Bad Things Aren't That Bad

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When Bad things aren’t that bad


2 years ago, my wife & I had an argument. We were driving from subang to megamall
for breakfast, and she said. Can u drive faster? I’m already at 80km/hr. Its really
boring sitting in ur car. By then my anger has risen all the way to my head. Ok, in
future you drive, I won’t drive anymore. ‘ u just must win in conversation’. So that day
started badly. But I’m an optimistic person, so I thought, the rest of the day will be
That night I went karaoke with friends to release tension. I sang my heart out.
Suddenly I’ve no more voice. Immediately I started to panic. I knew I might hv problem
with my vocal cord.

So I decided to see an ENT specialist. After the diagnosis, IT WAS BAD NEWS. I’ve
nodules and needed immediate surgery. My heart drop, my palms sweat. I thought,
What if I can’t speak to my wife? What happen if I can never speak to my daughter?
What happen if I can never speak to my friends. Worst of all, what if I can’t teach
anymore, for my work as a trainer requires pretty much that I talk all the time. I looked
at all the things that I’ve worked so hard for. My car, my house, everything in my house,
Is that worth it?

So I went for the surgery that took 2 hours. the surgery was successful but the
doctor said I should refrain from speaking for 3 mths.
What! 3 mths without talking? Have anyone of you tried not to speak for 1 week?
But I knew I’ve to do it. So for the next 3 mths I did not say a single word.
I remembered one morning, while driving from subang to mega mall with my wife,..
Can u drive faster? I kept quiet. Did u hear me? I turned my head and pointed
‘uh..’. Sorry, I’ve forgotten you can’t speak.
At that moment, I immediately understood the meaning of ‘it requires both hands to
clap’.Its worth listening to others, listening is preferred to talking
Most of what I say is unnecessary, its better to act, for action speaks louder than words.

So what I’ve learned from that 3 mths mute experience that I wld like to share with
u. Just before u get into an argument, pretend u are mute. Since practicing that, I
virtually hv not argued or quarrel with anyone.

I’ve also learned not to make material possession my priority. I do not need all the
best things in the world, but rather I can make the best of everything that I already
have. Now a days, I enjoy simple things like listening to music, watching a good
movies, talking a walk in the part or drinking a cup of coffee.
So ladies & gentlemen, I wld like u to remember this, ‘when bad things happen, it
may not be as bad as you think.

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