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Original Research Paper

Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on

performance of unbonded jointed plain
concrete overlay

Gauhar Sabih*, Rafiqul A. Tarefder

Department of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA


 Existing condition of concrete pavement can be described in terms of distressed elastic modulus.
 Distressed elastic modulus of existing pavement affects the performance of unbonded concrete overlay.
 Transverse crack is the most affected performance parameter with a 0.27%e2.31% change with a unit change in distressed modulus.

article info abstract

Article history: Unbonded concrete overlay (UBCO) is the most used pavement rehabilitation technique
Received 8 February 2018 across United States with an overall usage of 47% amongst all the rehabilitation methods. It
Received in revised form is aimed to improve the performance of any deteriorated/cracked jointed plain concrete
29 March 2018 pavement (JPCP). Unbonded JPCP overlay involves placement of a separation layer of hot
Accepted 9 April 2018 mix asphalt (HMA), which acts as a stress relief layer between the existing concrete
Available online xxx pavement and the overlay. There are numerous factors that affect the design and perfor-
mance of UBCOs and out of these, existing pavement condition or the severity of damage of
Keywords: existing pavement is a prime factor. The severity of damage is described by the distressed
Unbonded concrete overlay elastic modulus thus, accurate determination of the distressed elastic modulus of the
Transverse cracking existing concrete pavement is essential for predicting the accurate performance of the
Joint faulting unbonded overlay. This study focuses on analyzing the impact of distressed modulus by
International roughness index conducting simulations in the AASHTOWare pavement ME design software version 2.3 and
Distressed evaluating the predicted performance of JPCP overlay for two different climatic regions.
Elastic modulus The results indicated that the distressed modulus of existing concrete pavement affects
the performance of the overlay with regards to transverse cracking, joint faulting and
pavement roughness. Transverse cracking is the most affected performance parameter
with a change of 0.27%e2.31% with a unit change in distressed modulus. The impact of
climatic conditions on the performance of unbonded overlay was also observed. The
adverse effects of distressed modulus can be minimized by reducing the joint spacing or
increasing the overlay slab thickness.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 210 544 3452.

E-mail addresses: gsabih@unm.edu (G. Sabih), tarefder@unm.edu (R.A. Tarefder).
Peer review under responsibility of Periodical Offices of Chang'an University.
2095-7564/© 2018 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
2 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10

© 2018 Periodical Offices of Chang'an University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on

behalf of Owner. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

of concrete pavements. They found that concrete properties

1. Introduction such as elastic modulus, flexural strength and coefficient of
thermal expansion significantly affect the performance of
Concrete overlay is a layer of concrete placed over an concrete pavement over the pavement design life. Liao and
existing pavement (flexible, rigid or composite) to improve Ballarini (2012) conducted extensive finite element work for
the performance of the existing pavement. The main pur- an improved unbonded overlay design method based on
pose is to preserve and extend pavement service for years non-linear fracture mechanics.
beyond the original design life. Concrete overlays can There is not much research found on impact of existing
accommodate all combinations of design life and traffic pavement condition on performance of unbonded overlay and
loading. Their thickness can vary depending on the existing this study focuses on the effects of distressed elastic modulus
pavement condition, anticipated traffic volume and desired of existing JPCP on the performance of unbonded JPCP over-
design life. There are various design factors, which need to lays. The Pavement ME Design procedure considers the elastic
be considered for effective designing of concrete overlays. modulus of existing concrete pavement as an input for sub-
These include future design life, traffic volume, climate, sequent design of JPCP overlay. The elastic modulus of exist-
existing pavement condition, joint details and properties of ing JPCP can be determined by coring of intact samples, and
the pavement materials etcetera. Out of these factors, the laboratory testing, but this value represents the intact/un-
existing pavement condition is a major factor that regulates damaged portion only and the challenging part is to transform
the overlay performance over the design life. The existing this intact elastic modulus value into distressed elastic
condition of concrete pavement can be described by the modulus. Different methods are currently being used for
distressed elastic modulus, which is a function of the level of transforming the intact elastic modulus into the distressed
damage to the concrete pavement due to repetitive loading, modulus including U.S. Army Corps of Engineers method,
curling and warping. Pavement ME Design method and Glover & Stanley method.
Unbonded concrete overlay acts like an independent These methods will be applied to determine the distressed
pavement resting on a stable base, which is the existing con- modulus for further analysis of its impact on performance of
crete pavement. Various phenomena responsible for the the overlay.
behavior of new concrete pavement are also valid for concrete
overlays. Rao et al. (2001) conducted study on curling and
warping in jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) based on
temperature and moisture conditions at the time of paving 2. Objective
and immediately following construction with field data
collected from fully instrumented sections in Arizona and The objective of this study is to compare the existing methods
Minnesota, including the temperature data through slab of transforming the intact elastic modulus of existing JPCP
thickness at different times of the day. They concluded that into the distressed elastic modulus and analyze the impact of
in addition to actual temperature gradients, the effects of distressed elastic modulus on the performance of unbonded
built-in curling, shrinkage and creep have to be considered in concrete overlay.
pavement analysis. Selezneva et al. (2004) identified the
material characteristics of concrete including strength,
coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and ultimate 3. Unbonded overlays
shrinkage as the key design factors that affect the structural
performance of continuously reinforced concrete pavements. In an unbonded overlay, there is no bonding between the
The impact of concrete material properties has significant overlay and the existing pavement layer. The existing pave-
impact on design of rigid pavements (Sabih and Tarefder, ment layer is considered as a stable base and the unbonded
2018). Vandenbossche et al. (2011) evaluated the effects of overlay acts as a new pavement (Torres et al., 2012). The main
concrete material properties, pavement structural purpose of an unbonded overlay is to restore the structural
parameters and the Pavement ME Design standard fatigue capacity of a deteriorated/damaged pavement. Unbonded
damage-cracking performance curve on slab cracking JPCP overlays can be a cost-effective rehabilitation
predictions. The sensitivity analysis of impact of CTE, alternative for severely deteriorated concrete pavements
modulus of rupture (MOR) and elastic modulus suggested (ERES, 1998). A hot mix asphalt (HMA) interlayer is needed
that small changes in input values for these properties can such that the concrete overlay behaves structurally
lead to significant changes in predicted performance (Guclu independent, as if built on a strong non-erodible base. The
et al., 2009). Sabih and Tarefder (2016, 2017a) investigated the interlayer, also called the de-bonding layer or stress relief
effects of variability of mechanical and thermal properties of layer, is usually a thin HMA layer of 25e50 mm (1e2-inch)
concrete on mechanistic-empirical performance predictions thickness as shown in Fig. 1. Stoffels (2010) found that

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10 3

If there is an existing crack in the concrete slab so the

horizontal distance between the FWD points of impact from
the crack will affect the results. So, various researchers
found different methods for conversion of intact modulus
into distressed modulus.

5. Methods used to determine the distressed

elastic modulus
Fig. 1 e Schematic view of unbonded concrete overlay.
Various design procedures use different methods to adjust the
intact elastic modulus to obtain the distressed elastic
25 mm thick HMA interlayer is sufficient to restrict the modulus. Almost all of these methods rely on an adjustment
discontinuities of existing pavement to propagate in the factor (C) to convert intact elastic modulus value into the
overlay. The purpose of the interlayer is to separate the distressed elastic modulus. This adjustment factor is a mea-
existing and overlay concrete layers and provide full friction sure of existing pavement condition. Some of these methods
with the concrete overlay for improved joint formation and have been outlined as follows.
reduction in erosion (ARA, 2004). Chen et al. (2013) found
that asphalt rubber membrane interlayer can effectively 5.1. Method used by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
reduce the reflection cracking in HMA overlays of existing (USACE)
rigid pavements. Sachs et al. (2016) conducted experimental
work and concluded that geotextile fabric interlayer can According to this method, an adjustment factor is determined
also be used as a separation layer in unbonded concrete as follows (USACE, 1994).
As the HMA interlayer is very thin so it contributes very  If pavements are in good condition with little or no struc-
little in the prevention of distresses of existing pavement tural cracking, then use C ¼ 1.00
being reflected on to the overlay therefore the amount of  If pavements exhibit initial cracking due to load but no
deterioration of the existing JPCP pavement affects the per- progressive cracking or faulting of joints or cracks, then use
formance of the JPCP overlay (Sabih and Tarefder, 2017b). C ¼ 0.75
This is caused by the loss of structural capacity of the  If pavements exhibits progressive cracking due to load
existing pavement on the resulting composite structure of accompanied by spalling, raveling, or faulting of cracks and
overlay and existing pavement. Darter et al. (2009) found joints, then use C ¼ 0.35
that the increased slab thickness of JPCP overlay is required
when the existing pavement changes from good to poor
condition. Another important phenomenon is reflection 5.2. Pavement ME design procedure
cracking, which is the propagation of cracks from existing
cracked pavement to the top layers. This phenomenon is The Pavement ME Design procedure outlines the use of
responsible for creating distresses in the HMA interlayer adjustment factor according to following conditions
and the overlay layer. (AASHTO, 2008).

 If the existing pavement is in overall good structural con-

4. Existing pavement condition dition, which means less than 10% slabs cracked, then
C ¼ 0.42 to 0.75
The condition of existing concrete pavement can be  If the existing pavement is in overall moderate structural
described by the elastic modulus of concrete, which can be condition, which means 10%e50% slabs cracked, then
obtained by coring and laboratory testing from an intact C ¼ 0.22 to 0.42
slab. Since existing concrete pavements have various levels  If the existing pavement is in overall severe structural
of damage/distress, ascertaining a distressed elastic condition, which means more than 50% slabs cracked, then
modulus is a difficult task. For a concrete pavement without C ¼ 0.042 to 0.22
any signs of damage, distress and cracks, the elastic
modulus value obtained from the laboratory is reasonable.
However, when the existing pavement is distressed/cracked, 5.3. Method recommended by Titus-Glover and Stanley
the distressed elastic modulus cannot be obtained from the
laboratory tests of the intact cores as this will provide the Titus-Glover and Stanley (2009) analyzed deflection test
elastic modulus as if the slab is intact. So the intact elastic results from several JPCP slabs in different states of distress/
modulus needs to be converted to distressed modulus. The damage with the objective to determine the impact of
elastic modulus can also be obtained with various nonde- distress/damage on the in service JPCP slab elastic modulus.
structive tests like falling weight deflectometer (FWD) but Ratios of damaged/distressed modulus to intact elastic
previous research has shown that the point of contact of modulus were developed. They concluded that existing JPCP
FWD on the concrete slab has a direct impact on the results. slabs retain approximately 60% of intact slab modulus value

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
4 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10

when broken into two pieces; however, only 35% of the intact
slab modulus value is retained, when the slab is broken in four Xm
Faultm ¼ i¼1
DFaulti (1)
pieces. They characterized the existing concrete pavement's
elastic modulus and outlined following procedure. 2
DFaulti ¼ C34 ðFaultMaxi1  Faulti1 Þ DEi (2)
 If the existing pavement is in intact condition, then use
  Xm  C6
C ¼ 0.84 to 1.00. FaultMaxi ¼ FaultMaxi1 þ C7 106 i¼1
DEi log 1 þ C5 ,5Erod
 If the damage to existing pavement is of low severity, (3)
which means slab is broken into two pieces, then use
C ¼ 0.60.   C6
  P200 Wetdays
 If the damage to existing pavement is of medium severity, FaultMax0 ¼ C12 dcurl log 1 þ C5 ,5Erod log
which means slab is broken into three pieces, then use
C ¼ 0.45.
 If the damage to existing pavement is of high severity, where Faultm is mean joint faulting at the end of month m,
which means slab is broken into four pieces, then use DFaulti is incremental change (monthly) in mean joint faulting
C ¼ 0.35. during month i, FaultMaxi is maximum mean transverse joint
faulting for month i, FaultMax0 is initial maximum mean
transverse joint faulting, Erod is base/subbase erodibility
6. Analysis of unbonded concrete overlay factor, DEi is differential density of energy of subgrade defor-
(UBCO) with Pavement ME Design mation accumulated for month i, dcurl is maximum mean
monthly slab corner upward deflection in PCC due to tem-
Pavement ME Design (previously known as MEPDG) is the perature curling and moisture warping; Ps is overburden on
latest tool for design and performance analysis of all types of subgrade, P200 is percent subgrade material passing #200 sieve,
pavement systems including UBCOs. It is based on mecha- Wetdays is average annual number of wet days, C1, C2, C3, C4,
nistic-empirical design concepts meaning that the design C5, C6, C7, C12, C34 are calibration coefficients.
procedure calculates pavement responses such as stresses,
strains, and deflections under axle loads and climatic condi-
tions and then accumulates the damage over the design 6.2. Transverse cracking
analysis period. The procedure then empirically relates
calculated damage over time to pavement distresses and Transverse cracking is the result of repeated loadings of heavy
smoothness based on the performance of actual projects axles under the high temperature gradient conditions which
throughout the United States. Pavement ME Design uses a mix result in slab curling and produces fatigue damage along the
of algorithms and models to characterize new or existing top or bottom edge of the slab, which eventually results in a
pavement foundation, structure, layer materials, traffic, and transverse crack. Major factors that affect cracking are con-
climate and simulate stress/strains/deflection due to the in- crete's coefficient of thermal expansion, slab thickness, joint
teractions between applied traffic load and climate. The spacing, slab widening, and strength of concrete. Pavement
resulting damage manifested as different performance pa- ME Design predicts percent of slabs with transverse cracks by
rameters over the design life of a pavement is then calculated. combining the percentage of slabs with top-down transverse
The main distresses for unbonded JPCP overlay according to cracks and the percentage of slabs with bottom-up transverse
Pavement ME Design are joint faulting, transverse cracking cracks. Transverse slab cracking predictions are calculated
and pavement roughness (AASHTO, 2008). The threshold from a set of equations as follows (AASHTO, 2008).
limits and reliability limits for each of these indicators are  
required to be set by the designer. These parameters are logðNallowable Þ ¼ C1 C2 (5)
discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.

6.1. Joint faulting Crack ¼
C5 (6)
1 þ C4 Nallowable
Transverse joint faulting is the differential elevation across
where MOR is modulus of rupture of the concrete, s is critical
the joint. Since joint faulting varies significantly from joint to
stress in the slab, Napplied is applied number of load applica-
joint, the mean faulting of all transverse joints in a pavement
tions, Nallowable is allowable number of load applications.
section is the parameter predicted by the Pavement ME
Total transverse cracking predictions are calculated as
Design. It is the result of a combination of repeated applica-
follows (AASHTO, 2008).
tions of moving heavy axle loads, poor load transfer across the
joint, free moisture beneath the concrete slab, erosion of the 
Tcrack ¼ Crackbottomup þ Cracktopdown
supporting base/subbase, subgrade, or shoulder base mate- 
 Crackbottomup Cracktopdown  100 (7)
rial, and upward curling of the slab. Faulting is an important
deterioration mechanism because of its impact on ride quality where Tcrack is total transverse cracking (percent), Crackbottom-
(Bautista and Basheer, 2008). Transverse joint faulting up is predicted amount of bottom-up transverse cracking
prediction is calculated from the following set of equations (fraction), Cracktop-down is predicted amount of top-down
(AASHTO, 2008; ARA, 2003). transverse cracking (fraction).

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10 5

Table 1 e Summary of distressed elastic modulus of existing JPCP.

Method Adjustment Condition of Detailed condition Distressed
factor (C) damage modulus (GPa)
USACE method 1.00 Good Pavement in good condition with little or no structural cracking 28.90
due to load
0.75 Moderate Pavements exhibit initial cracking due to load but no progressive 21.70
cracking or faulting of joints or cracks
0.35 Severe Pavements exhibit progressive cracking due to load accompanied 10.10
by spalling, raveling, or faulting of joints
Pavement ME 0.58 Good Less than 10% slabs cracked 16.80
Design method 0.32 Moderate 10%e50% slabs cracked 9.23
0.13 Severe More than 50% slabs cracked 3.79
Glover and Stanley 0.92 Intact No cracking 26.60
method 0.60 Low Severity Slab is broken into two pieces 17.40
0.45 Medium Severity Slab is broken into three pieces 13.00
0.35 High Severity Slab is broken into four pieces 10.10

There are four calibration coefficients which can be cate- back calculated elastic modulus values from FWD test results as
gorized into two groups. C1 and C2 are related to the stress conducted by Titus-Glover and Stanley (2009). The distressed
ratio (MOR/s) for fatigue damage estimation and C4 and C5 are elastic modulus was determined according to the three
in the transverse-cracking transfer model to convert fatigue methods (outlined earlier). The summary of the distressed
damage estimations into transverse-cracking predictions. elastic modulus of existing JPCP is tabulated in Table 1.

6.3. Pavement roughness

8. Design inputs used for simulation
Pavement roughness is generally defined as an expression of
irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect the Entire simulation work was conducted in Pavement ME
ride quality of a vehicle. Roughness is an important pavement Design software version 2.3, which is the latest tool for
characteristic because it affects not only ride quality but also pavement design and analysis. The design inputs required by
vehicle delay costs, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. Pavement ME Design for design of unbonded JPCP overlay
Roughness is typically quantified using international rough- were kept constant except for the distressed elastic modulus
ness index (IRI). The commonly recommended units are meter of the existing JPCP. The overlay performance threshold
per kilometer (m/km) or inch per mile (in/mile). Pavement ME values were kept according to pavement ME Default values.
Design uses a model to predict IRI which considers initial IRI, The pavement thickness values and concrete material prop-
percentage of slabs with transverse cracking and total joint erties were taken from the average of the overlay designs
faulting (Abd El-Hakim and EI-Badawy, 2013). Both an initial being used in U.S. The design inputs used in the simulation
IRI and terminal IRI must be selected. Initial pavement are as shown in Table 2.
performance is characterized using IRI and all other
distresses are assumed to be zero just after construction.
The Pavement ME Design IRI prediction model for JPCP Table 2 e Design inputs for simulation.
systems consists of the transverse cracking prediction, the Parameter Value
joint faulting prediction, the spalling prediction and a site
Design life 30 years
factor, along with calibration coefficients. IRI prediction model JPCP overlay thickness 203 mm (8 in.)
is as follows. Dowel diameter 25 mm (1 in.)
Traffic (AADTT) 4000
IRI ¼ IRIini þ C1 Crack þ C2 Spall þ ð5280C3 Fault=JSPÞ þ C4 SF (8) Initial IRI 0.99 m/km (63 in./mile)
Terminal IRI 2.71 m/km (172 in./mile)
where IRI is predicted IRI value, IRIini is initial smoothness
Transverse cracking limit (% slabs) 15
measured as IRI, Crack is percent slabs with transverse cracks
Mean joint faulting limit 3 mm (0.12 in.)
(all severities), Spall is percentage of joints with spalling Reliability 90%
(medium and high severities), Fault is total joint faulting Modulus of rupture of overlay concrete 4.75 MPa (690 psi)
cumulated, SF is site factor, JSP is transverse joint spacing. Elastic modulus of overlay concrete 28.9 GPa (4.2  106 psi)
Water to cement ratio in 0.42
overlay concrete
CTE of overlay concrete 8.8 m3/C (4.9 m3/F)
7. Determination of distressed modulus of HMA (interlayer) thickness 50.8 mm (2 in.)
existing JPCP HMA binder grade PG 64-22
Existing JPCP thickness 203 mm (8 in.)
For the purpose of this study, the intact elastic modulus of Base course Non stabilized (A-1-a)
existing JPCP was assumed as constant with a value of 28.94 GPa Base course thickness 254 mm (10 in.)
Base course resilient modulus 275 MPa (40,000 psi)
(4.2  106 psi). This value was obtained from an average of the

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
6 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10

The simulations were conducted with these parameters for

Table 5 e Effects of distressed modulus on performance of
two climatic regions i.e., relatively moderate climate of
JPCP overlay for cold climate.
Albuquerque (New Mexico) and relatively cold climate of
Distressed IRI Joint Transverse Remark
Alamosa (Colorado) to observe the effects of climatic factors
modulus (m/ faulting cracking (%
on the overlay performance with a constant CTE of overlay
(GPa) km) (mm) slabs)
concrete and varying distressed modulus of existing concrete
28.90 3.09 3.23 49.51 Not satisfied
pavements. The climatic details of the two regions are as
26.60 3.19 3.31 54.80 Not satisfied
shown in Table 3. 21.70 3.40 3.52 64.00 Not satisfied
17.40 3.63 3.73 74.74 Not satisfied
16.80 3.66 3.76 76.06 Not satisfied
13.00 3.87 3.98 85.71 Not satisfied
9. Simulation results and discussion 10.10 4.01 4.17 90.84 Not satisfied
9.23 4.13 4.23 92.16 Not satisfied
3.79 4.40 4.70 100.00 Not satisfied
The performance parameters of JPCP overlay were evaluated
to contrast the effects of distressed elastic modulus on the
performance of JPCP overlay for both the climatic regions. The
9.1. Effects of distressed modulus on transverse cracking
summary of the simulation results showing terminal perfor-
of JPCP overlay
mance predictions is given in Table 4 for moderate climate
and in Table 5 for cold climate. It is evident from these
The simulation results of distressed elastic modulus and the
results that there is a huge variation in the performance of
transverse cracking of the JPCP overlay over the design life for
JPCP overlay between the two regions. The main reason is
both climatic regions are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. It is evident
the temperature differential of the two regions. The number
from the results that the distressed elastic modulus of existing
of freeze thaw cycles in cold region is much greater than the
pavement has a significant impact on the transverse cracking
moderate region so along with other factors, and the
of JPCP overlay and as the distressed modulus decreases, the
amount of curling also counts for the disparity in the
transverse cracking percentage in the overlay increases,
performance results in addition to the existing pavement
which means that the overlay performance is adversely
affected. The distressed modulus is directly related to level of
damage to the existing pavement, as the higher the level of
damage of the existing JPCP, the lower the performance of
JPCP overlay. When the distressed modulus falls below 13 GPa
Table 3 e Climatic details of simulated regions. (1.89  106 psi) in the moderate climatic region, the transverse
Albuquerque, New Alamosa, cracking percentage increases from 15%, which is the
Mexico Colorado acceptable limit fixed for this overlay design. While in the cold
Mean annual air 14.3 5.9 region, all the simulated overlays failed earlier than the
temperature ( C) designed service life according to the performance threshold.
Mean annual 229.8 150.4 The main reason of this failure is the increase in curling
precipitation (mm) stresses due to greater number of freeze/thaw cycles. These
Freezing index ( C e days) 23.7 707.8
cases should be re-designed with changes in pavement
Average annual freeze/ 75.85 187.82
thaw cycles
Remarks Relatively moderate Relatively cold
region region 9.2. Impact of distressed modulus on terminal IRI of
JPCP overlay

The impact of distressed modulus on the IRI of JPCP overlay

Table 4 e Effects of distressed modulus on performance of across the design pavement life for both climatic regions is
JPCP overlay for moderate climate. shown in Figs. 4 and 5. A deliberate analysis of the results
makes it clear that distressed elastic modulus of existing JPCP
Distressed IRI Joint Transverse Remark
modulus (m/ faulting cracking (% has a direct effect on the terminal IRI of the designed overlay.
(GPa) km) (mm) slabs) A lower value of the distressed modulus results in a higher
value of terminal IRI, which means decreased performance of
28.90 2.07 2.29 3.79 Satisfied
26.60 2.12 2.29 8.53 Satisfied JPCP overlay. This adverse performance of overlay is a func-
21.70 2.18 2.54 10.18 Satisfied tion of decreased concrete strength due to damage to existing
17.40 2.24 2.54 12.42 Satisfied concrete pavement. According to the results of the moderate
16.80 2.24 2.54 12.58 Satisfied climatic region, the distressed modulus impacts the terminal
13.00 2.31 2.79 14.94 Satisfied IRI but all the simulated overlays are within the threshold
10.10 2.37 2.79 17.19 Not satisfied
limit of 2.71 m/km (172 in./mile). The range of this impact is
9.23 2.40 2.79 18.21 Not satisfied
0.55 m/km (35 in./mile). The results of cold region also indi-
3.79 2.57 3.05 24.98 Not satisfied
cate the adverse impact of distressed modulus on the IRI over

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10 7

Fig. 2 e Impact of distressed modulus on transverse cracking of JPCP overlay in moderate climate.

Fig. 3 e Effects of distressed modulus on transverse cracking of JPCP overlay in cold climate.

Fig. 4 e Impact of distressed modulus on terminal IRI for moderate climate.

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
8 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10

Fig. 5 e Impact of distressed modulus on terminal IRI for cold climate.

Fig. 6 e Effect of distressed elastic modulus on mean joint faulting for moderate climate.

the design life. The range for this region is 1.32 m/km (84 in./ 9.3. Effects of distressed elastic modulus on terminal
mile), which means that the impact in cold region is more joint faulting of JPCP overlay
severe as compared to the moderate region. The failed cases
should be re-designed with revised pavement geometrical The simulation results for effect of distressed elastic modulus
properties. on mean joint faulting of JPCP overlay for both climatic regions

Fig. 7 e Effect of distressed elastic modulus on mean joint faulting for cold climate.

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10 9

have been displayed in Figs. 6 and 7. It is obvious from the The re-designed cases for cold region were conducted with
results that with decrease in distressed modulus value the reduced joint spacing and it is evident from the results that
terminal joint faulting increases but the increase in faulting is the adverse effect of existing pavement condition can be
not significant. The range of the impact is 0.76 mm (0.03 in.) for mitigated by reducing the joint spacing. The failed overlay
the moderate region and 1.52 mm (0.06 in.) for cold region. All cases come within the threshold performance values by
the simulated cases for moderate climatic region stay within reducing the joint spacing.
limit of the threshold limit, while all the cold region cases fail
according to the prescribed joint faulting limit which means
that these should be revised with different pavement prop- 10. Conclusions
erties. This phenomenon can be related to presence of dowel
bars as joint faulting is controlled by the action of dowel bars. Existing pavement condition has a significant impact on
Hence, it is evident that effect of distressed modulus on joint unbonded concrete overlay performance where transverse
faulting is minimal. cracking is the most sensitive parameter to distressed modulus
as compared to pavement roughness and joint faulting. With a
unit change in distressed modulus of the existing pavement
9.4. Revised design of failure cases and results the change in transverse cracking is in the range of 0.27%e
2.04% for moderate climate and 1.45%e2.31% for cold climate.
According to the performance criteria set forth for this study, The climatic condition also affects the performance of
the JPCP overlay fails if it does not comply to the limits of unbonded overlay and with all other design factors being
performance parameters until the end of design life. As constant there is a significant difference between performance
evident from the results that there are three design simula- predictions of moderate and cold climatic regions. The per-
tions that do not meet the transverse cracking limit of 15% in formance issues of overlay due to existing pavement condition
the moderate climatic region and all the simulated cases of can be mitigated by increasing the overlay thickness or by
cold region failed to comply with the threshold limits. These reducing the joint spacing. The methods to determine the
cases were re-designed using Pavement ME Design software distressed elastic modulus of existing concrete pavements are
with increased overlay slab thickness for the moderate region mostly empirical so there is a need to develop some mecha-
and with decreased joint spacing for cold region. As the nistic procedures for improved unbonded overlay design.
transverse cracking predictions were too high (50% and above)
for the cold climatic region thus reduced joint spacing was
used for revised design of the overlays for cold region. The
Conflicts of interest
summary of results is shown in Tables 6 and 7.
The revised simulations for moderate region indicate that
The authors do not have any conflict of interest with other
with increased slab thickness, the adverse effects of existing
entities or researchers.
pavement condition can be controlled. The failed overlay
cases come within range of the prescribed performance limits
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Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://
10 J. Traffic Transp. Eng. (Engl. Ed.) 2018; x (x): 1e10

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Gauhar Sabih is a PhD candidate in civil
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research focuses on effects of coefficient of
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progression on CTE of concrete and charac-
Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., 2017b. Impact of geometric and
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overlay. In: The 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference,
Ottawa, 2017.
Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., 2018. Characterizing strength and
thermal properties of concrete for implementation of Dr. Rafiqul A. Tarefder is a professor in the
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Transportation Geotechnics 15, 20e28. lecturer at the University of New Mexico. Dr.
Sachs, S., Vandenbossche, J.M., Alland, K., et al., 2016. Effect of Tarefder has conducted research on a range of
interlayer systems on reflective cracking of unbonded pavement engineering problems with
concrete overlays of existing concrete pavements. emphasis on pavement design, materials, and
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Design Parameters for Concrete Airfield Pavements e SCI Systems (SOLARIS). He is the Editor-in-Chief of
Validation. Innovative Pavement Research Foundation, Journal of Advances in Civil and Environ-
Skokie. mental Engineering.

Please cite this article in press as: Sabih, G., Tarefder, R.A., Effects of existing concrete pavement condition on performance of
unbonded jointed plain concrete overlay, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (2018), https://

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