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Micro-Learning Template

LTDE 5350 | Emerging Technologies

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Destination 3
Name of Micro-Learning Site Tik Tok

Micro-Learning Site URL

Explanation of how the micro-learning example works

Tik Tok is a social media platform that allows its users to create short videos and share them
with other users. These videos are short, quick, engaging, and entertaining. Some of these users,
such as Teachers, Professors, influencers, can use this platform for marketing their educational
tools. It covers a variety of fun and engaging topics. These topics cater to educational purposes,
DIY, entertainment, and so much more. Tik Tok users can share their knowledge on a specific
topic and post it on their page. The more likes they receive on a particular video, the higher they
climb up the social media feed. The higher they climb up the social media feed, the more
followers they obtain, which is the rewarding aspect of Tik Tok.

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