Explore MAT: Boys Girls

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Reading Corner Black Board T.V.

White Board OUTPUT

Air condition Door
First Aid Kit Fire

Freedom Wall

Individualized Learning


5 Senses Area (Exploratory table table

table table

Legend for sitting arrangement

-Chair of Student with
Hearing Impairment:
-Chair of Student with Visual
Impairment: RESTROOMS
-Chair of Student with
Board Games Area speech Impairment:
-Chair of student with Water
multiple physical impairment: Dispenser
-Chair of Students without
disabilities: GIRLS
MAPEH T.L.E. Science English Filipino Math E.S.P. A.P.

Me teaching an inclusive classroom with a chance of teaching diverse learners with different abilities and incapacities, I decided to create my classroom floorplan in
most convenient, educational and fun environment wherein I choose to put some things that will encourage my students to be comfortable in class, to feel safer, to enjoy
learning, feel less different from others and to learn to accept and be accepted. I know that it is hard for some of the students with different characteristics most specifically those
people with disabilities and those students who will interact with them to adjust in a certain environment that is different from them that’s why I want to make my classroom to
serve as an avenue where my students will learn on how to act accordingly, to love and be open minded about diversity. I ought to put the teachers table near at the door and at
the center of class so that I can monitor my students easily of what they are doing and if they go out in the classroom specially to the fact that I am handling kids with different
level of naughtiness. In connection with this I put fire extinguisher and first aid kit at my class in case of any accidents or emergencies that will happen. Also I placed the chair and
table of my students to be in a form of semi circle facing the board with the aim of enabling my students to have a clear view on the board and the disscussant and through this
this will help the child to lean or focus their attnetion to the teacher or to the lesson. I let those student who has physical impairment most specifically those student with wheel
chair sit on the chair located near at the door and the restroom so that it could be covenient for them to easily go in and out of the classroom and restroom. And since those
people with speech, visual and hearing impairment must still see’s and hear the teacher as a way to learn regardless of their disabilities, I let them be the one to be placed in front
of the class. Moreover, for me placing the student with disabilities together with the regular students rather than isolating them by their own characteristics, will help them to
feel more welcome because they would not feel that they are secluded and different from them. This will help also the both parties to build relationship with each other and learn
from each other whereas it could be done to inclusive groupings. Another thing that I consider putting in my classroom is an explore mat wherein the purpose of this mat is to let
my students sit and squat freely on the mat during discussion or any class activity such as story telling.This idea was to let my students feel comfortable while learning and feel
free to share their ideas and opinion in class without thinking or be pressured that they need to participate in the discussion or state good answer in order to increase their
academic performance in which was usually done on a normal discussion with a usual sitting arrangement. I have put also the a variety of materials such as blackboard, white
board and T.V. to serve as a tool to present the lesson creatively and convenient particularly dealing with the new set of generation of children. I have put also a reading corner
and board games area to entertain my students and at the same time help them educationally. So much so an individualized learning area was also seen in my classroom for the
reason that I know my students will need an individual teaching or guidance because of their needs that’s why in this area it will help the students to work, learn and be guided
individually or together with those people who has the same disabilties or characteristics with them. The 5 senses Area was placed in my classroom to help students to
understand their disabilties and other people situation beilonging to PWD where in here I will be going to provide materials for those with physical, hearing, visual and speech
impairment such as learning books,poster, equipment and pre recorded videos/ audios to help them by their own understand mentally and physically their situation. In this
manner this will also help those students without disabilities to accept and learn on how their disabilties work or manifested so that they could put action accordingly and
appropriately to help their classmates and as well as avoid streotyping. For additional,I have put also a freedom wall to encourage my students to communicate their thoughts,
claims, belief and complain through writing. Output Cabinet was also utilized in my classroom where I can store my students work and return it to them easily. In the same phase I
also wants to put an Output board/area wherein after I have checked the work of my students I can post it so that they can feel appreciated and motivated because their teacher
are really taking into acount their work seriously. The annuncement board is used for posting achievements and task to do by class to that this will drive the students to work hard
and feel proud about their effort. Air condition, water dispenser and restroom was utilized to make the students more comfortable and at ease at class in order for them to learn
easily and vividly because their body and mind are in peace and not disturbed by the weather, inavailabilty of facilities and lack of clean water to drink. I have also make the area
going to the door and the restroom more spacious so that students can go in and out easily without hassle. This will make the lives of my students convenient and less worries.
Lastly, I have put trash can and cleaning materials to enable my students to keep their area clean as the best of their abilty. In preparation to my future carreer as a educator I
want my classroom to be comfortable, safe, fun and full of memeories that will inculcate to my students not just learning but as well as understanding how inclusivity was very
important to change the world views about individual capacities nad incapacities.

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