Leadership Final Exam Fall-2020-Tuesday

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Final-Term Exam (Take-Home) Fall – 2020

Department of Business Administration

Subject: Leadership Submission Day: Saturday

Instructor: Abdul Mujeeb Farooqi Submission Date: 30 January, 10:00 am
Program: MBA Max. Marks: 10

Please follow the instructions carefully:

1. Write your answers in a Word file and upload the file before the due date on Blackboard.
2. Write your name, registration ID, course title, day and time of class on the first page of
your Word file.
3. Answer scripts can only be uploaded on Blackboard any time before its deadline.
4. To avoid any unforeseen problems, you are advised NOT to wait for the last hour to
upload your answer script.
5. Submission of answer copies will be considered acceptable through Blackboard only.
Therefore, do not submit your document through email or any other medium.
6. Use 12 pt. font size and Times New Roman font style along with 1-inch page margins.
7. Follow the requirements of the word limit and the marking criteria while writing your
8. Provide relevant, original and conceptual answers, as this exam aims to test your ability to
examine, explain, modify or develop concepts discussed in class.
9. Do not copy answers from the internet or other sources. The plagiarism of your answers will
be checked through Turnitin.
10. Recheck your answers before the submission on Blackboard to correct any content or
language related errors.
11. Double check your Word file before uploading it on Blackboard to ensure that you have
uploaded the correct file with your answers.

Using relevant theories and models critically evaluate and analyze the leadership style of the
leader you have been assigned in the following list.

In your individual report, you must cover the following:

• A clear description of the leader, the organization/industry, and situation/context.

• An evaluation of the leader by referring to concepts and theories covered in the course
(e.g. style, behavior, traits, attitudes, power, influence tactics etc.) and by referring to
relevant examples and mini-cases in the textbook, wherever appropriate.

It is important to demonstrate your knowledge about leadership and to clearly provide reference
of your sources. Read about leadership in journal articles, books (including your textbook), and
leadership literature, etc. Note down the sources and logically use them throughout your
individual report. You may also refer to the HBR leadership articles shared with you during the

Remember that pure description and paraphrasing is not sufficient. A good report will clearly
take an analytical approach and demonstrate application of leadership concepts/theories. In
order to get good grades, you need to structure your discussion well and use good references.

Your report should be between 500-1000 words. Lengthy reports will be penalized in terms of
marks. Quality is more important than quantity.

Your report will be graded on the following criteria: application of leadership concepts/theories
as evidenced by events in the assigned leader’s life, originality of information, clear and logical
presentation of ideas, worded in simple English, use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation
and capitalization. Please include proper headings and present information in short paragraphs
arranged in logical order.

You may use information taken from the Internet, but do NOT copy entire passages verbatim.


Student ID Assigned Leader

021-14-27082 Lee Kuan Yew
021-15-30405 Donald Trump
021-15-32807 Ayub Khan
021-16-35316 Zulfiqar Bhutto
021-16-35750 Ronald Reagan
021-16-36739 Malala Yousafzai
021-17-37284 Deng Xiaoping
021-17-37434 Thomas Jefferson
021-17-37445 Alexander the Great
021-17-37666 Ayub Khan
021-17-37832 Adolf Hitler
021-17-38437 John Kennedy
021-17-38462 Bill Gates
021-17-38519 John D. Rockefeller
021-17-39035 Martin Luther King
021-17-40611 Mahathir Mohamad
021-18-41129 Queen Elizabeth II
021-18-41221 Alexander the Great
021-18-41233 Donald Trump
021-18-41666 Adolf Hitler
021-18-41761 Angela Merkel
021-18-41810 Lee Iacocca
021-18-41942 Hillary Clinton
021-18-42031 Emmanuel Macron
021-18-42134 Yasser Arafat
021-18-42269 Allama Iqbal
021-18-42937 W. Edwards Deming
021-18-43017 Karl Marx
021-18-43096 Barack Obama
021-18-43268 Mikhail Gorbachev
021-18-43294 Nelson Mandela
021-18-43415 Jack Ma
021-18-43520 Anwar Sadat
021-18-43524 Winston Churchill
021-18-43665 Hakim Mohammad Said
021-18-43740 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
021-18-43988 Malik Noor Khan
021-18-44032 Angela Merkel
021-18-44201 Anwar Sadat
021-18-44541 Zia-ul-Haq
021-18-45171 Napoleon Bonaparte
021-18-45304 Bernard Montgomery
021-19-45705 Muhammad Ali Jinnah
021-19-45736 Steve Jobs
021-19-45922 Thomas J. Watson, Sr.
021-19-45960 Margaret Thatcher
021-19-46263 Abraham Lincoln
021-19-46576 Syed Ahmad Khan
021-19-46684 Ronald Reagan
021-19-46690 Deng Xiaoping
021-19-47505 Mahathir Mohamad
021-19-47718 Imran Khan
021-19-47803 Malik Noor Khan
021-19-47874 Lady Diana
021-19-47891 John Kennedy
021-19-47986 Winston Churchill
021-19-48046 Hillary Clinton
021-19-48163 Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz
021-19-48232 Nelson Mandela
021-19-48761 Bill Clinton
021-19-48976 Golda Meir
021-19-49770 Malala Yousafzai
021-19-49807 Emmanuel Macron
021-19-49812 Yasser Arafat
021-19-50160 Niccolo Machiavelli
021-20-51027 Thomas J. Watson, Sr.
021-20-51040 Bill Gates
021-20-51476 Lee Kuan Yew
021-20-51492 Fidel Castro
021-20-52637 Jack Ma
021-20-52644 George Washington
021-20-52652 Agha Hasan Abedi
021-20-52664 Sultan Muhammad Fatih
021-20-52665 Napoleon Bonaparte
021-20-52673 Syed Ahmad Khan
021-20-52677 Muammar Gaddafi
021-20-52680 Nikita Khrushchev
021-20-52684 Donald Trump
021-20-52688 Martin Luther King
021-20-52691 Walt Disney
021-20-52692 Ayub Khan
021-20-52697 Franklin Roosevelt
021-20-52699 Steve Jobs
021-20-52711 Henry Ford
021-20-52712 Erwin Rommel
021-20-52715 W. Edwards Deming
021-20-52716 Anwar Sadat
021-20-52818 Mikhail Gorbachev
021-20-53507 Joseph Stalin
021-20-53523 Vladimir Putin
021-20-53580 George W. Bush
021-20-53660 Peter Drucker
021-20-53664 Mark Zuckerberg
021-20-53978 John D. Rockefeller
021-20-53979 Dwight Eisenhower
021-20-53983 Thomas Jefferson
021-20-53984 Mohandas Gandhi
021-20-53988 Lee Iacocca
021-20-54106 Bernard Montgomery
021-20-54107 Angela Merkel
021-20-54149 Vladimir Lenin
021-20-54150 Genghis Khan
021-20-54191 Allama Iqbal
021-20-54193 Jack Welch
021-20-54222 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
021-20-54276 Barack Obama
022-14-110100 Karl Marx
022-15-111231 Zia-ul-Haq
022-15-111269 Liaquat Ali Khan
022-16-112443 Margaret Thatcher
022-16-112657 Imam Khomeini
022-16-113049 Muhammad Ali Jinnah
022-16-113081 Pervez Musharraf
022-16-113933 Hakim Mohammad Said
022-16-113937 Genghis Khan
022-16-114041 Abdul Sattar Edhi
022-17-114200 Agha Hasan Abedi
022-17-114342 Joseph Stalin
022-17-114370 Dwight Eisenhower
022-17-114426 Mao Zedong
022-17-114716 Benazir Bhutto
022-17-114718 Golda Meir
022-17-114777 Walt Disney
022-17-114873 Mohandas Gandhi
022-17-114882 Barack Obama
022-17-115257 Muhammad Ali alias Clay
022-17-115273 Zulfiqar Bhutto
022-17-115286 Abraham Lincoln
022-17-115313 Liaquat Ali Khan
022-17-115314 Mark Zuckerberg
022-17-115410 Erwin Rommel
022-17-115587 Queen Elizabeth II
022-17-115589 Lady Diana
022-18-116103 Vladimir Lenin
022-18-116118 Abdul Sattar Edhi
022-18-116386 Dwight Eisenhower
022-18-116398 Bernard Montgomery
022-18-116430 Abdul Sattar Edhi
022-18-116432 Deng Xiaoping
022-18-116494 Vladimir Putin
022-18-116614 George Washington
022-18-116695 Imam Khomeini
022-18-116709 Sultan Muhammad Fatih
022-18-116729 Jack Welch
022-18-116740 Agha Hasan Abedi
022-18-116901 Imran Khan
022-18-117064 Muammar Gaddafi
022-18-117404 Bill Gates
022-19-118039 Muhammad Ali alias Clay
022-19-118345 Pervez Musharraf
022-20-119419 Bill Clinton
022-20-119487 Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz
022-20-119816 Niccolo Machiavelli
022-20-120140 Peter Drucker
022-20-120306 Bill Clinton

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