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Session 8

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:

• Draw inferences about characters’ motivations and relationships

• Identify the tone of a Literature passage or paragraph

p. 179
Literature Passages
Read and map Literature passages as you would a single long
passage, and:

• Read for what motivates the characters.

• Read for tone.

p. 179
Literature Passage
Passage 1

Questions 1–10 refer to the following passage.

The following is adapted from the story “The Letter”

by Anton Chekhov, originally published in 1887 and
translated by Constance Garnett in 1919.
apparently had no thought of going, though it
The clerical superintendent of the district, his
was getting on for nine o’clock in the evening.
Reverence Father Fyodor Orlov, a handsome,
well-nourished man of fifty, grave and important
Not everyone knows when to be silent and
as he always was, with an habitual expression of
when to go. It not infrequently happens that
(5) dignity that never left his face, was walking to and
(20) even diplomatic persons of good worldly
fro in his little drawing-room, extremely
breeding fail to observe that their presence is
exhausted, and thinking intensely about the same
arousing a feeling akin to hatred in their
thing: “When would his visitor go?” The thought
exhausted or busy host, and that this feeling is
worried him and did not leave him for a minute.
being concealed with an effort and disguised with
(10) The visitor, Father Anastasy, the priest of one of
(25) a lie. But Father Anastasy perceived it clearly,
the villages near the town, had come to him three
and realized that his presence was burdensome
hours before on some very unpleasant and dreary
business of his own, had stayed on and on, was
now sitting in the corner at a little round table
p. 180
(15) with his elbow on a thick account book, and
Literature Passage
Passage 1

and inappropriate, that his Reverence, who had

taken an early morning service in the night and
a long mass at midday, was exhausted and
or moving, and coughed with circumspection, as
(30) longing for repose; every minute he was meaning
though afraid that the sound of his coughing
to get up and go, but rather than get up, he sat
might make his presence more noticeable.
on as though he were waiting for something. He
was an old man of sixty-five, prematurely aged,
(50) The old man had come to see his Reverence on
with a bent and bony figure, with a sunken face
business. Two months before he had been
(35) and the dark skin of old age, with red eyelids and
prohibited from officiating till further notice,
a long narrow back like a fish’s; he was dressed in
and his case was being inquired into. His short-
a smart cassock of a light lilac color, but too big
comings were numerous. He was intemperate
for him (presented to him by the widow of a
(55) in his habits, fell out with the other clergy and
young priest lately deceased), a full cloth coat
the commune, kept the church records and
(40) with a broad leather belt, and clumsy high boots.
accounts carelessly—these were the formal
In spite of his position and his venerable age,
charges against him; but besides all that, there
there was something pitiful, crushed, and
had been rumors for a long time past that he
humiliated in his lusterless red eyes, in the
(60) celebrated unlawful marriages for money and
strands of grey hair with a shade of green in it on
(45) the nape of his neck, and in the big shoulder
blades on his lean back. . . . He sat without speaking
p. 180
Literature Passage
Passage 1

sold certificates of having fasted and taken the

sacrament to officials and officers who came to
him from the town. These rumors were circulated
the more persistently that he was poor and
(65) had nine children to keep,* who were as
incompetent and unsuccessful as himself.

Not having the moral force to be open, his

Reverence walked up and down the room and
said nothing or spoke in hints.

(70) “So you are not going home tonight?” he

asked, stopping near the dark window and poking
with his little finger into the cage where a canary
was asleep with its feathers puffed out.

*Russian Orthodox priests can marry before ordination.

p. 180
Literature Passage
Passage 1

Questions 1–10 refer to the following passage.

The following is adapted from the story “The Letter”

by Anton Chekhov, originally published in 1887 and
translated by Constance Garnett in 1919.
apparently had no thought of going, though it
The clerical superintendent of the district, his
was getting on for nine o’clock in the evening.
Reverence Father Fyodor Orlov, a handsome,
well-nourished man of fifty, grave and important
Not everyone knows when to be silent and
as he always was, with an habitual expression of
when to go. It not infrequently happens that
(5) dignity that never left his face, was walking to and
(20) even diplomatic persons of good worldly
fro in his little drawing-room, extremely
breeding fail to observe that their presence is
exhausted, and thinking intensely about the same
arousing a feeling akin to hatred in their
thing: “When would his visitor go?” The thought
exhausted or busy host, and that this feeling is
worried him and did not leave him for a minute.
being concealed with an effort and disguised with
(10) The visitor, Father Anastasy, the priest of one of
(25) a lie. But Father Anastasy perceived it clearly,
the villages near the town, had come to him three
and realized that his presence was burdensome
hours before on some very unpleasant and dreary
business of his own, had stayed on and on, was
now sitting in the corner at a little round table
p. 180
(15) with his elbow on a thick account book, and
Literature Passage
Passage 1

and inappropriate, that his Reverence, who had

taken an early morning service in the night and
a long mass at midday, was exhausted and
or moving, and coughed with circumspection, as
(30) longing for repose; every minute he was meaning
though afraid that the sound of his coughing
to get up and go, but rather than get up, he sat
might make his presence more noticeable.
on as though he were waiting for something. He
was an old man of sixty-five, prematurely aged,
(50) The old man had come to see his Reverence on
with a bent and bony figure, with a sunken face
business. Two months before he had been
(35) and the dark skin of old age, with red eyelids and
prohibited from officiating till further notice,
a long narrow back like a fish’s; he was dressed in
and his case was being inquired into. His short-
a smart cassock of a light lilac color, but too big
comings were numerous. He was intemperate
for him (presented to him by the widow of a
(55) in his habits, fell out with the other clergy and
young priest lately deceased), a full cloth coat
the commune, kept the church records and
(40) with a broad leather belt, and clumsy high boots.
accounts carelessly—these were the formal
In spite of his position and his venerable age,
charges against him; but besides all that, there
there was something pitiful, crushed, and
had been rumors for a long time past that he
humiliated in his lusterless red eyes, in the
(60) celebrated unlawful marriages for money and
strands of grey hair with a shade of green in it on
(45) the nape of his neck, and in the big shoulder
blades on his lean back. . . . He sat without speaking
p. 180
Literature Passage
Passage 1

sold certificates of having fasted and taken the

sacrament to officials and officers who came to
him from the town. These rumors were circulated
the more persistently that he was poor and
(65) had nine children to keep,* who were as
incompetent and unsuccessful as himself.

Not having the moral force to be open, his

Reverence walked up and down the room and
said nothing or spoke in hints.

(70) “So you are not going home tonight?” he

asked, stopping near the dark window and poking
with his little finger into the cage where a canary
was asleep with its feathers puffed out.

*Russian Orthodox priests can marry before ordination.

p. 180
Question 1
Question 1

1. Which choice best describes what happens in the


(A) One character looks into the work perfor-

mance of another character.

(B) One character loses his temper as he becomes

increasingly frustrated with another character.

(C) Two characters are unable to resolve a disa-

greement about their work.

(D) Two characters find themselves in a stalemate

as they fail to communicate effectively.

p. 181
Question 2
Question 2

2. As used in line 41, “position” most nearly means

(A) location.

(B) posture.

(C) opinion.

(D) role.

p. 181
Questions 3 and 4
Questions 3 and 4

3. The narrator implies that Father Anastasy feels

4. Which choice provides the best evidence for the

answer to the previous question?

p. 181
Question 3
Question 3

3. The narrator implies that Father Anastasy feels

(A) welcome in his Reverence’s drawing room.

(B) defensive about his shortcomings as a member

of the clergy.

(C) embarrassed about occupying his Reverence

for so long.

(D) ashamed about the failures of his children.

p. 181
Question 4
Question 4

4. Which choice provides the best evidence for the

answer to the previous question?

(A) Lines 10–16 (“The visitor . . . going”)

(B) Lines 25–30 (“But Father . . . repose”)

(C) Lines 51–53 (“Two months . . . into”)

(D) Lines 63–66 (“These rumors . . . himself”)

p. 181
Question 5
Question 5

5. Which of the following describes a technique the

narrator uses to represent his Reverence and Father
Anastasy throughout the passage?

(A) The narrator makes explicit judgments that

show strong favoritism for one of the men over
the other.

(B) The narrator takes an objective tone which

withholds judgement about either man.

(C) The narrator presents the perspectives of

multiple characters to complicate the reader’s

(D) The narrator presents details that condemn

both men.

p. 181
Question 6
Question 6

6. The discussion presented in the first two sentences

of the second paragraph (lines 18–25) serves to

(A) explain a character’s unusual behavior in a

difficult situation.

(B) contrast a character's behavior with a possible

explanation of that behavior.

(C) foreshadow a character’s bad intentions

revealed in a later part of the passage.

(D) show sorrow over a frustrating problem with

the conventions of society.

p. 181
Question 7
Question 7

7. As used in line 67, “force” most nearly means

(A) coercion.

(B) persuasiveness.

(C) intensity.

(D) courage.

p. 181
Questions 8 and 9
Questions 8 and 9

8. According to the passage, one reason Father

Anastasy is not allowed to officiate is that he:

9. Which choice provides the best evidence for the

answer to the previous question?

p. 182
Question 8
Question 8

8. According to the passage, one reason Father

Anastasy is not allowed to officiate is that he

(A) wastes the time of clergy like his Reverence.

(B) lacks good worldly breeding.

(C) has an unkempt appearance.

(D) has a bad relationship with his religious


p. 182
Question 9
Question 9

9. Which choice provides the best evidence for the

answer to the previous question?

(A) Line 8 (“When . . . go”)

(B) Lines 19–25 (“It not . . . lie”)

(C) Lines 41–46 (“In spite . . . back”)

(D) Lines 54–58 (“He was . . . him”)

p. 182
Question 10
Question 10

10. Compared to Father Anastasy, his Reverence is

portrayed in the passage as being more

(A) healthy.

(B) devout.

(C) forthright.

(D) generous.

p. 182
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:

• Relate properties of a quadratic function to its graph, and vice versa

p. 120
Graphs of Quadratics
The vertex of a parabola is its highest or lowest point. The real roots of a
quadratic equation are the points at which it crosses the x-axis.

Why does one of the parabolas shown open upward while the other opens


f(x) =
3x2 – 6x – 1


(minimum p. 120
Graphs of Quadratics
Standard Form Factored Form Vertex Form
y = ax 2 + bx + c y = a(x – m)(x – n) y = a(x – h)2 + k
y-intercept is c Solutions are m and n Vertex is (h, k)
In real-world contexts, x-intercepts are m and Minimum/maximum of
starting quantity is c n function is k

Format used to solve Vertex is halfway Axis of symmetry is

via quadratic formula between m and n given by x = h


Axis of
p. 120
Question 1
Question 1

1. Given that y = 2(–3x + 15)2 – 3, which of the following is true about the graph of the

(A) The vertex of the parabola is at (5, 3).

(B) The parabola does not cross the x-axis.

(C) The line x = 5 is the axis of symmetry.

(D) The maximum y-value is –3.

p. 121
Question 2
Question 2

2. Which of the following is a form of the equation shown in the graph from which the value of the
coordinates of the vertex are determined from the constants?

(A) y = –2x2 + 12x – 13

(B) y = –2x(x – 6) – 13

(C) y = 2(x – 3)2 + 5

(D) y = –2(x – 3)2 + 5

p. 121
Question 3
Question 3

3. A toy rocket is fired from ground level and lands at that same height. The height of the
rocket above ground level, in feet, can be represented by the quadratic equation
y = –16t2 + 96t. What is the maximum height above ground level reached by the rocket?

(A) 96 feet

(B) 128 feet

(C) 144 feet

(D) 288 feet

p. 121
Question 4
Question 4

4. If the function shown in the graph is represented by f(x) = a(x – h)2 + k,

which of the following statements is true?

(A) f (x) is symmetrical across the line x = 2.

(B) The function at two points.

(C) The value of h is positive.

(D) The value of a is negative.

p. 121
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:

• Solve a system of one quadratic and one linear equation

p. 122
Quadratic and Linear Equations
To find the point(s) of intersection, solve by substitution. For example:


y – x 2 = 4y + 5

p. 122
Question 1
Question 1

1. The ordered pair (a, b) satisfies the system of equations. What is one possible
value of a ?

(A) –3

(B) –2

(C) 0

(D) 16

p. 123
Question 2
Question 2


p. 123
Question 3
Question 3

3. For the given system of equations, how many real solutions exist?

(A) Exactly 4 real solutions

(B) Exactly 2 real solutions

(C) Exactly 1 real solution

(D) No real solutions

p. 123
Question 4
Question 4

4. The xy–plane shows the graph of the function f. What is one possible value of a if
the function g (not shown) is defined by g(x) = –3x – 14 and f(a) = g(a)?

(A) –5

(B) –2

(C) 4

(D) 5

p. 123
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:

• Identify similar triangles and apply their properties

p. 130
Similar Triangles

b° A

a° c° a° c°

Two triangles are similar based on:

• angle – angle
• side – angle – side
• side – side – side
p. 130
Question 1
Question 1

1. In the given figure, the measure of ∠ABC is the same as the measure of ∠DEF, AB = EF = 6,
BC = 4, and DE = 9. If AC = 8, what is the length of DF ?

F p. 131
Question 2
Question 2

2. In the given figure, AB = 10, GB = 2, and CB = 7. What is the area of ΔAGH ?

(A) 5.6 H

(B) 11.22

(C) 22.4

(D) 44.8


p. 131
Question 3
Question 3

3. Triangle DEF is similar to triangle ABC. Both triangles are plotted on a coordinate plane (not
shown). The vertices of triangle DEF are D (–6,1), E (–6,5), and F (2,1). Two of triangle ABC’s
vertices are (3,–1) and (3,–4). What is the positive x-coordinate of the third vertex of triangle ABC ?

p. 131
Question 4
Question 4

4. Triangle ACD is smaller than similar triangle ABC, and ∠DAC = ∠ABC. Side DC is
9 inches long, and the side ratio for the two triangles is . What is the length of side
AB, in inches?

(A) 12

(B) 15

(C) 20

(D) 25

p. 132
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:

• Calculate the length of one side of a right triangle given the lengths of the
other two sides

• Recognize the most common Pythagorean triples

• Given one side length of a 45-45-90 or 30-60-90 triangle, calculate the other

p. 133
Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2

p. 133
Pythagorean Triples

• Commonly tested Pythagorean triples:


5 5

4 12

p. 133
Question 1
Question 1

1. In the given figure, the distance from B to the midpoint of AC is 5, and the area of triangle ABC is
60. Sides AB and BC are of equal length. What is the sum of their lengths?

p. 134
Question 2
Question 2

2. What is the area of triangle ABC ?

(A) 36 B
(B) 54

(C) 84

(D) 108

p. 134
Special Right Triangles


x 60°

x x

p. 133
Question 3
Question 3

3. Parts at the end of an assembly line are deposited on a conveyor that travels 20 feet at an
angle of 30° from horizontal and then another 10 feet at a 45° angle up to the end of the
conveyor. Approximately how high above the starting point is the top end of the

(A) 13.68 feet

(B) 15.00 feet

(C) 17.07 feet

(D) 30.00 feet

p. 134
Question 4
Question 4

4. The longer leg of a right triangle is x inches. If the length of the hypotenuse is 1.25 times that
of the longer leg, then what is the area of the triangle in square inches?

(A) 0.25x 2

(B) 0.375x 2

(C) 0.375x 4

(D) 0.75x 2

p. 134
Question 5
Question 5

5. A certain type of paving tile weighs 10 pounds per square foot. A particular piece of this
tile is cut diagonally into an isosceles right triangle to fit into a corner. If the triangular
piece weighs 3.2 pounds, how long, in inches, is each of its equal-length sides? (Note: 1
foot = 12 inches.)

(A) 5.0

(B) 6.4

(C) 8.0

(D) 9.6

p. 134
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to:

• Calculate the length of an arc or the area of a sector defined by a central


• Convert between degrees and radians

• Interpret and manipulate the equation for a circle

p. 135
A central angle defines a sector and an arc:

Minor Arc AB

Major Arc BA

p. 135
Question 1
Question 1

1. Given that the measure of angle AOB in the figure is twice that of angle BOC, and the radius
of the circle is , what is the length of arc BC ?





p. 137
Question 2
Question 2

2. The given figure shows the percentage of sales at an electronics store. If the percentage
of appliance sales is three times the percentage of music sales, what is the angle
measure, in degrees, of the TV and video games sales combined?

(A) 54°

(B) 162°

(C) 216°

(D) 270°

p. 137
Radians and Degrees
To convert radians to degrees:

p. 135
Question 3
Question 3

3. A circle with a radius of 10 inches is divided into equal sectors. If the central angle of
each sector, in radians, is , what is the area of each sector?





p. 137
The equation of a circle in the coordinate plane, where r is the radius of the
circle, and h and k are the x- and y-coordinates of the circle’s center,
respectively, is as follows:
(x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r 2

p. 136
Question 4
Question 4

4. Which of the following represents the equation of the given circle?

(A) (x + 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = 4

(B) (x – 3)2 + (y – 2)2 = 4

(C) (x – 3)2 + (y – 2)2 = 16

(D) (x + 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = 16

p. 138
Question 5
Question 5

5. A circle in the xy-plane is defined by the equation (x – 2)2 + (y + 6)2 = 65. Which of the
following points is located on the circumference of the circle?

(A) (9, –2)

(B) (2, –6)

(C) (4, 1)

(D) (6, 8)

p. 138

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