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 Recombination- combining of  Star mass- determines the fate much bigger than Earth.

atom of a nucleus to form of the star (OBAFGKM) can’t generate energy
another atom. (heavier to lighter). anymore.
 Similar to the Big Bang, a   Planetary nebulae-
balloon expands rapidly at the  As the Sun gets bigger, it loses
start, then more slowly when it mass.
has already inflated. But some  The Sun will become a red
evidence shows that the sub-giant when it’s nearly 11
expansion is now accelerating billion years old. First red
again. giant stage- 11.5 billion years.
 Redshift- instrument used to Second stage- Half a billion
 Electromagenetic force-
detect the light of other years later.
galaxies. positively charged nuclei
 Blueshift- light waves are  Strong nuclear force- the
attraction that allows for nuclei
compressed into higher SIMPLIFIED
to fuse
frequency, shorter wavelengths
- a tiny fraction of the total 1. Very low mass stars live a
 Redshift- light shifts to longer
mass is converted into pure long time, fusing all their
energy hydrogen into helium over
 The energy released by fusion a trillion years.
The faster the galaxy is, the
counteracts gravity crushing 2. More massive stars like
faster the light is moving. The
inward. the Sun live shorter lives.
faster the galaxy moves, the
 A more massive star has more 3. They fuse hydrogen into
more redshifted it is.
fuel which determines the fate helium and eventually
of the star. hydrogen into carbon (and
As far as 12 billion light years.
also some oxygen and
 Inflation-the universe is
LOW MASS STARS 4. When this happens they
rapidly expanding
expand, get brighter, and
 Plasma soup-  Low mass or average star- 13 cool off, becoming red
 Big bang nucleosynthesis- is Jupiter masses= one solar mass giants.
the process of producing the est. 1, 300 earths= 1 Jupiter 5. They lose most of their
light elements (Hydrogen and  Any star begins from a large mass, exposing their
Helium) during the big bang cloud of gas and dust cores, and then cool off
expansion.  The first stars were formed over many billions of
 Binding energy- is the energy from clouds made of almost years.
required to break down a only H and He.
nucleus into its components.  Gravity causes the gas cloud to
 Carl Sagan- found it contact until fusion begins. HIGH MASS STAR
remarkable that the elements This generates a yellow or red
we find on earth are also those main sequence star.  If the star has more than about
we find among the stars. 8 times the Sun’s mass, it can
 The rate at which Hydrogen
 H and He atoms in stars began create temperatures in its core
fusion occurs depends on how
combining in nuclear fusion in excess of 500 million
much pressure the star has in degress Celsius, and then
reactions once hydrogen- its core. carbon will fuse. Carbon will
helium stars had formed from  1 trillion years- low mass red fuse into Neon, Magnesium
the action of gravity. dwarf star lifespan and Sodium.
 This releases a huge amount of  White star- a hot, intensely  Once silicon fuses, the star
light, heat. bright super-compact ball, not becomes a ticking time bomb.
 Stellar nucleosynthesis-
 A massive star changes when  Supernova remnant-  Red giant: red and cool
hydrogen fusion stops, its core expanding material (0.3- 8 solar masses)
contracts.  100 light years- distance it
 VY Canis Majoris- the largest would take for us to feel  White Dwarf- tiny and
known star/ hypergiant with 2 the real effects of a hot (0.2- 1.3 solar masses)
billion kilometers across. supernova  Deuterons-a nucleu of
 Rigel- a blue supergiant.  Spica- a star in Virgo heavy hydrogen
which is the nearest star  Helium flash- hot enough
that might explode in this to fuse heavier helium
 Parts of the core from center way. nuclei
going outwards  Explosive  Triple alpha process- star
nucleosynthesis- creating has a new source of fuel
1. Nickel, Iron heavy elements  Horizontal branch- the
2. Silicon, sulfur explosively. star gets smaller, hotter
3. Oxygen, Neon, and bluer until much of the
Magnesium helium has fused
4. Oxygen, Carbon SIMPLIFIED  Asymptotic Giant
5. Oxygen Carbon, Neon-22 Branch- the star becomes
6. Helium, Nitrogen  Massive stars- fuse a giant again until the
7. Hydrogen, Helium heavier elements in their outer layers are ejected
cores than lower mass leaving a tiny earth-sized
The cores of high mass stars have stars. This leads to the core is left behind to
hotter cores and fuse faster. creation of heavier slowly cool called white-
elements up to iron. dwarf star.
 Iron- robs critical energy  Planetary nebula- ejected
A STAR 20 TIMES THE SUN’S from the core, causing it to shell
MASS collapse.  More mass- means more
 The shock wave, together inward force so the star is
 Helium- 1m years
with a huge swarm of much hotter
 Carbon- 1k years
neutrinos, blast through  HOTTER STAR=
 Neon- 1 year the star’s outer layers, FASTER FUSION
 Oxygen- a few months causing it to explode. The  Heavy element- any
 Silicon- 1 day resulting supernova creates element with an atomic
even more heavy elements, number greater than 26 are
scattering them through fused only during
 When iron fuses, it sucks space. supernova, collision of
up energy instead of  We’re in no danger from a neutron stars or collision
creating it. It removes the nearby supernova. of a black hole and a
energy of the star.
neutron star.
 The gravity of the core is
 Chandrasekhar limit- 1.4
so strong that the outer
 Blue stars: big, hot, bright m is the maximum mass of
parts crash down on the
(up to 200 solar masses) a white dwarf
inner parts at a significant
High mass star- the star
fraction of the speed of
 Yellow stars: in between remnant must be bigger
(close to 1 solar mass) than 1.4 solar masses.
 Neutrinos- subatomic
Somewhere between 10
 Red stars: small, cool, solar masses to 40 solar
 Supernova- a star
dim (down to 0.1 solar masses, core will not be
explosion capable of great
masses) able to support itself
destruction, but are also against gravity, thus it will
critical for our own collapse and trigger a
existence. supernova.
 Neutron star- about 20
km in diameter.

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