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1. A 946 lb/ft uniformly distributed load is applied to the left half of the cantilever beam ABC in the figure shown. Determine
the magnitude of force P (in pounds) that must be applied as shown so that the displacement at A is zero. Use a = 5

Solution: Shortcut

Answer: 3030.15625 lb
2. The hangers support the joist uniformly, so that it is assumed the 3 nails on each hanger carry an equal portion of the
load. The joist, with total length L = 8 meters, is subjected to the trapezoidal loading shown where W1 = 10 kN/m, and
W2 = 23 kN/m. Each nail of the hanger at end A and end B has a diameter of 13 cm and 12 cm, respectively. Determine
the average shear stress (MPa) in each nail of the hanger at end B. Note: The hangers only support vertical lorads.

3. A 470-kg block is resting on a 22 deg inclined plane with a coefficient of friction = 0.64. Find the required horizontal
force P (kN) that is necessary to start the block UP the incline. 864.47

Parecheck nalang

Or ganto poba? Hahahahaha

4. The 113-mm-diameter steel shaft is subjected to the torques shown. T1 = 10 kN-m, T2 = 4 kN-m, T3 = 5 kN-m.
Determine the angle of twist (degrees) of the end B. Use L1 = 0.89 m., L2 = 0.88 m., L3 = 0.68 m. Shear modulus = 72

USE OB Formula:

Commented [PLBR1]: Based from chegg with same

given. Pacheck. Link Reference:
5. Determine the slope at the left support A (in degrees.). The beam is loaded with a moment load M = 17 kN-m at its
midspan. EI is constant and equal to 39,438 kN-m^2. Use length of beam L = 7 m.

6. A car is travelling at the speed of V m/s on a straight, level road. After the brakes are applied at t = 0, the motion can
be approximated by s = (1/107)(t^3) - t^2 + 13t, where s is the distance traveled in meters, and t is the time in seconds.
Determine the distance (meters) required for the car to stop.


Answer: 45.25
7. How far (perpendicular distance) is the resultant of the force system shown from point O? Use the following: P = 68 kN,
Q = 31 kN, R = 123 kN, S = 79 kN, M = 84 kN-m, a = 3 meters, b = 2 meters, c = 1 meters. Angle A = 34°, and Angle
B = 28°.


Answer: 0.068
8. A man standing at a window 6 meters tall watches a falling stone pass by the window in 0.301 secs. From how high
above the top of the window was the stone released?


Answer: 17.36322 m

9. The projectile shown is launched at Vo = 98 m/s at 54° above the horizontal. The surface on which it lands is described
by the equation shown. Determine the abscissa of the point of impact.

Answer: 2877.922063

10. Each suspended weight has mass m = 36 kg. Determine the axial force (magnitude only, N) in member BC.


Answer: 565.06 N SHORTCUT sub nyo lang Fbc = 1.6mg

11. A projectile is shot at ground level at an angle of 37° with the horizontal. It has an initial velocity of 115 m/s. Determine
its velocity (m/s) 4 seconds after firing.


Vx = ucos(𝜃) = 115 * cos(37) = 91.84 store

Vy = usin(𝜃) – gt = 115 * sin(37) – (9.81 * 4) = 29.97 store

V = √Vx 2 + Vy 2 = 96.61 – ANSWER

12. A simply supported beam carries a concentrated load of 42 kN at 6 meters from the left support (1 meters from the right
support). Use EI = 80,000 kN-m2. Solve for the slope at the left support in degrees.

Shortcut direct sub ^

13. For the beam shown below, determine the maximum shear (in kN, magnitude only) at point C due to a concentrated
live load of 144 kN, a uniformly distributed live load of 58 kN/m, and a uniformly distributed dead load of 20 kN/m. Use
the concept of influence lines. Point C is midway between supports B and D. Use a = 3 meters.
14. With a starting speed of 27 kph at point A, a car accelerates uniformly. After 16 minutes, it reaches point B, 23 km from
A. Find the acceleration of the car in m/s^2


Answer: 0.03

15. The compound shaft shown is attached to rigid supports. For the bronze segment AB, diameter = 75 mm, τ 60 MPa, G
= 35 GN/m2. For the steel segment BC, diameter = 50 mm, τ80 MPa, G = 83 GN/m2. Use a = 2.0 m., and b = 1.50 m.
What is the torque T (in kN-m) required to stress each segment to their respective permissible limits?

Answer: 5.105
16. The copper shaft is subjeted to the axial loads shown. Determine the displacement of end A with respect to end D in
inches. Positive displacement means that end A moves away from end D. The diameters of each segment are dAB =
0.77 in., dBC = 0.85 in., dCD = 0.81 in. E = 19(103) ksi. Use the following data: a = 88 in. b = 130 in., c = 101 in. F1 = 9
kips, F2 = 7 kips, F3 = 4 kips. Hint: Take equilibrium equation/s to determine value of F4.


Answer: 0.10488 in
17. The parabolic cable shown carries a uniform load of 80 kN/m. The lowest point of the cable is located vertically 5 meters
from the left support and 18 meters from the right support. If the length of the cable is 80 meters, determine the value
of the maximum tensile force (kN) that the cable can withstand.

18. The pulley arrangement shown supports the mass = 911 kg. at Pulley A. Each pulley is free to rotate about its bearing,
and the weights of all parts are small compared with the load. Calculate the total force on the bearing of pulley C in kN.
Use θ = 30°.
19. Two gage marks are placed exactly 250.86 mm apart on a 14-mm-diameter aluminum rod. Knowing that, with an axial
load of 5,869 N acting on the rod, the distance between the gage marks is 251.13 mm, determine the modulus of
elasticity (in GPa) of the aluminum used in the rod.

20. Determine the force in member AC in kN. Use P = 3.71 kN. Knowledge of the lengths of the members is unnecessary.

21. Jackson Avery is a big fan of skiing. The figure shows one of his jumps in which the path can be treated as a projectile.
If he leaves the ramp A at an angle of θ = 26°, determine the velocity (m/s) at which he strikes the ground at B. Use h
= 2 m. and L = 105 m.


22. Arizona Robbins is driving a race car that starts from rest and accelerates at a = 2 + 4t m/s^2 for 12 seconds. She then
applied the brakes causing the car to have a constant decceleration of a = -28 m/s^2 until it comes to rest. Determine
the total distance traveled in meters.
23. A projectile is launched with a velocity of 141 ft/s at an angle of 54° on level ground. Determine the range, R (feet) that
the projectile can reach. Hint: Range is the maximum horizontal distance a projectile can travel.


Answer: 587.2036 ft

24. If P = 123 lb, A = 37°, Q = 107 lb, and B = 38°, determine the magnitude of the resultant force in lbs.

25. The balloon shown in the figure is being held in place by the hooks placed in B, C, and D. If F = 588 N, determine the
tension in cable AC. Round off to two decimal places.

26. If Q = 1,483.57 N, calculate the force in member BE in kN. Indicate whether the member is in compression (-) or tension


27. From the given beam in the figure, compute the maximum moment (kN-m, magnitude only) at C due to a uniform dead
load of 14 kN/m, uniform live load of 14 kN/m and a concentrated load of 90 kN by influence lines. Use a = 5 m., and b
= 10 m.


28. Determine the maximum bending stress (in MPa, numerical value only) of the beam shown below with the given cross
section. For the beam: F1 = 1.23 kN, F2 = 6.39 kN, a = 1.2 meters, b = 2.2 meters. For the cross section: x = 50 mm,
y = 90 mm, z = 140 mm Commented [PLBR2]:
Commented [PLBR3]: Pakicheck. Reference ay galing
sa chegg. Pero ako yung angpost ng question. Link:
29. The figure shows a homogeneous. rigid block weighing W = 14 kips that is supported by three symmetrically placed
rods. The lower ends of the rods were at the same level before the block was attached. Determine the stress (psi) in
the steel rod after the block is attached and the temperature of all bars increases by 108 °F. Use the following data:

Rod Area (in2) E (psi) α (/°F) Length (ft.)

Each steel rod 0.78 29.7 x 106 6.8 x 10-6 3

Bronze rod 1.66 12.1 x 106 10.6 x 10-6 9


Answer: 17996.18
30. Assuming that there is no settlement of supports and EI is constant for the whole structure. For the loading shown
below, determine the value of the resulting "Factors" when W1 = W2 = 15 kN/m, a = 2 meters, b = 2 meters.

31. A hollow box beam ABC of length L is supported at end A by a 20-mm diameter pin that passes through the beam and
its supporting pedestals in the figure shown. The roller support at B is located at distance L/3 from end A. Determine
the average bearing stress (MPa) between the pin and the box beam if the wall thickness of the beam is equal to 12
mm. Use P = 25 kN.

32. A steel strut S serving as a brace for a boat hoist transmits a compressive force P = 53 kN to the deck of a pier as
shown in the figure. The strut has a hollow square cross section with wall thickness t = 8 mm and the angle θ between
the strut and the horizontal is 48°. A pin through the strut transmits the compressive force from the strut to two gussets
G that are welded to the base plate B. Four anchor bolts fasten the base plate to the deck. The diameter of the pin is
dpin = 14 mm, the thickness of the gussets is tG = 12 mm, the thickness of the base plate is tB = 10 mm, and the
diameter of the anchor bolts is dbolt = 13 mm. Determine the bearing stress between the anchor bolts and the base
plate in MPa, 2 decimal places only.


33. The bell crank, which is in equilibrium under the forces P and F = 33 kN inclined at θ= 51 o , is supported by a pin at
D. Determine the shear stress in the pin if it is 24-mm-diameter.

Commented [GU4]: Mali ata yung resultant D?
63.62918 MPa nakukuha ko
Commented [GU5R4]: D = 57.57032815 kN

eto nakuha ko jan

Answer: D = 57.57032815, Shear stress = 127.2583653 (Corrected)

34. Immediately after the bouncing golf ball leaves the floor, its components of velocity are Vx = 0.662 m/s, and Vy = 3.66
m/s. Determine the horizontal distance (meters) from the point where the ball left the floor to the point where it hits the
floor again.
35. As shown in the figure, a projectile is fired at an angle of 74° from the inclined plane. It lands at a distance 91 meters
measured along the inclined plane. Determine its initial velocity (m/s).

36. The radius of gyration (about an axis) is equal to the square root of the quotient of the moment of inertia (about an axis)
and the area of the section. For the given section, calculate the value of the radius of gyration (meters) about the x-
37. For the given two-frame system, solve for the reaction at the PIN C. Use F = 480 Newtons.


Yung F lang papalitan

38. Solve for the RESULTANT of the following concurrent forces.
F1 = 275 N, 0°
F2 = 225.24 N, 150° CCW from +x-axis
F3 = 26.4 N, 50° CW from +x-axis
F4 = 151.45 N, at the third quadrant, sloping at 3H:4V

39. State the determinacy of the truss shown. If unstable, input -1. If statically determinate, input 0. If statically indeterminate
input the degree of indeterminacy (ex. 1st degree = 1, 2nd degree = 2, and so on.)

r – 3n
12 – 3(4) = 0

40. State the determinacy of the truss shown. If unstable, input -1. If statically determinate, input 0. If statically indeterminate
input the degree of indeterminacy (ex. 1st degree = 1, 2nd degree = 2, and so on.)

41. A curved bar ABC is subjected to loads in the form of two equal and opposite forces P = 2.6 kN, as shown in the figure.
The axis of the bar forms a semicircle of diameter 2.3 m. Determine the axial force (kN) acting at a cross section
defined by the angle θ = 27°.



Answer: 1.18 kN
42. By three-moment equation, determine the moment at support B (in kN-m, magnitude only). Use F = 117 kN, P = 139
kN, w = 47 kN/m, a = 2 meters. Supports A, B, and C are simple supports.

43. If the applied shear force V = 17,174 lbs, determine the maximum horizontal shear stress (in ksi) acting on the member.
Use x = 2 inch, y = 6 inch.

ANSWER = 1.52 ksi
44. State the determinacy of the truss shown. If unstable, input -1. If statically determinate, input 0. If statically indeterminate
input the degree of indeterminacy (ex. 1st degree = 1, 2nd degree = 2, and so on.)


Answer = -1

45. To solve for the moment and reactions of the beam shown, the three-moment equation is useful. The three moment
equation is given as:

For the loading shown below, determine the value of the resulting "Factors" when W1 = W2 = 10 kN/m, a = 3 meters,
b = 2 meters.

46. A concentrated load P = 8 kN, acting downwards, is located midway between the simple supports of the beam shown.
Determine the deflection, in mm, at the free-end C. Use a = 7 m., E = 246 GPa, and I = 262 x10^6 mm^4.
47. For the beam shown below, determine the maximum shear (in kN, magnitude only) at point C due to a concentrated
live load of 149 kN, a uniformly distributed live load of 50 kN/m, and a uniformly distributed dead load of 23 kN/m. Use
the concept of influence lines. Point C is midway between supports B and D. Use a = 3 meters.

48. State the determinacy of the truss shown. If unstable, input -1. If statically determinate, input 0. If statically indeterminate
input the degree of indeterminacy (ex. 1st degree = 1, 2nd degree = 2, and so on.)

r – 3n
5 – 3(1) = 2
2 – ANSWER tama ba? uu

49. For the beam shown, solve for the deflection (in mm.) at B. Use the following data:
W = 3.7 kN/m
L = 5 meters
E = 320 GPa
I = 309 x 10^6 mm^4

pa-check po

50. A 280-kg block is resting on a 57 deg inclined plane with a coefficient of friction = 0.49. Find the required horizontal
force P (kN) that is necessary to prevent motion DOWN the incline.
51. If the parabolic cable shown can withstand a maximum tension of 3,046 lbs, determine the uniform load (lb/ft) it can
support. Use L = 99 meters, y = 4 meters.

52. A circular piece of tin 24 cm in diameter has a triangular hole 9 cm by 12 cm by 15 cm., the vertex of the triangle at the
intersection of the 9-cm and 12-cm sides is at the center of the circle. How far is the centroid of the area to the center
of the circle.

From Reviewer Book Solution (same given):

Answer: 0.678 cm

53. A rigid block weighing 197.5 kN is attached as shown in the figure. Properties of materials are as follows: for steel A =
660 mm2, E = 200 GPa; for bronze A = 970 mm2; E = 83 GPa. The block is to remain horizontal with a = 0.7 m and b
= 1.4 m. Calculate the tensile force in the steel rod in kN.

Given: Block = 197.5 kN

Steel A = 660 mm2, E = 200 Gpa
Bronze A = 970 mm2, E = 83 Gpa
a = 0.7m and b = 1.4m
54. For the truss shown in the figure, determine the force acting in the member BC. Use P = 587 kN. Indicate if the member
is under compression (-) or tension (+).


Answer: + 440.25
55. The smooth disks D and E have a weight of 332 lb and 141 lb, respectively. If a horizontal force P = 271 lb is applied
to the center of disk E, determine the normal reaction at point C. (C and B are directed towards the center of the disks).

56. A simply supported beam 10 m long has an overhang of 1.3 m at the left support. If a highway uniform load of 10.97
kN/m and a concentrated load of 167 kN, passes thru the beam, compute the maximum positive moment (kN-m) at mid

57. - shown, calculate the moment at support B. Hint: Use three-moment equation.
Ans. -907.5
58. A timber beam 80 mm wide by 170 mm high is subjected to a vertical shear 44 kN. Determine the shearing stress
(MPa) at a layer 26 mm from the top of the beam.

59. A beam 3 m. long is simply supported at its ends. The beam is loaded with a downward vertical load of 200 N at a
point 2 m from the left support. Calculate the rotation of the beam at the right support in degrees. Use E = 50 Gpa and
I = 1x10^6 mm^4.

60. The beam shown has a fixed end at C, and a free end at A. It has a moment (Ma = 383 kN-m) at A and concentrated
loads (P1 = 94 kN, P2 = 309 kN) at A and B. Use a = 8 meters, and E = 200 GPa.

61. A hollow right circular cylinder is made if cast iron and has an outside diameter of 75 mm and an inside diameter of 60
mm. If the cylinder is loaded by an axial compressive force of 50 kN, determine the total shortening in a 600-mm length.
Take the modulus of elasticity to be 100 GPa and neglect any possibility of lateral buckling of the cylinder.

62. A weight 200 kN is supported by a flexible cable and an inclined bar as shown. The bar is pin-connected at a vertical
wall at A. Neglecting the weight of the bar. Compute the horizontal component of the force at A.


63. Suppose that in addition to the 2-kN downward force acting at point D, a 2-kN downward force acts at point C.
Determine the axial force (kN) in member AB. Indicate whether the member is in compression (-) or tension (+)
64. The cable shown carries weights (W1 = 16 kN, W2 = 23 kN) at points C and D. Determine the value of the REACTION
(kN) at D. Use x1 = 5 m., x2 = 10 m., x3 = 7 m., y = 6 m., θ = 39°
FBD whole:

Answer: 22.96 kN

65. A pilot wants to drop survey markers at remote locations in the Australian outback. If the flies at a constant velocity of
40 m/s at an altitude of h= 30 m. and the marker is released with zero velocity relative to the plane, at what horizontal
distance (meters) 'd' from the desired impact point should the marker be released?

66. A 500-kg block is resting on a 30 deg. inclined plane with a coefficient of friction of 0.3. Find the required force P acting
horizontally that will prevent the block from sliding
Answer: 5204.92

67. Determine the centroidal moment of inertia along X, for the figure shown.

Answer: 34.6242 m4 Commented [GU6]: Pa-check po

68. The frame shown is subjected to a triangular load of which varies from zero at the top to 29 kN/m at the bottom section
at A. Neglecting the weight of all members. Determine the reaction at A.

69. Three cylinders are piled in a rectangular ditch as shown. The radius of the uppermost cylinder is 7 cm., the middle one
is 9 cm., and the bottom cylinder is 3 cm. The ditch has a length of L = 21 cm. Assume that the weight of the cylinders
are W1 = 20 kN, W2 = 43 kN, and W3 = 15 kN. Determine the reaction (kN) at A. Neglect friction.
pa-check po

70. A circular piece of tin 24 cm in diameter has a triangular hole 9 cm by 12 cm by 15 cm., the vertex of the triangle at the
intersection of the 9-cm and 12-cm sides is at the center of the circle. How far is the centroid of the area to the center
of the circle.
Answer: 5.68

71. A plank 10 meters long is placed in a horizontal position with its end resting on two inclined planes as shown. The angle
of friction at surfaces C and D is 14°. Determine how close (distance 'x' meters) that load P can be placed from point A
before slipping impends. Use angle A = 53°, angle B = 34°.

Solution: (Parecheck nalang ty)

Reference: Mathalino
72. Calculate the resultant force of the figure shown. Use F1 = 234.77 N and θ = 23° Round off your answer to two decimal


Answer: 777.23
73. For the given beam in the figure, using a uniform live load of 16 kN/m and a concentrated live load of 88 kN.
Compute the maximum negative shear ( kN, include sign) at C. Use a = 4m., b = 1m., and c = 6 m.

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