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Department of Reproductive Health and Research

including the
UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research,
Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP)

Progestogen-only contraceptive use during

lactation and its effects on the neonate
Geneva, Switzerland, 22 October 2008

Contraception after childbirth is a very im- the evidence surrounding hormonal contra-

portant health issue, and evidence supports ceptive use during lactation and its effects
increasing birth intervals to improve both a on the neonate was convened by WHO in
woman’s and her child’s health. Among the Geneva, Switzerland on 22 October 2008.
contraceptive choices in the postpartum The consultation brought together inter-
period are hormonal methods - combined national family planning experts, including
methods containing an estrogen and a pro- clinicians, epidemiologists, neurologists,
Photo: WHO gestogen, and progestogen-only methods. neonatologists, paediatricians, and neuro-
scientists. All participants in the meeting
Combined methods used during lacta- were asked to declare any conflict of inter-
tion may affect breast milk production est. One expert declared a conflict of in-
and therefore may affect infant health terest relevant to the subject matter of the
and growth; such concerns are the reason meeting*, and was not asked to withdraw
why these methods have not been recom- from recommendation formulation.
mended during lactation. Any potential risks
from direct hormonal exposure to the infant The consultation addressed the unique
through breast milk have not been well de- challenge of considering the safety of con-
scribed. traceptive use in both the mother and her
breastfed child. Discussions of safety fo-
Progestogen-only contraceptive Progestogen-only contraceptive methods cused on the importance of balancing the
use during lactation have not been shown to affect milk pro- benefits of a mother starting to use contra-
duction negatively; however, the potential ception during the first 6 weeks postpar-
effects on the development of the brain or tum, when breastfeeding women are not at
functioning of the liver in newborns exposed risk for pregnancy, with any potential risks
to these hormones through breast milk have to her infant. The consultation concentrat-
not been well documented. Therefore, rec- ed on the effects of exposure to hormonal
ommending hormonal contraceptives that contraceptives upon the development of the
are safe to use during lactation, and when infant brain, where the theoretical risks to
to initiate their use, has been controver- the child are the greatest.
sial and the subject of many discussions
throughout the creation of guidance for safe The data considered in the consultation in-
contraceptive use. cluded two systematic reviews of the direct
evidence obtained from primary research
During the 2008 meeting of the expert studies in breastfeeding women, data from
Working Group overseeing the evidence- the Toxicology Data Network (provided
based guidelines for family planning, it was by the United States National Library of
decided that the World Health Organization Medicine), and expert reviews of the basic
(WHO) should reconsider its recommen- science of the effects of estrogens, proges-
dations on the use of progestogen-only terone and progestogens on the developing
including contraception during lactation in the first central nervous system including the brain.
6 weeks postpartum, but that additional
expertise was necessary prior to revising
*Dr. Glasier works at a clinic that receives research
these recommendations. Therefore, a tech- support from four companies that manufacture vari-
nical consultation to thoroughly evaluate ous contraceptive products.
Progestogen-only contraceptive use during lactation and its effects on the neonate

Summary of the evidence drugs matures over time. The infant brain’s services is limited, progestogen-only con-
exposure to progestogens has not been traceptives may be one of the few types
The direct evidence regarding the use of
quantified. of methods widely available and accessi-
combined and progestogen-only methods
ble to breastfeeding women immediately
of contraception in women breastfeeding
Progestogen-only contraceptives are highly postpartum. Additionally, methods which
newborns less than 6 weeks of age gener-
effective and widely available methods of require a skilled provider for initiation, such
ally suggests that hormonal contraceptive
family planning, playing an important role as the long-acting progestogen-only im-
use does not affect infant health, growth
in the contraceptive method mix. This is plants, may only be accessible at the time
or development. Although this body of evi-
particularly so in regions with a high unmet of delivery to some women.
dence appears reassuring, these data are
need for contraception and where maternal
severely limited by the following: short
morbidity and mortality are high. Any deci- It is expected that these recommendations
lengths of follow-up and small numbers of
sions regarding choice of a contraceptive will remain valid until 2011, at which time
exposed infants studied; wide diversity in
method should also consider these facts. the Department of Reproductive Health and
timing of blood and urine samples collected;
Research at WHO Headquarters in Geneva
the use of varying, insensitive cognitive and
Recommendations with regard to the use will be responsible for initiating a review of
development tests; the use of various con-
of progestogen-only contraception among the document that contains these recom-
traceptive formulations; and the timing of
postpartum women who are breastfeeding: mendations, the Medical Eligibility Criteria
contraceptive initiation. Although evidence
• Use of progestogen-only methods, with for Contraceptive Use.
addressing the safety or harm to exposed
the exception of the levonorgestrel-
infants is lacking, use of progestogen-only
bearing IUD, is not usually recommended Given the importance of making pro-
contraception in newly postpartum, breast-
for women who are less than 6 weeks gestogen-only contraceptives available to
feeding women is widely practiced in some
postpartum and breastfeeding, unless women who desire them, and given the
geographical areas.
other more appropriate methods are outstanding theoretical concerns of poten-
unavailable or unacceptable. tial effects on the newborn, and the lack
To supplement the direct evidence, for the
of data on this subject, WHO encourages
first time the consultation also examined • Beyond 6 weeks postpartum, there is no further research in this area.
existing evidence regarding the effects of restriction for the use of progestogen-
progesterone on the brain in animal studies. only contraceptive methods among The body of evidence that was reviewed will
Data primarily from rats indicate that there breastfeeding women. be published in a complete meeting report
is an effect of progesterone on the develop-
• The levonorgestrel-bearing IUD is not and will be accessible on the WHO website
ing brain: the extent to which these models
usually recommended for the first 4 at
predict effects from exposure to proges-
terone or progestogens in humans is un- postpartum weeks, unless other more
clear, but they raise the level of theoretical appropriate methods are unavailable or
concern. Given exposure to progesterone, unacceptable. Beyond 4 weeks postpar-
the presence of progesterone receptors tum, there is no restriction on its use.
in the human brain and their sensitivity at
The consultation participants noted the
critical periods during development would
lack of data on the impact of progestogens
predict effects of progestogens in humans;
on neonatal metabolism and placed a high
however, the clinical implications are un-
value on the outstanding theoretical con-
known. Clinical studies to date have been
cerns of potential effects on brain develop-
inadequate to determine whether exposure
ment of the newborn based on new animal
to progestogens leads to either serious or
data; therefore, the current WHO recom-
subtle long-term health effects.
mendations for progestogen-only contra- For more information, please contact:
ceptive use remain unchanged. Although Dr N. Kapp
Older, published data substantiate the pres-
the currently available evidence does not E-mail:
ence of progestogens in breast milk and in
demonstrate harm to exposed human in-
the blood and urine of exposed infants. Department of Reproductive Health
fants, the expert consultation determined
The extent, however, of absorption into the and Research,
that unmeasured negative effects may well
newborn’s bloodstream, metabolism and World Health Organization
ultimate exposure of the brain in a breast- Avenue Appia 20, CH-1211 Geneva 27,
fed infant are unclear. Neonatal metabo- Switzerland
In settings where pregnancy morbidity
lism is poorly described although studies Fax: +41 22 791 4189/4171
and mortality risks are high, and access to
demonstrate that the ability to metabolize

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