Contemporary World Final Project - Guidelines

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The Contemporary World Final Project

Guidelines and Report Format

The final project for this course is a local community case study that the student initiates
and conducts in response to an actual social issue in the immediate community that is brought
upon by the many forces of globalization. It is a project-based activity that aims to find
alternative localized solutions and initiatives to the complex problems of contemporary world.
Please follow the format provided below:

I. Introduction
 Here you discuss the nature of the general area of concern or social problem that
you are trying to respond to, -- is it about environmental problems, such as
pollution, food security, or poverty and all its various forms, or is it an issue related
to poor health, unemployment, access to education, sanitation, housing, livelihood,
 You may have to do some research on this topic and describe its current state of
situation in the world today (global), then its situation in the country (national), as
well as in the area where you conducted your project (regional.)
 Explain the connection and interplay between this social problem and the workings
of globalization, -- taking into consideration the economic, political, and cultural
In the context of this explanation, discuss the relevance and significance of your
current project. What is your personal motivation for this project? Why do you feel
this project is important?

II. The Problem and its Context

 Here you describe the locale and setting of your project, -- its location, the people,
the community, and the actual stakeholders or recipients and partners of your
 Describe systematically the nature of the social problem, -- its cause(s), its
effects on people and the community, how long has this been a problem in the
community, what has been done by the local government and the immediate
community about it in the past. In other words, what is the history of the social
problem in the community?
 Analyze the problem, -- more specifically, in what way(s) does globalization had
an impact or influence on the problem. Think systematically and critically.
 Documentation: The situation of the social problem before the implementation
of your project.

III. The Contemporary World Project

 Here you explain the nature of your project. What are the specific objectives that
you wish to achieve?
 Explain the principle and concepts or the reasons why you think the project is
the most efficient response to the social problem.
 Step by step, describe the approach/methods that you employed in order to
implement it.
 What were the requirements and logistics of the project? ---materials,
equipment, labor, support, transportation, time and duration, cost?
 Documentation: The actual implementation of the project.

IV. The Outcomes

 Here you describe the actual results of the project. Describe in details the
changes that took place and the effects that your project had on the people and
the community. Conduct a quick survey on people’s reactions and assessment on
the impact of your project.
 Go back to the objectives of your project, and assess whether these were
achieved or not.
 In what way did your project respond to solve or at least minimize the adverse
impacts of globalization on local communities?
 How is the principle of “act local, think global” manifested in your project?
 Documentation: Evidences of the results of your project.

V. Prospects for the Future

 Discuss the issue of sustainability of the project – how can the community and
the people continue to carry on the project?
 In what way(s) can the project still be improved?

VI. Learning and Insights

 What did you learn about yourself in conducting this project – personal strengths
and weaknesses, fears, motivations, passion, courage, grit…
 What were the factors that facilitated or helped you to accomplish this project?
What were the barriers you encountered and how were you able to overcome
 In doing this project, what have you learned about:
a) The impacts of globalization on people and local communities;
b) The role of local initiatives (“ordinary people”) for community development;
c) Attaining social justice in the contemporary world; and
d) Working for the common good today?

VII. References
VIII. Annex
 Attach your original concept paper for this project.
 Copies of all communications (letters) to organizations/barangay/ units that
were involved in your project
 Copies of memos of agreement or contract with the stakeholders, if any
 Contact details of key personnel and direct recipients and partners of your
 Map of the barangay indicating the location of the project


 Times New Roman, font size: 12

 Short-size bond paper, 1.5 space
 No need to provide a cover page
 Write your name ( family name first), class schedule, date of submission on the
upper right hand corner of the first page
 Provide a title for your project
 Indicate paging



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