New Hypothesis of Chronic Back Pain: Low PH Promotes Nerve Ingrowth Into Damaged Intervertebral Disks

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Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2013; 57: 271–277 © 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

doi: 10.1111/j.1399-6576.2012.02670.x

Review Article

New hypothesis of chronic back pain: low pH promotes

nerve ingrowth into damaged intervertebral disks
C. Liang1*, H. Li1*, Y. Tao1, C. Shen1, F. Li1, Z. Shi2, B. Han1 and Q. Chen1
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, 2nd Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China and 2Institute of
Orthopedic Research, 2nd Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

The pathogenesis of low back pain is still elusive. Here, we experimental data on low back pain, thus it may help eluci-
proposed a new hypothesis that low pH is a possible cause of the date the pathogenesis of low back pain and improve clinical
development and progression of low back pain. We propose that management.
low pH promotes the production of the inflammatory mediators
and the depletion of proteoglycan in the damaged intervertebral
Accepted for publication 24 January 2012
disk. The inflammation response, evoked by the dorsal root
ganglia, changes the delicate nutrient balance in the nucleus,
© 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation
resulting in a vicious cycle and leading to choronic back pain. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Our hypothesis may explain many of the available clinical and

L ow back pain (LBP) is one of the leading causes

of morbidity and disability. LBP affects up to
50% to 80% of the population in developed coun-
until the progression of degenerative disks reaches a
certain stage. Moreover, the pain of degenerative
disks is closely related to the individual differences
tries, depending on the operational definition of including pain genetics, degenerative type, disk her-
LBP and the population studied.1,2 Moreover, the iation position, intervertebral foraminal form and its
recurrence rate of LBP amounts to 85%, resulting in relation with adjacent structure.10 In consideration
economic loss of approximately 50 to 100 billion of the pathoanatomy of back pain, Calliet11 catego-
dollars per year in United States.3,4 rized back pain in terms of dysfunction, instability,
The effective treatment of LBP is severely ham- and stabilization.
pered due to the poorly understood pathogenesis of As most components of the spinal column are
LBP.5 Anatomically, the most common factors asso- embedded by the nociceptive sensors, several
ciated with back pain are degenerative joint disease hypotheses on the pathogenesis of back pain have
and intervertebral disk degeneration (IDD).6 The focused on the dysfunction of the spinal column
intervertebral disk (IVD) is composed of the nucleus and its components, such as injury and clinical
pulposus (NP), the annulus fibrosus (AF), and the instability,12,13 spinal column degeneration,14 inferior
end plates (EPs). The healthy discus is avascular, and facet-tip impingement on the lamina,15 Schmorl’s
its nutrition depends on diffusion via the AF and the nodes,16 and facet joint injury.17 In addition, pain
EP.7,8 However, degenerative disks are often asymp- adaptation and pain–spasm–pain hypotheses have
tomatic, and the pathobiology of discogenic back been proposed,18–20 while Panjabi and Schleip et al.
pain remains unclear. It has been proposed that the speculated that subfailure injuries of ligaments
degenerative cascade ultimately leads to extensive (spinal ligaments, discannulus facet capsules, and
structural defects and loss of normal motion thoracolumbar fascia) may cause chronic back pain
segment function and configuration.9 Therefore, it due to muscle control dysfunction.21–23
appears that degenerative disks become painful Several studies have investigated the pain path-
ways and the distribution of nociceptive nerve
*C.-Z. Liang and H. Li contributed equally to this work and should be endings in healthy and degenerated IVDs.24,25 The
considered co-first authors. results demonstrated that in healthy adult animals

C.-Z. Liang et al.

and human beings, nerves extend no further into 1. Under some certain conditions such as nutri-
the IVD than the outer third of the AF.8,26–28 Most of tional disturbance, cartilage EP calcification, and
the sensory fibers innervating the IVD are nocicep- sudden ischemia or cumulative microischemia,
tive and, to a lesser extent, proprioceptive. These gradually decreases of pH of the IVDs.50,51
nerves contain putative nociceptive neurotransmit- 2. The low pH promotes the production of inflam-
ters such as substance P (SP), calcitonin-gene- matory mediators and the depletion of the
related peptide (CGRP).29–31 Nevertheless, in human proteoglycan. Several studies demonstrated that
degenerated IVD, as well as in animal models of acid-exposed esophageal mucosa released SP,
IDD, many studies reported that nerve fibers CGRP, platelet-activating factor, and interleukin
increased in number and entered granulation tissue (IL)-8 partly via activating acid-sensitive vanil-
of IVD, the inner layers of the AF and even the loid receptors.52–54 An acidic pH environment
NP,32–35 which is closely related with pain of IVD could increase the release of pro-inflammatory
origin. However, the mechanisms responsible for cytokines, cathepsin B, and prostaglandin E2 in
nerve growth and hyperinnervation of the lumbar osteoblasts or cells found at the bone–implant
IVD have not been fully understood. interface.55–57 In addition, acidic pH stimulates the
A number of experimental evidence supports productions of the angiogenic CXC chemokine
the existence of steep gradients in pH through- and IL-8 in human adult mesenchymal stem
out the disk. Steep gradients of lactate were found cells.58 Moreover, tissue acidosis does occur in
in the intervertebral disk of patients with scoliosis inflammatory joint disease, lumbar radiculopa-
and back pain, consistent with the results calculated thy, and cancer-associated bone pain.59–61 These
by the diffusion theory.36–38 The nociceptors can be factors may be involved in the mechanism of
sensitized by lactate and cytokines, thereby dimin- nerve ingrowth.
ishing their activation threshold.39–42 Recently, 3. The pro-inflammatory cytokines may trigger IVD
Keshari et al. reported that painful disks are distin- cells, mastocytes, and macrophages to secrete
guishable by an increased ratio of lactate to prote- neurotrophins, in particular, nerve growth factor
oglycan.37 These observations are consistent with (NGF), which regulate the density and distribu-
the proposed nociceptor-stimulatory role of lac- tion of sensory and sympathetic nerve fibers in
tate.43 On the other hand, acidic pH has a strong peripheral tissues. Consequently, extensive nerve
effect on matrix turnover. When the pH decreases to ingrowth occurs in the damaged IVDs. Moreover,
below 6.7, the matrix anabolism of disk cells will be increased level of NGF and the breakdown of the
inhibited, while the catabolism will remain the IVD aggrecans induce tropomyosin receptor
same, consequently, the height of the IVDs will kinase A (TrkA)-expressing neurons to produce
decrease.44–48 In addition, it is suggested that the peptides such as SP and CGRP that mediate pain.
mechanoreceptors embedded in the spinal column 4. Nerve ingrowth into damaged IVDs mediates the
may transduce corrupt signal to neuromuscular signal transduction from the redundant nocicep-
control unit, leading to the fatigue and even the tors embedded in the IVDs to the DRGs (the pain
injury of spinal ligaments and muscles.12,21,49 Based control unit).
on these data, painful disks may be triggered to 5. This inflammation response changes the delicate
show obvious pain symptom by low pH microenvi- nutrient balance in the NP, resulting in dimin-
ronment caused by lactate accumulation and aggra- ished oxygen diffusion, increased local lactate
vated by the secondary IDD. concentration, and decreased pH inside the
It has been shown that painful disks have a lower discus.
pH than nonpainful disks in humans. In addition, 6. The deteriorated microenvironment of IVD pro-
experimental lowering of the pH in animal models motes the production of more inflammatory
induced pain-related behaviors and hyperal- cytokines that stimulate DRGs throughout noci-
gesia.36–38 Taking together, we proposed a new ceptors, therefore forming a vicious cycle.
hypothesis to explain back pain as described later. 7. Consequently, chronic back pain may develop
over time.
Hypothesis The normal IVD is innervated by a continuous
network of sensory and sympathetic perivascular
The hypothesis proposes the following sequential interlacing nerve fibers. The nerve plexus as of
steps for the development of back pain (Fig. 1): the ligamentum longitudinale anterius (LLA) and

New hypothesis of chronic back pain

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the sequential steps for the development of LBP. Low pH promotes the production of the inflammatory
mediators and the depletion of proteoglycan. Consequently, nerve ingrowth into damaged intervertebral disks may mediate the signaling
from the nociceptors embedded in the intervertebral disks to the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). DRG has difficulty in interpreting these
inflammation signals, which destroy the delicate nutrient balance in the nucleus. More deteriorated microenvironments of intervertebral
disk produce more inflammatory cytokines, establishing a vicious cycle.

the nerve plexus of the ligamentum longitudinale In general, our hypothesis is that pH changes are
posterius (LLP) account for innervating the corre- the possible causes of LBP and antacid therapy may
sponding segments ventrally and dorsally, res- retard the progression of LBP by improving the pH
pectively. The sensory innervation of the IVD occurs microclimate of painful disk.
via branches of the truncus sympathicus.62 The
ventral and lateral sides of the IVD are supplied
by branches of the rami communicantes, direct
branches of the truncus sympathicus, and the LLA The most common cause of chronic severe LBP is
nerve plexus62 (Fig. 2). Therefore, discogenic pain thought to be related to lumbar IVDs. Some reports
may be regarded as a visceral pain due to its neural manifest that painful disks have increased density of
pathway. pain-transmitting neurons (nociceptors) at the EP
The innervation of degenerated IVD is different and outer AF.33,67,68 Data from other experiments
from the normal IVD (Fig. 3). The extensive inner- prove how nociceptors can be sensitized by lactate
vation of disks from patients with discogenic pain and cytokines, thereby diminishing their activation
has been reported.24,33,63,64 Moreover, immunoreac- threshold.39–41 Based on these data, painful disks may
tivity to sensory nerve structures (SP) has been dem- be triggered to show obvious pain symptom by low
onstrated in the annulus fibrosus, extending into the pH microenvironment caused by lactate accumula-
inner layers, and even reaching up to the NP.24,65 tion. Therefore, the pathologic mechanism of LBP is
Yoshizawa et al.66 found nerve structures in the thought to be due to sensory nerve ingrowth into
outer fibrocartilagenous layers of the AF on interver- the inner layer of AF and/or NP in the IVD.
tebral disk tissue obtained from patients undergoing It is possible that nerve ingrowth is induced as a
surgery for LBP. consequence of the depletion of the proteoglycan

C.-Z. Liang et al.

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the innervation of the normal intervertebral disk (IVD). The ventral and lateral sides of the IVD are
supplied by branches of the rami communicantes, direct branches of the truncus sympathicus, and the ligamentum longitudinale anterius
and ligamentum longitudinale posterius nerve plexus. In healthy adult animals and human beings, nerves extend no further into the IVD
than the outer third of the annulus fibrosus.

and aggrecan after the degeneration of the lumbar the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
IVDs.69–75 Actually, in animal disk degeneration through reducing the level of TIMPs. Therefore, in
models, nerve ingrowth was induced accompanied our hypothesis, we speculate that low pH increases
by the depletion of proteoglycan.71 Other studies the activity of MMPs, which then cause the inflam-
revealed that inflammation condition71,75 and mation and the degeration of the disk.
inflammatory mediators76 in the disk may promote There are limitations to our hypothesis. LBP is a
nerve ingrowth into the disk. complicated process, and a single hypothesis can
As the largest avascular tissue in the body, IVD not explain all the clinical and pathological aspects
appears to acquire most of its energy by glycolysis. of LBP. Our hypothesis does not exclude any other
Thus, there are steep gradients in the concentration mechanism for low back pain, and maybe a comple-
of lactate metabolites from periphery to the center of ment, to hypotheses such as subfailure injuries of
the disk, according to the diffusion theory.77 It has spinal ligaments,21 instability,12,49 and pain.18,19
been shown that the pH in degenerated disks was
lower than in normal intervertebral disk.36,78 Fur-
thermore, the pH of the intervertebral disk tissue
may shift to even more acidity as herniation devel- This hypothesis aims to explain the possible patho-
ops.46 Interestingly, acidity greatly reduced the levels logic process of pH changes during the develop-
of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) in ment and progression of LBP. We propose that low
NP cells, without significant direct effect on MMP pH promotes the production of the inflammatory
activity.79,80 These data suggest that acidity increases mediators and the depletion of proteoglycan in the

New hypothesis of chronic back pain

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the innervation of the injured intervertebral disk (IVD). The innervation of IVD is more extensive.
Sensory nerve structures have been demonstrated in the annulus fibrosus, extending into the inner layers of annulus fibrosus, and even
reaching up to nucleus pulposus.

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This study was partly supported by grants from the National
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ology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University) for his pathophysiology-treatment. Pain Pract 2008; 8: 18–44.
helpful advice. 9. Podichetty VK. The aging spine: the role of inflammatory
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