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Amazing facts / Datos asombrosos In this third learning activity, you will learn about describing people, objects and places and how to make comparisons using superlative and comparative forms. / En esta tercera actividad de aprendizaje, aprenderé sobre describir personas, objetos y lugares y sobre cémo hacer comparaciones usando comparativos y superiativos. Dear learner, / Estimado aprendiz: This material will help you study the topics related to learning activity 3. / Este ‘material le permitiré estudiar los temas relacionados con la actividad de aprendizaje 3. You will learn about: / Los temas a tratar son: 4. Describing people and places. / Descripcién de personas y lugares. 2. Comparative and superlative forms. / Formas de comparativos y superlativos. Let's begin! / ;Empecemos! 1. Describing people and places / Descripcién de personas y lugares ‘A. Johana wants to go on a date, so she decided to sign up for an online dating website, Read her profile and physical description, / Johana quiere tener una cita, para ello ha decidido inscribirse en una pagina web de citas, lea el perfil de Johana y su descripcién fisica, Profile First name: Johana Last name: Garcia ‘Age: 19 Nationality: Colombian Marital status: Single Occupation: Univesity student Build: Slim Height: Average height Eye color: Bown Haircolor: Black Hair type: Long and straight Fuente: SENA The following is a list of adjectives to describe people /La siguiente es una lista de adjetivos para describir personas a.Age: baby, toddler, child, | a. Edad: bebé, nifio de 2 - 4 afios, teenager, young adult! _nifio, adolescente, adulto joven, middle-aged, elderly, edad mediana, adulto mayor. b. Build: slinv/thin, athletic, | b. Contextura: delgado, _atlético, muscular, fat, overweight. musculoso, gordo, obeso. c.Height: tall, medium, average | c. Estatura: alto, mediano, estatura height, short. promedio, bajo. d.Eye color: black, brown, blue, | d. Color de ojos: negro, café, azul, grey, green, hazel. gris, verde, miel. ¢.Hair type: long, short, shoulder length, straight, curly, wavy, bald f. Hair color: red, black, dark brown, light brown, blonde, white, grey, highlights. . Tipo de cabello: largo, corto, a la altura de los hombros, liso, crespo, ondulado, calvo. f. Color de cabello: rojizo, negro, café oscuro, café claro, rubio, blanco, gris, iluminaciones. g.Facial hair: full moustache, — thick unshaven. beard, eyebrows, h. Personality: fun, easygoing, shy, talkative, smart, nice. . Velo facial: . Personalidad: Barba completa, bigote, cejas pobladas, sombra de barba. alegre, hablador/a, sociable, timido/a, inteligente, agradable. Read the following short conversations to see some useful expressions for describing people. / Lea /as siguientes conversaciones corlas para ver algunas expresiones ittiles acerca de descripcién de personas. ‘A: What do you look like? B: | am tall and thin. | have short, red hair. To answer this question remember the formulas: lam + adjective. Ihave + adjective + body part. Fuente: SENA A: gCémo es su aspecto fisico? B: Soy alta y delgada. Tengo cabello rojo corto. Para responder a esta pregunta recuerde las formulas: Soy + adjetivo. Tengo + adjetivo + parte del cuerpo. What does she look like? B: She is short and fat. ‘She has dark brown eyes and curly, blonde hair. To answer this question remember the formulas: Fuente: SENA A: What are you like? B: | am nice and shy. To answer this question remember the formula: She is / He is + adjective. Fuente: SENA A: 2Cémo es el aspecto fisico de ella? B: Ella es baja y gorda. Ella tiene ojos cafés oscuros y cabello rubio y crespo. Para responder a pregunta —_recuerde formulas: Ella es / El es + adjetivo. Ella tiene / El tiene + adjetivo + parte del cuerpo. A: ¢Cémo es personalidad? B: Soy agradable y timida. Para responder a esta pregunta recuerde la formula: Ella es / El es + adjetivo. A: What is she like? A: ¢Cémo es su personalidad? B: She is fun and . easygoing. Tee eneecany To answer this question remember the formula: Para responder a esta pregunta recuerde la a formula: Fuente: SENA Ellaes/eles + adjetivo. Nicole wants to know about touristic places in Colombia. She is planning a trip with some friends. Read the following article that will help you learn how to describe places: / Nicole quiere saber acerca de sitios turisticos en Colombia. Ella esté planeado un viaje con sus amigos. Lea el siguiente articulo para aprender a describir lugares: Traveling across Colombia This beautiful country has a wide variety of climates; you can enjoy its lovely beaches or walk in the Mountains any time of the year. Cartagena is a coastal city full of beaches and comfortable hotels. You can practice wate! such as scuba diving, sailing or water skiing. sunny hot weather invites visitors to sunbathe and relax near the sea Also, Cartagena is an old city with colonial architecture and excellent restaurants which offer international and traditional food. Another place is Nevado del Ruiz. The Nevado is a high snowcapped mountain where you can find small hotels. You can play with the snow, enjoy the landscape and go climbing. It’s a peaceful and amazing natural place. Don't miss the opportunity to see fantastic places and have fun. Colombia is waiting for you! Fuente de imagenes: SENA Adjectives to describe objects and places / Adjetivos para describir objetos y lugares a. Opinion: interesting, peaceful, | a. Opinién: interesante, tranquilo, famous, important, useful, famoso, importante, ttl, excellent, nice, cheap, expensive, | excelente, bonito, __barato, beautiful, comfortable. b. Size: big, small, huge, light, wide, high. heavy, ¢. Age: old, new, modem, ancient, old fashioned. d.Shape: square, __ round, rectangular, triangular, narrow. e. Color: blue, brown, gray, purple, white, green, orange, red, yellow, pink. f. Material: iron, rubber, plastic, stone, wooden, leather, cotton, woolen paper, glass, costoso, hermoso, cémodo. Bb. Tamafio / medida: grande, pequefio, enorme, _ pesado, liviano, ancho, alto. ¢. Edad: viejo, nuevo, moderno, antiguo, anticuado. d.Forma: cuadrado, _redondo, rectangular, triangular, angosto. Color: azul, café, gris, morad verde, naranja, rojo, amarillo, rosado. f. Material: do hierro, de goma, de papel, de pléstico, de piedra, de madera, de vidrio, de cuero, de algodén, de lana. Useful expressions to describe objects and places / Expresiones ttiles acerca de descripcién de objetos y lugares ‘A: What does Cartagena look like? B: It is an old, coastal city. It has beautiful beaches, To answer this, question remember the formulas: Itis + adjective + noun. (1) Ithas + adjective + Fuente: Fotolia ‘A: ZCémo es el aspecto de Cartagena? B: Es una_ciudad costera antigua. Tiene hermosas playas. esta las Para responder a pregunta recuerde formulas: Esto es + adjetivo + sustantivo. Tiene + adjetivo + sustantivo ‘A: What is Cartagena like? B: It is fun and relaxed. To answer this question remember the formula: Itis + adjective. Fuente: Fotolia (sf) ‘A: What does Nevado del Ruiz look like? B: Itis a high, snowcapped mountain. It has amazing landscapes. SS To answer this question remember the formulas: Fuente: Fotolia (sf) It is + adjective + noun, It has + adjective + noun A: ¢Cémo es Cartagena? B: Es divertida y tranquila. Para responder a esta pregunta recuerde la formula: Esto es + adjetivo. A: ¢Cémo es el aspecto del Nevado del Ruiz? B:_Es un nevado alto. Tiene asombrosos paisajes. Para responder a esta pregunta recuerde las. formulas: Esto es + adjetivo + ‘sustantivo. Tiene + adjetivo + ‘sustantivo. A: What is Nevado . del Ruiz like? A: ¢Como es el Nevado del Ruiz? B: It is peaceful and ‘amazing, = B: Es tranquilo y asombroso. Para responder a esta pregunta recuerde la formula: To answer this, question remember the formula: Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.) Esto es +a Itis + adjective. A: What does your car A: ZCémo es el aspecto de look like? Sulcarro?, B: It is small, old and B: Es pequefio, viejo y azul. blue. It has new Tiene llantas nuevas. wheels. A: {Como es su carro? A: What is your car like? B: Es barato y cémodo. B: Itis nice and comfortable. Para responder a estas preguntas recuerde las To answer this questions formulas: remember the formulas: Fuente: SENA Esto es + adjetivo + Itis + adjective + noun. sustantivo. Ithas + adjective + noun. Tiene + adjetivo + sustantivo. 2. Comparatives and superlatives / Comparativos y Superlativos A.Nicole continues planning her trip. She is stil looking for more information about cities in Colombia. Let's show her some facts, / Nicole continiia planeando su viaje, por esta razén ella esté buscando informacién sobre ciudades en Colombia. Mostrémosle algunos datos. Barranquilla is a big city. / Barranquilla es una ciudad grande. Medellin ta Medellin is bigger than Barranquilla. / Medellin es més grande que Barranquilla Bogota ee 26 ns Bogota is the biggest city in Colombia, / Bogoté es a ciudad més grande de Colombia. Villavicencio Villavicencio is a hot city. / Villavicencio es una ciudad caliente. Cucuta Cucuta is hotter than Villavicencio. | Cuicuta es mas caliente que Villavicencio. Barranquilla Barranquilla is the hottest city in Colombia. / Barranquilla es la ciudad mas caliente de Colombia. Cartagena tt *) tei? tt Medellin Bogota Cartagena is a|Medellin is more|Bogota is the most populated city. _/| populated than| populated city in Cartagena es _una| Cartagena. / Medellin | Colombia, / Bogota es la ciudad poblada. es mas poblada que| ciudad mas poblada de Cartagena. Colombia. Fuente de imagenes: SENA B. Making comparisons in English. / Haciendo comparaciones en inglés. When you compare people, objects or places in English, you usually talk about their similarities and differences. To do this you need to use comparative and superlative forms. / Cuando usted compara personas, objetos o lugares en inglés, usualmente habla sobre sus similitudes o diferencias. Para hacerlo usted necesita usar comparativos y superlativos. Let's see how these adjectives are formed. / Revisemos como se forman estos adjetivos. /os comparat Add... / Afiadir... Example / Ejemplo Bogota is colder than Medellin. / Cold +er/ Més trio | Bocota es mas fria que Medellin. Mr, Spencer feels happier in er / Ma Cartagena than in Bogota. / El Happier / Mas feliz | coor Spencer es mas feliz en Cartagena que en Bogota. Bogota is more populated than Populated / Poblado | MOrg,* Poptleled! | Medelin. / Bogoté es mas poblada que Medellin. a. Forming comparative and superlative adjectives. / Formar adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Cold / Frio Colder/ Mas frio | The coldest / El mas frio Example: Medellin is colder than Cartagena. Bogota is the coldest. / Ejemplo: Medellin es mas frio que Cartagena. Bogota es la més fria. Only one syllable adjective, with ‘one vowel and one consonant , Superlative eee Comparative form / mf | form | Forma ‘Adjetivo de una silaba con una | Forma comparativa | nertativa vocal y una consonante al final . , The biggest / Big /Grande Bigger / Mas grande | gimga vane Example: Medellin is bigger than Cartagena. Bogota is the biggest. 7 Ejemplo: Medellin es mas grande que Cartagena. Bogota es la mas ending in -y / Adjetivo Comparative form/ | Superlative form / de dos silabas Forma comparativa | Forma superlativa mas silabas no terminando en —- More interesting | The most interesting / eee mas interesante. Irregular adjectives / | Comparative form/ | Superlative form / Adjetivos irregulares | Forma comparative | Forma superlativa Good / Bueno Better / Mejor The best / El mejor Bad / Malo Worse / Mas malo The worst / El peor Example: Eating vegetables is better than eating fast food. / Ejemplo: comer verduras es mejor que comer comida rapida. Example: Cooking at home is the best way to eat healthy. / Ejemplo: cocinar en casa es la mejor forma de comer saludable. Example: Sleeping four hours is worse than sleeping five hours. Sleeping more than eight hours is the worst. / Ejemplo: dormir cuatro horas es mas malo que dormir cinco horas. Dormir mas de ocho horas es lo peor. Read the conversation between Johana and Nicole. / Lea la conversacién entre Johana y Nicole. a trip with ‘ some friends That's great! around Colombia, ® SENA MN, SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE \/ { check on my computer to choose the best place to visit World Tour travel agency has a lot of information on its, website, ‘excited about visiting Colombia! But first, | need to decide which cities in Colombia | want to go to. sy Our travel agency World Tour is pleased to welcome you to a new ‘travel exparience. We offer the best tourist packages to suit al Sur customer's budgets and preferences. Madetin isthe second biggest ey suay SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE } In tem ot wearer Bogats fe caller nd winder than Heselin. Bogota is one of J te most portant cites In J tecouniy ‘Thanks Johana. You're Gregan have You helped me welcome. So, j to tak to mn to plan my trip. where are you friends, but going to travel? Medellin sounds good. Ok. Tt looks like , a fantastic city. Hil talk to you Ok. Good Thope you can visit later. | have to luck! Bye! it soon and tell me go felk fo my a ! bout your trip! ewe ‘A. Read the conversation again. Select (X) true or false about the statements. / Lea fa conversacién nuevamente. Seleccione (X) verdadero o falso acerca de las oraciones. 1. Johana is planning a trip. 2. Nicole is travelling soon. 3. Nicole is excited about visiting Colombia 4. World Tour is an expensive hotel. 5. Nicole and Johana went for a cup of coffee. 6. World Tour does not have information about traveling 7. Nicole and Johana read a tourist guide. 8. Johana is traveling with Nicole. 9. Johana didn’t help Nicole. 10. Nicole liked the website. B. Complete the sentences with comparative and superlative forms from the box. | Complete las oraciones con comparativos y superlativos de la caja. colder / the best / bigger than / windier / the hottest / the biggest / the most important / the second biggest 1. We offer tourist packages. 2, Bogota is than Medellin 3. Cartagena is probably city. 4, Bogota is city in the country, 5. Bogota is____ than Medellin. 6. Bogota is one of cities in the country. 7. Medellin is city. 8. Bogotais___than Medellin, Practice 1/ Practica 1 A.Read and complete the texts about Johana and her friends with the words from the box. / Lea y complete los textos acerca de Johana y sus amigos con las palabras de la caja. short brown / long straight black / shoulder length brown / short blonde: / slim / brown / blue / brown / dark brown What does Johana look like? She has hair. She is and she has eyes What does John look like? He has hair.Hehas___eyes. What does Richard look like? He has hair. He has eyes What does Nicole look like? She has hair. She has. B. Match each description with the image. / Relacione cada descripcién con una imagen. Itis a small blue car. Itis a white notebook, Itis a red pencil. Itis an old watch. itis a large red car. e H \ SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE } Itis a modern watch. Itis a yellow pencil. Itis a short dress. Itis a red notebook. e H \ SERVICIO NACIONAL DE APRENDIZAJE } Itis a long dress. Fuente de imagenes: SENA €.Take a look at pictures A and B. Then complete the sentences using the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets. / Observe las fotos A y B. Luego complete las oraciones usando las formas comparativas de los adjetivos en paréntesis. eens ee) Fuente de imagenes: SENA Example: House B is in a more polluted (polluted) area than house A. 1. House B is (noisy) than house A 2. House A is, (quiet) than house B. 3. House A is (good) for growing vegetables than house B 4. House A is located in a (peaceful) location than house B. 5. House A is (convenient) than house B for having a pet. D. Choose the correct option. / Escoja la opcién correcta. Example: | am old (elder more old than my sister. 4. English is (easier / more easy / easy) than other languages 2, Colombians are (happy / most happier / happier) than people from other countries. 2 Cats are (more funny / funnier / the funnier) than dogs |. Mexican food is (spicier / spicy / spiciest) than Colombian food. Riding bicycle is (the fast / the faster / faster) than walking 6. Working out is (good / gooder / better) than smoking. 7. Eggs are (more cheapier / cheaper / the cheapest) than meat. 8. The country is (more quietest / quieter/ quiet) than the city. 9. Americans are (the tallest / the more tall / taller) than Colombians. 10. The traffic in Bogota is (worse / bad / worst) than in Medellin. A. Study the following information about Johana, Nicole, John and Richard. Then, complete the sentences using comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets. / Estudie la informacion acerca de Johana, Nicole, John y Richard. Luego complete las oraciones usando comparativos y superlativos de los adjetivos en paréntesis. Fuente de imagenes: SENA Example: Johana is older (old) than John. 4. Richard is (young) than Nicole. 2. Johana’s hair is (straight) than Nicole's. 3. Johana is (old) than John, but Richard is (old) than Johana. Nicole is the (old) of them all. 4, John is (heavy) than Richard 5, Nicole is (light) than John. 6. Richard is (light) than John. Nicole is (light) than Richard, but Johana is the (light) of all. 7. Johana is (tall) than John 8. Nicole is (short) than Richard. 9. Nicole is (short) than Johana and John. Richard is (tall of the group. 10, John looks (happy) than the others. B. Look at the following adjectives. Drag their comparative and superlative forms in the correct box. / Observe los siguientes adjetivos. Arrastre su forma comparativa y superlativa en el cuadro correspondiente. More famous The most si than delicious, Noisier than. Bigger than, More popular The most More beautiful | More expensive than. comfortable, than. than. The most i The most crowded, The ugliest. The fattest. modern |___Comparative form __|__Superlative form __| C. Choose the correct option. / Escoja la opcién correcta. Example: | am old more old than my sister. 1. Bogota is the more big / bigger / biggest city in Colombia 2. Reading is interesting / more interesting / interestinger than watching TY. 3. Cats are more good / gooder / better pets than dogs 4, Taking a taxi is more expensive / the more expensive / expensive than taking a bus. 5. Chocolate ice-cream is deliciouser / most delicious / more delicious that vanilla ice-cream. 6. The importantest / most important /more important thing in life is self- esteem. 7. Chatting on line with a friend is more funny / funnier / the funnier than meeting him/her personally. 8. Roses are the most beautiful / more beautiful / beautiful flowers. 9. Going to the cinema is the popularest / more popular / most popular free time activity in my city 10. A sofa is more comfortable / comfortablier / the more comfortable than a chair. Aorta ue Note: This practice must be completed using the multimedia version of the study’ material. There you will find the corresponding sound files. / Nota: esta practical debe ser completada usando Ia versién multimedia de! material de estudio. Alli encontrara los archivos de audio correspondientes. A. Listen to the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the vowel in each word. / Escuche las siguientes palabras. Preste atencién a la vocal de cada palabra. Note: If there are more than two vowels in a word, pay attention to the vowel in the underlined syllable. / Nota: si hay mas de dos vocales en una palabra, este atencién Unicamente a /a vocal en la silaba subrayada. a University Important Now, classify the words on the following list according to the vowel sound you hear. / Ahora, clasifique las palabras en la lista de acuerdo con el sonido que escuche. Worse Rubber Elderly Popular Muscular Dress Weather Cotton Worst Term Modem Bigger Woolen Leather Comfortable Paper Elderly Curly Comfortable Muscular Better B. Listen to the following words. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined consonant in each word. Then, say them aloud. Try to imitate the consonants sounds you hear. / Escuche las siguientes palabras. Preste atencién a la consonante subrayada en cada palabra. Luego, diga las palabras en voz alta tratando de imitar los sonidos consonénticos escuchados. This Another Now, classify the words on the following list according to the consonant sound you hear. / Ahora, clasifique las palabras en la lista de acuerdo con el sonido de consonante que escuche. Ancient Leather Elderly Than Modern Moustache Thin old Straight The Overweight Weather Child, Beard Length Cotton Light Blonde C. Listen to the following words. Pay attention to the stressed syllable. / Escuche las siguientes palabras. Preste atencién a la ubicacién de la silaba acentuada. Important Qverweight Now, classify the words on the list according to their stress pattem. / Ahora, clasifique las palabras en la lista de acuerdo con su patron acentual. Famous Muscular Iron Talkative Peaceful Elderly Comfortable Hazel Expensive Middle age Rubber Shoulder length Narrow Unshaven Interesting ‘Average Medium Woolen Teenager D. Listen to the pronunciation of the following sentences. Then, say them aloud. Try to imitate the intonation pattern used. / Escuche la pronunciacién de las siguientes oraciones. Luego, digalas en voz alta tratando de imitar el patron de entonacién usado. ‘What does she look like? Sleeping four hours is worse than sleeping five hours. Barranquilla is the hottest city in Colombia ‘What are you like? Daryl is the most interesting Medellin is colder than Cartagena. Bogota is the coldest. Daniel is more interesting than Julian. Eating vegetables is better than eating fast food References / Referencias + Fotolia, (s.f.). Chimborazo volcano at dawn on a sunny day. Consultado el 07 de septiembre de 2014, en htip://co.fotolia,com/id/69064299 * Fotolia. (s..). Girls sun bathing on the beach. Consultado el 07 de septiembre de 2014, en hitp://co fotolia. com/id/63508480 * Fotolia. (s.f.). Osorno vulean, Chile. Consultado el 07 de septiembre de 2014, en * Fotolia. (s.f.). Walled town of Cartagena, Colombia. Consultado el 07 de septiembre de 2014, en Document control / Control del documento Theme expert Direccién de Johana | Asesor English Formacién Méndez Dot Works - Profesional Sarmiento | Programa de | Direccién General ili Copy editor — Centro jon) Luz Clarena ‘ eto September Adaptation) 47 2" Linea de Agroindustrial. bord Produccién Regional Quindio

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