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to Computational
Dr. James G. Coder
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee
Poll Question #1
• How often do you use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as part of
your work responsibilities?
a) Frequently (i.e. weekly)
b) Infrequently (i.e. monthly)
c) Rarely (i.e. yearly)
d) Have not used CFD recently
e) Never used CFD

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 2

Poll Question #2
• How would you rate your experience level with external
aerodynamics theory and applications?
a) Extensive experience
b) Moderate experience
c) Little experience
d) No experience

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 3

Impact of Computational Fluid Dynamics for
Aircraft Design

from Boeing from Airbus

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 4

Hierarchy of Computational Aerodynamics



Inviscid + IBL

Pure Inviscid

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 5

Governing Equations of Fluid Flow
• Navier-Stokes Equations (in differential form)
• Conservation of mass (1 equation)

∂ ρ ∂ ρu j
+ =0
∂t ∂x j

Change in mass at a point in space Net flux of mass away from the point

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 6

Governing Equations of Fluid Flow
• Navier-Stokes Equations (in differential form)
• Conservation of momentum (3 equations)

∂ ρ ui ∂ ρ ui u j ∂P ∂ ⎡ ⎛ ∂ui ∂ui ⎞ 2 ∂u k ⎤
+ =− + ⎢µ ⎜ + ⎟ − µ δ ij ⎥
∂t ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j ⎢⎣ ⎝ ∂x j ∂xi ⎠ 3 ∂xk ⎥⎦

Total fluid acceleration Net force due to Net force due to viscous
pressure gradient shear stresses

Note: body forces have been neglected

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 7
Governing Equations of Fluid Flow
• Navier-Stokes Equations (in differential form)
• Conservation of energy (1 equation)

∂ ρ e0 ∂ ρu j h0 ∂ ⎛ ∂T ⎞ ∂
∂x j
= ⎜ κ ⎟ +
∂x j ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂x j
uiτ ij ( )
Total change in total Diffusive heat Work due to
energy + work due to transfer viscous stresses
pressure gradient

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 8

Governing Equations of Fluid Flow
• Navier-Stokes Equations (in differential form)
• Equation of State (1 equation)

P = ρ RT
Ideal gas law
Commonly used for flight in the lower atmosphere

• Six unknowns (ρ, P, T, u, v, w), five conservation equations, one

equation of state
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 9
Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations
• Equations are a system of non-linear, partial-differential equations
governing complex flow physics
• Viscous diffusion
• Compressibility (i.e. shockwaves)
• Turbulence

• Numerical methods are required to obtain flow solutions for arbitrary

geometries and flight conditions
• Can be solved with a range of fidelity and modeling
• Phenomenological arguments can be used to simplify the equations in certain
scenarios and reduce computational expense

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 10

Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations
• Observation: External aerodynamic flows typically have high Reynolds
“Ratio of inertial to viscous forces”
ρU ∞ L
Re =
µ Describes the rate at which momentum is diffused
by viscosity

Re > 25 x 106

Re ≈ 40 x 106 Re ≈ 6 x 106
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 11
Solving the Navier-Stokes Equations
• Observation: External aerodynamic flows typically have high Reynolds
• Viscous effects contained in thin layer near surface (“boundary layer”), can be
neglected elsewhere
• Caveat: Massive flow separation

• Consequence: Numerical methods for aerodynamic flows need to be

well-suited for inviscid flow calculations
• Viscosity may be regarded as a small “correction” to the flow field

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 12

Possible Simplifications to NS Equations
• Inviscid (μ→0)
• Viscous stresses neglected / infinite Reynolds number
• Reduced computational expense for not resolving the boundary layer
• No-slip condition must be sacrificed due to reduced equation order

• Irrotational (∇x u = 0)
• Sources of vorticity: viscosity, heat addition, curved shockwaves
• Permits the existence of a scalar velocity potential (u = ∇ɸ)

• Incompressible (ρ = constant for fluid element)

• Reasonable for low-speed flows (Mlocal < 0.3)
• Decouples dynamics from thermodynamics

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 13

Simplified Forms
• Euler Equations: Inviscid, rotational, compressible
∂ ρ ∂ ρu j
+ =0
∂t ∂x j

∂ ρ ui ∂ ρ ui u j ∂P
+ =−
∂t ∂x j ∂xi
∂ ρ e0 ∂ ρu j h0
+ =0
∂t ∂x j
• Advantages: Only neglects viscosity, reduced expense
• Disadvantages: Does not reduce the number of PDEs
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 14
Simplified Forms
• Full Potential Equation: Inviscid, irrotational, compressible

⎛ u2 ⎞ ⎛ v 2
⎞ ⎛ w ⎞
⎜⎝ 1− a 2 ⎟⎠ φ xx + ⎜⎝ 1− a 2 ⎟⎠ φ yy + ⎜⎝ 1− a 2 ⎟⎠ φzz − a 2 ⎡⎣uvφ xy + vwφ yz + wuφzx ⎤⎦ = 0

γ −1 2 2
a =a −

0( u + v + w 2
• Advantages: Reduces solution to that of a single scalar field
• Disadvantages: Implicitly assumes no shockwaves; however, “two-field”
approaches may be used to correct for this

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 15

Simplified Forms
• Incompressible NS Equations: Viscous, rotational, incompressible
∂u j
∂x j

∂ui ∂ui u j 1 ∂P ∂ 2 ui
+ =− +ν
∂t ∂x j ρ ∂xi ∂x j 2
• Advantages: Reduces the number of equations to be solved
• Disadvantages: Limits of incompressibility can be exceeded even in low-speed

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 16

Simplified Forms
• Incompressible Potential Equation: Inviscid, irrotational,
∇ φ=0 2

u = ∇φ
P = P0 − ρ u + v + w
2 2 2
( )
• Advantages: Poisson equation is linear, solutions may be superposed, surface
singularity methods reduce computational expense
• Disadvantages: Global influence of solution elements

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 17

Simplified Forms
• Integral Boundary Layer (IBL) method
Boundary-layer equations integrated in
wall-normal direction
dδ 2 δ 2 dU e
+ ( 2 + H 12 ) = Cf
dx U e dx Growth of momentum (δ2) and energy (δ3)
thicknesses calculable along projected
dδ 3 δ 3 dU e surface streamlines
+3 = C Diss
dx U e dx Can be fully coupled with inviscid flow
solver via the displacement thickness (δ1)

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 18

• Direct numerical simulation of turbulence requires extremely small
spatial and temporal scales to be resolved
• Kolmogorov scales
⎛ν ⎞3
η=⎜ ⎟
⎝ ε ⎠ Estimates show that the number of grid points
required for full DNS scale as N ≥ ReL9/4
⎛ν ⎞

τ =⎜ ⎟
• DNS of full-scale aircraft remains computational prohibitive for the
foreseeable future

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 19

• Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations treats the turbulent
fluctuations as statistically stationary, long-time averages
φ = φ + φ′ φ=
T ∫ φ dt
Reynolds stress tensor
∂ ρ ui ∂ ρ ui u j ∂P ∂ ⎡ ⎛ ∂ui ∂ui ⎞ 2 ∂u k ⎤
+ =− + ⎢ − ρ ui ′ u j ′ + µ ⎜ + ⎟ − µ δ ij ⎥
∂t ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j ⎢⎣ ⎝ ∂x j ∂xi ⎠ 3 ∂xk ⎥⎦

• Compressible RANS (or Favre-averaged Navier-Stokes) methods are

the workhorse of modern computational aerodynamics
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 20
Discretizing the Fluid Domain
• Structured grids discretize the domain into quadrilateral (2D) or
hexagonal (3D) elements
• Grid ordering and connectivity implied with array indices (e.g. i,j,k)
• Can be mapped to an equivalent Cartesian mesh

• Advantages: Solution algorithms can easily exploit the data structure

• Disadvantages: Grid generation difficult for complex geometries, typically

requiring multiblock or overset approaches

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 21

Discretizing the Fluid Domain
• Structured grids

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Discretizing the Fluid Domain
• Unstructured grids discretize the domain into primarily triangular
(2D) or tetrahedral (3D) elements
• Mixed-element meshes: tris/tets with quads/hexes and/or prisms

• Advantages: Triangles/tetrahedral can be used to discretize any arbitrary

volume; can handle geometric complexity

• Disadvantages: Unstructured algorithms typically slower than structured

algorithms; difficult to achieve greater than 2nd-order accuracy

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 23

Discretizing the Fluid Domain
• Unstructured grids

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Discretizing the Fluid Domain
• Comments on grid generation
• First off-wall should be y+ ≈ 1 for viscous sublayer resolved calculations
+ ρuτ y τw
y = uτ =
µ ρ
• Wall functions enable larger values to be used
• Calculators available to determine grid spacing

• Avoid excessive stretching and grid skew

• Use prisms in the boundary layer for unstructured FV

• Biasing and inaccurate gradient reconstructions with triangles/tetrahedra

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 25

Discretizing the Equations
• Finite-Difference Methods (FD)
i-2 i-1 i i+1 i+2
Derivatives estimated based on information
in local “stencil” around node/cell
Formulae based on Taylor series expansion
Δξ 2
Δξ 3

ξ i-1 i+1 φ = φi + φi ′ Δξ + φi ′′ + φi ′′′ +…

2 6

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 26
Discretizing the Equations
• Finite-Difference Methods (FD)
∂ξ 2Δξ
(φi+1 − φi−1 ) + O Δξ 2( ) 2nd-order Accurate Central Difference

∂φ 1
∂ξ Δξ
(φi − φi−1 ) + O ( Δξ ) 1st-order Accurate Backward Difference

∂ξ 2Δξ
( 3φi − 4φi−1 + φi−2 ) + O Δξ 2 ( ) 2nd-order Accurate Backward Difference

∂ 2 φ φi+1 − 2φi + φi−1

∂ξ 2
Δξ 2
+ (
O Δξ 2
) 2nd-order Accurate Central Difference

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 27

Discretizing the Equations
• Finite-Volume Methods (FV)
Each cell or median-dual (node-based)
treated as its own control volume
x x x ! !
x ∫∫∫ ∇ ⋅ ( uφ )dV = ∫∫ φ (u ⋅ n̂ )dA
interior faces
x x x
Numerical solution represents the
x local volumetric average
Solution reconstruction required to
estimate face fluxes

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 28

Discretizing the Equations
• Finite-Element Methods (FE)
ɸ2 Solution is represented as a continuous field within
each element
φ ( ξ ) = ∑ φi N i ( ξ )
ɸ1 i

Solution Weight Basis Function

Domain can be either piecewise C0 or discontinuous
3 between elements

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 29

Discretizing the Equations
• Finite-Element Methods (FE)
• Weighted residual methods

⎛ ∂q ∂ Fi c − Fi v ⎞ ) Equations are solved in weak form
wm ⎜
⎝ ∂t
− S ⎟ dV = 0
⎠ Integration by parts necessary
before discretization
Weighting Flow equations
• Galerkin methods: Weights wm are in the same space as the solution basis functions

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 30

Solution Stabilization
• Pure central differencing in convection-dominated flows can lead to
odd-even decoupling, resulting in spurious oscillations
Update at red points
depends only on blue points

Update at blue points Solution stabilization is necessary

depends only on red points

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 31

Solution Stabilization
• Artificial Dissipation introduces an even-order derivative to the
discretization to inhibit odd-even decoupling and damp solution error

∂F Fi+1 − Fi−1 ⎛ qi+1 − 2qi + qi−1 ⎞

→ − aΔξ ⎜ ⎟
∂ξ 2Δξ ⎝ Δ ξ 2

2nd-order central 2nd-order-accurate

first derivative second derivative
Effective order of accuracy decreases from 2nd to 1st
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 32
Solution Stabilization
• Use of higher-order dissipation necessary to preserve the intended
order of accuracy of numerical schemes

∂F Fi+1 − Fi−1 3 ⎛ qi+2 − 4qi+1 + 6qi − 4qi−1 + qi−2 ⎞

→ + aΔξ ⎜ ⎟
∂ξ 2Δξ ⎝ Δξ 4

fourth derivative
Effective 2nd-order accuracy is maintained
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 33
Solution Stabilization
• Upwinding is another method for stabilizing the numerics by biasing
the differencing stencil towards the direction from which
“information” arrives
∂u ∂u
+a =0 1-D Wave Equation
∂t ∂x
⎧ ui − ui−1
⎪ a>0 Waves propagate from left to right
∂u ⎪ Δx
∂x ⎪ ui+1 − ui
a<0 Waves propagate from right to left
⎪⎩ Δx
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 34
Riemann Problem
• The Riemann problem is the model initial value problem for solving
the Euler (and, by extension, the Navier-Stokes equations)
• Solution fields are piecewise constant connected by discontinuities between
Information passes between cells along left-
and right-running characteristics as determined
Left State Right State by the eigenvalues
qL qR
λ = [U + c,U − c,U,U,U ]
UL UR Subsonic flow: 4 from upstream, 1 from
Cell interface Supersonic flow: 5 from upstream
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 35
Riemann Problem
• The challenge then is to define a single flux at the cell interface that
represents an appropriate combination of the left-running and right-
running characteristics

• Exact Riemann solvers are possible, but they are non-linear and require
iterative procedures to evaluate the fluxes

• Approximate Riemann solvers are desirable for computational efficiency, and

are typically either linearized Riemann solvers or are based on a suitably
averaged interface state

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 36

Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel (JST) Scheme
• 2nd-order central difference scheme with non-linear 2nd/4th-order
• Primarily for FD methods, applicable to FV as well
Fi+1/2 = ( Fi+1 − Fi ) − ε i+1/2
( qi+1 − qi) + ε i+1/2 ( qi+2 − 3qi+1 + 3qi − qi−1 )
(4 )

2nd-order Low-order dissipative High-order dissipative flux

symmetric flux flux (for shocks) (smoothing away from shocks)
p j+1 − 2 p j + p j−1
ε (2)
i+1/2 = κ 2ψ j+1/2σ j+1/2 ψj =
p j+1 + 2 p j + p j−1
ε i+1/2
(4 )
= max 0,κ 4σ j+1/2 − ε (2)
j+1/2 )
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 37
MUSCL Schemes
• Monotonic Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws
Reconstructed solution in red φ
qL,i+1/2 = qi + ⎡⎣(1− κ ) ( qi − qi−1 ) + (1+ κ ) ( qi+1 − qi ) ⎤⎦
qR,i+1/2 qR,i+1/2 = qi+1 − ⎡⎣(1− κ ) ( qi+2 − qi+1 ) + (1+ κ ) ( qi+1 − qi ) ⎤⎦

Second-order upwind: κ = -1
Third-order upwind: κ = 1/3
i-1 i i+1 i+2
ɸ is the flux (or slope) limiter to
prevent spurious oscillations
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 38
MUSCL Schemes
• Flux Limiters prevent overshoots and undershoots in high-resolution
solution reconstructions
• Necessary near shocks
Flux is limited based on
Sharp gradient ratio of successive
leads to gradients
“Symmetric” limiters
ensure that the
reconstruction remains
consistent (i.e. linear)

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 39

WENO Schemes
• Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory schemes offer increased order
of accuracy over MUSCL schemes

High-order reconstruction regarded

as a weighted average of lower-
order reconstructions

If a low-order stencil has too much

solution “curvature”, its relative
weight goes to zero
Nichols, Tramel, and Buning (AIAAJ, 2008)

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 40

Common Fluxes for MUSCL and WENO
• Roe Flux – flux difference splitting
• Linearized Riemann solver
1 1
Fi+1/2 = ( FR + FL ) − Âi+1/2 ( qR − qL )
2 2

Symmetric flux Diffusive flux

Âi+1/2 ( qR − qL ) = FR − FL

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 41

Common Fluxes for MUSCL and WENO
• HLLC Flux

U-c U U+c
Flux and state at interface found by
qL * qR *
integration and averaging

qL qR Wave speeds determine the ”region”

in which the cell interface lies

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 42

SUPG Method
• Streamline-upwind/Petrov-Galerkin
• Stabilized finite element method

⎛ ∂q ∂ Fjc − Fjv ⎞ )
wm ⎜
⎝ ∂t
∂x j
− S ⎟ dV = 0

⎡ ∂N ∂Fjc ⎤
wm = N + ⎢ ⎥ [τ ]
⎣ ∂x j ∂q ⎦
• With correct choice of 𝝉, method is consistent with Riemann solvers

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 43

Spatial Accuracy
• Higher-order methods are generally less dissipative
• Example: Rotor hover simulations

3rd-order 5th-order

Source: Pulliam, AIAA Paper 2011-3851

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 44
Time Integration
• Explicit schemes
• Future state depends entirely on what happened in the past

Example: ∂q
1st-order forward Euler
time discretization ∂t
+ R(q) = 0 → q = q − ΔtR q
n+1 n n
( )
• Advantages: Computationally inexpensive to evaluate residual; higher-order
accuracy easy to achieve (e.g. fourth-order Runge-Kutta)

• Disadvantages: Limitations on permissible time-step size

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 45

Time Integration
• Implicit schemes
• Future state depends on what happens in the future

Example: ∂q
1 -order backward Euler

time discretization ∂t
+ R(q) = 0 → q n+1
( )= q
+ ΔtR q n+1 n

• Advantages: Improved stability characteristics, much larger time steps

allowed; beneficial for viscous flow calculations

• Disadvantages: Linear matrix problem to solve (greater expense per

iteration), subiterations required attain temporal order of accuracy
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 46
Time Integration
• Two perspectives on implicit schemes
• 1. Linearization

∂R n+1
( )
R q n+1
=R q +
( )
q −q n
( )

⎡ ∂R ⎤ n+1
⎢ I + Δt ∂q ⎥ q − q = −ΔtR q
n n
) ( )
⎣ ⎦
(1st-order backward Euler)
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 47
Time Integration
• Two perspectives on implicit schemes
• 2. Newton’s Method

R *n+1
=q n+1
− q + ΔtR q
( )= 0
n+1 Unsteady Residual
(1st-order backward Euler)

∂R *n+1,k
= I + Δt
∂R q ( n+1,k
) Newton-Raphson subiterations
∂q n+1,k
∂q n+1,k

(Identical to linearization
∂R *n+1,k

∂q n+1,k
q (
− q n+1,k
= −R )
*,n+1,k method if qn+1,1 = qn and one
iteration performed)

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 48

Time Integration
• Prominent time-accurate schemes
q n+1 − q n
Backward-Difference Formulae
+ R q n+1 = 0( )
3q n+1 − 4q n + q n−1
+ R q n+1 = 0 ( )
q n+1 − q n 1
Δt 2
( ) ( )
+ ⎡⎣ R q n+1 + R q n ⎤⎦ = 0

( )

Runge-Kutta Methods q n+1 = q n − Δt ∑ bi R q i ,t + ci Δt


Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 49

Time Integration
• Effect of time accuracy

Holst et al.
AIAA Paper 2018-0027

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 50

RANS Turbulence Modeling
• Differential Reynolds Stress Models directly model the individual
components of the stress tensor
∂ ρ Rij ∂ ρu k Rij SSG/LRR model
+ = ρ Pij + ρΠ ij + ρ Dij + ρ M ij
∂t ∂xk
∂ ρω ∂ ρu kω αω Pkk ∂ ⎡⎛ ρ k ⎞ ∂ω ⎤ ρ ⎛ ∂k ∂ω ⎞
+ =ρ − ρβω +
⎢⎜⎝ µ + σ ω ω ⎟⎠ ∂x ⎥ + σ d ω max ⎜ ∂x ∂x ,0 ⎟
∂t ∂xk k 2 ∂xk ⎣ k ⎦ ⎝ k k ⎠
• Advantages: Seemingly reduced modeling dependency
• Disadvantages: Greater computational cost and complexity (7 extra

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 51

RANS Turbulence Modeling
• Boussinesq eddy viscosity hypothesis simplifies the tensor by
assuming it to be parallel to the mean-strain-rate tensor

⎡⎛ ∂ui ∂ui ⎞ 2 ∂u k ⎤
− ρ ui ′ u j ′ = µt ⎢ ⎜ + ⎟ − δ ij ⎥
⎢⎣⎝ ∂x j ∂xi ⎠ 3 ∂xk ⎥⎦

• Eddy-viscosity models come in a wide variety of forms and levels of

• 1- and 2-equation models are most popular at present

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 52

RANS Turbulence Modeling
• Spalart-Allmaras one-equation model
• Solves for a modified eddy viscosity that maps to the actual eddy viscosity

! ⎡ c ⎤ ⎛ ν
! ⎞
1 ⎡ ∂ ⎛ ∂ν! ⎞ ∂ν! ∂ν! ⎤
= cb1S!ν! (1− ft 2 ) − ⎢ cw1 fw − 2 ft 2 ⎥ ⎜ ⎟ + ⎢
⎜ (ν + ν! ) ⎟ + cb2 ⎥
Dt ⎣ κ ⎦ ⎝ d ⎠ σ ⎢⎣ ∂x j ⎝ ∂x j ⎠ ∂x j ∂x j ⎥⎦

• Advantages: Mathematically well-behaved, extensively validated for external

aerodynamics, compatible with finite-element modeling
• Disadvantages: Separation location inconsistently predicted, excessively
diffusive in wakes, poor prediction of axisymmetric jets/wakes

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 53

RANS Turbulence Modeling
• Menter k-ω Shear Stress Transport two-equation model
• Two-layer model with automatic switching
∂ ρ k ∂ ρu j k ∂ ⎡ ∂k ⎤
∂x j
= ρµt S − ρβ kω +
2 *

∂xk ⎣
( µ + σ k µt )
∂xk ⎥⎦

∂ ρω ∂ ρu jω ∂ ⎡ ∂ω ⎤ ρσ ω 2 ∂k ∂ω
∂x j
= ρα S − ρβω +
2 2

∂xk ⎣
( µ + σ ω µt ) ⎥
∂xk ⎦
+ 2 (1− F1 )
ω ∂xk ∂xk

• Advantages: Slightly better treatment of non-equilibrium flows

• Disadvantages: Ill-posed near walls, computationally difficult to solve on fine

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 54

RANS Turbulence Modeling
• Enhancements to eddy-viscosity models have been developed to
improve their predictive capabilities

• Spalart-Shur rotation/curvature (‘RC’) correction

• Improves predictions in flows with solid-body rotation (e.g. vortex cores)

• Quadratic Constitutive Relation (‘QCR’)

• Introduces additional anisotropy to Reynolds stress tensor, improving
predictions in corner flows
• More consistent predictions of separation in junctures
Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 55
RANS Turbulence Modeling
• Hybrid RANS/LES methods are becoming more commonplace and are
designed to combat the excessive diffusivity of typical RANS turbulence
models in wakes and separated regions

• Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) and its variants trades the RANS length
scale with a grid-based, LES-like length scale

• Scale-Adaptive Simulation (SAS) introduces an additional solution-based

length scale to adapt to resolved turbulent content

• Special care must go into grid generation to ensure that the grid can
support the resolved turbulent content

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 56


Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 57

Thank you for attending AIAA’s DirectTech Webinar
• Upcoming DirectTech Webinars
• 22 February 2018 - UAV Conceptual Design and Testing Using Computer Simulations
• 8 March 2018 - Introduction to Uncertainty Quantification and Industry Challenges
• 16 April 2018: Electric Aircraft Design Fundamentals: Enabling Technologies and
Analysis Methods for More-, Hybrid-, and All Electric Aircraft
• Many more planned for 2018 -

• Previous Webinars On-Demand

• Applications of Model-Based Systems Engineering – Replay Available(took place 16
November 2017)
• Materials for Hypersonic Vehicles – Replay Available(took place 7 December 2017)
• Structures for Hypersonic Vehicles – Replay Available(took place 14 December 2017)

Feb. 1, 2018 Introduction to Computational Aerodynamics 58


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