen ions through the HAZ scale caused extensive internal
oxidation and the formation of a subscale zone thickly pop-
Fig. 13—(a) Morphology and (b) cross section of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel ulated with internal precipitates (this zone consists of
sample oxidized at 873 K in an environment of higher oxygen pressure blocky internal precipitates and voids underneath the inner
(steam 1 air) showing features of porous outer scale.
protecting layer, as shown in Figures 7(a) and 10). The
depletion of Cr due to extensive internal precipitation in the
subscale zone may necessitate the diffusion of Cr from the
lattice and grain boundary diffusion) of O22 ions (O22 ions adjacent area in the alloy matrix, which obviously causes
are formed by decomposition of steam at the oxide/gas in- the generation of vacancies. These vacancies would anni-
terface, and the hydrogen formed by this reaction is directly hilate at grain boundaries to cause grain boundary cavita-
released, unreacted, back to the gas phase). However, a tion, as seen in Figures 10 and 11. The fact that a
careful examination of the reported literature[34,37] indicates considerable amount of Cr from the alloy matrix is tied up
that scales with the grain boundary pores in the surface as secondary carbide precipitates (M7C3 and M23C6) in the
were generally developed under high oxygen pressure. This HAZ (as discussed earlier) may further necessitate the dif-
is confirmed in another report by Cory and Herrington,[39] fusion of Cr from the bulk, under the chemical potential
where cross sections of low-alloy steels oxidized in high- created by greater inward diffusion of oxygen ions under-
pressure steam are found to consist of columnar grains in neath the scale developed on the HAZ. The oxidation-as-
the outer scale with pores and cracks at the grain bounda- sisted vacancy injection and subsequent annihilation of
ries. Possibly, for this reason, the morphological features vacancies, which subsequently form voids, is reported for
of outer scales developed under the comparatively low ox- other materials.[40,41]
ygen pressures employed in the present studies are consid- The more-protective inner scale that was found to form
erably different from those observed by Tomlinson and both on the weld metal and the base metal (as opposed to
Cory;[34] the oxide grains in the present study are faceted on the HAZ) resulted in a limited inward diffusion of ox-
and the scale morphologies do not contain grain boundary ygen ions and internal oxidation. Hence, the subscale zones
pores (Figures 4 through 6). Also, unlike the porous outer formed on both the specimens (Figures 7(b), 7(c), and 12)
layers observed in the scale cross sections by Cory and consist of relatively less intensive internal precipitation (of
Herrington,[39] the outer scales in the present study are com- Cr oxides) within the alloy grains and at the grain bound-
pact (Figure 7) and without any features resembling a po- aries (Figure 12) than those regions of the HAZ subscale
rous scale. In order to confirm the dependence of scale (Figure 10). Chromium diffusion from the area adjacent to
porosity on the oxygen partial pressure, a few samples of


grain boundaries caused some void formation in such areas ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Figure 12).
The rupture life of 2.25Cr-1Mo weldments will be af- The author is grateful to Professor D.J. Young and Dr.
fected by some of the microstructural changes caused by B. Gleeson, School of Materials Science and Engineering,
oxidation in the subscale and the adjoining alloy matrix. The University of New South Wales (MSE/UNSW), Syd-
Extensive void formation in the subscale region of the HAZ ney, for their support with experimental facilities, and to
and grain boundary cavitation in neighboring areas (Figures Professor D. Dunne, Head of the Department of Materials
7, 9, and 10) act as easy paths for crack propagation. Sur- Engineering, University of Wollongong (Australia), Dr. P.
face and subsurface cracks are known to initiate/accelerate Kruaklis and Mr. M. Yastreboff, MSE/UNSW (Sydney),
fatigue cracks in materials[16] and, thus, can contribute to and Mr. A. Croker, Australian Nuclear Science and Tech-
the inferior rupture life of the HAZ. Hancock[41] has also nology Organisation (Sydney), for their valuable comments
reported oxidation-assisted vacancy injection into the during preparation of this manuscript. The author is also
metal matrix and subsequent void precipitation to be re- grateful to Dr. Baldev Raj, Director, Metallurgy and Ma-
sponsible for the acceleration of creep rupture and the re- terials Group, and Mr. J.B. Gnanamoorthy, Former Head,
duction of creep ductility. Voids are also observed, though Metallurgy Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Re-
to a much lesser extent, in areas adjacent to grain bound- search (Kalpakkam, India) for their support and encourage-
ary oxide precipitates within the subscales of weld metal ment.
and base metal specimens (Figure 12). Subscale void for-
mation is very pronounced in the HAZ subscale (Figure
7). More importantly, the synergistic influence of the ex-
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