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Projects Connect Build Settings Help My View Report an English 390094369@stu.kana.k12.wv.

▾ ▾ ▾ ▾ ▾ Projects Trash Issue ▾ ▾

Activity_1_2_1 Screen1 ▾ Add Screen ... Remove Screen Publish to Gallery Designer Blocks

Blocks Viewer
when Screen1 ▾ .Initialize
Built-in do set Interview_Question ▾ . Text ▾ to select list item list get global questions ▾
index get global index ▾

initialize global index to 1

initialize global questions to make a list “ What have you been enjoying about this class? ”
Math “ What could I do to serve you better as a teacher? ”
“ Do you like working in groups or alone? ”
“ Questions Complete, thank you. Click Next Questi… ”

Lists when Record_Next_Q ▾ .Click

do if get global index ▾ <▾ length of list list get global questions ▾

Dictionaries then set global index ▾ to get global index ▾ + 1

call TinyDB1 ▾ .StoreValue

tag join EnterName ▾ . Text ▾
Colors get global index ▾
valueToStore join join DatePicker1 ▾ . Month ▾

Variables DatePicker1 ▾ . Day ▾

Procedures segment text DatePicker1 ▾ . Year ▾

Screen1 EnterName ▾ . Text ▾
get global index ▾
Enter_Response ▾ . Text ▾
HorizontalArrangement1 set Enter_Response ▾ . Text ▾ to “ ”

else set Enter_Response ▾ . Text ▾ to “ ”

DatePicker1 set EnterName ▾ . Text ▾ to “ ”
set global index ▾ to 1

Name set Interview_Question ▾ . Text ▾ to select list item list get global questions ▾
index get global index ▾


when DatePicker1 ▾ .AfterDateSet
Enter_Response do set Data_Test_Label ▾ . Text ▾ to join DatePicker1 ▾ . Month ▾

! 5 0
HorizontalArrangement2 DatePicker1 ▾ . Day ▾

segment text DatePicker1 ▾ . Year ▾

Rename Delete
Show Warnings
“ date
start ”


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